Game Cube : Resident Evil 4 Reviews

Gas Gauge: 96
Gas Gauge 96
Below are user reviews of Resident Evil 4 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Resident Evil 4. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 96
GamesRadar 100
CVG 97
IGN 98
GameSpy 100
GameZone 97
Game Revolution 85

User Reviews (131 - 141 of 277)

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Wowzers! A bit too good! I wish I could put 10 stars!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 6
Date: March 02, 2005
Author: Amazon User

An american agent, Leon S. Kennedy is tasked to look into the abduction of Ashley Grahm (the president's daughter). There are three levels in which you are going to play. First, you start off in the village. The common enemies are vilagers. Then is the castle where you fight servants of the mastermind. Finally the Island and although this place only has 4 chapters, it is by far the hardest place you will fight! This game is reccomended to gamers over 12!

Evil has indeed evolved

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 13, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Every once in a while a game comes out that blows us away with its innovation and every once in a while that innovative title is a huge hit. This was the case of the original Resident Evil. Sadly RE suffered the fate of every other big hit. Sequeled and special editioned to death until those innovations are erased from our minds.
Talk to every Nintendo Gamer and they'll tell you, we loved the graphics of RE and RE0 but the control style was terrible. The games did respectably well (both selling over a million units) but nowhere near what was expected. The RE spin-offs on the Playstation meanwhile have also not fared well, (RE Dead Aim bombed, while RE Outbreak has only sold through some 500,000 copies). The reason for this is simple. The mechanics of the RE series have remained virtually unchanged since the very original 1996 Resident Evil for PS1, and Playstationites were growing tired of the tried and true mechanics. Nintendans in the mean time were used to free roaming analogue control (akin to the Marios and Zeldas, and Eternal Darkness games) and didn't like the mechanics at all.
But PS2 and GCN do have one thing in common. Despite our complaints about the repetitive, stagnate, and stale game play of previous entries we've all had our eyes on RE 4, especially since RE4 will undoubtedly look the best on the GCN. Later this year the game will hit PS2 with extra costumes, and a couple of extra cut scenes, but Ps2 does 1 texture per pass, GCN does 8. The GCN is also capable of many more more polygons per second than the PS2. The weaker graphic capabilities of the PS2 will severely hurt the presentation, where as with the GCN version you have a game that is simply put the best looking console game of this generation. More over, the game promised a new game play experience. Capcom delivered and then some. While it's a bit more action focused than previous RE games it's frantic pace will keep your heart racing and you at the edge of your seat throughout the entire game. This game holds no bars. It is hard, it is frantic, and it's also a good 20-30 hours long. Much longer than previous RE outings. Additionally, to the naysayers, keep in mind that the GCN will have this game exclusively for at least another 10 months, and unless there's an Xbox version no amount of PS2 extras will stop the GCN version from having the best presentation. Don't believe me? Do you have a wide screen HDTV that can zoom in while in Progressive Scan mode? Well, if you do play this game in Progressive scan, zoom in and be prepared to be wowed in a way that no other game this generation will EVER wow you. And be prepared to loose a massive amount of detail if you hold out for the PS2 version.
Thank you Capcom. On a percentage scale you get a 98% (because animals needed fur rendering and didn't get it. It is literally my only complaint). Your innovation shines through in this amazing update to a long stale franchise.
Nintendans go get this game!
PS2 fans buy a GCN and then go get this game!
Update: Reliable sources are reporting that the PS2 version will be severly scaled back. IE Leon's 10,000 polygon model will be cut down to 5,000, and the texture work will be scaled back severely. Characters on screen will also be reduced. Sadly this should come as a suprise for no one. Look at viewtiful Joe. Even with the extras the PS2 version is still visually and auraly inferior to the GameCube original. What are you waiting for? If you don't have a Game Cube go get one! Its worth it for this game alone!

By far the best Resident Evil of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Resident Evil4 lives up to the hype,I have been reading revews about this game but I did not listen to them because they were revewing a game that did not even come out yet.But now that I can acually play this game for my self I got to say that this is the best game I have ever played.The graphics are outstanding and the voice acting is alot better than the past RE games!I love the new enemys in this game and the game is alot more challenging than the past RE games.This game gets real scary to,and the zombies are alot smarter because they can use wepons to attack you.This game has alot more action rather than alot of puzzle solving like the past RE games.But my favort thing about this game is that you can kick and the combat knife is alot more effective in this game,after reading this revew and you are an RE fan whats stoping you from getting this game?!!!!!!!!!!!!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 19, 2005
Author: Amazon User

First of all I have to say that this game is really incredible, the best game ever made.
Secondly I have a message for the people that scored RE4 with a few stars. Its clearly that all of you are PS2 owners and you have envy, because you cant play this excellent game, and you have to wait a few months ( 6 or 7)
A chilean gamer


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 12
Date: February 16, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Cualquier cosa que pueda decir sobre el juego ya ha sido dicha y comprobada por fans de la serie en todas partes. Pero créanme: RE4 es uno de los juegos más divertidos e interesantes que he visto en años. La historia es buena (aunque no revela tanto como hubiera querido sobre la serie y sobre las intenciones secretas de Wesker), pero la jugabilidad es la verdadera estrella de la noche. A pesar de que en ocasiones la cámara te juega malas pasadas y que los oponentes pueden lastimarte sin que puedas verlos, se trata de una gran mejora sobre el sistema de juego clásico, que exigía mover al personaje como si fuese un tanque. Admito que cuando ví el video que mostró Capcom, de inmediato presentí que habían cometido un error al querer hacer que RE se pareciera a Devil May Cry, donde recoges objetos de valor que después cambias por habilidades especiales, pero el resultado es asombroso y muy entretenido. Leon puede escoger entre varios tipos de armas la más adecuada y después invertir dinero en su arsenal para hacerlo más rápido y poderoso (en lo personal, prefiero más la Magnum y la escopeta clásica para el trabajo rudo que la metralleta y el lanzabombas, pero al menos ahora es posible elegir tus armas al gusto). Por cierto, disparar con el rifle sniper es muy divertido y estimulante, sobre todo cuando le vuelas la cabeza a un oponente a cien metros de distancia. Jejeje. Aunque la verdadera proeza es hacerlo entrar en tu limitado inventario la primera vez, pues ocupa demasiado espacio (incluyendo la mira).
Por otro lado, buscar tesoros perdidos es igual de divertido (una buena adición al juego), pero lo mejor de todo es combatir a las enormes creaturas que rondan el pueblo. Tanto el monstruo marino como el ogro gigante (incluso el barbón en su modalidad de bicho fastidioso) son verdaderas obras de arte en movimiento. Todo esto, sumado al hecho de confrontar oponentes demasiado inteligentes, montoneros y temerarios, hace de RE4 una experiencia que nadie debe perderse. Al menos los afortunados que tenemos un Gamecube y somos mayores de 18 años (ya que no considero conveniente ni recomendable exponer a un menor de edad a este tipo de violencia excesiva y estresante).
Terminar el juego la primera vez me tomó cerca de 20 horas y eso no me impidió volver a repetir la aventura desde ceros, porque es muy emocionante y siempre pasa algo distinto al combatir a los gallegos asesinos (aunque ahora prefiero comprar bazookas para liquidar a ciertos jefes de un sólo golpe). Finalmente diré que no es un título para relajarse y descansar... por el contrario, se trata de una prueba de supervivencia donde en cualquier momento se puede morir, sobre todo en las situaciones donde todo se decide con solamente apretar un par de botones en una fracción de segundos (como ocurre con Krauser y el pasillo de los lásers). Me parece que este es el juego que más escenas trágicas incluye de la serie: decapitaciones, derretimiento de cráneo, empalamiento y muchas otras muertes igual de agradables, por lo tanto, es necesario salvar frecuentemente para no hacer corajes. Me refiero a cerca de 50 veces para completarlo de manera exitosa.
Casi lo olvidaba: aún después de acabado el juego, los nuevos extras que aparecen, como la misión de Ada (la misma Ada que vimos en RE2) y Los Mercenarios te tendrán pegado al Gamecube por otras 20 horas más. ¿Necesitas más razones para ir a comprarlo? este es un juego de colección, que nadie debe perderse. Sin duda tiene ligeros desperfectos, pero en general resulta tan divertido, intrigante y sobresaliente que bien podría recibir un 10 de calificación de parte de cualquier crítico y videojugador. No se van a arrepentir de tenerlo, aunque difiero de quienes lo consideran sencillo pues la pantalla se llena de enemigos demasiado veloces que pueden hacer mucho daño. Aquellos zombies imbéciles del pasado no aparecen ni una sola vez, por lo que el stress es constante.

Mi única queja es que te absorbe demasiado, por lo que tu fin de semana se esfumará frente a tus narices sin darte cuenta, y te hace perder muchas horas de sueño. Todo con tal de seguir jugando, matando gallegos y deseando encontrarte de frente con Wesker y hacerlo pagar por sus crímenes. Diviértanse y tómenlo con calma.

Most Dissapointing Game of the Year Award

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 10 / 71
Date: January 28, 2005
Author: Amazon User

What a sad way to start the year indeed. As a true Resident Evil fan and an old-time gamer, I expected more from Capcom. But as it turned out, this was the biggest flop in the Resident Evil saga since Dead Aim and Outbreak.

Where to start? First and most important of all is the fact that this is NOT a true survival/horror game despite the veil which has been vested upon it to decieve the gamer. Resident Evil 4 is an action/shooter game.

Graphics: This is an important element in games at this point in video game history, especially since it was released for the Nintendo Gamecube system. The graphics are not as good as you'd might expect. Resident Evil for GC and Resident Evil 0 have better graphics than this game. I would've sacrificed graphics for having a a good Resident Evil game, but RE4 can't even deliver the former, much less a decent game. The camera now navigates with you, however I feel that the fixed camera is much better and much more challenging than its counterpart. It is a key element of Resident Evil; a trademark of the series if you must.

Story: This is NOT a Resident Evil game. The ONLY way to even remotely relate the Resident Evil epic tale to this game is through two of its characters: Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong. This is the only element in the game that relates to Resident Evil. Without these two well known names the game would collapse and its true facade would be exposed and, of course, would have a very different title. Secondly, it lacks the KEY element of Resident Evil: zombies and Umbrella! There are zombie-like creatures in this game but they are being controlled by a cult. Yes, I know what you're thinking, what does this have to do with Resident Evil? Well, absolutely nothing. The plot of the game is as follows:

Leon Kennedy travels to a village in Europe(in Spain) to rescue the President's daughter who was kidnapped by this cult striving for world domination.

Sound like Resident Evil? The setting takes place in a remote, rural area, a castle, and an island. The game gives you the feeling that you are in medieval times, which is fun, except that the story takes place in 2004. Oops! About the only time you realize you're in modern times is in the latter part of the game. The story is only half decent if it stands by itself. It mediocre, simple, and boring.

Gameplay: You can now buy weapons from a mystical, hooded creature with a deformed face, red eyes, claws and a weird sense of humor, who sets up shop everywhere you go and who happens to own every weapon necessary to progress through the game. He(rather one of his buddies) also sets up a shooting range for target practice that is so comical it completely throws out the window the supposed, illusional fear factor of the game. Of course, you'll need money to purchase firearms, surely enough you can find money scattered throughout the land and by killing villagers and other creatures. You can even customize weapons by buying stats and adding parts to your guns. Oh and the game plays in a wide-screen video format; like a movie, wow... The main problem with gameplay is the fact that you are LED by the hand throughout the entire game. Long gone are the days where you scanned through a room or area searching for items, this game tells you when to press the A button for items or to jump, duck, etc. You are able to make decisions during cut scenes by franatically smashing the A button, or A+B or L+R...Oh how challenging!

The puzzles are elementary-school like--simple as the come. Let me give you and example: Take 4 foods; bread, meat, dessert, and a glass of wine. Let the game tell you the order in which they must stand by doing an analogy of life--from birth until death--and set up a shooting range with the pictures of these foods and let you shoot them in the correct order. The game even helps you out when you are to insert a key item into a hole, with key items such as circle emblems and recessions in the wall with the same shape, it would be a shame not to be able to figure out where it goes. The menu even opens up automatically and points you to the item you are to use. This game is not challenging in this area.

Your mission: The main mission of the game is to rescue the president's daughter, so everything revolves around this prime objective, making the game boring. The bosses are very easy as you are given the opportunity to purchase a rocket launcher at any point in the game; again, mediocre. Even using upgradable weapons proves to be easy. Heck, I defeated the final boss with my trusty shotgun and two giant...err I don't want to spoil it.

This game took a complete 180 degree turn and many of the the new elements are creative but THEY ARE NOT "RESIDENT EVIL". I think this is the major flaw of the game, that it should not have been called Resident Evil 4 because of its separation from the parameters set by the series. Under a different title this game could have been more suitable for release, unfortunately, it won't enjoy much success for a long time. A good title for this game could've been "The President's Daughter" or "The Cult: The story of a guy named Leon who travels to a village to rescue the President's Daughter but has nothing to do with Resident Evil."

This game reminds me of every other action game out there, it is like a freak cross between Primal, Maximo, Splinter Cell, or any of your typical action-shooters. It also borrows many elements from Resident Evil:Dead Aim. What's worse of all is that the game ending leaves the plot open to continuation, so we can probably expect to see more of this piece of mediocrity.

Change might be good but only when it's for the best, unfortunaltely this is not the case with Resident Evil 4. The true Resident Evil 4 was Resident Evil Code:Veronica X as it is a direct sequel to previous Resident Evil games. This just-released RE4 adds very little, if anything at all, to the story. Also, this games DOES NOT "fix any other problems that Resident Evil had" as another reviewer said, because it had not one worth mentioning. What problems? Camera angles? Get used to it. Too difficult to avoid enemy attacks? Not enough ammo? Not enough health items? If you can't handle the TRUE Resident Evil games then they are not for you.

If we were to rank all Resident Evil titles ever released from best to worst, RE4 would be at the bottom.

I highly recommend you AVOID this game if you are a Resident Evil gaming veteran or a fan of suvival horror.
Save your money. You've been warned.

The greatest game ever made, surpassing FF7

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 7
Date: January 17, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Overall the best game ever, in terms of graphics, replayablility, etc. Everyone should get this game. Period.

a "5" if you want a shooting game, 3 if you want RE

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 7
Date: August 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User

The game is fun, but it is not the old survival horror game. Don't expect a licker to come crashing through the windows as youre trying to limp along and find some medicine. You stay at a distance, shoot til you can't shoot no more. There are few puzzles and little need to look for evidence or clues... just keep shooting and moving forward.

As far as the new ground breaking controlls... if youve played legend of zelda on an old N64, imagine that with a RE setting and improved graphics. When you kill the bad guys they disappear and leave behind ammo, piles of money and so forth (like the typical fantasy game). "Oh I killed the monster... wait, heres a glowing pile of cash and an ammo clip, of course."
Overall though, still fun.

It's not that great

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 4 / 21
Date: May 01, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game is not as godly as everyone claims. You get a few different weapons (but the only ones you get to use often are the shotgun and pistol) and you kill the same enemies over and over and over. When I hear 'Resident Evil 4' I think of one thing and that is monotonous.

The Resident Evil series usually has complicated puzzles to unlock the next door or figure things out and what-not, but not so much in this game. In this one you just shoot these hillbilly Satanist dudes and run to the next part.

The bosses are kind of so-so. The chainsaw sisters were pretty fun but everyone else I just did the shoot and run tactic.

The only reason I gave it two stars was because the graphics are amazing. They're just wasted on this game.

And so goes another empire....

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 6 / 38
Date: March 19, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I'd like to start off by saying this game is junk. RE was not created as a hack/slash rip off of Doom. When this game first came out it was for the computer, based greatly upon Alone in the Dark. Both of these games used elements of HP Lovecraft, along with odd camera angles to create a sense of claustorphobia. Those games did just what they were suppose to do: make you feel alone and creeped out. This game is a shooter! I have killed over 1000 mutants so far. Yay! Can't get that kinda game anywhere else, huh? The puzzles are also gone which once again RE and AITD were hinged around. They were what made the game, not the killing. This is why I say this game is junk. It's a run through, shoot the mutant, run some more, bore fest...YAY! once again guys, societies getting dumber by the second and so aren't your games. So grab the video game controller, sit back on your couch, and throw your iq out the window, because anyone who has praised this game is just another spoon fed, idiot, who couldn't find a taxi cab in New York City. You want a great game play Commander and Conquer, or even Metal Gear 3. And if I sound ticked off, it's because I am. I loved this game, looked forward to every sequal, and you idiots who are praising it are only giving their marketing team more fuel to drive us farther into idiotville.

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