Below are user reviews of World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (71 - 81 of 156)
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Great Sim, Broken Gameplay
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: March 17, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I've been playing this one since Oct 2001. So that's around $375 I've pumped into this game. It's got a lot of good things going for it. As other have pointed out.
But what hasn't been discussed is what is most wrong with the game, it's the gampeplay mechanics that are wrong.
First off, fixed point spawns. Everybody knows where they are and what to do, CAMP THEM !. The only realy way to reduce a defenders ability to resist and conquer territory is by spawn camping. The entire game revolves around organizing spawn capms as quickly as possible. Which leaves no room for any sort of true strategic planning.
Second. Too many vehicles, especially tanks and AC's. Tanks and planes rampage and infantry have little to do except be targets and "hump a table", (the game equivalent of CTF). There is no true global attition and vehicles consumed are replenished on a timer. Players hoard vehicles and the map truly swarms with them. Don't expect to play a realistic simulated infantry battles.
Third. Terrrain means nothing, true commanders would use terrain and choke points to concentrate defense and attacks. Not so in WWIIOL, just hop in a tank and camp a spawn until it becomes attrited, break out your single trooper to hump a table and BAM you own the place.
Fourth, (and last). No strat that links vehicle or base supply with with any sort of national output. Thus each campaign, 10 or 50 times the actual number produced of any particular vehicle is consumed. More vehicles are consumed in a few days than were produced in the entire war.
So there it is, play it for what you want but don't expect too much.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 8
Date: June 11, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game a few days ago. And, i've been hooked on it since. The gameplay is incredible! This is a must buy for all "true" online gamers out there.
This is great despite...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 8
Date: August 14, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Regardless of the negative comments about this game it is the funnest game i have ever played. The game as yet is not whats advertised on the box(the navy is not yet in the game, other vehicles are still to be intruduced), witch does bother me for a $40 game, but they are making progress.
At the moment i would recommend this to anyone, its a very fun game to play, and it keeps getting better.
This outta be a crime
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 8
Date: July 15, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game like a fool after trying it to try it out in demo online. I was never able to get the downloaded version to run but figured it would be corrected by the production version. I immediately had to download a patch that took hours on my dial up and the game still didn't run. I emailed their help desk numerous times and only received one response which said "this issue is resolved". Funny the game didn't seem to know and still wouldn't work!!
Don't bother posting on their BB asking for help. You won't get a response and if you mention not getting a response and asking what is their problem there are some really hostile folks will will flame you.
Save your money. I was so fed up I threw this game away.
WWII: Online Rivals Daikatana for Worst Game Ever.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: June 21, 2001
Author: Amazon User
A great deal of hype surrounding this game prior to its release and there was good reason for it too. The premise of the game sounds very exciting when you hear it: You play either a French, British, or German soldier during the Blitzkreig time of World War II (Battle of France). You can fly a plane, drive a tank (or transport jeep), or stand on the frontlines as an infantryman. In addition to all this, the game is played online with over a thousand different players. Sure sounds like great fun once you hear it, doesn't it? However, when you play a game, the premise makes up only 5% of the final verdict while the other 95% is execution. THIS is where the game fails...
First may I bring up the game's startling specifications for playing. This includes, in addition to a myriad of other startling requirements, 128 MB of RAM. Even in today's standards that is pretty high. Even with the high requirements, the game takes nearly five minutes to load the main menu (astronomically high in today's world) and it takes a total of twenty minutes to actually get INTO the game.
Second off is the graphics. This game looks like it tripped in the mud on its way home from school. The graphics are horrible. One could compare them to a game from 1996 and the 1996 game WOULD win in the graphics department. While it could be argued that the lack of good looks stops the game from slowing up, this is horrible and Ultima Online runs faster with better looks (honest to god). Sound in the game is decent as it fails to wow me but doesn't anger me. Not much can be said about it.
Finally, the coup d'etat - gameplay. Playing the game is much akin to having a small child use your groin as a punching bag. Using a tank is WAY too complicated and difficult and flying a plane is, for me, nearly impossible. When you play an infantryman it only takes one shot to kill you. Considering the massive size of the game world (the ONE good thing about WWII - Online), many have traveled for an hour and a half in complete boredom and then got shot and died in five seconds. Considering the fact that when you die you must leave the game and then come back in, this may turn into a fifteen minute ordeal just to go back and play again. It is very easy to defend the game and say that it is being realistic, but "realism" in the game is much more like chinese water torture.
In short, WWII is one of the worst games I have ever played (and I have played well over 1,000 games) and rivals even the atrocity that is John Romero's Daikatana. If you happen to pass by someone in a store who is looking at the box, save them [the money] and tell them of the horror that is WWII. Should you be one of the sad victims who actually owns the game (such as myself), then may God have mercy on your pitiful soul.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: June 30, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I lost 10 Bucks right after WWII came out. Originally my friend and I were talking about this game even when it was still in development, my friend said that it's gonna [be a bad game] and I said no we made a bet. NOw, even though he had won my money, both of us still respect WWII. It was perhaps only TOO AMBITIOUS! The idea was right...but the developers to eager to leap ahead, the project deadline too soon, and all of these facts contributed to a released "unfinished" joke...HOw is a 70mb patch supposedly help this game's rating in any way? Seriously, the last gaming company that had the nerve to ask me to download such a humongous patch were the makers of SIN, and even that the patch was HALF THE SIZE OF THIS and SIN was definitely a much smoother game than this. NOw I gave this what many considered as a "bugged" failure 3 stars cause I admire the bravery of Strategy First, I understand that they are actually putting A LOT of EFFORTS now to fix all the loopholes and bugs. I definitely thank this game, because it has started another 1st person/multiplayer gaming revolution after Half Life. Even admist all the outragious patch downloading, loading time, rigourous system requirements, WWII in summary is done almost the way we gamers were promised. It's just like an oversized version of B-17 Flying Fortress, a dream beyond current technological reality. For those who are new gamers thristy for World War 2 action I suggest you go download the D-Day Normandy MOd for Quake 2. The Mod is miniscule compare to the patch and Quake 2 wasn't the 1st Person Game Holy Grail before Half Life for no reason. Otherwise, if you are still craving for mass online destruction, play Tribes 2. I only hope that in the end...Planetside would turn out a different path than WWII, cause the screenshots look as promising as Blizkrieg before it was released..........
Dont Waist your time
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: July 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Tonight I went to [the store] to buy this game, despite all the negative feedback. This game looks to be a great game if you have the system to run it. I had heard that you needed a monthly subscription to even play this game. HOW can this company expect comsumers to buy a game for [$], pay a [$] monthly subscription fee WHEN THE GAME ISN'T EVEN FINISHED. I have never heard of such communism!!!
I am not, I REPEAT, NOT going to pay for a game and then have to pay just to play it. My monthly electric bill is only $20. [$] seams just way to steep to play this game..
STAY CLEAR of this one if you want reoccuring fees!
The most addictive game I've ever played!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: July 23, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I have been playing internet games games since they became popular in the mid-90's. I have never been this involved in a game. Yes, the game does have a few techinical issues at this point. It's a RAM hog, it has choppy framerates sometimes. But IT IS FUN. Once you get your computer set up for this game and all patches downloaded you will find your life wasting away in this virtual world. This game is not for the Quake-kid. There is waiting, there is suspense and when the fighting begins it is great. The variety of vehicles and roles you can play is limitless. The game will only continue to grow and evolve. Plus, the people you meet on the battlefield are great. I can't say enough.
Talk About 1337!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: July 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game has it all, it's a great game. It still has alot of stuff that needs to be worked out. However with every patch this game just gets better and better. With the release of the 1.6 Patch the Infantry battles improved, and with all of us WWIIOL Gamers awaiting the arrivial of the 1.7. That is said to include a new 3rd person Infantry model, we are all waiting for this game to get better and better.
Absolutely horrible
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: November 08, 2002
Author: Amazon User
What a let down this game turned out to be, and now with other "working and free" WW2 squad based games out, this game is now nothing but a thing of the past. Poor patches, lack of players, terrible gameplay, bugs, horrid framerates, incomplete product and even Canadian retail stores have blackballed World War 2 Online, and wont carry the title anymore...
and no publisher will go near the title to publish it in Europe (hence why CRS has to give away free accounts in Europe)
The standing joke about their own website forum is that a posting any sort of reference or question about actual player numbers results in deletion before it can been read by more than the 5 people (and only paying customers can post mesages).
And the rank system is just too funny. You spend months 'earning' rank to be able to command and when you get to say COL. they reset everthing and you start over again!
Lets just tell the truth, the company is operating under Chapter 11 restructureing long enough to pay off its debts and then will shut down citing a shrinking customer base and loss of revenue making operations impossible to continue or some such BS. They constantly inflate the player base by giving groups the 'opportunity' to play (via game mags monthly cd roms)and the point at these non-paying peeps as the 'increase' of numbers in people playing.