Below are user reviews of World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 156)
Show these reviews first:
Not even close to commercial quality
Rating: 1,
Useful: 26 / 35
Date: June 19, 2001
Author: Amazon User
You've read it before, so this is probably not going to come as a big surprise, but this product is not finished, and guess who's the beta tester? Beta testing is fun you say? Yeah as long as you don't have to pay for the "privilege".
Pros: Potential to be a good virtual battlefield simulation in the distant future. If you're one of the people who have rated this game 5 stars ask yourself if you would still feel that way assuming it would always perform this way. You are reviewing a product AS SOLD, not based on what some random company tells you it might be some day.
1) Apparently coded in Visual Basic by a team of rank amateurs.
2) Load times on the fastest systems are atrocious (5-10 minutes). I can only imagine some poor ... running a system meeting the minimum requirements even attempting it.
3) RAM requirements. Despite what the box says, NOBODY has enough RAM to keep this from thrashing. I have 512MB and it's not even close to what it's spooling.
4) Even if you have a 10K RPM raid system, the thrashing will bring your system to its knees.
5) Frame rates are TOTALLY unacceptable ALL of the time. Even if you crank the detail down to minimum on your shiny new GeForce 3, you can expect extremely poor performance compared to engines doing 3 times the work and handling MUCH larger textures, multiple light sources, and shaders. They suggest turning off mip mapping to solve the problem?
6)Servers are slow, unstable and overcrowded, even with the current "interim" separation into different shards.
7) Dumps are frequent and ALWAYS at the wrong time (assuming you can get in in the first place).
8) Code is not only poorly designed, but totally unstable. CTDs are common and fatal excpetions aren't an exception.
Conclusion: This product is WAY not finished. You have been sold a product purporting to be something it is not with no guarantee it will ever be satisfactory. At the very least there is no way the current codebase will ever be viable. Without a complete re-write of the engine by a professional programmer, you're hosed. There's not going to be any miracle "patch" for this disaster. Making it right will take months, and that's only if they decide to start over from scratch. You have been warned.
Doomed to fail
Rating: 1,
Useful: 17 / 19
Date: June 14, 2001
Author: Amazon User
First of all I must inform you that in order to play this game online you must download a 70MB 'patch' file. That is just far too large of a download for those of us stuck with a dial up connection. If you have a high speed connection 70 Megs isn't that big of a deal though.
Ok - on to the game then. I am running a P3 500 which is well within the system requirements. I also have a 32MB video card. The offline practice mode takes no less than 3 minutes to load up. Unacceptable. In trying to map the controls I found that the game would not allow me to program my joystick. Unacceptable. As a ground troop my gun would not fire. In flight the sound would cut out intermittantly (and no I wasn't blacking or redding out). The graphics are horrible and low tech in comparison to other recent games. The interface is slow and clunky. I could go on but you get the point (I hope).
Wait until this game has time to mature into a proper peice of software - this release is nothing more than an incomplete beta version. Which is a shame because most beta software is free, while this cost me 40 bucks.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 11 / 15
Date: June 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I also haven't played the game. I was able to cancel my order in time. According to the website, the launch has been extremely troubled. A 70mb patch is required to play, you have to download it from the site. The servers have been down most of the time. It should be a great game, when they work out the problems-maybe in a few days/weeks/months. Until then, it seems to be unplayable....
Full of Bugs -- Forget it
Rating: 1,
Useful: 7 / 11
Date: June 15, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Nothing but bugs. It did not work at all in one of my computers, crashes constantly on another. Tech support? Forget it... There is no way to reach them by telephone -- only email. I sent them a support request and have not gotten a response 24hrs later. It takes a very long time to even load. The game is laggy and slow. I recomend waiting until (and if) the bugs get fixed.
Good Luck just playing
Rating: 1,
Useful: 7 / 12
Date: September 07, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game might just be the worst ever. It is impossible to play unless you have a cable modem AND at LEAST 256mb of memory otherwise the lag will never make the game playable. First off with the gameplay all of the "battles" are just skirmishes with just about 20 people. ALso, strategy first went out of their way to make the game impossible to get into. THe start up screen is pathetic. Also once you are in the game (if you ever do get in) it takes half a hour to a hour to see 10 minutes of combat. And that is if you get a ride, if you dont just dont even try, by the time you get to a "battle Field" the battle would be over and you would have to do the same thing again with the same results. Also flying planes might be the hardest thing ever to do in a video game. It takes a computer junkie to actually take off. ALso the box says there is sea battle there is not even sea avaliable this game is flat out pathetic you would be much better flushing your money down the toliet other than buying this game. TRUST ME DO NOT BUY THIS GAME
Rating: 1,
Useful: 6 / 10
Date: June 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The most important thing to beware are the 'minimum' requirements. You really need something in the region of 1GB RAM, 1Ghz Processor, Cable/DSL, 32MB Video Card. Even then I've heard of people who have trouble with the game speed. My set up met the recommended specification and my PC just can't handle it. There appears to be a problem with 'memory leaks', which means the software just keeps grabbing more and more RAM as its played. Quite frankly this game should still be in beta testing. Don't waste your money.
WWII: Online Rivals Daikatana for Worst Game Ever.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: June 21, 2001
Author: Amazon User
A great deal of hype surrounding this game prior to its release and there was good reason for it too. The premise of the game sounds very exciting when you hear it: You play either a French, British, or German soldier during the Blitzkreig time of World War II (Battle of France). You can fly a plane, drive a tank (or transport jeep), or stand on the frontlines as an infantryman. In addition to all this, the game is played online with over a thousand different players. Sure sounds like great fun once you hear it, doesn't it? However, when you play a game, the premise makes up only 5% of the final verdict while the other 95% is execution. THIS is where the game fails...
First may I bring up the game's startling specifications for playing. This includes, in addition to a myriad of other startling requirements, 128 MB of RAM. Even in today's standards that is pretty high. Even with the high requirements, the game takes nearly five minutes to load the main menu (astronomically high in today's world) and it takes a total of twenty minutes to actually get INTO the game.
Second off is the graphics. This game looks like it tripped in the mud on its way home from school. The graphics are horrible. One could compare them to a game from 1996 and the 1996 game WOULD win in the graphics department. While it could be argued that the lack of good looks stops the game from slowing up, this is horrible and Ultima Online runs faster with better looks (honest to god). Sound in the game is decent as it fails to wow me but doesn't anger me. Not much can be said about it.
Finally, the coup d'etat - gameplay. Playing the game is much akin to having a small child use your groin as a punching bag. Using a tank is WAY too complicated and difficult and flying a plane is, for me, nearly impossible. When you play an infantryman it only takes one shot to kill you. Considering the massive size of the game world (the ONE good thing about WWII - Online), many have traveled for an hour and a half in complete boredom and then got shot and died in five seconds. Considering the fact that when you die you must leave the game and then come back in, this may turn into a fifteen minute ordeal just to go back and play again. It is very easy to defend the game and say that it is being realistic, but "realism" in the game is much more like chinese water torture.
In short, WWII is one of the worst games I have ever played (and I have played well over 1,000 games) and rivals even the atrocity that is John Romero's Daikatana. If you happen to pass by someone in a store who is looking at the box, save them [the money] and tell them of the horror that is WWII. Should you be one of the sad victims who actually owns the game (such as myself), then may God have mercy on your pitiful soul.
a hord core gamer
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 11
Date: June 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
this game (stinks), i just bought it and installed it, i went online to play it. then i couldn't play it becuase the dumb server keeps on crashing, then i have to pay 10 dollars a month! i down'loaded a dumb upgrade which took a 130249782390 hours, and i finnallly got to play it, then i can't because when i try to move, i can't and i tried again to go on the game and i was disconneted, i wrote a conplaint asking for some help and they don't even reply! i meet the requierments to this game to! i have a 500 megah comp with a 56k modem and it still doesn't werk. plz don't buy it! its (price)!
Major Failure
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 10
Date: June 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User
What a waste of money. Yea the game might be this, or it might be that. So what I haven't been able to get it to work in almost a week. At this point I don't really care how good the game would be if everything worked, I have lost all faith in the competence of Corrnered Rat.
Read this before buying
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 9
Date: June 18, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I recently bought the game... I should tell you to keep your money and use it for a game like HL-Couter Strike which defenetly is better than WW2 online. If you buy WW2 online, you will notice that you need a "super system" of computer. You need A LOT of RAM memory in order to get a decent movement in the game. The graphics are just terrible, is not easy to get connected and the game play is horrible. Don't buy this.