Below are user reviews of World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (51 - 61 of 156)
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a hord core gamer
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 11
Date: June 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User
this game (stinks), i just bought it and installed it, i went online to play it. then i couldn't play it becuase the dumb server keeps on crashing, then i have to pay 10 dollars a month! i down'loaded a dumb upgrade which took a 130249782390 hours, and i finnallly got to play it, then i can't because when i try to move, i can't and i tried again to go on the game and i was disconneted, i wrote a conplaint asking for some help and they don't even reply! i meet the requierments to this game to! i have a 500 megah comp with a 56k modem and it still doesn't werk. plz don't buy it! its (price)!
Looking for a new game? Well.....
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 8
Date: July 04, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Click the back button on your browser and look elsewhere, absolutly by far the biggest waste of time and worse game ever to come into the market. Graphics? SNES is about equal, Gameplay...sweet god by far takes the cake as the worst ever. Sound? Oh yeah hearing your infantrys footsteps for an hour and a half, another high point of the game. Oh yeah, and we get the priveledge of paying 9.99 a month for it. (Which i have absolutly no problem doing, and have done for the last 3 years other games)Save your money, buy anything but this...
The worst and buggiest online attempt at a squad game ever
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 8
Date: November 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Has Cornered Rat managed to fix up the abominable state of the game at release? Yes, for the most part, they have. The game is reasonably stable and has an acceptable majority of the promised features, but sadly, the newly bug-free nature of the game shows up its conceptual shortcomings. While some players will no doubt be able to find sufficient motivation to overlook or ignore them, most will not. Hopefully future games will make the persistent battlefield concept work and learn from the mistakes of WWII Online. At this point, your money is best spent for a game that has a vibrant user community and not a bunch of people still paying to have their game patched. Look for Battlefield 1942 instead.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This online game is awesome. I have been playing since it came out. It was buggy on release to the point it lost many subscribers. Be assured it has changed. In my opinion, playing against thousands of other humans, which is never boring, makes this the best game ever. One must have at least a p4 2.5 gig computer. Vido card 128mgs but get 228. Patches are still coming and will be indefinately. Game keeps changing for the better. Please anyone who left this game come back.
Serious Simulation for All
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: November 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
WWIIOL is a dream come true for all those who have become tired of Battlefield 1942's mono-dimensional gameplay. To qualify for being a WWIIOL gamer you should probably have a good deal of time and patience on hand, but it's a game that is constantly evolving and gives even the experienced player a new dimension to explore. WWIIOL offers a combination of air-sea-ground combined arms at its finest...beyond the confines of an arena-based environment. If you're tired of fighting bots, PKs, and snipers, try WWIIOL.
A great SIMULATION... a fair game.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: November 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
First things first. This game is not for the casual gamer, or the fellow who thinks his computer should work like his television or console. You need a fairly beefy machine to play this, and an understanding of how that machine works.
It isn't a "twitch" game like BF1942 or DOD. You can spend a lot of time NOT fighting, not even seeing enemy. It has a fairly steep learning curve. You won't have any fun flying or driving anything without the proper equipment to do so, i.e. a good quality joystick. I see a lot of people who purchased this game thinking it was something it isn't, a FPS with WWII weapons. These people go away unhappy.
What it IS, is the worlds first persistent virtual battlefield, utilizing accurately modeled WWII equpiment, on an accurately scaled map of central Europe. There are no hit points, health packs, or super weapons. This game is based on physics, not how fast you can hit your mouse button. You can shoot that French Char B1B tank all day long with your 20mm gun, if you're shooting at armor a real 20mm would not penetrate, you won't do anything either, except irritate the crew.
It is hands down, the most realistic online tank sim ever made. It is one of the best tank sims ever made, period. To me, this is it's strong point. To those poor deluded souls who play infantry, this is it's weak point. The infantry game still needs work. They are important to the game as the only means of capturing and advancing territory, but not a whole lot to do with them. I don't see any fun in it at all myself, but there are those that do. I prefer tank VS tank fights, which the game does a fantastic job with.
Bottom line is this - if you're looking for a realistic, accurately modeled SIMULATION this game is for you. If you're looking for a FPS GAME.. it probably isn't your cup of tea.
Worst launch ever?
Rating: 1,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: June 07, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Massively multiplayer online games have had their fair share of problems. Ultima Online and EverQuest had lots of lagging issues, but at least *the game* still worked. Apparently, StrategyFirst didn't consider this when they released WWII Online.
I have a PIII 450 with 128 megs of RAM. It just barely exceeds the minimum requirements, but, according to StrategyFirst, the game *should* work. Unfortunately, it doesn't. When I'm not being booted out to the Windows desktop, I'm trying to figure out how to get the game to load. It doesn't look like this is restricted to low-end computers, either. I've seen a PIII 700mhz computer with 386 megs of RAM do the exact same thing.
WWII Online COULD have been one of the best massively multiplayer online games released in years. In my opinion, it turned out to be the worst. I give the developers 1 star for effort.
A bad launch, good progress
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This was CRS's first box-game launch; the core staff all worked previously on on-going multiplayer games like WarBirds.
Since release they have not been idle and have worked ardendtly to deal with the release issues and problems. The game has come a long way and shows no sign of stopping.
It is not a game for the feint-hearted or impatient. It's also not quake. One shot can kill in this game.
If you jump in with delusions of grandeur, you're likely to get burned. Unlike other games, you won't hear the bullet before it hits you. Speed of sound is modelled, just like so many other subtleties that can make this game so intense.
But if you can learn to get that shot, if you can learn to outplan the enemy then t is a chance to live out all those black-and-white WWII films you've seen, all those stories you've read, maybe even your chance to play a role in Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers.
This game can be so very highly rewarding if you endure but that reward can come at the price of a *lot* of frustration.
Unlimited potential ....
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: June 05, 2001
Author: Amazon User
The fact of the matter is, this game is not yet released, so there is obviously no way of writing an accurate review on the "final product". However, this game looks to be revolutionary. The terrain is ever-expanding. You can be 3 classes with this release (not navy just yet). There will be CONSTANT updates, starting, most likely, from the day the game is released. That is more weapons, more terrain, more players, more speed, more compatability. The possibilities are inveitably endless.
I'd just like to say one thing about one of my favorite aspects of the game (as there are many, and I would like this review to be readable and not tedious). The terrain is like *nothing* I've ever seen before. You cant tell from the screenshots, but from beta testing, the terrain is out of this world. There are ditches everywhere, there are multi-leveled buildings all over the place, towns are really big and lifelike, and the overall graphics are fairly outstanding, given the sheer size of the battlefield. So while this game is "not yet complete", I can vouch for the fact that that is a good thing. The game is TONS of fun as is, and will only get better from here. Much ... much better.
Massively Multiplayer
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: September 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Well, I saw the reveiws on this game and was skeptical on buying it. But now I am additcted! It has alot of bugs and you need a lot of processing power (which I don't have) but it is the best concept for a game in a long time. Keeps me entertained for hours. And I only get framerates of 2 to 15 a second. Any other game and it would be out the window, this game is awesome and is getting better!!!