Below are user reviews of World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (31 - 41 of 156)
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This game is awsome!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: January 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is great...a total play against real people using period weapons and tactics. The game evolves continually with the addition of new weapons and money I have ever spent on a game!
Great w/ patching
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: February 01, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is compltetly different from launch. New patching has squashed every major bug, new vehicles have been implemented, etc. It's worth it, trust me.
Game has gotten A LOT better since release!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: January 01, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I am writing this prior to the great patch, v1.5, which gave the game nearly complete stability, great performance, and TONS of new vehicles. Both the Axis and the Allies have both gained about 20 new units since release, the game NEVER crashes anymore, plus FPS (Frames Per Second) have improved dramaticly. I warn you not to judge this game on any review before October 17, when v1.3 came out, as you will be passing up a great game. You should buy this game, and WHEN you buy, play ALLIED!
ww 2 o/l current status
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: January 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I would like to say a few things about this game.. I first purchesed it back in Aug. At that point in time the game had vast amounts of bugs. But they have made tremendous strides in getting most of them fixed.(still a slight sound bug, goes in and out...very rare) The game is still not finished but then again it wont ever be finished as its a on going thing.....they keep adding new weapons, citys, terrrain etc. I give this game 4 stars for the simple fact that there isn't anything like it, and the fun level. I have have never played a sim where my adrenaline starts pumping, sweaty palms the works. Its just alot more satifying knowing you just shot down another person vs a computer. I give it my seal of approval
This Game Rocks!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: January 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This is by far the most absorbing and fun game I've ever played. This game is not for people who want fast paced action.There is a lot of strategy and co-ordination that goes into the game. This game is highly addictive.
Excellent but needs maturity
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: July 30, 2003
Author: Amazon User
It's easy - there is and probably will be for a long time no other on line game that offers a WWII simulation on a tactical/strategical level in a persistant world where the war takes place 24/24 .
It is not blue against red like Counterstrike or 1942 .
It is not Quake and it is not any other mindless shooter .
It is a war with historical material both on land and in the air (Char B1 bis , Bofors , Spitfire , Me 109 , Panzer 38 , Sturmegschutz III , 88mm Flak and dozens more) and taking place on a huge map covering Europe from the Alps to GB and from Germany to Paris .
Scale is 1/2 and the geography is accurate .
However to enjoy this unique game , you need what it takes - namely patience and organisation .
Patience because to mount an attack that succeeds it is needed to gather forces , transport infantery , set up artillery , get the planes on CAP above target , prepare bomber flights .
It takes time and people who want to rush to an immediate action and begin shooting are only rewarded by immediate death .
But people who have the patience are rewarded by an extraordinary sense of accomplishment .
Organisation because this game is a real time simulation of big scale warfare .
It matters what happens on every place of the front and an efficient chain of command with skilled officers and disciplined units is the condition for victory .
It doesn't matter if Joe Quaker gets 10 times more kills than Bill Striker , what matters is teamwork and a good thinker is 10 times worth a good sniper .
For that reason also , it is almost mandatory to belong to a good well organised squad to enjoy the game at its highest level .
There is place for lone wolves too but they almost only get the action part of the game .
So if you have what it takes , WWIIOL is most definitely one of the best games for you .
XO 4th Panzerdivision
3rd Panzerarmee
Best game I've ever played
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: November 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
When I first heard that World War 2 Online was coming out, I was extremely excited to see it. I read the initial reviews and didn't bother to get it. However, a friend of mine in college was playing it and I saw that I had to pick it up. I have been playing for well over a year now (and I cant say that about any other game!) and am completely amazed that each patch that comes out brings better gameplay and better functionality.
The equipment in the game is great. CRS has done an outstanding job with the graphic and damage modeling of each piece. The people in the game are the best community out there and will help even the newest player learn this very complex game. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a game with a great community and a great base.
A Game With Staying Power
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: November 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I often buy new computer games, load them on my systems, play them for a while and then delete them when I get bored. WWIIOL has always been loaded on my system. I've never deleted it because its fun every time. This is by far the best computer game I've ever purchased. I'm happy to support CSR every month even when I'm unable to get the time to play. Been there since day one and I'll be there as long as I'm able.
You'll need the patience of a saint to play this game!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 5 / 8
Date: June 23, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Although this game seems quite promising, it is just a mess of bugs, frustrating load-times, and huge patches. First off, the graphics are quite mediocre. The building walls are paper thin and there is really nothing to the buildings other than four walls. The characters are blocky and all of the action looks quite silly most of the time.
Hopefully, you enjoy long load times. Waiting for the game to boot up and let you into the server literally takes 2-5 minutes. Even the offline mode takes a good 2-5 minutes to load. And this is with a system that surpasses the recommended system configurations (I am running a P3-800mhz, 256MB SDRAM, 32MB Video, 40xCD-ROM, and Cable Modem). Also, the game says it only requires a 56k modem to play, but even with a cable modem I experience terrible lag in big battles. Also, you'll hate your 56k connection when it comes to downloading patches (last patch I downloaded was about 70 MB!).
The gameplay itself isn't too much fun either. It is pointless to try and go foot-soldier seeing as how EVERYBODY uses tanks! Trying to be infantry will get you either run over or killed in one good tank blast. Since you're able to just select what to use in battle, is it any wonder that this game has become a war of tanks? In the whole time I've played I only come across infantry when it's the person's very first time playing. After that they quickly learn to just use the tanks. Knowing who to kill will be frustrating as well. Everyone's name in the game is blue, and although you cannot damage an ally, you will spend a considerable amount of time shooting at the wrong targets.
All in all, the game is terrible. Fighting the battles is aggrevating, but not as aggrevating as finding a battle to fight (there are no NPCs, so you have to find other players to fight). On many servers you'll notice the Allies are quite outnumbered by the Axis. Every battle I have played has been won by the Germans. The game is just chaos, no structure, no commanding officers (unless doing missions, and not really even then). It's basically jump-in, shoot, die, jump back in, shoot some more, die again. There's no real goal or purpose. No medals to be awarded and no real benefits to acheiving a high rank.
Great game, evolving, but what online game isnt?????
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 6
Date: June 22, 2001
Author: Amazon User
This game looks like it will be the game to beat in the online game battlefield. Sure, it has its problems, but what online game didnt' start out. How dim witted and forgetful some people are that are quick to belittle this game. Everquest started out very buggy when it was released, but is now the top rated online game. I predict that WWII online will do that and more. The developers have many more features left that are not yet implimented, but will be someday in the near future. Absolutely a blast to play, a must buy, but would suggest waiting a month or so for the bugs to be squashed and features to be implimented, if you have a short attention span.