Playstation 2 : Crazy Taxi Reviews

Gas Gauge: 71
Gas Gauge 71
Below are user reviews of Crazy Taxi and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Crazy Taxi. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 78
Game FAQs
IGN 71
Game Revolution 65

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 142)

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Full of bugs

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 5 / 11
Date: May 20, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Be very careful when buying this game. If this is what we have to look forward to from Dreamcast ports, then we're in for a lot of trouble. What's wrong with this game? Where to start?

- There is a major pop in problem. Sometime, it's so bad, you can't see the street just in front of you.

- The street is frequently not there at all. Just the car in blue "air". Sometimes, turning a 360 will fix it.

- The music usually plays for between two and ten seconds, then stops. When it gets bad, two or three notes will loop for 30 seconds.

Yipes! These problems make the game totally unplayable. I don't recommend buying this game, yet. I hope they recall the garbage they've shipped, fix it and rerelease it. Then, it'll be one of the funnest games yet for the PS2.

If you've read great reviews of this game, they're from people who haven't played this PS2 port.

Extremely buggy

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 7
Date: June 19, 2001
Author: Amazon User

The game is buggy ... . I played it 3 times, and all 3 times it locked up to the point where i had to shut off the console unit and start it back up again. Also, the graphics disappear while your playing and you can't see where you're going. Great job in the quality assurance lab my Acclaim!!! DO NOT BUY

Dumbest game you'll ever play

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 14
Date: June 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User

There is absolutly no point in this game. Don't make the mistake I did in buying this game. All you do is drive around in a stupid cab and pick people up and drive like an [nut] to their destination. You will not like this game.

Boring and Non Realistic

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 9
Date: August 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game is so not realistic. Seriously if you hit a car or crash your car is still dosen't have one dent. I first played this at my friends house and I loved it but when I bought it I got bored with it one the 2nd day. This game is not for kids it has swearing and voilence that's why it is rated T for teen. I don't know what peole are saying when they say it's great for children. Please rent before you buy and I do not recommend you waste your $20 on a game with nothing realistic not for children and boring.

This game is the stupitest game ever dont buy it

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 17
Date: October 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User

please dont buy this game its sooooooooooooo boaring and when i saw the cover i liked it and then when i opended it it looked boaring and when i put it in my ps2 the start screen looked boaring.And the guy that say's "YOU HAVE 10 CRAZY MINUTES"he sounds like a guy accross my street.The guy sounds like he was high or something he sounds like he was drinking 40.oz beer while saying that.And the people look the same all over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over......... and the people sound sooooooo boaring over and over........i mean like they talk all stupit and stuff and the say your cool.I mean like even a blind person would know this game is boaring so please dont buy it and dont buy any thing that is related to crazy "drunk" taxi.o yeah and one more stupit and boaring thing when you fall in the lake or ocean you can breath under water and talk at the same time and drive.i mean what kind of car can go under water and not brake down.Stupit huh!!!!!.and the people jump out off the car and they just dissaper and i think thats called "suiside"that is very violent and when you chase the people with your car they jump in the ocean and walk around like noting happend.REMEBER ONE THING THIS GAME IS VERY VIOLENT AND SUISIDEL AND ITS VVVVEEEEEERRRRRRYYYY BOARING AFTER YOU PLAY IT FOR LIKE HOW SHOULD I SAY THIS "1 SECOUND" OK SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT BUY THIS GAME ITS VERY SUSISdEL

D . O . N . T . B . U . Y . T . H . I . S . G . A . M . E.!!!!!!!

Acclaim should be ashamed...

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: May 21, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Poor, poor, poor!!! How many glitches can you fit in one game? Disappearing roads, freezes, poor sound...either it's a defective copy or they just couldn't get it right. But I'm not the only one that this has happened to, many other people have complained about the exact same things. These problems should not be happening at this level. I'm sure Acclaim had people fired for such a pitiful showing. I'll be exchanging my copy today.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 7
Date: June 22, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Idea: 5 stars (sounds like a ton of fun)

Gameplay: 3 stars (what is the deal with the crazy slide?)

Graphics: 2 stars (not at all impressive for PS2)

Bugs: zero stars is too many. My disc was not playable . . . the world disappears . . . and (not knowing the levels) I would be blocked by walls I couldn't see. Some have said that by returning the 'flawed' disc, they got another that worked fine. I ask, "why bother?" (see replayability) What kind major manufacturer sends out large quantities of discs which don't work? Quality control? Thus, the title of this review: pathétique (french spelling).

Bugs part duex: negative stars . . . game would freeze, necessitating a hard restart of game system.

Replayability: 1 star This didn't impress me . . . I got quickly annoyed and tired of the little I saw of this game. Looks like there is not much more entertainment than can be squeezed out of a blockbuster rental. Thus when I returned the game to Amazon I was grateful that they didn't insist on sending me a working copy, but refunded my $.

Suggestion: buy NBA Street, or Red Faction, two excellent new releases . . . or just hold on for GT3

Game has some BUGS!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 4
Date: May 22, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I got the game yesterday and I can already tell it has some serious problems. Something is wrong with the graphics: Your driving around and all the sudden the ground dissapers, you cant see the street only the other cars and people. Makes the game very chalenging and difficult; ruins the playability. I think this one is a RETURN to AMAZON!

Too many bugs... this shouldn't have been released

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 3
Date: May 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User

We waited a long time for this game to come to PS2. Who cares if it's just like Dreamcast... we don't have that console. But like several others have reported, this game is WAY too buggy to have been released, and I'm ashamed of Acclaim for taking money from consumers for an unfinished game. The road disappears constantly, which screws up your ability to play properly, and the game froze and had to be restarted twice within the first half hour of playing. It pretty much kills the potential of any fun this game could deliver. We'll be returning ours..., and I'd advise anyone to wait until these problems are fixed before making a purchase.

wasted promise

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 11 / 16
Date: August 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

well, this game is about the biggest letdown and an extremely poor first purchase for my ps2. the graphics are great and the gameplay is fun, so why the poor rating? well, mainly because the fun factor runs out after roughly a half hour of gameplay. my main beef with the whole thing is that there are only two courses and there are absolutely no variations on repeated play. youd think the developers would at least impliment a random person generator so that your customers are in different locations, but apperently not. the level designs are fairly well laid out, but neither are particularly big, and since you find the same customers in the same locations wanting to be delivered to the same spot over and over, it gets old quick.

"but i heard the gameplay is addicting!" you say. well, your right, and this is another factor working against the game. while youre bored out of your mind and ferrying the same ... customers back and forth, little things begin to annoy you; like the terrible voice acting, for one. this game originated in japan, and the american voice actors seem to be trying to copy the sterotypically high voice of women used in japanese games. everytime you pick up a girl you will be treated to an annoyingly high-pitched sound resembling a ... eight year old midget.

in addition to this, the catch-phrases spouted out by your character and the characters you encounter becomes increasingly more trite, calculating, stupid-sounding and (of course) annoying. i say "trite" and "calculating" because, unlike in real life where a person would say "hey, hows it goin'" or "hello", when a person enters your car they will immediatly shout out "YOURE COOL!" or "WOW YOUR COOL!" or "THIS CARS COOL!" etc etc etc. its as if the game is, in actuality, trying to make the person playing the game feel cool. in truth, this makes sense because the majority of this games audience will be consisting of pre-teen, friendless and lonely geeks. the "friendless" part is amplified by the fact that there is no multiplayer, which could have been the games saving grace. and hearing your driver spout out "SHUT UP, MOVE YO' ..." for the nth time quickly wears out its welcome.

while this most likely dosnt bother other people, i consider it insulting: the game is sloppily, lazily and half-... slapped together simply to motivate you to go out and buy stuff. this is the only explination for the lackluster gameplay, since all of the locations consist of "kentucky fried chickens" and "filas" and "original levis stores". one has to wonder how much acclaim got paid by all its sponsers for this dissapointing peice of .... im sure theyre laughing all the way to the bank.

"arcade gameplay" is no excuse for a repetative, half-finished and manuplative game.

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