PC - Windows : Max Payne Reviews

Gas Gauge: 88
Gas Gauge 88
Below are user reviews of Max Payne and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Max Payne. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 92
Game FAQs
IGN 93
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (241 - 251 of 269)

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A great start

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I really liked this game. It had great graphics, the best I have ever seen. The Bullet-Time feature is without a doubt the coolest thing ever in this game. Slowing down to slow motion, seeing the bullets, a scene right out of the Matrix, but you're controlling it, very very cool. The storyline was interesting, but was cheesy and too in-depth at times. In order to get the full effect you have to really be paying attention and have a great memory. I didn't buy the game to get into a deep story line, the game needs one, true, but they could have simplified it a little bit, I thought the comic style way of telling was interesting, but I didn't care for and lost patience. Like many other reviewers have said, the first 5 hours of this game were totally awesome, a brand new game, great effects, MATRIX TIME!!! But then you start to get the feeling of Deja Vu. The game becomes way to repetitive. Enter room, clear room, collect guns, ammo, health, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Get what I mean? I also thought this game was way too short. It only took me a weekend to beat. I feel like this game is a really great start, and was worth the money that I paid for it, but it leaves much room for improvement. If you haven't purchased and played Deus Ex, I recommend you do that instead of buying this game.

One of the best...

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is one of if not the best 3dshooter/action game. The story is what makes it so good. It is unlike anything else. I was tired of 3dshooters and rpgs but this game is great.

Oh my goodness

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I just finished playing this game, and I'm telling you, you are going to be completely blown away by Max Payne. You've all heard about the fabulous graphics, the innovative and kick-... bullet time, the story and what not, but you simply have to play the game in order to really apreceate how well everything is tied together and how well it all works. I've heard from people that you have to have amazing system specs to run this game, but I only have 16 MB 3DfX Voodoo Banshee Card and 512 MB of DDR RAM, and I run everything on "high" setting without ever having a problem. The thing that really blew me away while playing MP is how well the story really is connected to the plot. You will never find yourself doing anything for no reason. It is all trying to accomplish you one single goal of finding out the truth about what happened to your family. The few cinematic cut scenes that there are fit in very well with the story predominently told in a graphic novel style. The washed out look of the pictures provides a stark but well recieved constrast to the increadably detailed graphics and attention to detail. If you shoot a machine gun at the wall, you can actually right words in the bullet holes that are PERMANENTLY left on the walls. That's right. Stray bullets that find ANYTHING STAY there for the entire time you're on that level. So do bodies, shell casings, debris, and any other havoc that you can manage to wreck with the wide aray of guns that are available to you. Basically, what it all boils down to is that MP only really introduces one new concept in bullet time, but it does everything else so much damn better then almost any other shooter before it, it is worth your money hands down. I finished it and wanted to immediatly play it again, and with the now huge amount of Mods floating around, you can be sure that this game will provide you will many intense and enjoyable hourse of fun to come.

The best game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 10, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I believe that this is the best game ever created. I like the idea of being able to be able to escape gun fire with the bullet time mode. This option makes this game easier but the game is still hard over all. Max Payne has a really good gun selection and offers a variety of people and levels. This is the best game I have ever played and I can't wait for a sequel if there is one. I am glad I was able to play this game and can't wait for another game of this quality

Wonderful Game!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 18, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game is very good and lots of work was put into it. It even has its own engine (Max-FX) and the visuals are stunning. For younger players, there is a parental lock that removes adult scenes like Satanic icons. However, this game falls short of my expectations as it is quite short. After you complete a game, you will not want to play it again for a long time.

Some parts are quite scary, like the Prologues of the 2nd and 3rd parts of the game which involves Max walking on blood trails in a black environment, coupled with stereo sound effects of the sobbing of Max's wife and the cries of his dead baby.

If you are looking for a "one-off" game which you play once, this is definitely your choice.

My Paen to Payne

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

In any human activity, from making love to writing a symphony to throwing a football to making a game, there is Craft and there is Art. At the level of Craft, things are done right: polished, professional and just what you'd expect from competent purveyors of the activity. At the level of Art, there is something more: a new level of perfection and polish, or a brilliant, innovative design twist, or depth and profundity that transcends the limits of the genre. Craft and Art are always playing a game of tag: an otherwise craftsmanlike product might have flashes of artistic brillance, while even great artists sometimes produce merely craftsmanlike work.

All this is to say that I have played dozens (if not hundreds) of computer games over the years, and while many are competent, enjoyable, and sometimes even awe-inspiring examples of Craft, rarely does a game approach the status of Art. MAX PAYNE is, I think, a genuine work of Art.

Does it innovate? Yes and no. It hews pretty closely to FPS conventions--run and gun,even sometimes rail-shooter rigidity; strategically placed power ups, weapons and health boosts; absurd ly unrealistic damage modeling to the hero; switch hunting and even jumping puzzles. There are also many innovations: the "bullet-time" effect; cinematic camera control; graphic novel presentation; photorealistic environments.

Criticising MAX PAYNE for sticking to FPS conventions is like knocking Brahms for sticking to sonata form in his symphonies. In any form of endeavor, there is Art that innovates (and is often brilliantly uneven because of the hit-and-miss nature of it), and there is Art that is summation of the tradition from which is comes.

I think MAY PAYNE will be remembered not for its innovations, but because it deepens, expands, and then transcends the conventions of the genre. The story is involving (if convoluted), the visuals unmatched, and the overall polish nearly flawless. I applaud Remedy for releasing a product that is so nearly free of technical issues (there are more bugs in the first 2 minutes of ANARCHY ONLINE than in the whole of MAX PAYNE).

I play a lot of games. Some of them are visual feasts, some are innovative, most don't stay on the hard drive for long. MAX PAYNE is the most polished, compelling, and flat-out brilliant game I have played in years.

Welcome to Bullet Time

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Imagine, if you will, a video game so intricately choreographed and designed that it became a piece of art. Now take the special effects from one of the most popular contemporary sci-fi movies ever created and blend them seamlessly into the framework of the gameplay. Add the most intelligent, gritty storyline you've ever seen and to finish off add the most sublime graphics to cross a PC screen since the dawn of time. You now have a game called Max Payne.

I have to admit I was sceptical about this release. Horrendously long development time, hype after hype about its `revolutionary' features it sounded disturbingly like the ill-fated Daikatana of late last year. Thankfully, I was wrong.

Max Payne is set in New York City, probably a couple of years ahead of our time since economic depression has set in and the pinstriped gangsters have reclaimed their old turf. Max is an undercover cop investigating the trade of a hyper addictive drug called Valkyr. His family was brutally murdered three years previously by Valkyr junkies and ol' Max has revenge on his mind.

The storyline is covered by a brilliantly drawn comic strip with short cut scenes covering some of the less significant events. Some top quality voice acting adds to the effect. The advantage of this is that each strip gets logged as it is uncovered so at any time you can review the storyline simply by hitting the F1 key. Along with this, each chapter begins with Max in some kind of nightmarish er...nightmare in which he re-lives the night of the killing of his wife and baby in a grizzly dreamscape. Very disturbing.

The game itself is effortlessly simple. The direction keys move you back and forth as well as strafing left and right whilst the mouse is used to aim like any self respecting first person shoot'em up. Weapons are fired with a click of the mouse and items are used by pressing the return key. And the right mouse button activates bullet time.

Bullet time. The item that sets Max Payne above every other action game and threatens to steal Half-Life's crown as best action game ever. Bullet time slows down every thing that is happening on the screen with the exception of Max's aiming crosshair, which can be moved around at regular speed. As the name suggests it also slows down the bullets of both you and your adversaries. This means you can dodge oncoming fire and get yourself out of trouble even when all seems helpless. Although slightly disorientating at first, once mastered bullet time gives Max the ability react at in-human speed even when grossly outnumbered (which happens a lot). Bullet time can be utilised in two ways either continuous (single click of the right mouse button) or `jump bullet time' which utilises the feature for the duration of a single dive in any direction (right click plus the direction in which you want to dive). The end result is that not only does it look extremely cool but it also adds a new dimension to gun fighting.

All of this looks even cooler with Max Payne's graphics. A warning: Do not attempt to play Max Payne if you have a PC or graphics card released more than 18 months ago. The graphics become blocky, the game stutters and a lot of enjoyment is lost. When run on optimum settings Max Payne is truly breathtaking. Each character has different expressions for different situations and, a feature which complements bullet time, each bullet is an individual model. What this means is that they actually exist in the game world. No more flash out the barrel followed by an impact with a far too distant enemy, if you fire a pistol it actually takes a noticeable amount of time to reach a far off target. This feature is taken to its peak with the sniper rifle, which, when fired on target will change the players perspective to that of the bullet as it travels at supersonic speed towards its target.

Max Payne, in my view, has put the final nail in the coffin of first person shoot'em ups outside multi-player arenas. Everything about this game is near perfection. I'm not joking. Buy this now.

fresh new shooting adventure

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is a very fun shooter ,especially because of the bullet time feature (that Matrix slowmotion effect)it's very fun to play. graphics are pretty good ,the backgrounds are goodlooking and the characters are very detailed. the sound is also atmospheric and sets the game in the right mood. The gameplay is alo well done ,it's a bit like hitman ,you run and use things with your keyboard and you aim with your mouse and shoot with your mouse . The downside of this game are the cutscenes , as good as the in game graphics are as bad are the cutscenes ,hey are just comicbook pictures!with a bad voice over just ripped from an old B gangster movie. But all in all it's a fresh new shooting game . a real recommendation!!!

Bullet time!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I was so glad i bought this game it is awsome. for one thing the bullet time was awsome. the graphips are very nice for the year it was made. go out and spend the $... it is soooo worth it. have fun

great game great graphics and ok story

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Man i love this game the graphics are great and you don't need a state of the art computer like this one guy said. I have a p2 350mhz 128mb ram and a geforce 4 mx440 and an old sound blaster. The game runs as smooth as silk with the medium graphics plus i'm only basing this on the demo but i'm going to buy the full game soon and if any of you watch x-play on tech-tv do not waste money on enter the matrix go buy max payne graphics are better,better story line,and way better gameplay. And so many mods. Please buy max payne or download the demo. Klik.

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