PC - Windows : Max Payne Reviews

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Gas Gauge 88
Below are user reviews of Max Payne and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Max Payne. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 92
Game FAQs
IGN 93
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (181 - 191 of 269)

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Fun but a little limited...

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 26, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Yeah, I know, I'm 3 years behind the curve here, but I've finally gotten around to loading the Max Payne CD I've had sitting around forever.

There's lots to like about this game; the cutscenes (which I usually hate) are in an entertaining graphic novel format that's well done & you can skip it if you're replaying after being killed. The voice acting is much better than most games. I love a number of the details such as the guy who was about to receive oral gratification from a hooker when Max barges in, shooting at you with his pants around his ankles. I laughed out loud at that & other similar details. The bullet time feature is especially helpful when you're faced with groups of bad guys, & the environment is probably the grittiest I've ever seen in a video game. The fact that Max pops pills to keep going is also a nice touch; no health packs laying around in corners in this game!

What I don't like are the linear aspects of this game. When walking down a street or a corridor, there may be 4 doors visible, but only 1 will open. There's no opportunity to explore your environment, & no curves; everything is square or rectangular. The gameplay of Max Payne is a shooter at it's most mindless; there are no choices other than which weapon you'll blow people away with & whether you'll do it in bullet time. Considering that Max Payne was released after Deus Ex & No One Lives Forever, with their fully realized worlds & multiple choices in strategy makes the developers simple-mindedness a little disappointing.

If Max Payne had the depth & variety of Deus Ex, it would rank as one of the best games ever made. Instead, it's simply a fun & inventive shooter.

biggest shame of the gaming industry ever.

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 4
Date: November 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User

this game came out half a decade ago. reviews on it stopped shortly afterwords. but to this day, i get enraged when i think about my awful experience in this game. coming to this review out of mild curiosity, and seeing the fossilized brainless fanboy droolings from 6 years ago in it, is the last straw.

in the name of the forces of light (and my seething resentment), i am digging up this games festering corpse, in order to properly ***** **** it into hell, where it belongs.

this, is the worst game ever made. to merely call it a bad game, would be like saying that getting stuck in a time warp in which you dying in a fiery, flying scrap metally 50 MPH car crash, once every 5 seconds, again and again, forever, is merely an unpleasant experience.

there have been many bad games made over the years. but this one would headshot all of those other bad games in 2 seconds flat. which happens to be the only type of combat that ever came from it.

not only did this game have nothing worth **** going for it, but it was full of irritation, pointlessness, boredom, depression, false promises, and some far more sinister offense against the mind, which was never distinct enough to identify. similar to something you might read in a lovecraft novel. only lovecraft would never have dared to traumatize the world with a book based off of this game.

the graphics were not good. they were depressing. they made me hate large cities even more than i already hate them. the graphics had the emotional effect of being swallowed alive, digested, and then passed by one of the band members of "emo".

if you want "graphics", than stop hounding game developers for them. look at a picture book instead. or, if you want to match this game to the mental development level that would find it interesting to play, a hello kitty coloring book.

the primary playstyle offered by this game, was to get you to reload the game as many times as possible. by being killed as swiftly and cheaply as possible. in a wide variety of infuriating, underhanded, downright smelly methods.

opponents that always know exactly where you are at all times, AND who possess the accuracy to almost always make a headshot against you? ESPECIALLY when you are up close to them, and their field of vision in which to see you, let alone accuratly aim at you, is supposed to be at its most limited?
and that is not when the opponent magicly materializes out of places where they have no reason to be. or places that they are not supposed to know to be, at just that EXACT moment in time. not that you could see them coming anyway, in the depressing darkness of this ultra-scripted combat, meat shredder game that you are being fed into.

opponents are not supposed to violently burst through windows and closed elevator doors, land on the ground, stabilize their center of gravity, get their bearing on their surroundings, notice you standing 5 feet away from them, aim at your exact location, and make a perfect head shot on you, ALL IN 1.5 SECONDS! and even if they could do it once (lame), then they are not supposed to do it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, LIKE CLOCKWORK! (ultra lame).

the 2 main things that the developers were doing over the 4 years of development, was watching porn (likely snuff films, if their game development style is any indicator), and inventing ******** ways to kill you. they certainly didn't spend 4 years working on the boring, pointless storyline, the ultra-brainless maps, the non-existant strategy use in the game, or that moronic excuse of a game feature called "bullet time" (after 10 mintues of playing, i re-named it "cheat time". because it ammounted to cheating against the computer. and it wasn't even cheating that gave you much of an advantage, because your opponents STILL had that ******* godlike awareness, flawless accuracy, and in some cases the hitpoints of 3 elephants which were all high on speed).

this game was about as enjoyable as working at a customer service station, at which you take abusive, stressful calls from angry customers all day.
accept such a job wouldn't be as tedious as playing this game (not as much pointless button pressing or endless savegame reloading), would involve more strategy than this game (defusing angry customers), involve more mental capacity than this game (listening skills and conflict resoluation skills), be more entertaining than this game (you could play with a pen and paperclips while you are being screamed at), be more educational than this game (you might learn new methods of insulting other people), be less mentally traumatizing than this game (the customers can merely yell at you. they cannot kill you from out of nowhere every 5 seconds, hundreds of times, like these opponents), and would compensate you for your time with a paycheck (you could eat at a restaurant with friends who don't **** you the **** off like this game does).

now as for YOU, reading this on your computer screen. if you thought that this was a good game, than you are a prime candidate for sterilization. your vile, easily amused, unthinking kind is directly responsible for the encouragment of truely horrible games like this filthy creature of the abyss. as long as subhumans like you are in a position to influence game development companies (and the penny pinching investment entities which practicly tell them how to make their games thse days), software atrocities like max payne will stay an ever present threat in the practicly dead PC gaming market. infact, scum like you are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the dark age of PC gaming which we are currently in, and will likely never recover from ever again.

so, to summarize my graffiti on the tombstone of this great satan of all games:

the forces of evil won control of the PC platform, it is all your fault you empty-headed *****, get yourself sterilized for the good of all mankind.

* and then max payne 3 was released. and the world ended as a direct result *

Max Payne is the BEST game out!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: November 16, 2001
Author: Amazon User

At first, i could not play this game because i did not have a graphics card that was good enough. Well, now i can play it and i cannot stop. This game has AMAZING graphics and bullet time is one of the coolest features i have ever seen in a game. The game is a little bit on the short side but in that time that you play it, you will not be able to stop. I like the game except for the shortness, and i also do not like the mazes at the end of each part. Overall, this is one of the best games out!!!!! Highly recommended!!!!

The best game ever!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This game is unbelievable. The game has been hyped and hyped beyond imagination. I must tell you, after hours and hours of playing this game, it has lived up to all the hype in the world 10 fold. If you even slightly like action or shooters, you will ditch your own wife for this game. The controls are very simple. The graphics are just unbelievable. You will need a very fast (geforce 2 or better) video card to handle the game. Max Payne was actually accounting for 80% of the reason i bought a Geforce 3 video card. While i was playing, I was amazed at every instant. The sound is great, most things u can interact with and the explosions are the best I have ever seen (and i have had more then my share of games). The music is great (much applaud to whoever compiled this music), it keeps you into the game like no music ever has. While playing this game, true to their word, you actually feel like you want to shoot these people. The storyline is unbelievable,too, with twists and turns at every corner. You fight your way to find out why your family has been killed as the mob and the law are fast on your tail. This game is more then half life, duke nukem, unreal tournament, and deus ex put together. This isn't another Half-Life, this game is in a league of its own. No multiplayer is almost dust in the wind when you get such an action packed, unlimited replay value of a single player. This is well worth 45 or 50 or even 100 dollars. This game is too good to be compared to anything ever created. This game goes far beyond the hype. Shootdodging will make you drool after you have done it for the first time. Your jaw will drop after you've jumped from a corner and unloaded on 4 guys with double uzi's. You CANNOT be dissappointed by this game if you like action or shooters AT ALL. This game deserves a million stars. A+. Much applaud to the makers who spent years developing a great, great game. A Max Payne sequel would be the greatest thing since the discovery of electricity!


3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User

When this game was first heard about, everyone and their mother it seemes was singing it's praises, glorifing it's name, and the like. it's a shoot em up game, nothing more. It's all about a cop's family that get killed by the mafia, and Mr. Payne goes on a rampage, killing all the mafia members he can, trying to get to the top boss. I played the demo, and while I do not have the game itself, I doubt I will buy it. I was disappointed; I was expecting more, but We all got a shoot em up game, and nothing very original.

max payne ... the downside

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is a great maxtrix stlye game with only one down side. There is no Joystick or gamepad support so your stuck trying to play a fast paced action game with only a keyboard and mouse. If you have a X-Box or PS2 get Max Payne for it. If not, then flood rockstargames.com with complaints and see if there is some way us PC gamers can get joystick and gamepad support for our version of Max Payne.

Again, too much hype.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 28, 2001
Author: Amazon User

The first time I read about Max Payne was something about 3 years ago on a very old edition of PCGAMER. After reading about it, and looking at in-game shots, one could say I was one, very exciting small kid. Ok, enough of that nostalgy, the game is out, let's see how it really is. GRAPHICS - There's no doubt that Remedy have given us one of the best visually games available on the PC market. The textures are sharp and clean, the facial animation is also superb, all in all, T&L in all its glory. I have to mention to Bullet Time effect which is great, special, Kudos REMEDY! Audio - Once again, as the graphics in this game, the music is also excellent, really immersive and on straight line with the plot. The speech is also really cool, altough Max talks familiar (Mr. Nukem anyone?). Gameplay - Ok, the gameplay is good, but I see it as the downfall of this game. What this game lacks is a variety of movements. I truly believe a slow walking, belly walking, etc, would have made wonders to the somewhat shallow gameplay. The lack of tactical aspect is a shame too. A more complex gaming, other than just walk here - kill that guy - walk there - kill this guy is really imoportant our days. The story is great, but the gameplay, compared to it, is simple and nothing special. Another downfall in this area is the length of this game. The game is very short, and the end-user would probably finish it by a weekend or so - so don't expect a long gaming experince. Now don't get me wrong, Max Payne is a fantastic 3rd person action game, even one of the best currently offered on the PC, but after 4 years in the making, and so much hype around it, I really expected a revolution, something new, better and fresh, and Max Payne is not all that. But than again, I have always been a 1rd person dude, Unreal Tournament anyone?

best all around game!

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I really did not think i would like this game. But, it is both challenging and fun. This is unlike any other game i have ever played. Worth buying most definetly.

Fun to play, but way too short for the price

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This game is a regular shooter with one great twist. The "bullet-time" innovation is a great addition to the Third-person-shooter genre. It allows your character to overcome odds that are stacked against you without body armor or superhuman powers. You take out bad guys in slow motion with your uzis or twin berettas, watching bullets whiz past you while your shots find their home. The shots that miss hit the wall, producing splinters, or they hit bottles or mirrors, shattering them to pieces. Bullet time is the highlight of the game. It never gets old.

But that's where the "greatness" ends. The storyline is mediocre. You just mow down the bosses lackeys, moving progressively on up the food chain until you kill the "big boss" at the end. The game has good action but it has nothing besides that. There is only one way to solve every problem and most rooms have only one exit. Go to room A, clear out the bad guys. Go to room B, clear out the bad guys, etc, etc, etc. There is no stealth whatsoever in this game. The enemy AI has one setting -- "always aware".

Worst of all, this is one of the shortest games that I have ever played - 12 hours, tops. Replayability is almost nonexistent. Each time that you replay the game, every item and enemy is in the same place. (Too bad that this game is making all of the "game of the year" lists. That means that all you have to do from now on is churn out 12-hour games with nice graphics and you have a blockbuster on your hands)

My recommendation? Wait until this one comes out in a jewel case.

Payne to the Max: Windows 95/98/2000/ME

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Don't but this game if you are running Windows XP Professional. I am running it on my machine and whenever I try to install it I am met with a frozen computer and no Max Payne. I thought it was just my CD rom until I tried installing it on another XP Pro machine and got the same problem. Believe me I have played and beaten this game. Its one of my favourites but save your money if you Run XP Pro.

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