PC - Windows : Max Payne Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Max Payne and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Max Payne. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 92
Game FAQs
IGN 93
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (201 - 211 of 269)

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No Payne, No Gain

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 17, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This is by far the best mindless game I've had ever played in ages. No puzzles. Very few of them. But if you are looking for great puzzles and side-splitting jokes, go play Escape from Monkey Island, which is the top of the janre. Max Payne is not for everyone. You should have some tolerance towards graphic violence. Even though the game is NOT about the puzzles, it has a solid story line. Play it for the second time. Then you will know what I mean. For all you games, just looking for good amount of bodycounts, this is the best game ever!

Without Question, Best Out

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 22, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I love the graphics. I love the blood. I love the pace. I love the whacky moves. I love the goofy theme. This game Rocks!

I have really played it

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 28, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is the John Woo game I have always wanted, with a little bit of Frank Miller's Sin City in the mix. The game story drives it. I keep mixing up the names of the gangsters, but who cares the graphics are great and you get to shoot people. It runs very well on a PIII 450, 256MB, and a 32MB GEFORCE2 MX. The gameplay is fun, a little bit challenging, and bullet time is sooooo cool you wish it had instant replay. The game is very stable so far, no crashes knock on wood. It's really fun to play. Mindless violence with a cool story. Now if they only could have made Max look like Chow Yun Fat. As for the multiplayer part missing, why would I want to play with you guys that rave about a game before you even have it. I would be interested in seeing a single player add on or user created MODS, I am sure multiplayer will come along, but this stands on its own and it's a hit....

Game of the year. Hands down.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Finally! I have been watching this game's production and developement for 2 years now, and I'm about as giddy as a schoolgirl now that it's out. I played the tutorial first, and as soon as I figured out how to "shootdodge" I could hardly contain myself. If you love the Matrix, You will LOVE this game! Shootdodge allows you to leap out to the side in slow motion, as individually pixelated bullets whizz by your head. For example, Shotgun buckshot pellets are all INDIVIDUALLY animated. So are bullet casings, which stay on the floor the entire level. One of the things that I never noticed before, but certainly do now, is how annoying it is to kill people and have them dissapear immediately. No More. In Max Payne, bullet holes in walls and items stay like that, as do bullet casings. if you shoot a briefcase full of cash, the little pieces of dollar notes float around in the air, while the briefcase material falls much more quickly. In one circumstance, you revisit a building that you had previously wiped clean with your dual berettas (!), to find that there were chalk outlines in the SAME PLACES where you had killed gangster muscle. I beat the game on easy mode in 2 days, but don't get me wrong, it takes about 16 hours to beat. The story was so interesting and involving I literally could not stop playing. I have gone back and replayed it already, I love the engine sooooooo much! There is nothing like sliding across the floor in slow motion with two uzi's wiping out gangsters in a matter of seconds...they never stand a chance :) It plays a lot like Nocturne, which was decent in it's own right. The graphic novel storyline which the game revolves around is very film-noire I really liked it, and his excellent metaphorical intros to each level are really outstanding. All in all it is excellent. So please do yourself a favor and buy it!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 30, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This is one of the best games i ever played! This game is for anyone who enjoyed the movie the Matrix. YOu can slow down time by pushing your mouse button, and the story line is gripping. If you are looking for a great game, this is it! I ran the game fine in full detail on my p3 600 with 256 ram and a 32 meg tnt2.

Max Payne Is The Best Action Movie I've Ever Played!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This has to be the best action game I have ever played, maybe even the best game I have ever played, and I play a lot of games! I love this game and I play it all the time. It is so cool! It has the best graphics around (If you have a good enough system to run it), lots of weapons, great gameplay, a great involving story and the coolest feature ever, Bullet-Time. There are also tons of game mods that are already out too. This game is worth every penny, if your an action game fan, you can't go wrong with Max Payne!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I like this game alot. Everything is great about it recomend it to everyone.

PC Version is the best version

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is really a wonderful source of gameplay. Best of all, for the PC version, there are tons of Modification sets that can be downloaded for free. I highly recommend this game for that reason. They really enhance gameplay in a way that cannot be done by the regular consoles. Though at times it is repetative and you will sometimes forget why you're shooting the next 35 people, it's rather fun.

A man with nothing to lose

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 19, 2004
Author: Amazon User

MaxPayne is the most original character ever made
His grin is what ruined it for me. This is one of rockstars best
games out to date. I still like 2 more but still were talking about a ground breaking classic that every pc owner should have. The pc versian looks way better than the ps2 and x box put together but over all max payne is an action adventure for any die hard fans. But if you want a true classic action adventure game.
Get Metal Gear Solid!
The story max payne is that.....
Max Payne, the New York police detective, has had a bad time of it recently, and it's time for payback. Three years ago, junkies high on a mysterious new narcotic called Valkyr slaughtered his wife and child. The tragedy drives him on a prolonged path of vengeance. It turns him from a detective looking for easy work to a deep undercover vice cop infiltrating the Mob to a hardened vigilante. Max Payne is a film-noir-inspired game about revenge that is unflinching in every way possible. It's dark and moody, extremely twisted, and turns PC action gaming on its ear by featuring state-of-the-art graphics, audio, and cinematic action.


John Woo would be proud...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 15, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I usually don't review a video game unless it really strikes my fancy. Max Payne did that and more. As a whole, it really is just another third-person shooter where you wonder from room to room killing as many bad guys as possible while a super cliched plot developes around the action.

What the hell is wrong with that?!?!

Stylistically, it would be hard to find this game's equal. This game has film-noir written all over it with nods to Hong Kong action visionary; John Woo. To the dirtiest of slums, to creepy Satanic feel of Punchenello's night club, Max Payne presents a gritty atmosphere that doesn't let up. Never does a level feel out of place in the game, which makes the game more engrossing.

The story is of the "been there, seen that" variety. However, not many can pull it off with the style the directors did in this game. While in many a moments very cheesy, it fits the tone of the game extremely well and plays to the overal hopelessness that is our anti-hero Max Payne. The story is told like in a graphic novel format that breaks up the action. The facial expressions of Max himself make these scenes a real treat. The graphics are quite good. Character models look pretty good as do the lo-cals and the weapons.

The mechanics of the game are what really makes this game shine. The action itself is smooth as silk, keeping the flow of the game seeming natural and never jarring. The save system is extremely liberal(meaning save anywhere)which makes things even better.The bullet-time is both beautiful to watch as it usefull to you sucess in the game, making more than just a pretty feature. Some slight dips in frame rate are the only minor problem I noticed in play mechanics(it occasionally makes gun fights more difficult). But when your blasting some punk with double barretts that would make Chou-Yun Fat blush, do you really care?

Its not the perfect game(it also tends to be a bit repetetive sometimes), but is certainly a good start. With a openended conlusion, one can only hope we'll be seeing more of our renegade NYC cop in action sometime in the future...

p.s. is it just me, or does the cover picture of Max Payne make him look like Jason Newsted(former bassplayer for Metallica)?

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