Playstation : Legend of Dragoon, The Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Legend of Dragoon, The and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Legend of Dragoon, The. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

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User Reviews (1 - 11 of 309)

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why can't you recycle these things!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 6
Date: January 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User

i feel so bad throwing out perfectly good plastic like this. this game is awwful, they should have made it recyclable.

this is the best you can do!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User

this is not a good RPG! i guess i'm spoiled from playing FF games, and Ogre battle, it just is nothing compared to them.

slow loading

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User

this game loads slower than my grandma walking to the neigbors house. thats slow, and even slower on the PS1

Buy Final Fantasy VIII instead of this peice of junk

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 9
Date: July 15, 2000
Author: Amazon User

Before buying this game, look at ANY review by a professional reviewer, such as in the magazines/ internet sites EGM, PSM, or ign.psx (recommended). You can even look at the two biggest RPG (role- playing game) sites on the net, rpgamer and thegia (URL's aren't allowed in amazon reviews). EVERY ONE has given this game anything from a 1/5 to a 5/10, very bad scores. Do you know why? It's because Sony has tried to rip everything off the Final Fantasy series but has failed on every level except graphics. It has claimed to be the "Final Fantasy killer" but comes nowhere near. This is Sony's first attempt at an RPG and IT SHOWS! Three years in the making and nothing to show for it.

Basically, the problem with this game is that it isn't fun. The worst of many flaws is that the battle engine is extremely tedious, the text reads like it was translated by third- graders, and the characters and plot is the most overused, unoriginal, and uninteresting that I've ever seen. I don't want anyone to make same the mistake of buying it. The reason why it has received such good reader reveiws is because those readers haven't played enough RPG's to see how unoriginal this title is, or they just were really impressed by the graphics.

The graphics and FMV are GREAT but nothing can make up for the mess that is the rest of the game. Maybe if you like graphics you should just rent the CD and watch the FMV's with a .str player available off the internet or watch Star Wars: Episode One again, because it has much better CG than LOD. Many of the good reader reviews are also because those readers saw lowsy professional reviews for the game and got angry and defensive. None of those readers mentioned those terrible reviews given by professional reveiwers, though, so I'm telling you now. Try Final Fantasy VIII, Xenogears, Legend of Mana, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics, Castlevania, Breath of Fire III, or just about any other game before trying.

If I could,I'd banish it to the underworld

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 6
Date: May 27, 2001
Author: Amazon User

My God that game [was no good]!Idon't know what my friend was thinking when he said it was freaking great.He said it was better than a Final Fantasy game.

There's not nearly enough spells,the characters speach makes no sense,and it ripped off every freaking RPG I played.An example is the Winglie tribe.They age slowly,just like Nanaki's tribe in FF7.

They should pay you to buy this game!Just from the start,when I read the box,I knew it was a dud.

The box should come with a warning label stating:"WARNING THIS GAME HAS NO ORIGINAL CONTENT"

I don't know how it got a 4.5 average,but I guess some people must've liked it...

In fact I'm writing a game with better content than LOD.I call it Cat Up Program(C-U-P).Here the story:Cat crosses a road with no apparent danger.Guide Cat across a road of truth,lies,and magical combat.That in itself has already bested LOD.

Good Day

What a disaster of a game!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 10
Date: June 07, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Is there anything I don't hate about this game??

First of all, the characters. To me, the cast of characters should lift the story up and bring you along.
I've never seen such a horrible cast of a game.

The hero seems to be completely brain-dead without any oppinion at all, he is pushed around by every girl he meets and agrees to anything they say. He basically dosen't have any feelings at all.

Then there's Shana, his love interest. Oh, right, the game tries to make it non-obvious that they will fall in love.
Especially a scene in the castle, there are 3 girls and only one dress, boo-hoo, who should where it?
Shana: Maybe I can wear it?
Yes, how non-intentional, then Hero and Shana fall in love. Yuck!
But the worst part about Shana is how un-caring she is.
One of the hero's best friends dies, it is a very emotional time in his life.
What does she tell him?
"We should be happy! Your friend would have wanted that!"
And the hero agrees!!!
If somebody would have said that to me when my best friend died, I would never speak to them again!

Then there's the "dark bimbo" character, a brat anime girl, some giant.
They couldn't have screwed up the giant any worse, instead of his growling sounds when he attacks, he has the sound of - the hero's dead best friend!!!

But the character who is the worst of them all, is some man in purple who tags along. I'll call him Idiot for this example.
Idiot has a kind, caring and love-able daughter who tries her best at all.
She and her dads starts talking, he gets angry and accuses her of something she didn't do, she pleads him for forgiveness.
What does he do?
He SLAPS her.
Understandable, she runs away from home and dosen't come back again.
But guess what?
mr Idiot joins your team with the sob story "I don't know why my daughter ran away, boo-hoo, I have to find her."
And guess what - hero dosen't care!
URGH, I hated Idiot so much, he was the reason I stopped playing.

The battle system was awful, you have to do combos for the character to be able to hit. Every single battle.
You are not allowed to bring more than 32 items - including HP refillments!
So you have to spend half of the battle defending to get HP backm, and the monster stills hits your other characters, so your HP never gets full anyway.

I hated this game so much.

you can't change the ending

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 6
Date: January 24, 2001
Author: Amazon User

unlike crono cross, or other RPG's, there are no alternative endings

A waste

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 13
Date: November 10, 2000
Author: Amazon User

There is little to say that hasn't been said. I didn't even make it to the end of the first disk. Why did I have to get psychoanalyzed by some weird woman? Why, exactly, did I have to enter the tournament? Why was there an unwinnable battle at the end of it with a guy who looked like a cross between Sephiroth and Lee Chaolan? And why - this is where I said the rental place could have the game back - did I have to play these idiotic minigames after the tournament?

Now look. I *like* mini-games ... when they're used well. The motorcycle chase, the snow-boarding, etc., in FF7 served to break things up a bit and add a bit of variety. But I don't like being *forced* to play them when there is no compelling plot reason, especially when the games themselves make little sense.

That probably sounds pretty petty, so let me go on a bit. Why is the female romantic lead sweet and innocent and pure and using the White gem (and dressed in white)? She's just another damsel-in-distress; you have to rescue her *twice* on the first disk. Dart is boring, Lavitz is ... well ... boring ... Rose could have become interesting, but nothing much was being done with her.

Musically and graphically undistinguished (while it has some great stuff, most of it wasn't particularly impressive). The dragoon idea was interesting, but handled very clumsily. Pity.

A severe disappointment. Avoid this game at all costs!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 8 / 18
Date: July 08, 2000
Author: Amazon User

I tried to like this game. I really, really tried. It looks very impressive upon first glance. 4 discs, excellent FMV, a nice opening vocal. Looks pretty good, right?


From beginning to end, Legend of Dragoon is something you should definitely avoid. Why, you ask? The answer is simple.

First, I'll start of by describing a plot:

A young, tortured soul returns to his hometown only to find it destroyed and his girlfriend kidnapped. Then, he goes and saves her. In the process of protecting her, they (the main characters) get caught up in something...bigger. That's about it people. There's not much originality thrown into here.

Now, the audio. Sound effects are okay, the voice acting is robotic at best and downright pitiful at worst. The music seems good if you've only heard the opening vocal, but let me tell you, folks, other than the ending theme, the soundtrack is absolute garbage. No interesting movies show up until the second disc, which is a pity, because there is nothing else that could possibly make me like this game.

Avoid at all costs.

not better than FF

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User

sony said their game would beat FF games, this game ..., it can't beat Quest 64!

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