PC - Windows : Deus EX Reviews

Gas Gauge: 89
Gas Gauge 89
Below are user reviews of Deus EX and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Deus EX. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 82
Game FAQs
CVG 94
IGN 94
GameZone 90
Game Revolution 85

User Reviews (71 - 81 of 186)

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This Game is Awesome

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 06, 2000
Author: Amazon User

This game is the best. The graphics are great, real world locals like china, new york, paris, area 51. It is the coolest, i've never played an RPG before and i thought it was awesome. Great gameplay, weapons, and storyline. Buy this game, NOW.

In My Opinion the Most Successful Atempt at a ...........

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 27, 2000
Author: Amazon User

In My Opinion the Most Successful Atempt at a First Person RPG. This game will keep you playing with all the hidden secrets and the wonderful enemies that you will face in this game. The thing that makes this game shine is the fact that you may have to use a brain cell or two to figure things out unlike a lot of the games out where you just have to shoot things =). You start the game out at Liberty Island, and you must stop a terrorist group that has taken over the Statue of Liberty. The plot continues and thickens, but that is for you to find out. Pick this game up at your local game store for sure.

The best new first person shooter, bar none

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 22, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Deus Ex, in my book, is the game of the year. The replay value is tremendous. The different ways you can build your character allow a curiosity to replay the game in a different fashion than you may have started with. The game is very flexible in how you approach the goals given to you in each stage.

The ability to upgrade different skills allows you to explore more areas. Exploring more areas gives you bonus points to further upgrade, and so on. The better you play, the better your character becomes.

The various weapons are quite useful, and upgradeable, with mods and skill upgrades, thus becoming very acuarate and powerful. The GEP gun and sniper rifle are a couple of my favorites.

The game has a nice layout for the toolbelt and augments. The augments are found throughout the game, and allow you to upgrade your body. (vision, cloak, speed, etc.) Depending on how you pick these out you will have certain advantages/disadvantages in certain scenarios. This was very well thought out. (replay value) Deus Ex takes notes for you! What a time saver. Press F2 and check out what you learned.

I have no major quarrels with this game except that I wish the sniper rifle had a tripod mod. 8) The game does seem to take quite a few resources. I'm runnning a 733 @ 133Mhz bus with 128MB, and I can't push the graphics too hard. Even with the Geforce 32MB. I make sure to kill other tasks before launch. The only other con I've noticed is the dialect in close up talk with other characters seems a litte "Godzilla-ish", but it's no big deal.

Deu Ex gets major thumbs up from me. Great visual quality. Multiple ending options, none of which I've selected yet. (I'm right at the decision point.) Great sound, save the affore mentioned "Godzilla-ish" thing. Many ways to complete tasks. Easy game play. Lastly, good replay value, which is now more enhanced due to a multiplayer patch available from the Deus Ex web-site.

If you like FPS games, and you do not have Deus Ex yet... Shame on you. Get a move on!

Excellent game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 13, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I've been playing this game every chance I get, which doesn't seem to be often enough. I'm currently only in Hong Kong, but everything I've gone through so far has been really cool. The story is excellent, the game play is sharp, and anyone who has ever handled a gun should recognize it doesn't hold as steady as many FPS's would have you believe. Which is why I like the sniper rifle's movement when you zoom in. It's another touch of realism to the game. So yeah, this game is a winner by my book.

I'd also like to point out my system. I have a PII 350, 256MB of RAM, and a Viper V770 video card, and this game runs like a champ on my system. I did have to lower a couple settings a little, but it hasn't hindered my game play at all, and everything still looks sharp. So in conclusion, I'd like to say, to all of you who have GeForce 2s and PIIIs and still can't get the game to run well... Haha! Keep upgrading, maybe that will help! Or just get yourself a PII and a Viper V770.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 11, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This is the best game ever. The graphics are outdated, even for when it was released (2000), but it doesn't matter. The story is amazing, and the music is actually something I'd listen to in a CD player.

Great characters- There are at least 15 well-developed characters in this game(as opposed to the usual 0), and I was amazed at how upset I got when my favorite character died.

Great weapons- There were twenty-three weapons to choose from (you could carry up to seven of them), and 5 variant ammo types. Each one had a unique feel, and was balanced well.

Great customization system- you can distribute skill points into certain categories such as pistol (your aim is better, you do more damage, you reload faster), medical (medkits heal you better), heavy (you can walk faster while carrying big guns), etc.

There are also weapon mods- laser, silencer, reload, clip size, recoil, range.

There are ALSO augmentations- Strength, Healing, Cloaking, Radar Cloaking, Speed...

VERY rich environments, quite non-linear- I don't know anyone who's found all the things you can see in the game before playing through at least three times.

The Bad AI is sort of a letdown, but if you compare it to Soldier of Fortune 2 (They know exactly where you are if they see you once), I'd prefer Deus Ex's AI.


Summary- Buy the game because it's the best thing ever.

it is very ery good you guys

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: April 14, 2002
Author: Amazon User

this game is staring to age but it is very very good still. it is very immersive and the experience is rewarding. this game is worth getting and its sequel is very anticipated

One of the Greatest

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 28, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I am going to avoid simple praise and tell you what makes this game great. It's based in a surreal premise of real life conspiracies that draws you deeply into its awesome storyline. The first person action/roleplaying system is great and you'll rarely feel hindered by your weapon choices. The action may be a little slow but the great controls make up for it. Never will you reach a point in the game that you can not pass. If you do, it is because you are not looking hard enough. There are vents, shafts, keypads, and doors begging to be picked all around allowing you to make your decision and follow -your- path. All sorts of weapons and ammo are available. You can have a hand crossbow but various ammo make it an indispensable tool! Flare, sleeping, arrow darts are at your disposal. Weapons are also customizable allowing you to make your full automatic machine gun have a scope or perhaps a silencer. If you like roleplaying or action games this is for you. You will never forget sneaking into an enemy mob compound to steal a dragon laser sword for an allied triad to turn the tides of a clan war.
-Keep gaming!

Cheat or Time on your hands?

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 19, 2003
Author: Amazon User

First, I really enjoy this game and average about 2 hours per day because, like they say the game has a mind of its own. What
I believe is that they game is set to reward stealth and non combat or sniping over a slashing offensive. Even a well conceived line of retreat is frequently thwarted by an inexplicable person with a one shot kill on you at 100 yds. Last night for example I could easily sneak by "Bots", but a
"Lam" or high explosive granade at their feet had no effect.
Also, a shotgun slug or "sabbot" to the head frequently doesn't kill. The most reliable arm in the game is a high tech sword
from behind.(Kills everything but Bots} Another bad feature is
you can spend hours to find the game's preferred route or look it
up in a walkthrough cheat. Maybe some games are designed to sell books. I am currently cornered in a cathedral courtyard by
2 Bots and various others. TIP save your game after all tough
encounters, then continue. Game's not all bad or all good, but
all in all entertaining, like being in an action adventure series, or like a wild dream you can shut down at 2:00AM. I hope
that the new game Deus-ex II will delete the programmer preferences and allow user selected game style choices. "oh, your're going to be macho? we'll fix you" should be deleted because it defeats even a well conceived attack in favor of hide
and sneak. Example: I set of an alarm to draw out 4 guards to
a proximity granade "LAM" it goes off killing one 3 attack me.
Pick them off one by one with a sniper rifle, no attack. Oh well.

The best game ever !!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 19, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This is my favorite game. It is a first person shooter with an excellent story line. There are countless ways to accomplish each mission and I have never seen another game that lets you interact with the games environment to the extent that this game does. I've heard others complain that the graphics weren't stunning, but I thought the graphics were quite good. I couldn't believe they could pack that much game on one cd. I was pleasently surprized when the levels kept commig and comming. When I finally finished the game it was such a letdown. I wanted more. Unfortunately, I am now compairing every game I play to deus ex and I haven't found any that come close. Buy this game while it's still availible!

Duke Nukem for the intelligensia of society

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 07, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Finally, an intelligent shoot-em-up game. After ages of mind-numbing rapid firing "ooh look at the blood spurt out of that guy's neck" games, comes Deus Ex, which combines basic elements of shoot-em-up games, a pretty advanced stealth engine (not unlike that of Thief), and international government/terrorist conspiracies, providing many hours of constantly twisting storyline, sneaking around complex mazes, and (for the simpler of us) shooting people. A must for any serious gamer. Warning: Do not expect to get much sleep while playing this game.

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