Below are user reviews of Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (461 - 471 of 505)
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Adventure Awakened for a New Generation
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 10, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I'm the first to admit that when I first saw the new "cartoony" look of the latest entry into my favorite game franchise, I was astounded, disappointed, and rather furious. The realistic demo had held so much promise for a dyed-in-the-wool Zelda fan like me, and the cel-shaded visuals really came as a slap in the face to a fan who wanted more story and a darker tone for the next generation of Zelda.
However, my fears were groundless, to say the least. In fact, this is perhaps the darkest, most story-heavy game in the Zelda series, and it is also one of the best games this generation.
The game starts like most Zeldas. You're a young boy who has to go on a quest. However, in The Wind Waker, the beginning is a lot closer to home. Your sister is kidnapped, and it's up to you to save her, with the help of a talking boat and a mischevious young pirate queen. Of course, from there, you learn more about your water-coated world, what happened to the heroes and villains of the past, and the identity of a certain Princess. There are also some very dark themes than run just under the surface, and are an interesting counter to the game's lighthearted look.
Which brings me to the graphics. They're beautiful. It's that simple. Everything from the weather effects to the characters to the battles to the real-time cutscenes scream Zelda in a way that even the hallowed Ocarina of Time never achieved. It seriously looks like someone ripped Link to the Past from it's roots and set it up in the 3rd dimension, adding so many little details and so much polish that it makes you wonder if a realistic Zelda could ever be what we thought it could be. To all naysayers (and I know there are still a few), give it a chance. By the time you witness your first thunder storm on the open ocean, or see a sunrise over foggy islands, you'll be convinced.
However, no Zelda game would be complete without gameplay that is perfect to a "T" and Wind Waker delivers. Taking what was good from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and making it even better, Wind Waker stands tall as the best gameplay experience in the Zelda series. The watery overworld conveys a sense of size and potential for discovery that has rarely been seen in gaming before. The dungeons are bigger, the puzzles are more complicated, the boss fights are more rewarding and cinematic, and the standard combat is made even better. For instance, with the press of a button, Link performs a dodge maneuver that either sends him rolling out of harm's way or leaping over an opponent, then delivering a bone-shattering blow. This simple addition makes fighting even the most basic enemies all the more stylish and enjoyable. Add to that more side quests than you can shake two sticks at, and you've got the makings of a fantastic Zelda game.
There are some gripes with the game as a whole. Considering the genius inherent in the game's six (or seven or eight, depending on how you count) dungeons, it would have been nice to see even more. Also, the final stage of the game, which sees you gathering pieces of the Tri-Force, can be tedious if you don't have a large enough wallet or enough patience. However, there are moments that offset this. Like the fight in the undersea castle after first reclaiming the Master Sword, or the final battle with Ganon atop a crumbling tower. There are so many great things in this title that harping on the small flaws seems petty at best.
After all, if it were a perfect game, the faries would get mad.
It stands as a testament to the quality of the Zelda series that a game as engaging and incredible as The Wind Waker can be viewed as having any problems at all. However, if you love adventure games at all, or have a soft spot for Nintendo, or have a tendancy to dress in green, carry a sword, and hit chickens, then this game is, without a doubt, made for your enjoyment. Don't deny yourself this entertainment. Purchase today.
Zelda is the best!!!![.]4 sure.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 29, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Zelda is always gonna be the best game in the world.
Windwaker is no exeption. I liked the cell shading. It was cool but the cartooniness of it turned me off at first. But when u play it and look around u see that everything is perfect. The cartooniness of it made the graphics awesome. It looks super cool.
The grass moves in the wind, Links hat wiggles around etc.
If u like Zelda games get this one trust me u wont regret it.
Our hero is back
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
People are all picky about the new graphics of the new zelda. but they have only seen pictures. I have seen videos on the internet and I was stunned. I nearly melted when i saw the action packed little link run around in the new cell shaded zelda world. The smoke from bomb explosions are amazing. I think that the new style of zelda graphics is becoming of the zelda legend. the story is a fairy tale fantasy, and the cartoonie new world fits the fantasy perfectly. To emence your self into the colorful and welcoming new world would be a great setting to the zelda world. Now that the game world has evolved, I think that it is only fit that our hero link changes to. The boy is on a new mission. I THINK THAT THE DRASTIC CHANGE IS GREAT FOR THE NEW ZELDA, THE LAST TWO TITLES ON 64 WERE PRETTY SIMILAR, SO THIS ZELDA IS A WHOLE NEW EXPERIENCE. If i could I would give the game about 8 stars ******** it doesnt matter if you have never played a LoZ game or dont even like the whole story. this is a whole new thing. The game is emence and will engulf you in the best gaming pleasure ever. The game is getting awsome reviews from every where. THIS GAME IS A MUST HAVE!!!!!! Every body is sceptical at first, just look in to it . I know you'll like it . Im out, Laterz
Pretty Good
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Really I must admit when I first bought this game it was only to get the bonus cd with Ocarina of Time and Ocarina of Time Master Quest. But Windwaker did ok. The gameplay of Windwaker is good and the idea of applying it to the sea is pretty cool but the way Windwaker was implemented into the Zelda storyline was not very good. I did find this game a little more challenging than Ocarina of Time so you can tell Nintendo is starting to make their games more challenging which, is a good sign.
Genuis! But....
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Simply put, this game is a stroke of pure genuis. I don't know why I haven't writen a review up until now since I bought the game the very moment it came out! Probably because during my first play I was somewhat dissappointed. Having played close to all Zeldas, I just felt something was missing from this one, and couldn't put my finger on it until now.
But in all fairness, I decided to play again and the whole thing just grew on me. For one, the cell-shading was practically a work of art! I mean this is a beautiful game. Eye Candy would be a great term to use in describing it along with all of the excellent special effects.
The sound effects were the best yet I've ever heard in any video game, and the controls were nothing but perfect.
But here's the problem--this particular style (cell-shading) robbed Link of too much of his sophistication. This is due to the fact that the little guy is a tough warrior and this particular style was just too PRETTY for him. Second, I found the game was far too easy, and too short. Thrid, the music in many of the fighting scenes with bosses was a bit too weak.
Other than these four short comings (which is why I docked a star from it) it is an excellent game with a lot of wonderful innovations.
But I can't wait for the new Zelda which was recently announced this year. It will be all 3-D, and Link is SERIOUS again!
I could never give any less
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 16, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Though I AM disappointed with the graphics, this is an awesome game. It's got great game play, excellent controls and beautiful colours.
First, the storyline: definitely not as good as the others but it has it's pros too. PROS/ I like how Tetra is really Zelda in disguise. Ganondorf makes his appearance. CONS/ Link is not really Link. The guy you control who RESEMBLES Link is actually just a boy who dresses in Link clothing and takes the legendary sword and shield. The water filled base, it's cool at first and maybe if it was smaller but most of the whole map/world is water and it gets annoying when you're trying to sail and everytime you want to go another way you have to play the song.
The temples: Only a couple, somewhat of a challenge, pretty well done. I love the enemies and the fact that you have to sneak around under a barrel just so you won't get caught. Puzzling but not as hard as OoT and some of the parts in MM.
The characters: The only character I really like is Tetra and Ganondorf. It would have been a lot better if you were playing as the real Link but you're not. You can pretend all you want but firstly, Link doesn't have a sister (especially a sissy one who would get captured) and secondly, Link does not show much emotion. The main reason for cel shading this game was to have the so-called Link show emotions but in my views, Link is a tough guy who doesn't like to show much emotion. See the facial gestures in Oot, MM and Super Smash Bros. Melee.
In all, this is an excellent game to play, the temples and underground caves are fun to play and the items are cool and interesting. Tingle is the same weirdo as always and the "small fry" fish is cool. Okay well that's all I can write since my computer is messing up royal, anyways, this is an amazing game and I suggest you buy it especially if you enjoyed the other Zelda games. A good edition.
Wind waker
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 13, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Once again Nintendo rewards it's fans with another masterpiece.
Remeber Pong and Super mario bros. cheesy graphics. Did they matter? No. Nintendo has long taught us that games are fun not because of graphics, but because of innovation and Game play(story, mechanics). But this game succeeds in all categories. The latest innstallment of The Legend of Zelda has by far the best art style in any game to this date. I admire Nintendo for breaking out of the norm of games and daring to create a new experience. This game far exeeded my expectations. Magnificent gmaeplay, wonderful story, interesting new characters and amazing graphics. I love the addition of the grappling hook, swinging around on ropes and chandelleers is addicting. If a game can introduce a new style and completly immerse you in them within seconds, that is success. This game does just that. As usual their is plenty of side quests to keep you playing for months on end. As with Majora's Mask this game also allows you to play as other character in certain levels. Another great addition is the expressions on Links face. He glances around(helping you with clues), grunts with heavy lifting and much more. The attention to the slightest details have all been paid. For instance the ropes holding the bridges can be cut or torn resulting in a dangerous situation for whoever crosses it. There is always two ways to completing a puzzel. The environment is by far the largest of the series, plenty of islands to explore. This game has a gentle learning curve and is very rewarding. As with the first Zelda the second time through offers new elements.
I highly reccomend buying this game, it is a gem in the History of Nintendo.
The Legend of Zelda:The Windwaker
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
THis game is totally awesome.A must for all zelda fans. I think the new cell shaded graphics are really cool and add a nice tuoch to the game and the story line is really cool. One bad thing is in the beginning it takes forever to get from one island to another. Over all this game was great.Great fight scenes and many different items.
Not Bad.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 23, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is not one of the worst games in the series, nor is it the best. It is, however, a fun, slightly cartoonish game for all ages.
The Graphics-
The new graphics are not really that much of an improvement. I preferred the way the old Link looked, instead of this chibi one. But the cel shading on the environment is spectacular.
The Storyline-
Once again, the storyline is subpar. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but it's all a bit cliche. In other Zelda games, like the Majora's Mask, you really got to know dozens of characters, and the game gave itself a personal feel. In this one, it's more "beat bosses" and therefore was not that fun. Side quests are neat!
Overall Gameplay-
Although my review makes the game seem terrible, it does have its good points. For instance:
-Taking pictures of virtually anything and saving them for posterity. (Link gets a camera at one point in the game)
-Incredible graphics (I especially like the way the sky changes)
-A new dimension of gameplay, in the form of wind and a boat.
-A few hidden things that make the game a little more interesting. (Beat the game twice, and the second time you can understand Ancients and also the characters' clothes are different)
-Finally, the quality that Zelda has retained in its many years. and that has drawn so many fans.
So my advice is, if you like the Zelda series, this game is a smart buy.
Link's pro debut on the gamecube
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User
When the demo at E3 showed a cartoony Link jumping around, everyone said that it would never catch on.
This is probably the best game on the gamecube at the moment, and here's why.
The graphics are beautifull, as nintendo have ditched the realistic look and have gone for the cartoony disney look. The controls are easy to use and the story is one of the best so far. It would take more than 1,000 words to describe every good bit of this game
However, this game is a little on the short side and the sailing sections can be boring in some places. But despite these few flaws, the wind waker is a brilliant game that will make you weep when it's over.