Playstation 2 : Jak II Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Jak II and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Jak II. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 91
IGN 95
GameSpy 40
GameZone 97
Game Revolution 85
1UP 85

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 259)

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Hard yet Beautiful

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 31, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Jak 2 is the sequel to the Jak and Daxter franchise. Its is much darker and much more complex. It is also much more realistic. This game is for hardcore thinkers and gamers. Action and puzzle sequences fuse together to create an honestly unique game play. There is occasional language but it is usually necessary in this game to help the darkness. This game is the pinnacle of great gaming for the ps2.

Does everything HAVE to be Grand Theft Auto?

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 13, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Let it be said that I like platformers, I like adventure games, and I don't need everything to be "adult" to have fun. Half of my game collection are the "kiddie" games with surprisingly deep gameplay and well-crafted art direction. With that in mind, the first "Jak & Daxter" game fit right in with me and my tastes. Since the two sequels (of which this is one) also got such high marks, I picked them up as well.

I'm now wishing I'd saved my money.

I'm not as put off by the "mature" content of "Jak II" as many of the other 3-star-and-under reviewers, but I do feel like it's been shoe-horned in to try and make a game more "appealing" to an adult crowd. (It reminds me of what Ubisoft did for "Prince of Persia: Warrior Within" in a sense - give us a gritty anti-hero who's really just annoying.) I find the difficulty level on par with the original "Crash Bandicoot," I loathe the vehicle use, and the whole cityscape and subsequent interaction feels like a direct copy of the "Grand Theft Auto" series.

What I wanted was a fun, funny, challenging-but-not-frustrating platformer with an enjoyable storyline, like the first game. What I got was a clumsy crime-spree-laden and angst-ridden amalgam of all the things that appeal to the hardcore-gamer and/or frat-boy demographics. What happened?

Good game...but...

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 05, 2008
Author: Amazon User

We loved Jak I and my oldest daughter (10) has been wanting Jak 2 for a while now and so I finally ordered it. We think the game is graet and MUCH bigger than the first but my one gripe is the language that is used. I know it is rated T for Teen but I didn't appreciate the foul language that is used. I don't know if giving you examples would be apprpriate or not so I will not. That upset me about the game but it is otherwise a good game.

Not that it Matters

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 8 / 11
Date: November 18, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I'm going to be the oddball of this situation. I'm sure the rest of the positive reviews will lead anyone to buy this game if they want it. I, however, do not like this game or the third Jak one bit.

For me, it is just utterly and completely too different from the first Jak and Daxter. I'm sure I don't like it ,also, because I much prefer a nice adventure game with a silent character than an attitude filled character in a seemingly futuristic shooting game. Jak has changed a lot and I do not like the change made. The plot line is not even related in the slightest bit to the first Jak. There is also an excess amount of violence and cursing. This game is no longer fit for people and children of younger ages. It is extrememly disappointing that they have made these two sweet characters into a derogatory bunch of simply . . . pottymouths!

I know that most people have enjoyed the change, but I for one do not. I only wanted my opinion to be known and if anyone feels the same about the change they will know of it as well.

The Best of the Series

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 16, 2007
Author: Amazon User

First of all, let me say, if you're expecting a game that is basically the same thing as The Precursor Legacy only with better graphics... you're in for a huge surprise. This darker, grittier game will appeal to fans of games like Halo, Grand Theft Auto, Ratchet & Clank, and so on. You will also find a lot of fangirls addicted to this game. Why? Because for once, one of the villains is attractive.

JakII starts out exactly where TPL left off until our heroes are dumped in the sprawling metropolis dystopia of Haven City through the Rift Gate found in the "Secret Ending" of the last game. After two years in prison, Jak is mad as a hornet and seeking revenge. It becomes more than a quest for revenge, however, as bigger things unfold...

While the game in itself is one of the hardest games I have ever picked up, tied only with Halo for the PC, your sense of winning the hardest missions more than makes up for it. In terms of storyline, it is an epic tale that didn't need Jak3 to complete it. In terms of storyline, voice acting, characters, and the variety of scenery, it is the best in the series and totally drop-kicks TPL and Jak3 out the window.

Some Pros and Cons Include:
PROS - excellent graphics for its time, an epic storyline that rivals anything R&C puts out and even the Halo series, colorful and unique characters that will make more than a few fangirls squeal in joy, a large variety of scenery and levels, and a new breed of terror, Metal Heads.

CONS - the Metal Heads, despite all their unmistakable awesomness, rather remind the player of the Covenant from the Halo series; some missions are insanely hard with few or no checkpoints, and the sudden turn from friendly to gritty may switch off fans of TPL.

I say - those fans of TPL can stop complaining. This game has a T rating for a very good reason, so don't pick it up expecting to be able to play it with your eight-year-old. The storyline alone will keep fans and newcomers alike glued to the screen, determined to beat a mission to see what new information will turn up next. Don't overlook this PS2 beauty, for without a doubt, it is one of the PS2's crowning glories. What is interesting is what a huge fan base each male character has, even one of the key villains, and it makes perfect sense. At least Naughty Dog stepped away from the cliche "he's-evil-so-he's-ugly" standard for male villains, at least until Jak3...

And don't do what I did and get Jak3 first, then TPL, then JakII, then JakX. It gets kind of confusing!

A disappointment.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 27, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This review might sound a bit like the one from "swingoutsisterguy," but I share a lot of the same opinions. Don't get me wrong. The graphics on this game are very nice, the sound quality is nice, and the gameplay could've been nice if I had been able to figure it out.

The main problem I had with it was I kept getting lost, even with using the map. I'm sure this game is getting great reviews from others in the fact that the worlds are so large, but it didn't work very well for me, as a beginner.

Also, the gameplay was pretty awkward. The bad guys in the game would walk right past me, and if I ignored them, they would leave me alone. But if I started attacking them, which I assume was one of the points in the game, a million bad guys would come out of nowhere and kill me, even though I was shooting like crazy.

I do not get easily offended by profanity in movies and stuff, but I do not think profanity and video games mix, especially in animated adventure-type games. That's another part of what made this game more unenjoyable.


4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 18, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I like this game because it was more edgier (Jak and Daxter was a bit too rated E for me) and I liked the guns. I was excited when I first heard about it and even more excited when I got it for Christmas. Though some missions frustrate me they're all relatively easy (after you die a few times). The downside would probably be because it ended so shortly. But there's plenty of drama and decieving. Gatta love it


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 6
Date: March 11, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Yuck. Another "practice your skills" game. Each time you fail you're punished by being sent back to the beginning of the level. I received this game as crapware packed with a PS2 bundle, and it thoroughly deserves it.

Gratifying game to play!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 4 / 4
Date: February 04, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Yes, Jak is back! And he's wonderfully statisfying this time. Instead of the young, mute Jak you remember from the last game, this Jak is two years older, cooler, and can actually talk. You also get guns, good ones. And there aren't only two cutscenes in the game!
Jak is practically a new hero! And a new hero calls for a new story. As well as a new villain. Or many. The plot will really give you something to digest, while laughing at Daxter's hilarious antics. Whether charming babes or running for his life, Daxter's always got something humerous to say.
While Dax is lightening the game, Jak evens him out with sometimes cold, but always cool comments.
But don't think Jak II is all talk. With much more action than Jak and Daxter, the dynamic duo must venture through a new city, new wilderness, even a new time. Meeting a mixed assortment of new characters, like Torn, Ashelin, and the Baron, and also returning characters, like Samos the Sage and Kiera his daughter.
This is truly a wonderful experience for anyone.
Now, the cons of Jak II.
While the missions are awesome and fun, the checkpoints are few and far between. It will get very annoying to make your way nearly to the end of a long mission only to die and have to start all over.
Also, the game is truly difficult, exploiting the previous con. Not for newbs.
But all in all, i must give Jak II, a well deserved four out of five.

Great addition to a wonderful series

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: January 18, 2007
Author: Amazon User

It's a bit more mature than the first, but holds true to the action-platformer feel. An engaging story, and addictive gameplay, wonderful for all ages.

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