Below are user reviews of Doom 3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Doom 3.
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Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (251 - 261 of 411)
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Graphic Hints
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: February 28, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I see so many of you complaing about the graphics - Take a trip to and edit your autoexec.cfg file with their configs, I used the Very Good or High Quality Setting with a 9800 Radeon All In Wonder card. The difference was astounding. I played it at 1024x768 In Ultra High Quality With Anti-aliasing and Vertical Sync turned off (Vertical Sync isn't necessary in this game). Their cfg file worked great for Quake 4 also.
Yeah it sucks switching back and forth with the flashlight but that is part of the scare factor. There are light mods available on the internet for free just look 4 em. I used "falkens" that just gave me a file called pak444.pk4 that I just added to the doom/base folder and restarted the game... Voila, Light. The game is definitely harder without the mod though. I've played the entire game both ways.
Of all the new titles I have played including Q4, HL2, and Fear, this is my favorite. Ravenshield still rules as my favorite FPS!
Quit whining people, they can't make everyone happy, enjoy it for what it is, a game for entertainment. Turn out the lights, crank up the sound, and whatever you do, don't forget to only play at night! OH, and SAVE OFTEN, F5 and F9 are your BEST friends =)
Scariest game you'll ever play !
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: March 20, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I don't usually like playing FPS's, but this game was truly unique. it has extraordinary graphics, a good storyline, scary monsters, awesome voice acting, and, perhaps, most important, a great atmosphere.
If you played any of the other Doom games you probably already know the storyline. You play as a marine sent on a mission to Mars. You have to investigate some strange happenings that have been occuring there. Soon after you arrive, however, all hell breaks loose. the scientists there accidentally open a portal to hell, and demons invade the facility. Only a few people survive the onslaught, and you're one of them. Now it's up to you to take care of the problem.
Adding to the storyline are the various PDA's, emails, and videos you find laying around in the Mars base. All of these things are very well done, and they offer a nice distraction from the action. These things are like journals from different people, and they'll describe how things started to go awry on Mars, and other interesting things. Also, the voice-acting is great and realistic, and all of this gives you the feeling like you're actually on this facility. Also, these emails and video-logs sometimes give you very useful information, like the locations of different weapons and valuables.
Like I mentioned earlier, the graphics in this game are some of the best you'll ever find, even if you don't have a great system. The environmental designs are really good, and most of the environments are dark, gloomy, silent metallic corridors that add to the scary atmosphere. The lighting effects are also superb. However, the thing I liked best about the graphics is the monsters' designs. All of the enemies you'll encounter look awesome, scary and realistic. Though almost all of the enemies are from the older Doom games, they look much, much better. These are monsters like zombies, imps, hell knights, revenants, lost souls, cacodemons, and more.
Throughout the game, you get 8 different weapons. They are: the pistol, shotgun, machingun, chaingun, plasma rifle, rocket launcher, BFG, and the soul cube. They all act pretty much like their names suggest, so it's pretty self-explanatory, aside from the soul cube. In order to use the soul cube, you must first kill 5 enemies. Then you can use it, and it homes in on the strongest enemy near you, hits him, and his health is transformed to yours. The soul cube is also very important at the end of the game, but I don't want to spoil it for you.
All of these aspects of the game are really good, but the thing that makes Doom 3 unique is the atmosphere. This is probably one of the scariest games you'll ever play. Why? Well, not only are the monsters scary, but the environments add to the mood. Like I mentioned, most of the time you'll be in narrow, dark, metallic corridors, so you'll have to make lots of turns, never knowing what's behind the next corner. Also, everything in the game is very dark, so you won't always be able to see your opponents. However, you will get a flashlight, so you'll be able to see through some of the dark, but you'll never be able to hold a gun and the flashlight together at the same time. Fortunately, if you hit the F key on you're keyboard, you'll be able to quickly switch between your last equipped weapon and the flashlight. I found this as a good aspect, because not always being able to see in the dark when there are zombies around is scary, and it added to the atmosphere. It's really scary sometimes then you turn around and there's a zombie in your face, or when you pass through a door and an imp lunges at you. The game is filled with these kind of incidents, and there are also some other really scary moments.
Overall, Doom 3 is an awesome game. The thing that sets it aside from other FPS's is it's atmosphere. However, I strongly suggest that people who get scared easily stay away from this game, because they might get really freaked out. No joke. But other than that, it's a really good game with awesome graphics, and if you're a Doom fan, then what are you waiting for? Go pick this one up.
P.S. If you really want to know, here is one of the game's many scares. It might ruin the surprise for you, so watch out.
There is one part where you go into a bathroom. If you turn left and look in the mirror, everything suddenly goes red, and you hear a horrible scratching noise. This all happens very suddenly, and also, a monster suddenly jumps at you from behind and attacks you. Expect things like this to happen in the game.
A short criteria so's not to bore you.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: September 21, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I've been through Doom3 now three times. The first time I didn't even cheat.
I won't go into how great a game it is but will stick to the few short comings.
One, the game started off perfect. A little bit of realism goes a long way but later on degraded into a world of comic bookish nightmareism...skeletons with missile launchers on their shoulders come on! The bugger man with a rocket launcher in pace of a right hand..AAAH!
It isn't hard to figure out why ID did it, they were trying to spice it up a bit to keep it interesting...I understand, I just don't agree.
Two, no mass attacks by monsters to use up all your hard won ammunition. Instead you transport our marine to h-ll to once more search for and find the same things all over again--all these games do that!
A monster with a nazi helmet and whip--more comic book filler.
Three, a game that has to cheat in every other room searched gets a little irritating. You know the monster is on the other side of that darkened doorway. You throw a dozen gernades in there, the monster isn't hurt. You take that step forward, the monster jumps out and you blast it. And then--of course--the monster which appeared out of nowhere behind you, attacks. The answer of course is walk backward, trip the 'If Then' statment in the program, shoot the monster behind and turn around and shoot the one in front--on your second attempt to get through the door.
I do get tired of computer gamecheating because I makes me have to cheat to beat the game.
I don't mind the dark areas, the whole base just went to h-ll, I would expect the lights not to always work.
Four, I've heard those h-ll Knights have to be destroyed with that big green glowing plasma gun/cannon. Well, I did it with thirty eight hand grenades! The game would have been--I think--better if two or three had been turn loose to roam the hallways looking for humans to munch on randomly.
Five, basically, never enough fighting room. Understandable for a station on another world with pressurized atmosphere. Rooms would all be small. Exploding barrels in pressurized enviroment, what a hoot!
Yuck, yes I said Yuck instead of the number, belted ammunition for machineguns usually came in 100 round belts--not sixty. Mini guns used chained belts--I know, I use to repair them. The plasma gun's munitions travel far too slow. The shotgun needs a longer barrel so it still has a choke to keep the pellets from spread out too wide and becoming useless after ten feet. Handgrenades can't be thrown properly. Light machinegun's firing rate is half what it should be...and for goodiness sake, get some duck tape for that flashlight and tape to you weapon.
The list could go on for these 'little' things...but the game is easily worth the money.
Remember, these are mostly suggestions for ID future programs
Doom 3
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: November 03, 2006
Author: Amazon User
very scary at first, i was literely shaking while playing this game, i couldn't stop playing it!!!
All Hype
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Extremely annoying to play in dark environments (basically the entire game), switching back and forth between your weapons and the stupid flashlight. What were the developers thinking implenting the flashlight the way they did? Also the game is as generic as it gets, very boring and repetitive. Basically just shoot anything that moves. Dont waste your time with this, go with F.E.A.R. if you want to play a scary shooter.
not as good as it is hyped
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User
the gameplay was not very smooth. also there were a lot of bugs and possibly glitches that caused crashes.
i think the game also needs expensive hardware to run properly.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 05, 2004
Author: Amazon User
AHHHHHH i cant stress enough how much this game owns. THE GRAPHICS ARE INCREDIBLE, and it is so dark you almost never see what attacks you until its in your face. It is so much better than any other currently released shooter it is not funny. I dont know what else to say but BUY THIS GAME. IF I COULD GIVE IT 100 STARS I WOULD!
Now that I am calmed down, the only problem i could see with this game is that those with bad computers might not run it well. Let me stress, DOOM 3 is intended for kick butt machines, so the average Dell home desktop probably wouldnt run it as well, unless you have a decent video card. My machine is pretty good, and runs DOOM beautifully. I run a P4 2.4GHz, a gig of RAM, and a radeon 9800 pro video card. If your comp can handle it, GET THIS Game you will not be dissapointed.
A lot like the original Half-Life, only better gfx and slow:
Rating: 2,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: May 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Having a DSL connection of 1.5/1.0M, I wasw shocked to see how slowly online play was (avoid games with more than 4 players on even this high connection.) - especially when compared with Unreal Tournament 2004 (which can EASILY handle 8 players.)
But the main solo play game is a lot like Half-Life; even some of the sound effects are the same! It's the same old follow-the-path structure and apart from a few unsuspected scares (don't have a weak heart when playing this one), has no replay value except for multiplayer - which I'd recommend, MINIMUM, a 1.5/1.0 DSL connection. Doom3 hogs internet bandwidth even more than UT2k4, et al.
Id could take a lesson from Atari about how to better use bandwidth. UT2k4 is exceptional by comparison and is surprisingly playable on 256k down/up speeds.
Overall, it's a good game, but don't pay more than $18 for the original and $15 for the Ressurection add-on pak (so wait a few months). Anything more is exploitation of an uncreative product that should be faster with online play. (All the players and texture/bump maps are on each PC, what exactly are they sending over the internet that's dragging things down?!)
Looks very nice and is playable even on my lowly hardware (see below), but it adds nothing to the genre (it even goes backwards; the flashlight has an infinite power source, good grief).
My system:
Abit NF7 mobo (nforce2 chipset, dual DDL).
Athlon XP 2100+ @ 2700+ C{U
1GB RAM (2x512 modules)
Nvidia geforce 5900fx video (128MB RAM) from BFG
SB Audigy
Again, for solo play it'll run great at 1024x768, ultra quality. But for multiplayer, get the best down/upload bandwidth you can get. (cable users note, download speed may be ~3MB on a good day but upload speed, also crucial for game play.)
I think I wet myself
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: October 07, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game is very fun. the graphics are amazing, although they require a very good computer to do them justice. The storyline is pretty good, although some of the AI seems retarded and others seem really smart. the gameplay is still very good, running around in the dark, bumping into monsters, is always fun.
I like it.
Two rigs, same game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 1 / 2
Date: June 17, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Doom 3 is a game that is a must for horror/shooter fans. from the moment i started to the moment i finished i was really blown away by this game. sure, it gets monotounous after awhile of just blowing baddies out of every single corridor, but sometimes that is just what you want; mindless running and gunning. the lighting and textures are second to none, except for Half Life 2. the sound is just as amazing, especially when listened to using a surround sound system. i did have a few gripes, which include the use of a flashlight (yes it adds a great atmosphere, but it is sometimes painful to switch between your weapon and that) and the somewhat standard selection of weapons. the only other gripe i had were the massive system requirements. I must question the sanity of developers when they release a game in which tehre is a graphical setting which at the time no system existed (in the consumer market) could run it. that was at the time though, and once i procured that system, i love it. the game played smoothly for me on any setting i played it at. i used two different rigs to play it, the first: 3.2ghz 1mb cache, 1 gig of pc 3200 ram, and a radeon 9800xt 256mb. the second is an SLI system: 3.6ghz 2mb cache, 1 gig of pc4200 ram, and 2 GeForce 6800 Ultra 256mb. with my first system i could play it at 1024x768 with very high settings, though not the highest, and it was very playable. with my second system i could play it at 1600x1200 with ultra settings and i did not have a problem. i was blown away by the graphics at that level. but i digress. the game is definetly worth a purchase, especially now that it is only 30 dollars. this is a must buy for those who do not have it yet!