Below are user reviews of Parasite Eve and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Parasite Eve.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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User Reviews (71 - 81 of 109)
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One of the few games that can mix genres correctly
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: August 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Parasite Eve is an interesting game, one of the few that can mix a genre so difficult to create, role-playing, with a genre that can become so easily monotonous and repetitive. Fortunately, Parasite Eve succeeds in a cross-genre romp that is sure to please the fans of both genres, as well as newcomers hoping to jump on the RPG bandwagon.
This was one of the first Role-playing games I had ever played, and I bought it after watching the commercial for the game, without reading a review or anything. I played the game as soon as I got home, and fell in love.
During the game, you play as Aya Brea whom is out on a date at the opera with a bumbling idiot. You watch her, bored out of her mind, while a dramatic performance goes on. The actress, Melissa begins a beautiful song when chaos breaks loose when everyone in the theater begins to spontaneously combust, except of course for our hero Aya and Melissa. From there, the game takes off.
The game is not without it's faults however. Character interaction is few and far between outside a few characters that are essential to telling the story. The battle system could use some definite tweaking, as I feel there should not have been random battles in a game like this. You also cannot escape from battles, which means you'd better be good at avoiding attacks our you won't survive very long. Fortunately, with even with it's faults, the battle system is one of the better conceived. You can move around and if you get hit, it's not because of the computer cheating or whatever, it's because of you.
Lastly, the only other fault is that the game is very short and has essentially no replay value other than a small bonus that isn't that entertaining.
Overall, the game is pretty darn good. It's worth the purchase if you are new the role-playing genre, or if you are a fan of action games just seeking a new twist.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 6
Date: August 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
parasite eve is a good game but im on day six and i have 2 face the baby on the ship! i keep dying! hints ppl ! hints! lol
Thought-Provoking And Nothing Short of Spectacular!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: November 29, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Although PS1 seems to be something of the past now, it's always good to return to it to relive classic games, especially classics that are not on PS2. Parasite Eve is one of those rare finds where no matter how old it is or how many times you play it, it's as good as it was the first time.
Based on a popular Japanese novel (under the same name), Parasite Eve stars a young female cop named Aya Brea, whom, after witnessing a chaotic senario at an opera, realizes the existance of "Eve" who plans on "freeing the mitochondria's true powers." Aya soon gets entangled in the horrific adventure as she defends New York City from the approaching apocalypse.
The absolute best thing about PE is it's so intriging and thought-provoking. It makes you think, but not to the point where you're wracking your brain out, eather. The concept of the Mitochondrias may sound bizarre but in all respect gets your creative juices flowing in a plot that PE makes seem all too real. For a fictional storyline, I haven't seen such a realistic-fictional plot like this in a long time!
Pace is steady and smooth. Some parts will be more action-packed than others, but everything's balanced off very well. Music is brilliant and I find myself watching the opening all the time. Visuals are breath-taking, considering it's age. The field/battle graphics aren't worth a full five stars (maybe 4) but the cinematic scenes are, and it doesn't take you long to forget this is a game. You'll begin to think it's an actual movie. It's not unbearably long, either, so things are tight, cut to the chase, and leave you satisfied, yet wanting more. The characters too, are well-developed as far as depth.
Overall, Parasite Eve is one of those rare classics that are worth going back to. You definately don't get the privlege of playing a game like this every day. If you're a fan of Sci-Fi, horror, or action-genres, PE's for you. Truely amazing!
great sequl even if u have not played the first
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 3
Date: October 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
i have not played the first pe i bet its a great game and this one is too the gameplay is awsome the storyline can be confusing but its still good the sound is good if u have played re games this is not spooky at all lol all of this can rival a ps2 xbox or gamecube game thats what i think its awsome its a must buy go get it
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: May 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User
i got this game thinking it would be a complete piece of crap, but to my suprise, this turned out to be one of the best games i have ever played...EVER! the story line was quite good and the game has kind of a twist ending, and that ties the disemboweled story together. another thing i liked, is that the battle system is sooo much better than any of the thousands of final fanticys out there; it kinda works like this, you can run around and dodge the creatures attacks, but when ever you shoot, or hit, your range of fire comes up, and you then can attack. the next great thing about this game is the spooky, yet wonderful sound track, the sound effects, and over all the whole game its self is worth buying a play station for.
Praise Parasite Eve
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 27, 2004
Author: Amazon User
PArasite eve is a rpg/action classic! Just for horror and science fiction fans. The gameplay is fast and fun. The story is intresting and keeps you on the egde of your seat. The graphics are beautiful escpally the cut scenes!! Pick this up now it is a reason to own a playstation! I highly recomend this!!
Be a parasite and Leech this offa friend for a day,DON'T BUY
Rating: 2,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 16, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game while pretty in some points suffers from some moments of stereotypical dialogue (cop moaning about his ex, kid and the rest of the world being less important than his job). I wish the encounters would have been a bit more open ended than the location oriented encounters in the early parts of the game. I like being able to bulk up a bit before a baddie
PE Hits The PlayStation With Full Force
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 24, 2000
Author: Amazon User
The story begins in New York City where Aya (main character) gose to an opera when all heck breaks loose. The people turn to ooz and the main actress Eve, turns into a powerful creature. This game follows a 3rd person "shooter". Although you do not go running around blasting all you see, you do get a chance to fight off hidous creatures by stragizing weapon useage and ammo conservation. You also aquire the knownlage of PE and gain great powerful attacks. You get deep into the story as you learn that Aya is part of the whole thing. The Mitochandria HAS YOU......
Interusting epic!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 07, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game has a awsome story line and great graphics! It is kinda like a RPG and a Action game in one. The battle screen is itnerusting and so are the vidios in it, thay are very realistic and graphic! The only thing that disapointed me in this game was that the game play hours were not that long and that is pretty rare by a game that is built by Square Soft. If you like Science Fiction movies then you will love this game! The story line in it is more like a movie then a vidio game but Square always has the best story lines if you ask me!
4 out of 5 ain't that bad
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 31, 1999
Author: Amazon User
Now i got this game for christmas and at first i thought it was not gonna be any good but i started playing it and i loved it it mixed my 2 favorite games, resident evil and final fantasy 8. I also love that you can dodge enemy fire while battling. the storyline is great and the puzzles are fun. As for those "I'm pretty sure how to play an RPG" Gamers, GIVE IT A CHANCE! you'll really like it.