Nintendo 64 : Legend Of Zelda, The : Majora's Mask Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Legend Of Zelda, The : Majora's Mask and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Legend Of Zelda, The : Majora's Mask. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 83
IGN 99

User Reviews (191 - 201 of 368)

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Frustrations Galore

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: July 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

First off, I'm not going to go into what this game's about as everyone else has already stated the basis of the game thinking they are the first to realize it. More than 300 reviews and all the same. Why 3 stars? Well, I'm a big fan of the Ocarina of Time, though I never got into the NES Zelda games. Ocarina of Time is truly awesome. I thought the premise of Majora was quite well-conceived. My problem is not with the gameplay itself, but with the illogical nature of the game. For instance some of the masks are truly impossible to get unless you have a hint guide. The one long quest that earns you 5 masks would be impossible as there really is no logic behind it... Okay, I have to meet this guy at this time, but where do I find him? Secondly, that first boss is completely unfair. You have 3 or 4 hearts and you have to face this guy with a highly ineffective arsenal. All you do is run around and hopefully hit him while trying to not get your butt kicked. There's no "special" way of killing him, as there were for the bosses in "Ocarina". Finally, goron link is by far the most frustrating creation to ever walk Hyrule or Termina with Zora Link being the second. Goron's rolling jumps have to be perfectly straight or you fall to your doom...both in the mountain temple and the goron moon dungeon... The goron race has to be the most frustrating part of the game. Why? The other gorons seem to go faster, target only for you, and if they hit you, you get thrown out of your ball and have to accelerate again. I'm sorry, but being the only goron on the track with spikes sticking out of me should give better traction and protection. As Zora link, "jumping/flying" out of the water can be truly frustrating and can leave you with several bumps on his head. His electric field also takes up too much magic. I enjoyed playing the dungeons, and I got a bit too excited when I received the fierce deity's mask, but all the side quests are rather ludicrous.

This was an awful experience. It feels like one of disney's midquels

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 12
Date: January 23, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I was fooled by the reviews on Amazon. Majora's Mask has hardly a real sequel at all to Ocarina of Time. It feels like one of disney's new midquels.

It's story starts with young Link (um... Nintendo? Link grew up in OOT...) riding through the woods on baby Epona. Which is a problem in itself; how did Link get Epona out of Lon Lon Ranch? Anyway, an imp wearing a mask (Majora's mask) knocks Link out cold, and so the horrible, restraining 3 day cycle begins. Which was not long indeed, soon after collecting my hard-earned items, I would have to go back in time because the clock ran out; this was VERY frustrating for me.

I was dissapointed in the fact that this wasn't a real sequel, that Link was not grown up like he was in Ocarina of Time, and that I was fooled by the reviews here. Get Twilight Princess instead; that is the REAL sequel to Ocarina of Time.

What can I really say that hasn't been said.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: September 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Why did I give Majora's Mask 3 stars? Well i'll tell you why. Despite the fact it wasn't as good as OOT, and it was lacking a lot, I think I'm just bored. When people say Majora's Mask has very little gameplay compared to OOT'S 2498569428627846 hours or however long it took them to beat it, I present you with this. The first time I played OOT I beat it in 8 hours. Then I did it again. And again. I think you get the point, OOT just got boring. It is still an excellent game however. I think I like Majora's Mask because it is new blood. I don't like having to go back in time or use the owl statues to save, but oh well. The other thing is Koji Kondo didn't do all the music so a lot of the soundtrack came out [bad], but all in all, it is still a fun game for the most part. It is extremely easy, but whatever. It only takes 14 hours to beat because of the HORRIBLY LONG LIFE SUCKING CINEMAS....sorry.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: June 25, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I thought this game was pretty close to terrible! I was sooo disappointed in this game. I also thought it was way to hyped up! They used almost all the same characters, but gave them new names. That took tons of creativity, I am sure!!!!! This is a waist of money and you are better off playing the old one all over again! Another bad thing about it is Zelda is in no way connected with the gameplay and storyline. Ganandorf is also not a part of the story. It is also not very difficult and there are only 4 dungeons, not to mention the fact that the masks are also pointless except for the Goron Mask. (That ones a BLAST!!!) I could not wait to beat it and get it over with. In conclusion, I would have to say that this game was not the best game in the world, in fact it is awfully close to the worst!!!

Ocarina of time is 10 times better

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: July 05, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Im a huge Zelda fan but this game was a complete dissapointment. first lets talk about the game play. you are sent on a 3 day trip to find a mask taken by a skull kid and you only get a limit of time which is like 1 hour whats up with that I mean just let use play with out worrieing about a time limit. Also by saving you have to find an owl and its a complicated saves process and why cant it be like Orcarina of time when you can save when you want. You cant even be adult Link. When you beat the game you get to use the Majoras mask but theres no point your done with the game. So there has to be one good thing about this game and it fits in a toaster. So go get Orcorina of time and not this

Ocarina Revisited

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: November 05, 2000
Author: Amazon User

This is a great game. No question about it. Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks to it--namely, that you may feel after you've finished it that you have just played OOT all over again. I understand that Nintendo had to reuse some scenarios to come up with a new game so quickly, but they copied a lot, folks. Pretty much the same cast of characters--Link, the Mask Salesman, Epona, Gorons, Zoras--even little Malon is there, living an alternate life under a different name. Forget all that, though. You'll love it. I promise.

Majora's mask- a shame to the zelda series

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 5
Date: December 30, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Legend of Zelda-Ocarina of Time was nothing short of a masterpiece,perhaps the best game I have ever played. Buying the sequel, i was overjoyed with expectations that it would be everything like it's predecessor, perhaps better. But nintendo let me down horribly. The entire game has a playful, childish feel to it, a feel that never matures into a deeper, more involved storyline as it has in past games. Majora's mask completely loses the sweeping epic feel that made the previous games so brilliant. Despite the fact that you are supposed to be trying to save the world, one cannot shake the feeling that Link's quest is somehow trivial. The 3 day time system is weakly implemented, as it doesn't allow for in depth dungeon exploration, or any roaming of any kind. Do not buy this game.

Pretty bad, not nearly as good as the original.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 5
Date: December 16, 2000
Author: Amazon User

Although Majora's Mask was said to be even better than the original, all the hype of it being "Zelda Two" covered up the actual poorness of the game. The three day time element makes the game confusing and difficult. The areas are small and easy to get lost in. There are only four dungons!,! as opposed to the eight in the first Zelda. This game was a disappointment.

majora's mask

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 6
Date: July 11, 2003
Author: Amazon User

this game starts out two fairies sceare your hourse and causes you to fall of it .Your are knocked out and the skull kid stills your ocarina.

As soon as you can cotrol link fallow skull kid into the cave. you will come to a drop off just drop down.when you get there walk through the door and walk intill you loose control of link.Skull kid will tell you that he let your hourse go he will open a door behide him and he will take the red fairy with him the doors will shut behind him.The fairy he left behind will ask you to open the door,do what she asks.When you go through that door you will blhh a little bit and then he will turn you into deku link.you will end up in the clock tower.

guia para el dekulink

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 6
Date: May 05, 2004
Author: Amazon User

despues que te transformes en dekulink, en clocktown, ignora todo lo que ves o si no perderas tiempo.(ves la hora abajo de la pantalla?) bueno.Tienes que buscar un hada amarilla que se encuentra en un lago justo adelante donde hay escaleras.sube por ahi.Ya,veras un hada,cogela,y vuelve por donde viniste.busca donde hai un globo gigante azul dibujade en el, la mascara de majoras.detras ahi una cueva anda ahi y da el hada va aparecer una persona volando.es la hada de no so que y te da el poder para tirar burbujas.sale y explota el globo gigante que antes viste. habla con el nino y vas a jugar un juego tienes que encontrar a sus companeros y a el porsupuesto. ya comiensa el juego.hai uno detras de un arbol en ese mismo sector donde estas tu.atrapalo.ahi otro detras del resbalin.ahi otro saliendo de ahi con una gallina atrapalo.ahi otro donde te tienes que subir con la flor en ese mismo sector.atrapalo. y el ultimo pofin(no te preocupes esperare hasta que dejes de bailar) esta en un lugar bien cerrado donde ay tiendas.por ahora no te sirven.sigue por el camino.atrapalo.te dan un codigo entra donde viste que ay un nino guardando un lugar.dale el codigo.entra y sigue por todo el camino, hasta que llegues a un lugar bien colorido.sube por las escaleras y encontraras un hombre habla con el y te dice que mires. acepta.veras a una persona y a la luna con cara la luna comiensa a llorar y ve afuera en una puerta.toma le gota. entra y sale.recuerdas que en el comienso abia una flor amarilla?pues anda ahi dale la gota y te dejara quedarte con su flor.espera al 3er dia a las 12:00anda a la flor y anda a la plataforma.sube por ahi y veras a esa persona...dale con tu burbujas y va a dejar caer tu ocarina. cogela.va aber una aparicion donde zelda te ensena la cansion del tiempo.repitela y viajaras al pasado 3 dias anda donde esta el senor que venda mascaras.habla con el y te ensena la cancion de recovery.apareceras como nino y el sigue hablando bla bla bla despues comiensas tu aventura y todo empeso porque te robaron la ocarina

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