Below are user reviews of Legend of Mana and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Legend of Mana.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (101 - 111 of 124)
Show these reviews first:
it has innovative new features and was fun to play
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User
I liked this game. All the side quests were exactly what I was looking for in a RPG, it gave me something to begin and finish during those times when I have only a few hours to kill. The game keeps track of your quests as they are intiated which is also helpful for me becuase I sometimes will not play a game for weeks at a time, so it helps me keep my place if I forget how far I've progressed along the storyline.
The game is nonlinear. I liked how the game was disconjointed, it added an element of chaos that i find lacking in most RPGs, it was very refreshing and I look forward to Square's imporvement of the technique in future games.
There is critism for the battle system but i found it fun and inovative. Its quick and its easy, but it never becomes tedious and repetitve which remains a major problem for most RPGs. The storyline, though disconjointed, is somewhat engrossing, and there are a few side quests that take place over several different adventures involving the same characters. The ability to place citys and such where you wish was innovative but i found lacking. I just found the map itself to be ugly, mainly because it didn't transform to the contures of the articfact you placed on the map.
But i did enjoy the game overall and recommend it to gamers of all ages.
Wonderful game!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 01, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This video game is awesome! Buy it, buy it, buy it! It has three wonderful story arcs, and the pictures are splendid. I love the battle system!
Mana is good again!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 22, 2002
Author: Amazon User
This game is good, and I mean it! The only problem is, is that it has no specific storyline. It only has mini stories. But, even if you aren't one of those gamers that likes big storylines with long hours of gameplay, I suggest that you play the game. First of all, it has wonderful graphics. Second, the way the battles are set up are wonderful, last of all, it has the same value as the earlier Mana Series, such as Seiken Denstu(whatever it is). You may not enjoy all of it, but overall, most of everything is wonderful.I don't have the game but I rented it once and I immediately fell in love with the game... Get this game and play it! I recommend that you do.
popstar in nirvana
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User
the orginal,"Secret of Mana", was a two player action rpg. The only similarity between them is the tree(on the cover) Legend is a romp and roll with a sureal pastelle envirnoment. The map suddenly opens as you progress, and progression is obtained through tasks or side quests. Not doubt this is not Xenogears where you must follow and coherce with every character for over 71 hrs in a large map. One world reminds me of Grandia, okay more like square's Saga Fronteir 2.
Welcome Back To Seiken Densetsu
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 27, 2000
Author: Amazon User
As it has been mentioned by others, this is Seiken Densetsu 4, my favorite console series of all time. Every one is excelent, including this one.
First, the graphics go far and beyond amazing, this is what the PSX can do, folks. Forget Final Fantasy, with it's overly sleek polygonal-ness, 2D still is the master of gaming.
Second, the music is excelent as well. As with all games, music isn't always perfect, but the opening song is one of the finest songs in a game I've ever heard. It's the only game song I've ever bothered to get on an MP3. It's really good.
Third, the overall game is just awsome, albiet a little disjointed due to the open-ended nature of quests. But I love the way characters over-arc to different quests. Villians to appear and go, heroes are seen doing different deeds, the whole world feels very alive.
Now, my complaints, of which there are a few:
First, combat: I always loved SD's combat, but the fighting here feels a little off. Primarily, it's WAY too easy. Some bosses are of slight difficulty. But you return to full health when you win! That makes it way too easy. And the abilities are a little impractical. Additionally the magic feels wrong.
Second, some of the quests are just plain bad (although most are amazing).
Finally, this title doesn't feel very SD-ish. But still manages to retain it's goodness.
Final line, if you like RPG's get this game.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 12, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game is awesome! The best part of this game is the fact that there are so many things that can be done: from raising pets and building golems to learning new techniques and magic spells, this game provides hours of entertainment, and it is very hard to put the controller down once you get started on this one! A must buy for all of you die hard RPG fans, excellent job again Squaresoft!
Pleasently surprised
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 07, 2000
Author: Amazon User
When I first heard the details of Lengend of Mana, I must admit I was a bit skeptical. But after impulsivly purchasing it, I quickly became sucked in. The translation is good, the art is beautiful and the multiple quests are fun and light-hearted. It does get a little dark at times, but there is so much stuff that is bright, and dare I say it, cute. (ex. In your room there is a little cactus whom you relate all your adventures to. When you leave, he gets up and writes it on a leaf on the wall.)
But I am going to warn you. Because of this game, I have had little sleep, been late to work and my kitchen is a disaster area.
Beautifully quirky
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 09, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I wasn't expecting much from this game. I'm an incredible fan of Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2), and I actually got an import of Seiken 3, which was excellent also. I'd read some pretty discouraging reviews of this new game in the series, but once I actually got it, I was very pleasantly surprised. I think it all depends on what you are expecting. This is NOTHING like the last two games in the series, so don't expect it to resemble them. The graphics are absolutely superb, the best 2D graphics I've ever seen. I just love the quirkiness of the game. All of the characters are completely bizzare (Teapo the Cockney-accented teapot? ) and although you never really have a clue as to WHAT you are actually doing or what your overall goal is, this actally works to the game's advantage, in my opinion. It's like a surreal dream. I love it!
Legend of the Jumi...
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 21, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Legend of Mana, I believe, was too submerged in mini-plots of its own that the actual backbone of the story was sadly not only underdeveloped, but rather nonexistent. The only hints of the existence of the Mana Tree came in the form of dreams and the eventual final dungeon... in fact, throughout the entire game I had cared less about what was going to happen to the world's fate than the indivdual fate of the inhabitants. True, there were irritating sidequests, and charming ones, but the only one which could have supplemented the plot; the Jumi quest ended with such an unforgivable cliche. It is this concentration on every characters' own life story, that made this game enjoyable. It was the lack of meaning, of some bigger plot to make sense of doing stuff like helping Inspector Boyd with his case, or finding Lil' Cactus when he ran away. I felt vaguely cheated. The hero/heroine woke up with the destiny to help the world in no other way than plant a garden or nuture monsters in the backyard? The only thing that connected LoM to the seiken series must have been the battle system, and well. The Mana tree.
I gave it three stars because it was really an enjoyable experience to play it, but two are not given because the most important criteria after the battle and magic system- the overall PLOT- was rather neglected.
A worthy Secret of Mana sequel
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User
what can i say, this game is gold, i dont even have to explain anything, this game is just plain excellent!!