Below are user reviews of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (61 - 71 of 245)
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Really good game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: June 03, 2006
Author: Amazon User
This game is absolutly one that you can get addicted to very easily. You can interact with all the charaters in the game, customize a team, and even build your own lightsaber! This game ROCKS!
This is the best game ever!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: August 02, 2006
Author: Amazon User
The reason I liked this game so much was the story line. It gives you choices to whether you want go to the light side or dark side and you could enhance a variety of Jedi powers. I have played this game serveral times and each time is different. The first time I went through this game I relied a lot on my swordsmanship with my lightsaber. The second time I played this game I relied more on my Jedi powers. Either way you play it I developed a different set of moves. It was awesome! Also I LOVE THE FACT THAT YOU CAN PLAY A WOMAN!! In every other Star Wars Game (except this sequel)you have to play a man and it gets a little irritating when you like adventure games just as much as any guy. I give the story line and the capabilities of the Jedi FIVE STARS!
One of the few rpgs where it feels right to be bad
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 7
Date: December 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User
The combat system is great, the character progression is excellent, and the graphics are superb. The best thing about the game though is the story. The is one of the few games which allows you to play as good or evil and REALLY feel that your actions change events. You can 'fall to the dark side' and change the characters reactions to you, and how you end the game significantly. Highly recommended.
This is what RPGs should be
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: February 01, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I have to admit I was skeptical of a Star Wars RPG that was strictly turn based, but due to lack of good RPGs on the XBOX I bought it before renting it. Well good thing I did, because this game continues to wow not only myself, but critics as well. While the idea of a turn-based RPG may cause classic (Final Fantasy) RPGers away I bid you to stay. When playing this game you hardly notice the turns, because everything is done in real time, yet you can pause the action and set up all your actions such as heal, attack, defened, etc. With a create-a-hero at the beginning of the game you can play the game with a different character almost every time. It's the standard Star Wars plot minus the big-screen names (Luke, Han, Darth Vader). Good versus Evil, Light vs. Dark, Hero vs. villian, but the best thing is that you can pick any one of those sides to make your character into. How would you like to save the galaxy from the evil, or how bout destroy the galaxy as the new sith leader. This game has you react in such a manner that you can have a different experience every time you play, because your actions affect the game. If you want to be a jerk to one of your crew members don't be surprised if she attacks you or turns to the dark side just to spite you. A very impressive overall display with great graphics and blazing sound, I can gurantee that you will become one with your character, feeling emotions (love, hate) and with 50 + hours of gameplay you will have plenty to experience in the best Star Wars game ever. This is what RPGs should be!
I need help!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: April 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Two words: I'm addicted. No seriously. Completely addicted; like, marital doschord addicted. I think my wife cried herself to sleep last night, she's so lonely. I wouldn't know, I was killing Sith and a couple of tarantateks. Seriously!
KOTOR's gameplay is pretty perfect, the controls are simple, and the plotline is massive, but still elegant and straight-forward (you don't have to remember 15 names or master any "lore" to understand what's happening). The missions are only occasionally boring, but what RPG doesn't have the occasional boring mission? Baldur's Gate 2 anyone? Oh, how about Star Wars Galaxies: that whole game is a boring mission! This game ranks up there with the best PC-RPGs ever.
And if you regret that the "computer" does all the "action" for you, then you must not be aware that you are playing an RPG and not a shooter! Twitchers who need 80 FPS fragging in a tower with 30 other armed to the teeth super-soldiers need not apply!
But if you want gripping story, investment in characters and their abilities, sweet graphics (I love pausing in the midst of the action and whirling around 360-degrees "Matrix" style, every spark stone and blaster shot hanging in 3-D air!), simple gameplay, cunning enemies and brain-bending challenge, this game is calling you like a siren! Just don't linger too long, or your wife might leave you! :-)
The best Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: September 01, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I wanna get this out, first of all: I am *not* an RPG gamer. yet I loved this game. THAT's how great it is. The story sure beats the prequels by setting it about 4,000 years BEFORE Episode I, in the Sith era. This review section is too small to allow a decent 2 1/2 page review so here's the bottom line: this game lets you do it all: wanna put a purple or red crystal into your lightsaber? Go for it! Want to wield 2 sabers, a saber staff or a single saber? Be my guest! Do you fly a ship and shoot at fighters? Well, you can shoot the fihgters. On top of gameplay, there's replay value. I beat the game first as a goody-too shoes Jedi first, then again as a heartless Dark Jedi: the story changes in a simialr way to that of Jedi Knight. The voice acting is superb. Darth Malak totally rocks. At first glance to newcomers, some elements seem 'borrowed': Ebon Hawk = the Falcon, Zalbaar = Chewie, Malak = Vader, etc. But in a good way. Who was everyone's favorite villain? Vader, so they created a Vader-ish character. What's been everyone's favorite ship? The Falcon. See where I'm going? they borrowed what MADE the Star Wars films and created their own version. It would be killer-cool if they made 3 games so we have our own little 'Trilogy'. Now, I can't wait for Knights of the Old Republic II....
Wish I could give it 6 stars!!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: January 08, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I just completed the damn game and believe me when the final cutscene occured i had tears in my eyes......I had developed a sort of relation with this there's kotor2(thank god).....This was easily the best game i ever much fun.....awesome story(almost like a movie franchise)....good graphics...beautiful environments....marvellous gameplay....Just play the damn game and you'll know what i'm talking about....but let me give you a warning:This game will cause you to be will cause you to lose your sleep....and your wife/girlfriend may get jealous that you're devoting more time to this game and might chuck your computer out....
One of the most addicting games that I've ever played.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 5
Date: August 23, 2006
Author: Amazon User
I am a huge Star Wars fan, but I don't really like RPG's all that much (at least not video games; I do play DnD). That said, this game absolutely blew me away. As a DnD player, I knew that there wouldn't be a learning curve on the game since it uses the D20 system. Knowing the system really helped with feat selection and such, as there really wasn't anything outlandishly new. I was, however, a little disappointed with the small number of Force powers that were in the game. I don't think that I would bother having my main character be a Jedi Consular, as you can really get a decent amount of Force powers even with a Jedi Guardian (and if you have some Wisdom enhancing items, you can use those powers often as well).
The character creation system is pretty standard. I was slightly disappointed that you have to be human, as I really wanted to create a lightsaber-wielding Wookie, but for the purpose of the story, it won't take you long to figure out that being human is definitely a good thing on Taris. And the fact that a Wookie eventually joined my party later adequetely mollified me. In fact, it really doesn't matter too much what kind of character you make, because the party members that you pick up throughout the game pretty much have everything covered.
One small warning without giving too much away: in your travels you will meet a party member, and in order to explore his backstory you will need your main character to have a decent rank in the repair skill. It's not really a big deal if you're set on making a Soldier/Jedi Guardian that is amazing in melee combat but will not be able to raise that skill too much. But for you perfectionists that like to explore every single aspect of the game, you should keep this in mind.
And another note to you perfectionists: you will not explore every aspect of the game in one run. This is because your actions throughout the game will determine whether you become a hero for the Light Side of the Force or fall to the Dark Side. Naturally, there are two different endings. And I imagine that the game experience is a bit different as well. I personally stuck to the Light Side, which can be a little more difficult at times since you'll be helping people more. However, this also means that you will do more side quests. I imagine that the Dark Side would be somewhat of a guilty pleasure, as you can just kill people that seek your aid and you can progress through the game a little faster by taking the "quick and easy path." There is also the third option of pretty much balancing yourself and being neutral. Respond as an evil Sith occasionally, and sometimes as a valiant Jedi. And you can usually respond neutrally as well.
Overall, I'd say that the aspect of this game that shines the brightest is the story and the characterization that takes place (this is another reason to stick with the Light Side: oftentimes you can just tell your party members to shut the hell up and gain dark side points, but you won't get to explore their backstories and discover their motivations). Anyone that is a Star Wars fan will thoroughly enjoy playing a game with a story that is nearly on-par with the movies (and even better than the prequels!) Obviously the story is a bit restricted since it IS a video game and meant to be played, but the plot is certainly better than any video game I've played before (and when I was younger I did play games like Golden Sun and Baldur's Gate; KOTOR beats them hands down). And most of it is pretty new territory, as the game takes place a few thousand years before the movies.
I'll close with a few warnings. First, you'd better have a good graphics card if you want to play this game. You should be fine if you meet the minimum system requirements, but the first time I tried to install this game on my older computer (still not that old though) it didn't have a good enough graphics card. The computer that it's on now still doesn't meet the recommended system requirements, but it's more or less fine. That leads me into my final warning: there are some bugs with the game. After only a few hours, at a certain point the game would freeze up, and occasionally exit to Windows. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to complete the game because it happened many times. I downloaded the updates for the game, and this did help some, but it didn't completely solve the problem. Eventually I turned off something silly like grass effects or shadows and that caused it to happen much less frequently.
I guess all that is left to say is that if you're a Star Wars fan you should buy this game. Even if you're not, it's still worth playing through, especially if you like RPG's. Oh, and this goes without saying, but quick save often.
Wait for the first (or second) patch
Rating: 3,
Useful: 7 / 13
Date: November 23, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Yes, this looks like it'll be a very fun game. HOWEVER...
Check out (bioware)s website first and see what sort of problems there are. A good number of disks (possibly just in some shipments) seem to be defective, hanging at 93%. In addition, even with systems that *greatly* exceed the specs, there are horrible performance issues (low framerate, choppy gameplay, choppy sound.) This really disappoints me, as I've been waiting quite some time to play this (and can't stand the XBox - give me one free, and I'll trade it in.)
Give them time for a first or second patch before buying this, and as always, check the manufacturer's website (Bioware) to see what problems there are.
Don't buy it if you don't like twitch games
Rating: 1,
Useful: 7 / 13
Date: January 05, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Knights of the Old Republic contains some unavoidable "mini-games". Two of these are essentially twitch games -- Swoop racing, and fighting other ships from your turret gun. What's worse, both of these twitch games are mandatory at various points in the game -- you cannot go on without performing adequately. The Swoop race while tedious is not too difficult, but the turret gunning is almost impossible for me -- and represents exactly the kind of gameplay I hate.
That's all and good if you expect it, but most folks buying this game will assume that as an RPG it does not require twitch skills. That is not the case, and you could end up being stuck with a game you can't finish.