Below are user reviews of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (51 - 61 of 245)
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Very immersive!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: April 16, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game rocks. The story is very immersive and there are plenty of subquests.
Just a few notes for whom it may concern:
1. If you can't start the game then go get the latest drivers for your video card. I had just bought a 9800pro from Radeon and used their install disc. It didn't work. Then I went to their site and got ATI's catalyst version 4.4. Afterwards it worked fine. The downloads are free, and the two sections on ATI's website were 12 and 8 megs. The third section was for web TV and I didn't get it.
2. Secondly, and this is my only con for this game, you can't assign your arrow keys for movement! I can't understand why I can't use my up, down, left, and right arrow keys instead of using letter keys or num pad keys. Go figure.
3. This isn't really a con, but simply a clarification. The fighting system is a bit different than you may be used to. When an enemy is sighted you click on them and then the system takes over. It continues the action until the enemy is defeated or you manually interrupt it. This will take some getting used to. I rather it be a straight up turn based or real time, but this combination type system the game has is fine once you are accustomed to it. You may either hate it or like it depending on your personal gaming style.
Nevertheless, once you're used to these quirks and get into the story then you quickly forget about these other things.
That said, I think you will really enjoy this game. If you are a Star Wars fan, or just into 3d immersive action/adventure with a RPG twist type games, then this is your kind of game!
On a final note. The system uses directX 9.0b. If you don't have a card that can run that then your not going to be able to run this game. So check on this before you buy the game.
Imaginative, Immersive, Addictive
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: July 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I love Star Wars and have played all of the Jedi Knight series games. Until KOTOR I had never played a Role Playing Game (RPG) so I did not know what to expect. I must confess that I was pleasantly surprised.
The level of interaction and depth of characters really carries this game. You become immersed in the storyline as if reading a gripping novel. Even my wife was often peering over my shoulder wondering what would happen next. She kept wondering what happened to Sasha (the stowaway aboard the Ebon Hawk).
I have played through this game twice - once as a Light Jedi and once as a Dark Jedi. It is definitely easier to play through as a Dark Jedi, but it was rather disturbing to kill your "friends" after such a long journey with them. Yet is that not the way of the Sith and the way of the Dark Side! Playing as a Light Jedi seemed more difficult due to the temptation of sinister dialogue. Some of the dialogue is just downright funny - particularly playing as a guy Jedi and the interaction with Bastilla on Dantooine. I could not stop laughing.
My favorite worlds were Korriban and Kashyykk. I was least impressed with Taris and also was not as excited about Manaan. In both times playing I generally followed this order of traveling: of course Taris was first, then Dantooine, Kashyykk, Manaan, Tatooine, Korriban, and then the mystery planet and the Star Forge.
Without giving the story away I thought the flashback sequence during the revelation of my character's past was great. It really helped weave the story together. After the truth was out I truly felt in awe and was struck dumb. I felt not just into the story, but in the story. I was truly immersed.
Having traditionally played First Person Shooters (FPS) it took me a little while to figure out what was going on. It took until the end of Taris for me to start liking the combat sequences. However, once I grew accustomed to playing an RPG I was hooked. It took me a little under 50 hours to complete the first game and about 36 hours to complete the second. I usually don't bother with pazaak but seek to earn money through bounties, swoop racing or the death match ring in the Upper Taris Cantina. I also only visited the space station near Yavin IV once - maybe I am missing something there?
The only other thing, which could use some improvement, is the inventory system. It was great that you could switch weapons among party members, but it quickly became over cluttered. Finding that newly entered data pad was often annoying. With this said, this being my first RPG game I was duly impressed and I look forward with great expectation to KOTOR II: The Sith Lords.
As a side note I ran this game on a Compaq Presario x1002us (laptop) with a Centrino Pentium M 1.4; 512 MB RAM; and an ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 video card. The video card did not meet the requirements, but the game ran flawlessly. I used the highest settings possible with only turning off the grass setting. I was somewhat surprised, but nonetheless excited, that the game ran on my system. I am glad it did!
A fantastic RPG, but somewhat buggy
Rating: 4,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: September 21, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is perhaps the best PC RPG I've ever played. To begin with, the D20 system (familiar to anyone who owns Neverwinter Nights) is simple to grasp and allows a player to quickly create a character. The choices in classes are limited to soldiers, scouts and scoundrels, but still give a broad range of character types. After the first major task is completed the player will be able to pick a Jedi class, the choices being guardian, sentinel and counselor. This allows the player to create a character that can either fight their way out of problems, sneak away from them or talk their way around them. Players can chose not to level up, in order to "save" levels for when they become Jedi-capable.
The characters themselves are endlessly amusing. For instance, the psychotic killer droid HK-47 will often threaten NPC you attempt to converse with. Bastila, your Jedi companion, will continually berate you should you chose to study the dark side of the force. Evil companions will sometimes giggle or goad you on when you act according to the dictates of the dark side. Some quests will only be available to you if you have certain characters in your party. Also, since you can have two companions at any given time, they often have clashing personalities which provide for much amusement. The game has considerable replay value simply because the secondary characters often bicker and insult each other in your presence.
The controls are simple and easy to learn. The entire game can be played with just a mouse. I would have preferred to have some control over your character's combat actions, in a manner similar to the Jedi Knight series, but that's not a serious detriment.
I do have a few complaints. The foremost is that this game will not run properly with ATI Radeon 9600 graphics cards. Even though the most recent patches are supposed to correct this problem, the game still crashes every 45 minutes. This alone resulted in a one-star demerit, although most users probably won't have the same problem I did. Also, while the Jedi are clearly potent warriors, the guardian is so unbalanced it's obscene. Once your guardian has reached about 12th level or so they are essentially unstoppable. I actually lost interest after awhile and started over with a dark-side sentinel just because the game wasn't challenging anymore.
Even with the graphics card problems, this is still an astounding game, and one that I will enjoy for some time to come. Even if I have to restart it every 45 minutes.
Awesome game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: September 25, 2004
Author: Amazon User
More than 5 stars. This game is excellent in every aspect. Story, graphics, nice ending (both dark and light side), great plot twist. I still haven't played II and don't plan on it judging from all the negative reviews. It's a masterpiece on its own put out by Bioware. I'm praying they make the third installment of this awesome game. May KOTOR III be as good as the first! oh yeah and may the force be with you all
I know I gave this game 5 stars but there are a few minor typos in the game when you are prompted to give a response but I forget where they are in the game...I noticed them the first time I was trying to beat it (I played as a light side character first time). You can play as a dark side character the second time around which I did and either destroy the Republic or save it from the Empire. I won't give away the ending or who your character really'll just have to find out for yourself. If you played Jedi Academy be prepared to be shocked because the graphics are 10 times better and the characters actually look like they're talking (unlike luke skywalker in jedi acad. who looks like he needs his mouth realigned). the lightsaber battles are also amazing..get this game if u like rpg's.
Gameplay/controls.....5/5 (very easy)
If u have a slow system, beware....i have a 2.0 Ghz pentium 4 processor 256 MB RAM and it sometimes froze up (while i walked around the different worlds)....if u have a program called memturbo it will increase your memory while playing the game, making the game run a little smoother.
What are you talking about!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: October 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Ok first of all. I've heard loads of people saying they cannot get this game to work, granted i bought this game 1/10/04, so maybe all the patches i was able to download for the game BEFORE i played it sorted all those probs out, secondly people have complained about the save and load times, from my desktop i can get into the game in under 20 secs, thats opening the game loading it and playing it. I have had one crash where it actually restarted my machine, but nothing since, and i had just installed it and played for 5 hours so i can't be too surprised. But let me ask you this what systems are you running. The biggest issue with PC's and their owners today are not really specs, but really have you got a system that has compatible parts like the m/b and mem mhz being in sync.
But overall the performance and stabibility of this game is great. Unfortunatly there are a lot of people who think they know about PC's but really don't so they set the system and buy this parts that do not work well and then are surprised when it doesn't all work together.
The game itself is one of the most excited fun filled games i have ever played, I've played all the recent games doom3 farcry Jedi academy etc.... but none in the last fives years has the gameplay experience and imersive quality that KOTOR does, sure the graphics aren't as great as they could have been, but to be honest if they where better, the game would not run on most computers, are there are a lot of background processes going on in this game that most games do not have, plus the four discs it came with and the 1 hour install time was enough for me.
That said the only game i've played that pulled me into it was Blade Runner the game, that was awesome and so is this game, infact i'm tempted to take time off work to play it, but so much the better when i do get home and have something like this to look forward to, plus i only spent $17 on it, so what can i say:
Graphics 3/5 (todays games are far more advanced graphically but it does the job)
Gameplay 5/5 graphics are not eveything in a game nor really are they integral to the overall gaming exp. if the game is well done. (beware off games that boast awesome graphics, usually means crap gameplay (usually))
Sound 4/5 my speaks aren't all that great, but when i put on my sony headphones the world really comes alive.
Stabibilty 4/5 no game is perfect ever, no dev can create a game for the millions of differently configured systems in the world, the ATI graphics card always caused problems with a lot of games and i'm surprised they have not addressed this issue.
Overall 4/5 because nothing is perfect there is always room for improvement, maybe KOTOR II will get a 4.5/5 we'll just have to wait and see
A long time ago,in a galaxy far away...Star Wars had a game
Rating: 3,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: October 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Wow! Again, WOW! Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is an awesome RPG game! The graphics, the story, the choices, the voiceovers, the actual blaster sounds from the movie,everything was greatQ Alright, It's four thousand years before the Galactic Empire and hundreds of Jedi Knights have fallen to the ruthless Sith. You are the last hope of the Jedi Order. will you master the ways of the awesome powers of the force on your quest to save the Republic? Or will you fall to the lure of the viscious Dark side? Hero or villain, savior or alone will determine the destiny of the entire galaxy! Now...ISN'T THAT COOL!!!!! You can build a lightsaber, join either side, say whatever you want, learn certain force powers, over 40, wield other weapons. C'mon! I totally recommend this game!
-Game Dude
Great Game for Novice Computer RPGers!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: December 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I'll admit it. I come from the old school of strategy board games, RPGs (ala D&D), and simple video games (didn't have to memorize button sequences to fight something). I'd stayed away from many of the computer RPGs, but I wanted to finally break out. My concern was that there would be too much emphsis on how well you used the keyboard to control the fighting vs. the ability of the character to fight (how well I can click W, S, D, A, spacebar, tab, etc. vs. outcome determined by strategy and a roll of the dice). Well, I want to let you know if you're new to the PC RPG world, this game is a great place to start. There's an entertaining story, the game pauses during battle so you can equip each of the characters with weapons and preset their moves, and using the mouse it's easy to move within the computer environment. Actually, it's downright addictive. There are other details to the game that many other reviewers have covered, but this review is to let all those out there know that if you want to get into PC RPGs this game is a great place to start. P.S. The technical glitches referenced in other reviews have not been an issue and you can update the game with patches.
A game to bolster your expectations of console ports.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: March 05, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Well, there goes fifty hours of my life. No, wait... Close to one hundred. I had to see the dark and light side endings, with completely different characters.
Oh, well. It just went by so quickly.
The nitty-gritty: Knights of the Old Republic is a role-playing game with a system based on a variant on the 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons Rules. This means it's mechanics will probably be easy to pick up for anyone who has ever played ANY role-playing game, paper- or computer- based, as all owe some debt to D&D. Its divergences are in its Star Wars setting: instead of fighters with swords and wizards with spells, expect Soldiers with blasters and Jedi with Force Powers; instead of dwarves and elves, your party will feature a Wookie, droids, and a Twi'lek. It has a pause-able real-time combat system, meaning that the player can pause at any time to issue orders to his or her party members. When the game is unpaused, the characters will proceed to launch attacks, use powers, etc. at a rate of about one set of maneuvers every three seconds. This makes the fighting flow fairly well, and it's pretty, if not particularly believable. The graphics have an attractive, rather stylized look to them, somewhat comic-bookish, though I doubt that was the particular intended effect. This is just a way of saying that while the game looks good, don't expect photo-realism: it isn't there.
So, why the high rating?
Largely, the story. I wouldn't call myself a hard-core Star Wars fan; I've groused about the recent films with the majority, and didn't realize that the Mandalorians were same race as the original trilogy's infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett until I read it somewhere much later. That said, there is an incredible amount of dialogue here, and it's a credit to both the writers and the voice-actors that I wanted to hear it all through, at least the first time (reading the subtitles and skipping ahead is an option, so less patient players need not worry.) There are moments of melodrama, moments of humor, and plenty of time to get a sense of who the characters are and why we should care about their ultimate fate. This sense is not absent for the player's own character: though something of a cypher in the beginning, the player has a chance to get a strong sense of who this person is, and who he or she should come to be. You will probably revel in your character's power (I know I did), but it isn't just the assemblage of stats and skills, the endless drudge of leveling up so common to other RPGs; it's the sense of your increasing ability to make a real difference in what's happening on the various planets and cultures you visit.
The most significant downsides: The combat is frequent; if you don't learn to enjoy it, you will find the game tedious. Though the battles are largely strategic, there are purely arcade sequences which are, to some extent, unavoidable. I found them a pleasant diversion and a fine addition to the multitude of different tasks your character undertakes, but my wife found the turret-gunner segments overly frustrating. Fair warning. Plotwise, the game at several occasions resorts to what is sometimes called "magician's force": there appears to be a choice, but there is none. Specifically, there are portions of the game where a villain uses force powers or trickery to paralyze you or members of the party: though in combat all such events result in some "behind-the-scenes" dice-rolling to see if a character escapes or resists their fate, these instances are automatic and unescapable, usually to allow someone to be captured to advance the plot, or allow a villain to escape, or force the player to face a dramatic confrontation on their own. I found this a little frustrating on occasion. ("Oh C'mon. I have the "force resist" power active, and I'm kicking his butt. Just let me have at it!") Such techniques to keep the plot on track are pretty common in games, but makes parts of a game that emphasizes choice seem unnaturally constrictive.
Lastly, the "dark side" choices aren't exactly subtle. You're either a basically decent person, ultimately, or a complete psychopath. Like I said, the script made me care about some of the characters, and the things you must do to follow a "dark side" ending were actively painful to me. I suppose arguably that's a testament to how well written the script really is, but I'd always imagined the dark side to be more subtle and seductive. How many people would really follow a philosophy that seems to amount to "You'll wield your power to do whatever you want- until someone else more powerful, who is also doing whatever they want, kills you." More emphasis on the freedom and individuality briefly touched on in the "dark side" philosophy would make for a more interesting game.
All in all, a great game (and no, I really don't begrudge it the hundred hours of my life.) If you see only one Star Wars movie this decade... It should probably be this game, instead. Really.
Highly Addictive game, one of the best rpg's ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: April 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I played this game from a recommendation from my friend, who was addicted to it at the time. i got played it, and i love it i definately can say it was well worth the 8 dollars i payed for it from amazon marketplace. i probably would have paid full price if i knew it would run on my machine. ran great i even had AA at 2x on my p3 866 w/ geforce 4 ti4200, and 768mb of ram. who would've thought. I played it for like a couple weeks straight, like 45 hours or something. i was immersed in the game. as soon as i beat it, which was pretty difficult, i had to have more, so instead of buying the new one which is expensive right now, and i'm poor. I started a new game, a female character that would goto the dark side. its been pretty tricky for me to do this cause i feel guilty when i hurt people in the game. dunno why, i mean it is a game.
although this game is super awesome, there are some bugs, like a horrible bug where your saved game gets messed up. like this one time i was on dantooine and the parents of those 2 crazy kids, popped up twice, 2 identicle parents. and i didn't complete the mission cause it got messed up.
then a super frustrating thing happend on tattooine where if my character went disguised in the sand people part they would still recognize me, and kill me, and when i fought back i'd get darkside points. so very frustrating. i eventually got through it.
there are also some kick to desktop glitches, but it doesn't happen often. and there is a serious bug with new 9800 pro cards and their opengl drivers which make it almost impossible to even start the game. so my sister can't play it on her computer.
minus the bugs, this game ranks among my top 5 games of all time, and there are two games in number 1.
Will set the standard for all future Star Wars games
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: August 11, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Being a fan of Star Wars since I was old enough to remember, I can safely say that this is by and large the best Star Wars game I've ever played. This is truly what Star Wars is about: stunning visuals, an intriguing storyline, and memorable characters with juicy dialogue. There is just so much that you can do in this game that it's almost overwhelming.
The events of the game take place 4,000 years before the original Star Wars trilogy, and see you as a soldier of the Republic who becomes entangled in a quest to locate a devastating weapon and tip the balance in a war between the Republic and the Sith (in which the Sith have the upper hand). After meeting a young Jedi with whom you seem to share a bond in the Force, you undertake the training of a Jedi and become a padawan before your quest begins.
The graphics are beautiful, and the locales are all as varied as the stars in the sky. Each planet you travel to has its own distinctive environment, indigenous peoples, and cultural feelings. You can tell a lot of preparation went into planning every detail of the different planets.
But I think what truly made this game famous is its unique system that allows the player to determine through the choices he makes whether he wants to be good or evil.
No review could do this game justice. Buy it and you will not regret it.