Game Cube : Animal Crossing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Animal Crossing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Animal Crossing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 81
GamesRadar 80
IGN 91
GameSpy 80
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (411 - 421 of 495)

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The Surprise Game of the year

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 12, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Don't let the cute graphics foolyou. Animal Crossing is a very addictive game that never ends. At first glance, one might think this game is for kids only. I wasskeptical at first, but now I amtotally immersed in the game.You start off by giving your character a name and choose eithermale or female. You are on a trainheaded to your town, which you canname. Then you are hired by an animal who owns a shop whom you must work for to pay off the payment of your house and the gamejust picks up from there. I would have to say this game is like Harvest Moon, remember this game?Animal Crossing is a lot more fun to play if you include up to 4 friends. Having them visit your town, via a memory card and you can visit your town makes it moreinteresting to play. You even geta free memory card with the game.If you are looking for a new gameto play, I'd suggest you go out and buy Animal Crossing.

Very Cute, Very Fun!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I was wary about buying this game - it sounds like it would get boring very quickly. I bought it anyway, and have played it nightly for a month! It's a great game to pick up and play for 30 minutes at a time, and each time is different and fun. Plus, the longer you play, the more fun the game can become. Unlike other games like Starfox or Mario Sunshine (both super-great in their own way), you will play this one for years!

Greatest GCN Game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 08, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Great game for any age if you have a young child or a teenager they are sure to engoy this game i really sugest this game for any age group and it comes with a free memory card that has 2 great gifts a NINTENDO thats right u can even play old nintendo games in this game it is just a great game if you are in question for any gamecube game buy this it is great for anyone who likes the gamecube and is a fan of the sims type games

Nintendo strikes gold again...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Nintendo flexes their first patry strength once again with a unique blend of "Harvest Moon" and "The Sims" to create a game that really plays like neither...

Imagines for a second, combining the free-roaming of "Harvest Moon" and the seemingly do-anything of "The Sims" and that's about as bare-bones as you can describe this game...but that really does it no justice. Basically, you start the game, end up in a randomly generated town, get a house, and you just walk around..and do things. If you want to shake some trees for fruit, shake those trees. You want to talk to neighbors, just walk over and talk to them. Run errands for them. Plant some trees. Buy things from the shop. Anything you want to do in your little town, you can do at any time...unless time prohibits it. That is at once one of the games more cool, unique features, but also one that detracts from the game as well. It runs on an internal clock. If it's 4:36 P.M. where you live, it's 4:36 P.M. in the game. And, like the real world, your neighbors are going to be asleep late at night, and the store will be closed at night. And you can't just skip to certain times in the day. So if you're a gamer that works until all hours and doesn't get to game playing until Midnight, there's not going to be much to do. (You CAN change the internal clock, but that really detracts some from the gameing experience)

Another nice feature is the option for multiple players. You can have up to 4 people with characters in the same town, interacting with animal-neighbors, or you can visit another friends town (Though that requires your friend to live in their own town on a seperate memory card) and animals from each players town can move from town to town, or you can leave presents for your friend in their house (Or take some of their things) It adds a unique multi-player experience

The sounds and graphics are really simple, but they fit the game nicely. They're not outstanding, but they're not meant to be. The controls are simple and easy to use. There's no control-customization feature, but there isn't any need for one, really. The only gripe I have is that there's no camera rotate feature at all when outside of your house. There's not a big nessesity for one, but the C-stick doesn't do ANYTHING, really, so I think they should have at least put the option in...

I only have 2 gripes about the game, and I mentioned one earlier (Though it doesn't bother me that much, the clock one) The other thing I'm not real keen on in the game is the use of all the different Nintendo merchandise to get extra things in the game. Like, to go to your own seperate little Animal Island, you need to go buy a Game Boy Advance/Gamecube link cable, and of course, have a Game Boy Advance with it. To get other cool extras, you also need a special Game Boy Advance E-card reader, and of course, the E-cards to use with it. Basically, Nintendo makes it where to get the extra cool things in the game, you need to go out and buy more stuff from them, milking you for all you're worth. I'd go for one extra purchase or the other, but not both. Save it for another game, you know?

If you were a fan of "Sims" or "Harvest Moon" you look probably look into purchasing this, and if not, definatly worth a rental...

A whole new experience!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Animal Crossing is a whole new experience in the gaming universe. I probably can't say what nobody has but man this game is amazing. As you probably know there is so much to do and see n tjis wondeful game/ It is sort of like the mix of an RPG, The Sims, and some kind of RTS. I'll tell you all I can tell you about this game that I can.

In this game you begin by buying a hose. You have to work off all the money and then live it up. You can buy tons of stuff from the local minimart (Nook's Cranny) send stuff to the museum, make friends, send letters, get gifts etc. etc. It is a great game, definetly reccomended for everyone! :)



5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 08, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This game is adicting and fun. You have to do certain things before you go to sleep. and it is playing while you're away. It is a must buy for GC.

A different kind of RPG

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 07, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Animal Crossing is a different kind of RPG. It does not involve any fighting or combat. Instead, it is a game of cooperation and community. Up to four players can have a file on the game. These players work together to build homes, go to jobs, and intereact with other villagers. The four players can share items and send mail to each other. It helps children learn about working for what they want, including houses and furniture and clothes for their virtual character. One aspect of the game is that it is a real-time experience. It is set up with weekend activities, end-of-the-month sales, holiday events, and more. I have four girls aging 8 to 16, and they all have fun taking turns in their village. The only disadvantage is that only one person can play at a time, but this helps them learn to be patient!!

Good Game

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 09, 2007
Author: Amazon User

OK, so this game is rather "kiddie". I know, but it is fun. The real-time clock within the game is kinda cool. You play while time is moving on, unlike other games. If you turn the game on, say, at 9pm at night, everyone will be asleep, and it'll be dark. If you play at 6am in the morning, everyone will be waking up, ready to face the day. All in all, it's a good game with plenty to do. Worth it!

Only one thing to say -- BUY IT!!!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 14, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This was the most awesome game I have ever played!!! It's really adicting in a weird way, and it shows that games don't have to be violent and gorey to be great. You could probably play this game for a YEAR and still not finish it. The only part that [stinks] is that you have to save up enough money to buy it and a Nintendo GameCube( unless you already had one, but I didn't and it took me three months to get enough money for just the gamecube, so my mom agreed to buy me one game and I picked the right one!). Anyway, I strongly recomend this game to ANYONE who wants to play a strangly adicting and totally awesome game.

One of the most addictive games

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I recently purchased this game, and when I got home I went direcly to my GameCube. When I started playing I learned that instead of using dollars, you use Bells. Not only do you start off with a very small house you don't even have enough Bells for it. The animal who sold you the house tells you that you can have it but you have to pay off all the debt. Once you pay off all your debt you upgrade your house and you're in debt again. You may keep upgrading your house until you can't upgrade anymore. You can also make animal friends, obtain special items, and more. It is also fun because it's like real life,(i.e.) in the Winter it snows. In Autumn the leaves change color. There are also real life, and made up Holidays. Like, Toy Day (made up Holiday) or Christmas. I also suggest getting a strategy guide. It really helps. A game of patience.

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