Game Cube : Animal Crossing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Animal Crossing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Animal Crossing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 81
GamesRadar 80
IGN 91
GameSpy 80
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (371 - 381 of 495)

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The best game ever

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 26, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I went over to my friends house and she was playing animal crossing. I went over to her house and played it every day until i got my own. It is worth the buck. Now it is so much fun. We even switch memory cards and play each others town.
It is the Best i rate it an A+, 5 stars, coolieosa, Da bomb


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I love this game!! I love how everything is constantly changing. At first I wasn't sure what the point of the game was, and it didn't seem very exciting, but that's just because you have to wait for some things.... I had to wait a few days before I was able to purchase a fishing rod or an insect net, but that opened up a whole new set of things to do! If you talk to the villagers a lot they give you fun stuff... One animal gave me a pear (which is not the native fruit in my town) so I planted it and grew a pear tree! Non-native fruits sell for much more than the native ones do! I also got a cherry from another animal and planted it! It's also fun how new neighbors keep moving in! Just as I was starting to get bored with my old neighbors, a few new ones moved in!

I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes a constantly changing game, or who isn't so great with games that require skill to play.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 30, 2002
Author: Amazon User

We all knew this day would come! A game that DOESN'T END! Rejoice gamers, and join me in the celabration of something grand. Thank you Nintendo! You've made me a happy man. By the way, if you haven't bought this yet, DO IT!

Crossing Fun

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game is a spin off of Harvest Moon, with a twist. This is a fun and adicting game, hard to stop. You could sit there and play for hour's on end. When I heard that it came with a free memory card 59 I was impressed. With NES game's added to the game, that just add's more excitment and replay value. This is a must buy for any GC owner

Gamecube Owner? MWG (Must Want Game)

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Thiis the best game over any single game and it made me want to play more of it. I resently own this game and I can tell tou this...
This game can keep your mind on it for about a year. Have a GBA cable to your Gamecube? Then bring your game further with Animal Island, Design Tool and from a code in the The Crossing Guardian get the NES Advance, play your NES games from GCN and download it to GBA! E-Reader brings your game to the brink of it.
Coming Soon Animal Crossing e-cards!

Awesome Game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 21, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I got this game when it first came out and I still love playing it! It's fun interacting with the animals and collecting fishes, bugs, fossils, and paintings for the museum. It constantly evolves as you play such as the store, the animals, and your house. I love collecting furniture and think the e-reader idea is very cool! I also like playing the NES games that you can get! It is truly an awesome game!

Brilliant, original game for all ages!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 20, 2002
Author: Amazon User

TOTALLY UNIQUE, FUN GAME! You have GOT to get this one! Slowly paced, you play it over weeks and months rather than a few minutes of shooting at things (like a Star Wars shoot-em-up game). This game is BRILLIANT!

Exelent game!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Unfortunately i have found something i do not like about the game... YOU DON'T GET TO BE AN ANIMAL!!! it would be a lot cooler if you could, but alas. Anyway it is still a great game. A hint for people low on money, talk to the villagers untill they get mad at you. Up untill then they will give you stuff(some stuff not so great). Usually you will have to pay for it but often it is worth it. Also plant fruit trees. not the natural growing fruit. Go to another town which has a different fruit and plant them inplace of other trees they will usually grow. Unnatural friut sell for 500 bells instead of 100 so plant a lot!

An Animal World

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 28, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This is the greatest game I have ever played. It's a one of a kind game were you live in a town with animals. It has no goal , but then you cabn play it for a lifetime and each day something new happens.The diverse personalitys of the animals make it even funner.And each animal has its own saying that they put at the end of almost every sentence. You can visit other towns and other animals.I love this game!

Very addicting

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 01, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game will eat up hours of your time if you're not strict with yourself. It's very addicting collecting all the different sets and themes, and very rewarding finding a new piece of furniture, or an item you were missing. I can't wait for the sequel!

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