Game Cube : Animal Crossing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Animal Crossing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Animal Crossing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 81
GamesRadar 80
IGN 91
GameSpy 80
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (381 - 391 of 495)

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A game that will have you playing for months on end

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Animal Crossing is a very different game. I suppose that you could call it a life-simulatoin. You can spend your days fishing, doing chores for your neighbors, writing letters, or just lounge around your house playing NES games. You can even join in the festivities when holidays roll around. The freedom that the game gives you is amazing.

There are hundreds of different pieces of furniture that you can use to decorate your house with, including several classic NES games. You can get items as a reward for helping out your neighbors, as gifts in the mail, or buying them the old fashioned way. And if you're someone who has to get EVERYTHING in a game, well, there's plenty to do. You can donate fish, insects, and other things to the town's museum, try to fill up your catalog of all available items, expand your house, and a lot more.

Nintendo's Game Boy to Game Cube connectivity really shines in this title. Using the GBA, you can access a tropical island where you can snag some rare items and make plenty of (in game) cash. If you have an e-reader and some Animal Crossing cards, you can get a lot of rare items that you can't get any other way.

This game had me in its grip for a full year, but after you've done everything, it starts to become a chore to keep your neighbors happy and your village looking decent. But while the fun lasts, you'll keep coming back for more.

The Sims who?

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Animal crossing is an amazing game so addictive, your family will file a missing person's report. The theory behind the game is to emulate an everyday life. Your character moves to a new town and has to earn a living, interact with the townsfolk, and more importantly design his/her digs. The time in the video game is tied to the actual clock/calendar in your Nintendo GameCube resulting in a realistic progression of things like daylight and seasons... in short if its January in real life, it's going to be snowing in the video game. and if its dark outside in real life, it will be dark in the game, so on and so forth. Animal Crossing will keep entertaining forever, simply because the game generates new scenarios and situations every single day. As a heads-up this game requires a memory card to do almost anything with, I'm not sure if Nintendo is still packaging them with the game so be prepared to have a memory card on hand. This game also takes advantage of the Gameboy Advance via the Gameboy Advance/GameCube link cable, and the Gameboy Advance E-Reader. These are all for non-game essential extras. All you NEED is the GameCube, Animal Crossing, and a Memory Card with about 60 free spots.

A whole new world..

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 16, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I had been DYING to get this game I probably called about 11 different stores for it.That's right!! ELEVEN!!! Finally one day I found it at Best Buy! As soon as I bought it I rushed home to play it......You start out riding on a train talking to Rover (who is actually a cat BTW)he'll talk to you about where you going BLAH BLAH BLAH Ya ya da ya da ask you this ask you that.You get to choose whether your a boy or a girl.He'll tell you a "friend", who is Nook who owns the store in whatever you name your town, has a place for you to live supposedly cheap.(It doesen't seem that cheap to me) You choose your house and automatically don't have enough money for it so you have to pay off your debt by working for Nook.No problem! A few simple errands and your done! Well..done working for HIM at least but you still have to pay your morgage.:( And this is where the fun starts! In Animal Crossing you can:
1.Buy stuff for your house like wallpaper,furniture,carpet etc
3.Catch bugs
4. Talk to the people in your town
And some much MORE..!

The only thing remotely hard is catching bugs or fishing and even that you get the hang of after a while! The only thing that bugs me about the game is your neighbors are pretty rude! But I get even with them by annoying them.How do you annoy them? Well I'll give you a hint one way is hitting them on the head with the net or saying the "wrong thing".They're really repatitive too but what are you gonna do?! Basically,it's a kids version of the Sims with animals.(Without all the junk it's rated teen for:/ ) To cut this review short.I suggest you buy it now...Otherwise your missing out!

This game is really awsome

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 04, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I'm going to keep this short. THIS GAME IS AWSOME! If you haven't played it you should.I know the graphics aren't Xbox quality but you don't need good graphics in a game like this. Get it and a qaranty it will be worth it. If it's not then you must be into the most outrageous games on the planet. This is one of them. First you start out as a new guy in the town. Then soon you have a crapload of friends and "jobs" you can do for them. It is real fun and it is real time too so when your not playing the time still passes!

DUDE!!! The game is the best. Thats a.....

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

DUDE!! The game is the best. Thats all there is too it. Its fun keeping your own little house and town on here, and it kinda feels like you rule the town! :D It is SOOOOOOOO addictive. Its like so addictive that it starts seeming that real life IS animal crossing. There's all sorts of secrets and activities and cheat codes and tidbits hidden around to make the game exciting!!Once you pay off absolutely EVERYTHING, the outcome is outragous. I cant tell u how much u need to buy this game today.

This game is awesome!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 03, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Don't be fooled by reviews saying this game is violent. The worst you can do it hit another villager with a bug catching net. All they do is yell at you. This game is great for all ages and instills positive values. Anyone who would burn 2000 games may be more than a little crazy, so take it from a 14-year old who love the game, IT'S GREAT!

Simple yet rewarding

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is an act of genius. True, the graphics could have been better - but what can you do? The thing was designed for another system. That minor issue aside, Animal Crossing is one of the best games I've ever played, and I tend to only give that honor to games in the Final Fantasy series (save maybe one or two minor disappointments). This game is cute, fun, and horribly addictive. I am actually buying a gamecube just to play this game - that's how much I like it.

Time flies when you play this!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is really easy to figure out (even without a guide). The more you play, the more you'll wanna play! There's always something going on in the town and you get prizes from the townspeople. So it makes you want to play more in order to get the special items. It's addiction waiting to happen!

This Game Rocks!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Everyone is right, the commercials are downright stupid looking. But I discribe this game as a drug, because it is so addicting! You work(for a very short while), buy your own house, and furnish it! If you pay off your house, you can have it upgraded to a bigger room, a basement, and an upstairs. You choose your own furniture, wallpaper, carpet, and more! In a couple of days, you can fish, catch bugs, plant trees, cut them down, and do favors for the locals. You can have up to four people in one town, and if you have an extra memory card, you can start a new file on that, and visit your other town to get things that aren't originally in your own town. This is a must buy! Sure it sounds dorky, but try it and you'll see what I mean!

Graphics: 3/5 The graphics could be better

Sound: 2/5 Every hour there is an annoying town song and almost every time it is different.

Story: 5/5 The story line is one of the best ever.

The animals are coming, the ANIMALS are coming!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 03, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is GREAT, nothing else like it.
belive me i like games almost as much as the next guy because
their is no bloodsheld,gore,imature stuff that some of us should stay
away from.Just clean good entertaiment.
so move away violence because, the animals are coming. {:@}

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