Game Cube : Animal Crossing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Animal Crossing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Animal Crossing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 81
GamesRadar 80
IGN 91
GameSpy 80
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (231 - 241 of 495)

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I love it!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 21, 2002
Author: Amazon User

When I first rented this game I was expecting some game that was really kid-ish and boring, I was wrong this is one of the funnest games I have played! It has a real-time clock meaning that if it is 8AM then it is 8AM there also, so it is better to play during the day rather than the night as most of the village characters will be asleep. I recomend this game to anyone it is really fun game and once you start its hard to put the control down so I give it a 5.

Great, if you're not playing alone

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User

My problem with Animal Crossing can be summed up in two words: Peripheral Devices. The game requires that players own and use both the Nintendo Gameboy Advance and an e-reader to experience many of the best parts of the game. One of the things I looked forward to most when I bought Animal Crossing was playing old NES games like Punch Out. I have not yet discovered a way to do so without a Gameboy.

My other main problem with this title is that Animal Crossing was designed to be a shared experience. I like the idea of having my actions affect what happens in an other person's game. Unfortunately, I'm 25 years old with no kids. My also-25-year-old male roommates don't have open minds regarding games with cute characters, so they won't touch it. My girlfriend is strongly anti-gaming. That leaves me to play the game myself, and that's not enough. The only person I can leave messages for in the town square is myself. That's not very fun. I don't get mail very often, because I'm not too interested in corresponding with a computer.

I can see how Animal Crossing might be a great game for a family to play together, or for a group of friends, but it's not right for me. My problem with Animal Crossing can be summed up in two words: Peripheral Devices. The game requires that players own and use both the Nintendo Gameboy Advance and an e-reader to experience many of the best parts of the game. One of the things I looked forward to most when I bought Animal Crossing was playing old NES games like Punch Out. I have not yet discovered a way to do so without a Gameboy.

My other main problem with this title is that Animal Crossing was designed to be a shared experience. I like the idea of having my actions affect what happens in an other person's game. Unfortunately, I'm 25 years old with no kids. My also-25-year-old male roommates don't have open minds regarding games with cute characters, so they won't touch it. My girlfriend is strongly anti-gaming. That leaves me to play the game myself, and that's not enough. The only person I can leave messages for in the town square is myself. That's not very fun. I don't get mail very often, because I'm not too interested in corresponding with a computer.

I can see how Animal Crossing might be a great game for a family to play together, or for a group of friends, but it's not right for me.

Simple Fun

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: December 29, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I received this game for Christmas without really knowing what it was about. I read alot of the reviews here at Amazon before finally deciding to play. At first, I was thoroughly bored. It seemed too easy, and was becoming disgusted quickly. Then I had my 7 year old daughter join me in playing. It was alot more fun to write her notes and send her presents in the game...and to ultimately help her out. I am now also finding the game more fun as I am progressing in it. The one thing I DO NOT like about the game is the fact that is runs in REAL time...and when they say REAL time they mean it!! 5 minutes in real life...5 minutes have passed in the game. Everybody in the game goes to bed around a certain time...so if you are a night owl, you should surely set the clock different than the actual time. Still, although this game is fun, I would reccommend it for younger kids.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 23, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I bought this game about 2 months ago(I still play everyday.) It teaches kids about money, morgages, and having you own house. You can decortate your house, buy and make clothes, fish, do favors for animals, make friends, catch bugs, and MORE! But I must admit, when you get the biggest house it does get a little boring. It is still fun though. I personally like the ds version better.

Like real life, sort of...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 03, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game offers you the chance to live and work in an alternate reality, so to speak. You can get a job, buy a house, work off your debt, plant an orchard, take out the trash, go fishing or hunt for treasure. The game mimics real life in many respects, only the characters are animals, which appeals to kids as well as adults. Game play isn't really difficult. What's interesting about this game is to see the changes that have taken place since you last entered the game world. Life goes on there, even when you're away.

What a lot of games should aspire to be.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: March 30, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This is an example of a game returning to what gaming used to be before the fanboys went completely nuts, before everything was about graphics and frame rate, and before developers ran out of originality. This game is about fun, and nothing else. The graphics are what many would consider to be sub-par but I find them colorful, different, and relaxing. The game runs very smoothly and without any hiccups, adding to the experience. The little missions your neighbors give you are relatively easy and the rewards are always helpful or neat in one way or another. Decorating your house and keeping it clean is surprisingly fun, and the only violence it requires is squishing cockroaches. The environment is beautiful in its own special way and even changes with the seasons. I would say a negative for this game is how addictive it is except that the game goes at the same pace of real life. So, the only way to keep going and going throughout the day is to lie to the game and tell it that another day has gone by. If you do that though you either have some serious addiction problems or are very bored. What it comes down to is that this game accomplishes what most games being made these days cannot, its just fun, pure and simple. It doesn't try to be art or cutting edge, or push the sex and violence envelope, it just tries to be genuinely fun, which in a strange way makes it art in itself.

Some of you are not playing long enough!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 06, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I realize that different people like different things, but this is not the kind of game you can 'try out' for an hour.

The first day or two you are 'working' for the store owner, who has just sold you a house to live in. He has you run those errands and such. This is mostly to familiarize you with the game and get you started.

This game works in real time, so you can't 'finish' this stage all at once. It wasn't designed to be played for hours and hours straight. It was made to play a little each day.

I've read a lot of reviews here and there about people who think they're 'forced' to pull weeds, pick all the fruit, pay off the loans (which get bigger and bigger), run everybody's errands, fill up the museum, etc.

THAT'S NOT IT AT ALL!!! You don't HAVE to do anything! You don't even have to pay back any of your loan, but you get a better house each time that you do. You don't HAVE to pull the weeds...just let them grow! Ignore the museum...whatever! Why would you keep doing something you don't enjoy? Personally, I hate dealing with the weeds...so I let them grow. (fortunately, a nice ghost I met at 2am pulled them for me!)

Heck, my boyfriend just got a big kick out of resetting and watching Mr. Resetti raise heck about it...and then he beat poor Kiki with the the butterfly net until she cried!!!!!

There are mini games that you find in the game, there are special events, and lots of game secrets (tip: when you dig up money from a glowing hole, bury some money in the same hole...you will grow a money tree!)

Also, some people are upset about the timeline and how they can only play during certain times of the day. CHANGE THE DATE!!! You can make it Christmas morning if you want. Also, I work night shift, so I change night to day...or just tweak the time enough to get Tom Nook's store to open.

Anyways, I really feel that some of you would have enjoyed it if you gave it a chance. Just play for 15-30 minutes each day for a week...then you may become hooked.

2hr. of coding and 10min. of graphics design=Animal Crossing

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 7 / 38
Date: November 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User

All I have to say, is that the other 80 reviews saying this game is great must be have been made by easily amused people or 5-10 year old children. The game was a descent chuckle for about a half an hour, than I started noticing the extreme repetition.

Doing jobs for the town people almost always involved getting an item from one person and taking it to the proper owner. This might have been okay if there were some kind of obstacles to overcome, but in truth all you had to do was walk from one house to the next, over and over.

Then there was that interesting twist of real time events. At 1:00am I thought I would turn on the game and finish paying off the house (yes, a real mortgage isn't good enough, so they give you one in the game too). To my surprise, everyone in the game was asleep, and all the stores were closed. Wow, just like real life right? This means if I want to progress in the game, I have to get home early from the movies, dinner, work, or otherwise real-life activities just to buy or sell something from one of the stores in the game. I know the 80 life-less losers, or 10-year olds that wrote 5-star reviews have no problem with this (one of them even said they were going to call in sick to work because of trick-or-treating in the game), but I have better things to do than to schedule my life around a game. Don't get me wrong, if the game were at all gripping I would simply change the time settings in the game so that all of a sudden at 2:00am mid November real-time, it's December 25 9:00am. The fact of the matter is, the game just isn't worth it.

Oh, and if you ever wanted a game to teach morals to your children, this must be the one. Moral after moral. Don't steal, don't lie, don't stay up after your bedtime, pay your mortgage, do your work without joking around, be nice.

Bottom line: This game is great for 5-10year olds, life-less losers that haven't found massively multiplayer games that at least have a social element (like Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, etc.), and people with frontal lobotomies (like president George W. Bush). If you're one of those people that believes everything needs a chance, then please rent the game first

Redundancy: See Redundancy

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 5 / 24
Date: November 18, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I'm so glad I rented this game instead of buying it. Animal Crossing is cute but completely pointless. It's a little like "The Sims" in that you have a character and a house in a virtual world; but unlike "The Sims," there are no relationships, and it's not even much fun decorating the house (it's only one tiny room).

I got bored after about 90 minutes; I could tell the game was going to be nothing more than running repetitive errands for the residents of the little town.

I truly don't understand why anyone likes this kind of game. This is just as bad as "The Sims Online" (another boring, pointless real-time game).

Completly Not Fun

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 18
Date: December 11, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Horrible. Graphics are good. Boring..No point to the game. Don't spend 20 dollars on this!

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