Game Cube : Animal Crossing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Animal Crossing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Animal Crossing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 81
GamesRadar 80
IGN 91
GameSpy 80
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (221 - 231 of 495)

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This is a different game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 23, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Now this is a game that will make you come back and play again and again. It's a game you play at your own pace. No time limits, no restrictions and all relaxing fun...

Animal Crossing is a game in which you choose what to do. You want to go fishing? you want to make money? you want to help out your neighbors? You want to go and dig for fossils? You want to get a rare insect and donate it to your local museum? It's all up to you.

This is the best game to bring your girlfriend and/or your parents to play games with you. This is a really diferent game than what is out there. No killing, no racing, no sport, just lot's of fun.

You'll forget it's a game.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 16, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This is NOT a game just for younger kids. This game is great for anybody who wants to step out of the real world, and step into a new world with it's own rewards. This is a game that I play every day just to see who's doing what, and what's new in town. Something different happens every day. You can send letters to the people in your town, catch fish to sell to make money, and all sorts of other things. This can hardly be called a game. It's so much more than a game. It's a whole new take on life. If you want to have the chance to run your life the way you'd like, don't pass up this fantastic game.

Fun game, just a little too repetative

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 17, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game is an utstanding concept of how life would be if Animals would cross with humans. When this was made it was almost as if it were the sims meeting animal farm. Good graphics for its time, could be better game play because it does get so repiticous with paying off house loans. I think its nice how the game recognizes what the day and time is. Also it has alot of special features. Whats annoying is the fact that the animals cant understand human lang.

Fun for everyone

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 16, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I bought this game initially for my 10 year old daughter, but now my 5 year old son plays it as well! We help him with the words and directions, but he does most of the work! Both kids play and love that there is interaction with other animals, and the fact that you work in order to get tasks accomplished, it really makes kids have to think!

very good !

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: December 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User

animal crossing has been a great game for almost 5 years and it is still a great game with the new one out! but i wont compare them, i will tell you about the animal crossing for NGC. the game is all about you. getting on a train, meeting rover and answering questions. than you work for nook and he lets you go, but you still have to pay your loan if you want a bigger house. there is also animals living in your town. they talk funny but you can read what they say. and after a week of playing the animals dont have much to say so they keep repeating them selves. you can fish in this town, catch bugs (bugs are hard to find in winter) and cut down trees. this game goes by real time in case you already didnt know. so it has the same seasons as the real world. holidays will come by. like halloween, christmas, april fools ect. but as for the human holidays there is fake holidays. like fishing tourney which take place every sunday in november. special guests come like jingle (the santa clause in the game) and chip in the fishing tourney. with every holiday the mayor will come and give you a special gift. you can mail letters and send presents (the animals NEVER understand your letter) and you can decorate your house with furnicher and plants. you can keep a garden or plant trees. there is a town museum where you can donate your bugs, fossils, paintings, or fishes. there is a post office where you may save the letters you get or mail letters or pay your loan. the police station is where you check the lost and found, see whats happening in town (specail people like joan, katrina ect. may come to your town) now for my favorite part. going to a friends house! for this you need a friends town mamory card. when you visit a friends town you cant meet their character. but you can send them a letter and buy stuff from their town. and maybe one of their town animal will move to your town! animal crossing is an amazing game! if your thinking about getting it than you better bacuse your mising on an awsome game!

tip for people who have it: if you want the animal to understand your letters than maybe you should try another language. like french or spanish or chinese ect. french worked for my friend!

I love Kiki and the other cats!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User

In this game,you choose a name for your person.Girl or Boy.Buy a house for yourself,put anything in it,live large.I named my town,New York City.Because I love New York City!The animals each have there own features.Mean,nice in the middle,etc.Sue E a pig in my town,thinks she's better than everyone!Well watch out you pig,there are plenty of pretty people out there!I have Nookingtons!Tom Nooks store.This place is huge!Two floors with furniture on each.You need to have two memory cards to do this.And four people in your town.Timmy and Tommy Nookling,are so silly!They help out there daddy.So does the wife.The whole thing is kinda cool.You can go fishing,shopping,or sit back home and listen to music.My friends Rebekah and Nikola want this game.But I'll let them borrow it.Rebekah loves it.The song with the cat is kinda weird.It sounds like its falling out of the tree or something.Kiki.a cat that lives in my town,I write her a letter everyday.I never send presents,but for some reason,she writes back sending me a present.Thats why I like her and the other cats.Play this game.Rent it,buy,whatever you do,play it.I also have the guide too.Its helpful alot.Buy that too.Best Wishes from Rebekah!

deep thoughts through the eyes of a nintendo fan

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 20, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Ahem, well first off when I had first heard of the game (back in the day when it was going to be a game called "Animal Forest" for the N64), I thought that thats all the world needed, another time-consuming activity that would keep me glued to the screen 24-7. Now I think the same thing, yet with more open arms once i saw the video at E3. I was hooked. My thoughts were flooded with animal crossing. I dont want to buy it on account of I will never get away from it, yet I feel like I will be missing out on a great game. The graphics are somewhat sub-par compared to the previous games that have been released for the gamecube, but all in all, i belive that if you can surpass the picture and the fact that you will have no life but the life you have in the town you create, it will be a superb addition to any game collection. ASD

Animal Crossing, a real-time communication game.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Animal Crossing is one of the unique games for the gamecube. It has an endless storyline and there is no ending to the game. There are always more things to do. The game is about communicating with your animal neighbors, building a nice town, and expanding and adding cool stuff to your house. There are a whole bunch of different items and clothing that you can buy or recieve as a gift. One of the neatest things about Animal Crossing is the ability to have multiple human players living in the same town, and all that each player does effects the other players differently. Another cool thing is the ability to travel to your friend's town on another memory card and make friends with their villagers, chop down trees, collect fruit, bugs, and fish, buy things from their sales, send them mail, and much, much more. Sometimes animal villagers leave your town to live in the one you visited, or vice versa. This is one of the best games for gamecube, so you should get it as soon as you can, I know I will.

great game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I rented this game from Blockbuster and I have to say that it was alot more than I expected. As time goes on in your town, you can get more furniture, add a second story, and wait to see if your friend will understand the letter you just sent. People (or animals) will leave the town and new people will come in their place. You might go raid the dump one day, go bug-hunting and fishing the next day, and buy a big-screen TV from Tom Nook's after that. This game has a lot more stuff to it but I'll leave you to figure that out.
P.S: This game takes up 59 blocks of memory, so be prepared!

Just plain awesome!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 20, 2002
Author: Amazon User

WOW...this is one of the best games ever. I think it'll even become some sort of classic game! The reason why is because of the originality of it. A very similar game would be Harvest Moon, but not quite. In Animal Crossing, it has a real time clock that corresponds with the actual time that is in the real world right now. I agree with the many reviews that say it is a mix between The SIMs and Harvest Moon. I'm a HUGE fan of SIMs myself, so of course I would love Animal Crossing.
Also, the thing is, no matter when you play it, something different will always happen. Each season has something different, each month, each week, each day, and even each hour!! I don't think there's really any end to this game. The replay value is sooo high, that this game should keep you going for at least a whole yr. Even if you don't sit down and play it for hours each day, it'll still keep you entertained at least a couple of times each day.
I've already pre-ordered this game a very long ago. TODAY is the day that it finally hit the stores, so I should get this tomorrow or so. If you aren't considering to get this game....SHAME ON YOU!! This is the best game ever!

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