Game Cube : Animal Crossing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Animal Crossing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Animal Crossing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 81
GamesRadar 80
IGN 91
GameSpy 80
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (201 - 211 of 495)

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ggets boring as hell after a while

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 3 / 9
Date: January 14, 2006
Author: Amazon User

most of the people who gave this like five stars dont like it now. they get it there LIK OMG THIS IS SOOO COLL OMG!! a fiew months later it gets repeditive and boring. the world is sooo smallll errr i got so bord of it i boght 4 mem cards and started like 4 other towns so i cold visit them. whitch was fun. like if you plant trees there from your world there worth 500 bells and the fruit there is worth 400 bell in my world. (so i got ritch pretty fast) get it if you want its realy fun for a fiew months or a year but ehh! w\e your choice. overall i give it 50% rating.

not bad but it could be better

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 5
Date: March 19, 2004
Author: Amazon User

animal crossing isnt so bad if you like easy games.the graphics arent bad but there is room for improvemeent.the bad side about crossing is it has 24 hour time and it is wierd.the good side is that you can earn money and become the richest thing in your world.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 5
Date: February 11, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I started playing this game with 2 of my cousins. At first I thought they were crazy (theyre teens) but I started playin g and I couldnt stop!!!!The aspect of the game is lifeas an adult you get money you spend it . I got it for my birth daynever ending fun.

Great game. Some parents might think twice.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: September 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I'm 25 and grew up with my brothers playing Nintendo. I recently bought the Game Cube and this game was one of the 5 that I've purchased. So far it's my favorite (my husband's as well!). It's a great game to relax to. It's very amusing, entertaining, and challenging. I won't go on about how great it is... I would agree with most of the opinions here! It's truly a must have. My only concern is that if I had kids I wouldn't let them play this. Here's why: All characters that you talk to have a "cute" phrase/word they repeat at the end of each sentence. Some of these words are undesirable (Dagnabit, gah, jeeze, heck, darn) and might concern parents. The other thing, being "dishonest" can help you in the game. I'm "old enough to know better", but it might not be such a great idea for little kids.

An awesome way for family to spend time together!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: March 03, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I won't go into to too many details about the game since they have been mentioned many times before. I originally bought this game for my 4 year old daughter. Nobody even touched it at first. Then I turned it on and started playing and the next thing I knew we were all hooked. My 6 year old daughter has to play as soon as she gets home from school. My husband started playing to help my 4 year old and they play for at least an hour a day. Time flies very fast when you are playing. Once I finally was able to play again which was usually after the kids went to bed, I decided to make a new town and live there. Which gave them a whole new world. They come and visit my town and enjoy the differences between the towns. Some of their neighbors move to my town and back again. It goes on and on. I know there is so much more we haven't faced yet and we can't wait. Best game in a long time. You learn, play, live, and appreciate your surroundings. A must for your collection.

My Animal Crossing Review

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: February 12, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game is very fun. You can make your own town, create your own character, decorate your house, and earn money to make your house bigger and better. I like being able to make friends.

The story of a few strangers chosen to live in a video game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Animal Crossing... the story of a few strangers chosen to live in a video game, and find out what happens when they stop being themselves and start being someone else; Animal Crossing for Nintendo Gamecube! That's the motto of the Animal Crossing commercial. Once you play Animal Crossing, you start to know what it's like to live in a world where you have to get a job, buy a house, pay off loans and debts, furnish and clean your house, etc. Animal Crossing will let you do all that, compact into one little mini-DVD.

In AnimaL Crossing, you are supposed to run a town, having freedom to pretty much anything that you can do in the real world; buy a house, buy furniture, keep your house clean, do jobs and chores, fish, play games, pay off loans and debts from your house, and even play classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games! You can do that, and you will have to do jobs and chores for people, and get paid a certain amount of bells (currency of Animal Crossing) and you can buy things for your house and for yourself. You can trade items with people online with the convienece of a passcode online or with a friend. At first, it may sound kiddy, childish, and boring, it is actually a very fun, addictive game that you will want to play forever. Animal Crossing is a kind of game that you can never finish it, there is always something new to do, somewhere to explore, someone to meet.

With the new technology that will allow you to connect your Gameboy Advance to your Gamecube, you can do many interesting things. You can transport your character to your GBA island, find new items to bring to your Gamecube, etc. With the new e-Reader products, you can use that link cable, connect it to your e-Reader, and purchasing an inexpensive deck of cards will bring you new town theme songs, new clothes, more items, foods, and more. Animal Crossing is the most innovative game you may see in a long time, giving you freedom to do pretty much anything. A great game that you shouldn't pass up.

OVERALL: 5 out of 5 stars

This is good. Mindlessly.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: January 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Bunch of points:
1. Buy this, or else it means you have some kind of mental disease that stops you from buying the best games
2. Same as above
3. THis is hopelessly addictive. When you wander around town, you will see only he tv screen, the rest of the room turning into a blurr of vivid colors, and little singing birds.
4. I'm 16 years old, and this game is just great for me, as well as my 5 year old little sister. She will sit with my wavebird in her hands, learning ways to trade items with animals, and my mom will happily welcome that change, since the other game my sister will play is super smash brothers melee, which is, as a lot of you may know, very different, to the aspect of instead of cute little critters it's a bunch of violent psycopaths that will do all sorts of things to come to an end with their seemingly endless quarrels.
Anywyas, in know parents don;t really support that kind of game (although ssbm is one of the top 5 game son gc), and games in genreal, tha come with violence. So this game, allows me to spend more time with my sister, and also to play video games without having my parents on my back about why it is i only play games where you kill things in tight dismal corridors, with a handful of guns that have interesting effects on the bodies of the various enemies who have the foolishness necessary to get in my way.

OOOF! so my overall point is, this game is a very big change from othe games in general, but there isn't a bad thing i can say about it except for maybe the graphics which look like a low-grade n64 game.
13/10 lol

Good Family Fun For Everyone

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: March 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Animal Crossing is quite the game to play. In its own simplicity is loads of fun, and I dare say, educational. Some of the activities your character can do is fish, dig holes, pull weeds, shake trees, mail letters to animal friends, run errands, get free prizes from the mayor, make your own design, visit another town, and it goes on and on.

The best part about it, for parents, there is no violence in this game. It promotes reading and a bit of educational facts about bugs, fish, and dinosaurs. The only drawback is some of the words that pop up on the screen. For cautious parents, sit down with the younger kids and read with them the words on the screen. Some words are expressed by clearly angry or gloomy animal characters. Mind you there are no curse words, but be aware.

The concept behind this game is genius. You make the most of your character. He or she never dies, there is no time restraint, and you set your own goals. Whether it is to collect all the gyroids possible or to fish to your heart content, there is no rush.

If you haven't bought Animal Crossing, I highly, highly recommend it. It is great for people of all ages.


Great! Reccomend you buy

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: October 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I loved this games open-endedness(No End). The way you got to interact with the rest of your community is great. The Best thing about this? The game runs in real time which means that if 5 hours go around in the real world, 5 hours go around in Animal Crossing.

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