Game Cube : Animal Crossing Reviews

Gas Gauge: 82
Gas Gauge 82
Below are user reviews of Animal Crossing and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Animal Crossing. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 81
GamesRadar 80
IGN 91
GameSpy 80
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (241 - 251 of 495)

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Terrible game

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 3 / 12
Date: December 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game has a few solid reasons to buy it, sadly it is outweighed completely by reasons not to buy it. lets start by listing the pros and cons:


*It's very addictive and is fun, sadly this joy only lasts for about 10 minutes

*Very interactive


*Talking with AI non-stop makes you feel like a total idiot

*Its childish feel will make you want to hide it from your friends

*The gameplay is extremely repetitive

*Some of the objectives and tasks are just plain stupid

What ran through my mind as I played the game for the first hour or so I thought what is the point? You do tasks to earn money. You use money to buy new items. You use new items to do MORE task. Not once through the entire game did I realize what the designer was going for. There is no winning, no losing, maybe the designers are trying to prevent hurt feelings.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 5 / 27
Date: February 22, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Why don't people just go out and do these things for real?

Rent don't buy this game

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 13
Date: August 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User

It's a great game in the begining but as you keep playing you keep doing the same stuff over and over. To save you have walk or run all the way to your house and that gets annoying. Rent the game don't buy it as it will get boring

This is a great game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 13
Date: August 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Just so everyone knows this is not a game boy color game. It is a Gamecube game. It's cool too.

Is it worth it?

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 7
Date: November 24, 2004
Author: Amazon User

No, it's not really. It's fun at the beginning when you start off you're life, but after a while it can become quite boring. After you've gotten lots of items and you think that you are doing really well, the boring police take this game and transform it into the most boring game ever. In my file, Joey Jr., I've based my life on collecting all the tunes, because that's the only fun thing in the whole stink'n game! Unless you can find this game for under $15.00, it's not worth it. And, if you decide to buy this game, make sure it comes with it's own memory card, or else you'll have to waste your money on a little square box. But, I don't think you should even buy it at all.

Animal Farm-Animal Crossing?

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 14
Date: July 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User

In the classic novel "Animal Farm" a group of farmyard animals set out to capture their farm and to start a new revolution. But what would have happened if the animals captured a town? And what if the creatures had the minds of 3 year olds? Welcome to animal crossing.

As the game starts, an annoying cat on a train interrigates u forcefully about your name. I mouthed off to her, and got off the train. Then, the evil feline hooked me up to a crazy racoon, who makes you pay about 200000 dollars for a home the size of a cubicle? When you pay off the debt by doing about four tasks. Also, the animals seemed to have inhaled a toxic,radioactive substance, turning them into humanoids! AAAGH! When you pay off your debt, theres nothing left to do. I enjoy torturing the mutants by repededly bashing into them. It makes them so ticked. Some people say that this game is suitable for 6 year olds. It's not. One of the little monsters, christened "Bluebear" repedetly swears at me, giving my mutant the nickname FUer. Except it's the whole F word. Aslo the game operates with real time, meaning things change wether you like it or not (a.k.a every control freak's nightmare.) This game makes me frusterated, angry, and saddened that I ever bought the thing. Don't even rent it. Or the mutants will attack your TV too.

great for older kids; not for little ones

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: June 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This is a great game for older kids (say over the age of 8) that are able to read well. These animals (critters) do not speak so you have to be able to read what they say. My 12 yr. old daughter loves it and has continued to play it since christmas whereas some other she has not. The 5 yr. old loves to play the game and tries, but she gets frustrated because she can't read all the words, but loves the game. One caution: get it for kids (or adults) who are able to read.

no goal + time consuming + ok graphics = THINK for a change!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: September 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I would disagree that this game is primarily for a younger audience. I believe it suits ALL audiences. That said, it's a taste thing.... If you're a lover of car-crash-and-jiggle action films as well as sit-coms.. you won't like Animal Crossing.

If you're a lover of plots, storyline, interaction and intrigue.. buy it.

Better than Sims!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: March 23, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Animal Crossing is a slight twist of the Sims, except for the fact that they are animals, not human. It is very very fun. It even keeps going even if your not playing, how cool is that! In this game you can design your own door covers, umbrellas and clothes. Also if you have a game boy advance connector, you can play classic Nintendo games. You could listen to music and play other classic games like "Packman". It is awesome as you can see your self in the future showing how hard life really is.

The fun stuff is also changing dates so you can get presents if you change it to Christmas, or your birthday. It may look a little corny, but it is really really addicting. Once you play you can't stop because you can't stop! If you truly love Sims, you will love this game so much better! You need to play this if you haven't.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 8
Date: October 13, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This is not a good buy, it is best maybe a rental but even then it probobly isnt that good of an idea. I have had this game for 1 full day now and i am not at all happy with it.

The informative circle on the front telling me that there was a free memory card inside was the thing that made me want to buy this game. but trust me, it is NOT worth it at all!

This title is pretty good for a few hours but then it becomes VERY monotonus to the point where u wont care a dang bit . One other thing that i find not very good about it is that there is no objective.

What you do is work for the owner of a shop to pay off your 20,000 dollar house doing about 3 or 4 different tasks.

but then u start doing the same thing, you become a delivery boy for the 7 or 8 lazy inhabitants and it is the worst part and what makes it even worse (if thats possable) is that you have to deliver the same things over and over but to different people.

And the fact that it runs in real-time makes the game even slower.

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