Below are user reviews of The Getaway and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for The Getaway.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (141 - 151 of 191)
Show these reviews first:
Better Than VC If Your A Mature Gamer
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: March 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is brilliant. The graphics are by far better then GTA 3 or VC. The game play although is not as rough but its a lot more mature and a lot more deadly. As I played this game I actually started to become the character. Talking to myself about where to go in a city that is EXTREMELY huge. I can't get over how big this area is. Since it came out around the same time as Vice City its got some tough competition on its hands. I think that Vice City shouldn't get the award for Game of the year. It should definitely be this game. Because this game has got everything that GTA 3 and Vice City have and THEN Some. I am not going to list pro's and con's. It sort of depends on what your into. If you are into this kind of game but not really sure about it. Then go out and rent it first... Then depending on what you think of it. Go out and buy it if it means that much to you.
Take care and adios.
Going down to play this game. By the way... All MISSIONS ARE TERRIFIC. Nothing better then this gameplay and storyline.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 7
Date: February 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User
No Game is Better than this one. Although it has al little blood there is nothing very violent. It is rated M Because of the Bad words, THATS ALL. I have read other reviews that said that the game is bad for children, IT"S NOT AT ALL. I would suggest this Game to ANYONE.
Getaway from buying this game!
Rating: 1,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: February 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I highly suggest you rent this game or wait for the dozen of used version of this horrible GTA3 wannabee. The liberal use of the F-word thoughout the FMV was a turnoff. The game design is generic at best (limited camera angles) and the controls are bad. Seems to me they put this out quickly to ride the coattails of GTA:Vice City. I can't believe people was praising this game for being realistic?! What really turned me off was the totally stupid plot. You are suppose to commit crime and kill people (even your former best friends) to preserve the life of your son?! Come on!
This game is awesome!!!!!!
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 2
Date: January 27, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I have reciently baught this game for PS2 and it's awesome. I will recomed this game to anyone who has played the GTA series.
1. the game uses real cars.(like the mercdes, lexis, ect.)
2. the game is chalenging.(there is no map, bullit count, or health count)
3. the game is max pain, dead to rights, and GTA vice city all put together.
4. you can jack any car.
5. you can put a person in a choke hold and use them as a shield.
1. you have to beat the game before you can just go walking around.
2. you turn slowley
3. you can't walk upstairs when you have someone in a choke hold.
The 411 from an American
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 1
Date: January 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User
I rented this game today (like I do before I consider buying a game) and I am somewhat pleased, and somewhat disappointed. Let's start out with the negatives: First of all, where in the world is my health bar? What tells me what the heck I am holding in my hand to shoot people? Where in the blazes do I look to find out how much ammo I have?
Though it is nice to see the "whole picture" without any graphics in the way, but WHERE IN THE NAME OFF ALL THINGS HOLY ARE MY GRAPHICS! I have no idea in what state the guy is in except by the way he walks/hobbles around. And if you are hobbling around, you regain health by leaning up against the wall? Yes, that's right, no need to re-read that last sentence. I sure wish the software developers could have leaped into a wall once they realized how terrible of an idea that was.
I don't know how long I can talk about this game without using a 4-letter word. But now--to be fair, here are some positives: The graphics are superb. The English accents/sayings give a guy from the south a nice chuckle or two (not a redneck by the way). The cars you see crowding the streets, I believe, are licensed, so those are the real deal folks--contrary to GTA.
I'm sorry to say this but I have one more thing to moan about. I think the storyline is pretty good...IF IT WERE THOUGHT OF BEFORE MAX PAYNE AND GRAND THEFT AUTO. Someone kills wife, but you are the one charged with murder. And then you end up having to work for a gang/mafia. Hmmmm.....Sound familiar?
Rent it to just have the experience, but don't buy it. .... Hey, I'm just tryin to save you the money and the headache.
Awsome to trash..depending on how you look at it
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Getaway. For and older game, the graphics are really good. Plot and vioce acting are pretty good too. Let me start of by saying, this game thinks it's Scarface. Ever other word is (I HATE this term) "F-Bomb". Also, its soooooooooo frustrating. Some levels will take you well over an hour.\
British words are funny, so that adds to the game.
Geteaway copies off a bunch of mob movies too
Overall, it's an alright game to add tp your collection. Dont save up for it, only if you have some extra cash.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is more of a movie then an action game but thats cool anyways.It is a Grand Theft Auto clone with violence,doesn`t have anything in-common with the Driver series apart from the real city the graphics are the best ive seen and you get Licenced(real) cars and buildings the storyline is great and isn`t short as you play as a former gangster-turned-strieght called Mark Hammond (for the first half of the game then you play Frank Karter).The storyline starts at 8:00a.m. in London,England and Mrs. Hammond and Alex(Marks son) walk out of a building and then Charley Jolsons girl friend YasMin and two body guards walk out to talk to her but Mrs. Hammond says the wrong thing to Yasmin and gets shot and Alex runs of but Yasmin catches him and takes him and Mark runs out to catch them and his wife dies in his arms and a civilian sees him and drops her shopping(probably the one who tells the cops that Mark killed her) but mark picks the assasins gun ratha then his one that means that his gun will be DNA tested and he will be the one blamed for the murder and then the game begins.the sound isn`t anything to be proud of apart from the gun sounds and actings.and i have to admit its fun getting arrested on this so i get Mark arrested alot unlike GTA where they just point a gun at "Fido"(GTAIII),Vercetti(GTAVC) or CJ(GTASA)
review by FG,Cov,Wst. Midlnds,Great Britan.
Not GTA!
Rating: 3,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User
So, the price is right for this game, I do recommend it, but be careful. The whole deal with the VERY slow British cars can get annoying to those who are used to the new GTA games where just about every car goes lightning fast. The gunfighting is definately more fun than the driving, since while you're driving you're pretty helpless and can't shoot out of your car. Another thing taking away all challenge is that there is no health pickups. You will gradually heal back to full health as you sit and wait and no one comes to attack you, so you can recharge yourself and pop back around the corner for another go at the nutters. I can't recommend it to GTA fans, but to fans of amazing stories and story-telling abilities I do recommend this game, it's like participating in a movie.
A Game of its own.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
First off, "The Getaway" is not GTA. Though this would seem obvious if you have read the previous user reviews on this site it is, nonetheless, still worth mentioning. Why? Sony's foray into car-jacking action is more story driven. Honestly, I'd recommend this game more towards individuals who read crime-fiction books like "Choice of Evil" by Andrew Vachss or anyone who watches "The Shield" on FX.
I won't rehash the story, but needless to say you get to play two characters on both sides of the law. Unlike the horrible Snake to Raiden transition seen in Metal Gear Solid 2, you'll actually welcome the switch off between Mark Hammond, the former gangster, and D.C. Carter, one of London's most unstable cops.
Besides the story, "The Getaway" has a great production value in terms of voice-work, graphics, and especially music. The score is hip and refreshing for a video game. As for the graphics, I was amazed at the amount of detail and the stable frame-rate when multiple characters were on the screen at once. On one level, you're in the middle of Chinatown and two massive gangs are fighting it out in the streets.
Overall, if you're into stylish video games...I'd say pick it up with some hesitation. "The Getaway" is, as I mentioned before, for certain gamers.
Loads of Fun,
Rating: 5,
Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This is my first Playstation Game I played. The game is fun and the accents are great. When you finish the game as Hammond you can play again in the role of the renegage cop Carter. Great fun! Once you get used to driving and using the controls this game is very entertaining. The game is very realistic. Be patient and get used to driving and moving your character and the game becomes very entertaining. My only dislike is you can't skip through the movie parts of the game. They can be a little repetative.