Playstation 2 : Devil May Cry 3 Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Devil May Cry 3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Devil May Cry 3. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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GamesRadar 80
1UP 90

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 95)

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Excellent game, revitalizes the series, extremely difficult

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 30 / 30
Date: March 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I must say Devil May Cry 3 is an incredibly awesome game. I loved the original DMC immensely, and like a ton of other people, I was very disappointed with the sequel. This game lives up to the original, and expands upon it in every way.

DMC3 is a prequel to the series and focuses on the relationship between Dante and Vergil. The game actually has story behind it, unlike the other two games that felt like they had a little story tacked on. The cut-scenes are great, and everything's still over-the-top and cheesy, but in a good way. With the new Style moves, the game has depth beyond button-smashing; it even encourages it with Combo style points that are awarded for your flashiness on screen, and are decreased as you use the same move over and over, much like in the Tony Hawk games.

This game is extremely difficult. The PS2's Ninja Gaiden. The American "Normal" mode, which is the only difficulty mode available in the beginning, is the Japanese "Hard" mode. After you get your butt kicked a few times, the "Easy" mode becomes unlocked, which isn't that much easier. Trust, this game is freakin' hard. Your skill, reflexes, and brain will definitely be up to the test with this one.

The graphics are completely redone and it shows. Nice graphics and special effects, and the levels are greatly detailed and the gothic theme is superb. On the sound front, the music really pumps you up and puts you in the midst of the action. Sound effects fit the bill, especially melee clings and clangs.

Replay value for this game is pretty good, since with the different Styles (with two unlockables), you can play through completely different every time. The multiple difficulty levels also add to the replay, along with secret missions and weapons. Seriously, this game is going to eat up a lot of your time, and you're going to love it.

Overall, this is an extremely fun game, and I'm glad Capcom did the series right with this one. If you like action games, pick it up. But if you get frustrated easily, skip it since you'll be dying. A lot.

If you don't wimp out it's fantastic

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 21 / 22
Date: March 07, 2005
Author: Amazon User

First off a caveat, I am not finished with DMC3. I am on level 7, about 8 hours into the game. If I change my opinion or have to add information I will do that when I've finished the game. I just want to pass on my experience with this game for those on the fence about it.

This is to PS2 what Ninja Gaiden is to Xbox. And I don't mean that they are both kick ass action games and are the kings of the genre (which they are, by the way). But they are both two of the hardest games I've played on either in a long time. And not hard in "the controls are wonky" kind of way. If you aren't the top of your game, you will die. All the time. And even when you think you are the top of your game, DMC3 will remind you that you are definitely not and you will die.

And yet, through all of this, you will be having fun. Capcom has managed to wipe the slate clean with the abysmal failure that was DMC2. This game follows the gameplay of the first DMC, that is small rooms with lots of creatures, gothic architecture and insane monsters who keep coming. DMC3 takes these conventions and kicks it into high gear. The biggest and by far the most welcome change is that you go into a mission being able to select two long range and two short range weapons (from those you have acquired) and your attack style.

In the mission you just hit L2 and R2 to switch between your two guns and 2 melee weapons. What this means is that 1) there's no more going into your inventory just to switch your weapons and 2) since it's so fluid your combos become amazing. Imagine throwing an enemy up in the air with your sword, juggling him with your hand guns, switching to your shot gun to blast him, switching to your three headed nunchucks to finish him up, then jumping on his prone body and use him as a skate board and sliding around the level blasting the other creatures. You can and will do this if you want a high combo rating (and more red orbs of experience).

The four beginning styles are an awesome addition too. The beginning four are Trickster (evasion), Gunslinger (shooting), Sword Master (swords) and Guard Royale (defensive, counter attacks). I am currently using Trickster and I think that's probably a great beginning start for this game because with a push of the circle button you zoom out of harms way, you can run up walls, run across walls, and (at higher levels) zoom while jumping. I haven't use the other styles yet, but Trickster is very helpful in a sticky situation, which you will be in a lot.

My problem with the game is not the high difficulty level. It's the fact that there isn't a check point in any of the levels I've been through. Unless you have a yellow orb, if you die you will start back at the beginning of the level. This can be frustrating for some. Take for instance, the level I'm currently at Level 7. Not only is it a long level but towards the end you are fighting creatures that summon more creatures so you have to kill them before any others, then the boss from the second level shows up only he's not a boss (even though he has the same amount of life). After you finish off these hard encounters you have to fight the real boss. And if you die you're doing it over again. For some this will be a major turn off.

My recommendation is to save during the level if you find the fights turning sour. This way, when you do die you will save all of the red orbs and items you've collected during the level. For me, dying isn't THAT big of a deal then because you aren't losing any of the xp progress you've made.

The graphics are great, the sound is a nice heavy metalish sound. Sometimes the voices can't be heard over the music so it's a good idea to have subtitles on. It supports Pro Logic II for the game and 5.1 for the cutscenes.

As it stands, I think this game and Ninja Gaiden are the pillars of action excellence. They definitely aren't for everyone and those who don't want a hard game should definitely look elsewhere. But for those who are tough enough to stick it out, this game is excellent bar none on the PS2. It's fun, moves fast and will blow you away.

This Party's Gettin' Crazy!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 7 / 7
Date: March 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User

A few months ago I started reading all these previews about how crazily, ridiculously, practically unplayably hard "Devil May Cry 3" was going to be. I know Capcom makes some hard games - ever try to beat "Maximo 2?" - but these guys were making it sound like you had to be some kind of Zen PS2 master to make it past the first level. That's when I started to get excited.

Well, I've been playing for a few days now. Let's just say that I can see what they were talking about... lol... but I do think the difficulty has been slightly overdramatised. When they say it's "hard," they mean that you don't have unlimited lives and abundant health powerups and checkpoints every 10 feet and pushover enemies. Remember the days of old-skool NES, when you actually had to be good to pass the level? When video games actually cost a quarter at the arcade, and you had to be SWEET to have a line behind you? Kids today, they're spoiled I tell ya. "DMC3" is a game that requires you to have some skills. You're given an extremely powerful character with some kickass moves and weapons, and you get enemies to match. Sorry, it's not "Monsters Inc!"

That said, if you're prepared to spend a little time in the beginning, learning Dante's moves and building up his health, leveling up the Styles and weapons, you'll soon understand what he's capable of and how to best exploit enemy weaknesses. It's true, you have to battle some really vicious bosses early on, but you can always go back and replay levels you've beaten to rack up various kinds of points. As with many games, you not only improve your skills the more you play, but the character is always getting stronger - the difference here is just that you NEED those skills and that strength a lot sooner! Also, as will become devastatingly apparent in Level 3, when (not if) you die on a boss you don't restart at the boss, you go all the way back to the beginning - unless you have a yellow Orb, which allows you to continue where you died but which very quickly becomes an expensive habit. An important part of the strategy of this game is rationing your item use, because even though you can always buy more, the price goes up and up, and you'll want to save your cash for the health and skill upgrades. (Still it's nice to know that you can carry enough spare health to slug it through practically any boss, even if it costs you 50,000 Orbs!) These sorts of factors add up to "DMC3" being called "difficult," and it is, but it's difficult in totally the right way - challenging but not obnoxious or irritating. You just have to have skills mang.

That said, it's definitely true that the easiest way to go is to switch to "Easy" when you have the option after a few deaths - go ahead and do it, this game warrants it - and begin in Trickster Style, which gives you some nice evasive moves that come in especially handy on the Level 2 Boss. Occasionally you have to switch to this or that Style to get something done, but for general purposes you can play and kick ass whichever way you want, with two melee weapons and two gun types (your classic Ebony & Ivory count as one together). If you need to, just replay the earlier levels and rack up Red Orbs, then trade them in for blue Orbs at the God Statues for a health level-up.

The cutscenes are really great BTW - almost perfect cinematography, superb animation, the developers clearly have their game down. Yeah, it's cheesy, but it's well done! When people complain about the graphics, it's usually because they're comparing it with XBox games, and let's face it, PS2 will never look as good as XBox. But "DMC3" IS one of the more artful (dare I say "stylish") games on PS2, given the limitations. The fighting is tightly choreographed and cleverly "shot," and even the voice acting and lip synching isn't too terrible. As far as the cheesiness, Dante says a lot of stuff like "This party's gettin' crazy!" in mid-battle - while eating pizza - but hey, I'm not mad at him! This party IS gettin' crazy...lol.

All in all, "Devil May Cry 3" represents the cream of the crop of action games on the PS2. It doesn't get much better than this, if you can handle it. And if you can't, there are plenty of other games for ya.

The series seeks redemption!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 6 / 9
Date: June 26, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Devil May Cry 1 was labeled as a "stylish hard action game" meaning it had a load of high-speed stylish action. Devil May Cry 2 though, was a big disappointment to DMC fans. But now with Devil May Cry 3 coming this winter, the series will redeem itself! The first game introduced us to Dante's world and his half-demonic heritage which I won't talk much about since most fans know all about it; the second continued the story but it didn't have any connection whatsoever to DMC1 except the fact that it had Dante and demons. The third one though, will be linked to the first one since it's a prequel. That's right, a prequel. This is what is known about the game:

DMC3 promises to return to its roots of stylish and fast action. The game revolves around the clash between the two sons of Sparda, Vergil and Dante. This prequel to DMC1 will explore both of their roots and explain all those plot holes the first one had. It will explain why and how Vergil and Dante were separated and cover more about their parents' deaths. One dark night, Vergil who is evil, materializes a top a gloomy tower in the city Dante lives in. A man called Arkham invites Dante to his twin brother's tower and then leaves as Dante's office is flooded by demons. In this game, Dante hasn't discovered his full powers yet; so wether or not devil trigger will be available is still unknown. The game will have one of the most jaw-dropping intro sequences ever but nothing like Onimusha 3 but still awesome. But the most attention-grabbing new feature in this new installment of the series is that it'll have four(or more if time permits)different styles: Gunslinger which will make Dante a specialist in firearms, Swordsmaster giving Dante more abilities on melee combat, Trickster allowing Dante to perform tricks like walking up walls and other sorts of interaction with the environment, and finally Royal Guard which specializes in hand-to-hand combat.

That is basically everything that is known about the game. But for full information visit www.gamespot.com or www.ign.com and make sure to go to www.gametrailers.com to check out the amazing trailer of this game. I can't give this game any stars because it hasn't come out yet, but I put five stars because this game is sure to redeem the series after DMC2's failure!!

Its Good Overall

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 12, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is very good in comparison to other games. However it does have one con. It is the AI. Even though enemies deal alot of damage on contact, once you find out an attack pattern you can use it through the whole game. But the boss battles are very interesting. Also the frustration level is very much bigger than the fun level. It also lacks combo's in between characters. All of the playable characters except for Virgil do the same combo's. Overall the game does well to please action gamers. If you don't like action games stay away from this one.

Awesome game ,the hardest one i've ever seen !

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: February 05, 2006
Author: Amazon User

At first , I wasn't sure about wether I should buy this game , because I thought it's just a boring hack n' slash game. But this game is nothing like that. It has lots of amazing action, and enough exploring and puzzle elements that render it an action adventure game , rather than a hack n' slash game.

The storyline in this game is based around Dante trying to kill his evil twin brother , Vergil. A gigantic dark tower appears right near Dante's house , and Vergil is on top of it. He has some sort of sinister plan that has to do with the tower and Dante must stop him , but I won't say what it is so I won't spoil it for you.

The game itself has some really amazing cutscenes .....in fact , they're probably the best cutscenes I have ever seen in a video game. They have great graphics, and they contain lots of action. you'd think that you're watching a movie !

Now on to the gameplay itself . This game is the hardest game I have ever played. I'm not exaggerating. Once you lose , you have to start from the beginning of the level , unless you buy a certain item in the game that prevents that, and once you use it , you have to buy a new one , since it's not permanent. Also , the enemies and bosses in this game are EXTREMELY hard. They're all very cool , but also extremely tough , especially the bosses (which are, by the way , some of the greatest bosses i've seen in a videogame.) You'll probably break your controller more than a few times out of anger as you keep losing. I , personally , really loved the hardness in this game , as i really like tough games. However , some people might see it as a problem, so it's not very recommended to those type of people. But when you finish these hard parts in the game , it gives you a great sense of completion, and not all games do that.

The combat system in this game is also great. You have 4 fighting styles in this game(you can also get 2 extra ones later) , that give much variety to the combat in the game,and every one of them grants you some special abilities. They are :

1.Trickster- this style lets you dodge enemy attacks much easier than you normally do. You can do things like running on walls , dashing to the sides , etc.

2.swordmaster- this enhances your ability to use melee weapons. You can do things like throw your sword at enemies, stab them with it in lightening-fast speeds, and so on. This is also my favorite style.

3.Gunslinger-enhances your ability to use guns . You can do things like shoot your guns in two different directions, spin your shotgun around like a nunchuk an dfire it , etc.

4.Royalguard-lets you block enemy attacks , and then release them back at them by punching them with all the energy you build up in you from their attacks.

So as you can see, there is much variety to the fighting. You can pull off some amazing combos, not to mention you have many weapons , melee and long ranged alike. some of your melee weapons are a regular sword that you start out with , a pair of nunchuks with ice-powers, an electric guitar that lets you summon bats and electricity, and more. your ranged weapons will include a pair of handguns with a rapid rate of fire , a shotgun , a bazooka , and two others. Also , if you keep using a certain style , it'll eventually level up, giving you access to even more coll combos. Not to mention that you get red orbs from enemies that defeat, which can be used as money , and you can buy different items with it , enhance your guns , and buy new attacks for your weapons.

All of these attributes combine to form an awesome game , that should not be missed.

Great game, but difficult.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 09, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Great game! In my personal opinion not as good as the second Devil May Cry game, but still great. If you are a fan of the series, you should already have this. If you are interested in the series, this game is the place to start.

My only concern about the game is its difficulty, it will take a set of fast hands and some good skills to get anywhere in this game. I personaly rate myself as a decent player of games like this, and I couldn't get past the first boss.

Another good thing about this game is the soundtrack, few games have a soundtrack to compare.

this game is bad ass

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 07, 2006
Author: Amazon User

alright first of all this game was the best devil may cry every to be made.you can chose your class not only that the action is non stop thrilling rocking till your on the edge of your seat wondering how much longer you can survive.the second devil may cry was crap dont even talk to me about the story line because it had none and the game play was poor.the best games are 1 and 3 by far. i play this a year ago and beat it in under 23 hours of play on normal.now that there's a sepcial edition i gotta get that.BUY THIS GAME IT WILL BE THE BEST ACTION GAME U HAVE EVER PLAYED!

The reason you bought a PS2

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User

What do you get when you add more action to an already-highly-anticipated action game?

Devil May Cry 3.

Along with God of War and the original DMC, this game is one of the killer action-adventure titles for PS2.

In other words, this is the reason you bought a PS2.

On some games you feel whether spending 20 bucks is wise or not.
On this game you should feel confident that it's a very good way to spend your precious 50 bucks.

DMC3 is actually a prequel to the original DMC, which means you finally get to learn about Dante's past...a mystery unveiled to general public at last.

Also, the system of choosing Dante's mastery of weapon(or skill) is an original and brilliant idea; and the good thing is, it works well.

Overall, this is a step-up from the original DMC in many aspects, and with no need to mention, it's also a HUGE, HUMONGOUS, GIGANTIC leap forward from DMC2, which in fact blew so many players like the original did, except the fact that the players were blown by the awfulness. How ironic...

I guess Devil May Cry franchise has some unmatchable skill at blowing away players. A good thing is that DMC3 blows the players in the good way again.

DMC3 is back on the right track, is created by the team that came up with the original, (DMC2 was created by a different group of people), and most importantly, it is freakin' awesome.

I'd recommend this game anyday to anybody, but you should keep in mind that this game is M rated, and also possibly more difficult than any other game you've played.

DMC1 was hard, with no doubt, and DMC2 was a child's play. Now DMC3 is harder than ever and some might even get frustrated.

The normal mode on the US Version is actually as hard as the Dante Must Die mode of the Jap Version.

I have no clue what made em think that increasing the difficulty to the point where it gets frustrating would be a wise thing to do, but they've done what they've done, and players got to do what they've got to do.

We play, and we win.

play it, or are you scared?

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: September 29, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I am surprised that people complain when a game is "hard". What's the point in playing something you won't spend any time in finishing? Doesn't it make it interesting to think and have fun at the same time? Well, that being said, I have enjoyed all 3 DMC games, because they're different and exciting on many levels. Creators really gave a new meaning to the series, but if you don't care enough about the first 2 games, try this one. It's fresh & excellent and it will definitely make you suffer, but in a good way!

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