Playstation 2 : Devil May Cry 3 Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Devil May Cry 3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Devil May Cry 3. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

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User Reviews (11 - 21 of 95)

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This Game Is Not That Hard!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 3
Date: January 29, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Oh man, I was saddened by the reviews posted that kept whining about how this game is too hard,(Which was most of them). It's not that hard. I think what the problem is, is that the majority of games nowadays, compared to games on oldschool systems like the NES are getting too easy. So when a game comes out that is even at all challenging - Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry 3 - people start freakin out. I do admit this game is a bit challenging, but I was never on the verge of throwing my controller at the t.v, as some of the reviewers were saying. Once you learn the bosses patterns - which doesn't take too long - they're pretty easy. Games like this are immensely satisfying for players because when you beat them, you actually feel like you've accomplished something. Also, you feel totally badass when you see that SSS flashing on your screen during a huge combo. If you think this game is too hard, you should try Ninja Gaiden I and II on the NES (Two of the best games EVER!!!). After you do that, then try to complain about this game being too hard.

Let's Rock!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: March 18, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Take a DVD, add great graphics, amazing story, fantastic gameplay, mesmerizing music, and a handosome hero, shake well and you have Capcom's Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening!!! For Devil May Cry fans this game is a must have....

This ones bringing the series back to its roots

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 8
Date: July 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Two was disappointing by every standard, but it looks like their doing it right this time. The game is actually a prequal, so you start out as a young, brash Dante. Capcom is known for its stylish entrances (anyone remember Onimusha 3?), and this is sure to impress. One scene shows Dante and his brother Angelo clashing swords in the rain. Not only does it look brilliant (especially since none of its CG-thats right, all in-game), it also pulls you right into the game. Im still mesmerized by the trailer i saw. The action seems like its back and intact from the original. Dante's running up walls, doing his legendary "handgun juggling" technique, and swinging away at hundreds up scythe wielding enemies in the trailer. You also have the ability to choose how you actually want your fighting style to be. they have swordmaster, trickster, gunslinger, and royal guard (forgive me if i got the names wrong). Each one has its own specific fighting attributes, giving you much more control over your character. The game also looks gorgeous. Detailed characters and areas, excellent lighting, and some flashy effects give it an award for one of the best looking games on PS2. Dante is sure to come back with a bang in Devil may cry 3.

Better than the last one, not as good as the original

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: September 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User

It's a large step up from the second Devil May Cry, but a far cry from the first one. Most people have given the game nothing but praise, so I'll start out with the bad.

Similar to #2, the gameplay is a bit stiff. In the first one, it seemed like as long as your reflexes were good enough, you could dodge just about anything. In this one, once you start attacking, you pretty much commit yourself to being entirely unable to dodge for a length of time.

They were trying to push the "difficult" aspect of this game, and I can't deny that it's a hard game. It's not the good kind of difficult though, its the kind that takes advantage of the games own weaknesses. You're constantly fighting the camera, while most enemy's AI routine consists of "get off camera, and repeatedly do ranged attacks or long-distance melee charge". That's right, off-camera, not behind you, to the side of you, etc. Just where the camera won't let you see them. This gets frustrating, especially since sometimes it takes you multiple seconds to recover from those kinds of attacks. The enemies when alone are fairly easy, it's just the swarm tactics and trying to constantly dodge things you can't see before they happen (since the controls are sticky, you actually do have to know you're going to dodge a second ahead of time so you can get out of a combo).

And finally, I know they were trying to portray a more immature Dante, but he gets annoying, fast. The acting in the game has a few suprisingly well-done parts, but is substandard for the most part.

Now, the Good.

The game isn't all bad. It's still got a lot of action, some badass moments, and a cool arsenal of weaponry. The style system is so-so. I like the additional moves plenty, but I hate the strategy aspect of having to pick one and stick with it until the next level or god of time statue (same thing with weapons).

If anything, the game is addictive. I've put about 30 hours into (grinding my teeth the whole time). I wish I would have waited till the price went down a little to buy, but the game is good at making the hours fly by once you're willing to accept its flaws.

If they ever make a DMC4, I hope they realize what made the game great. Faster, more responsive control, and enemies that were fun and challenging to fight, even in small groups.

All of hell is after Dante... they're going to need back up!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: March 14, 2005
Author: Amazon User

First things first; Devil may cry has been one of my favorite franchises from the begining, and even though the second installment didn't at all compare to the first, it was an overall decent game (on the easy side, but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever played). What the second lacked was polish and style. It's as if they came up with all these ideas that didn't add up in the game. Dante had some new and actually cool moves that really weren't any use, even though in my opinion he looks the best in part 2, he has no personality. What the hell happened to him that shut him up and made him the calm reserved type? The biggest problem was the enemies where not worth his time. Lucia should have and could have handled everything herself from the beginning. And last but not least, the story didn't have a damn thing to do with Dante's past, future, or his leaneage as the son of the "legendary dark knight"... only some passing references. Sorry to get off of the subject, but I had to get that off of my chest. It was just... Dull.
Devil May Cry 3... it made up for all that was wrong with the second and improved on the first. The game is challanging, not hard. The game dosen't ever stop you in your tracks and completely shows that there is no way of getting past a certain point. Every situation has a way of being delt with and once you gain enough experience to recognize them, you'll find yourself provoking hords of demons to bring it on. True, Like everyone else, I was put down enough to unlock easy mode, but the game never really frustrated me. I used mission 3 on easy as training and as a chance to give Dante some of the power and ability that is rightfully his. After a little getting use to I went right back to normal and had no problem on that or on hard mode. Of course there's two even harder difficulty levels after hard, one every person whose played either of the previous 2 games will know and the other... wait untill you try THAT one. I can understand if this difficulty pisses you off.That deals with the difficulty.
Graphics wise, I'm not at all impressed. The graphics are pretty average. It's not on par with, say, Metal Gear Solid 3 even though it's the same system. It has style but that dosen't make the graphics better than what they are. I was expecting it to look a bit better, considering how incredible Capcom has Resident Evil 4 looking.
Looks don't make a game, though... gameplay dose, and that's where this game shines. Experimenting with different styles is a must, but mostly only while you're getting use to the game. You can't know what styles to use on what missions and what situations until you've completed every mission and know what to expect. that means this games real strength is replay value. Don't get me wrong, defeating a bastard of a boss for the first time will make you yourself feel like a badass, but wait until you beat the crap out of that same boss when you know all of his tricks. Knowing their patterns makes the game that much more enjoyable. You'll use Dante and make him exicute moves and handle situations the way the devil intended... with style, an additude and with no problem. Dante's for the most part invinsable... lets not disapoint.
Music wise, I liked th music from Devil May Cry better. It gave it it's own special mood and tone. The music from part 3 fits, but it's nothing you haven't heard before. Sound effect are fitting also even though, like someone stated before, some are reused from the previous games. No biggie there. All and all this really wasn't a review, but more of my perspective of a game that has over all value and uniqueness that's becoming harder and harder to find these days. I recomend this game to any and everyone... unless, of course, you're afraid of a good fight. It's time to stop using those cheats codes, and button mashing, and time to start actually developing some skills. It's what it's all about and in comes with practice.

Fun gameplay but holy #$@! is it hard

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: March 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I probably mentioned this in a previous game review but it bares repeating again: I'm not a huge fan of a hard difficulty. I don't want a cakewalk either. I want something that when I play, they'll be moments where I'll kick ass but then other moments where I need practice, forcing me to get better. And that's how all games should be. But after the recently released Ninja Gaiden and Metroid Prime 2, you got to wonder why the difficulty's being ramped up so much.

Story: Basically in this game, you're dealing with Dante before we know him as Dante, the kick ass, cool oozing guy from the first one, and to a lesser extent, the 2nd one. Here, you're dealing with how he started and the rivalry with his brother Virgil.

Graphics: Maybe I'm being spoiled but after playing Resident Evil 4, Star Fox Assault and Halo 2, I'm look at DMC 3's graphics with a state of "meh". It's not that these graphics are bad. Hell they're so neat and fit into the gothic look of the surroundings perfectly. But as a PS2 title, it's nice but you've probably seen better.

Sound/Music: Always a lowpoint for this series. Dante has that cheesy one liner type voice where he has to have some pun or joke before he does something. And when the action gets going, it's not sweet epic music like Halo or energetic like the boss fight music from Final Fantasy VII, it's these horrible metal guitars.

Gameplay: Ever have one of those experiences where you love doing something but you have to deal with something else while you're at it? First of all: this game is downright fun. Pulling out combos and acrobatic maneuvers with your sword or your twin handguns has never been funner. Like the Prince in the Prince of Persia sequel, he's given a lot more moves and some classics like Air Hike or Whirlwind.

However.....the game is %$#^ING HARD. I mean, I literally died on the 2nd mission and almost died on the first one and I'm fairly good at the DMC series. The problem is the developers had enemies coming at you in spades with close to 5-8 at one time. In one early level, you're dealing with enemies that can actually split in 2. And of course, you have to buy special moves and your items(stuff like potions, extra men, special meter filler etc or holy water) are quite expensive. It's like the developers just made the game hard just for the hell of it and said to gamers "have fun, kids!". Ugh.

However, if you can get passed that, it is quite fun to play and it's intentionally or unintentionally quite comical. If you have a gameshark, turn on infinite health code. Now you're a supreme badass, without the excessive dying every mission.

Great game!...play it over and over

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 6
Date: March 07, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Well another Devil May Cry game and this time, its really worth it. Anyways, i guess all the games are so far, and are very well done. However, please do not think that this game is a "cake walk" game like 2..because im telling you, that its not..trust me!.
Devil May Cry 3 is wayyyyy better than 2 thats for sure, however, i really dont like the way they made Dante. They made him really "lame" like (because its not the same Dante from the other games, thats for sure) but, i guess they try. The other thing i didnt like about the game was the "taunts"...how stupid!..was this really needed in the game?.
Anyways, the game play is great..story line very good. This game should be in your collection for PS2 no doubt about it.

DMC series miracle

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: March 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Oh Capcom, thank you so much. If the series ended with 2 it would have been terrible.

Yes, the game is hard. Lucky, there is an easy mode to unlock (still relatively hard, but much easier). Also, you are able to replay earlier levels and collect a lot of red orbs for item buying. Between these two factors it's a managable game.

Gameplay wise, I love it. Controls are smooth, and you have the ability to switch between weapons at any time to provide awesome, seamless multi-weapon combos. The camera angles are good and you can actually rotate your view (although slowly). I was skeptical of the "styles" system at first, but it actually brings a bit of variety to the game. The only downside is that you can only switch between levels.

Graphics: They're good. I haven't finished the game yet, but there are plenty of cut scenes so far. And not every 5th level either, like the first two games. Every level seems to bring some develop or actionfilled cutscene.

Music/Sound: A lot of the fighting music actually has vocals, which I personally like alot. The music generally sticks the DMC standard soundtrack of rock to spooky. The sounds are amusingly reused from the previous games. You may notice that a lot of demon noises are exactly the same.

If you're a DMC fan, obviously get it. If you're just looking for a good action game, I'd highly recommend it too.

it's not hard

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: March 10, 2005
Author: Amazon User

why does everyone keep saying this game is EXTREMELY HARD? and for that guy that said it took him 2 hours to get past the second level boss...that is pathetic, especially if you practiced for a week on the original.

anyway, i haven't beat the game yet, but i'm on the last mission, which is just the last boss fight, so i think i can write a review now.

first off, the game kicks ass. everything from the style, to the cutscenes, to the in-game action is top-notch. i found myself beating the levels, not just to progress in the game, but also to see what the next cut-scene revealed. this game actually has a story, and it has its corny moments, but you just have to understand that this is just how things are going to be and deal with it. the over-the-top action in the cut-scenes blew me away a few times, even the opening cutscene to the first level rocked my socks off and got me in the mood to kick some demonic ass. the character models in this game are fairly well done, the main characters anyway, and the bosses. the normal enemies are kind of low in the polygon count, but that's okay, because the point of the game isn't to stand around and look at them, it's to shoot and slice them up in the coolest possible manner. the voice-acting in the cutscenes is surprisingly good, and the motion-captured movements are some of the best yet in any game.

unlike the craptacular second installation in the devil may cry series, numero tres brings us right back to basics, but with a few new tricks up its sleeve. first off, there are numerous "styles" you can choose from. trickster, which helps you evade enemy attacks. gunslinger, which gives you some new crazy moves with your firearms. swordmaster, gives you powerful sword techniques that are unique to each sword/devil-arm you have. royal gaurd, a style that gives you the ability to block and counter-attack enemy attacks. quicksilver, a style that lets you freeze time, so you can slice and dice your foes with ease. and lastly, doppleganger, a nifty style that allows you to create a duplicate of yourself to help out in battles. the first four styles i listed are available from the beginning of the game. the last two are unlocked at various areas of the game.

if you don't already know, the story revolves around our hero, Dante, a half-demon, half-human badass with white hair and a red trenchcoat. i won't go too far into the story, but i'll just say that the main plot involves his twin brother, Vergil; a girl with a huge rocket launcher, Lady; a mysterious clown figure that follows Dante around, Jester; and an evil, bald man with a messed up scar on his face, Arkham. overall, the story is about Dante trying to stop Vergil from taking over the world in the worst possible way. that's all i'm gonna say.

on to the difficulty. sure, i've died numerous times, but this freakin' game isn't HARD. it's tough. you have to be fast and agile, and luckily the controls are responsive and easy to use. so what is everyone's problem? are you just standing around, waiting to get hit? i beat the first level in less than 3 minutes, and the second level in less than 5 minutes. i'm not bragging, but i just think some people must be utterly terrible at videogames. and yes, i died enough to unlock Easy mode, but i didn't go to it. i bit my lip and kept on hacking my way to the end, where i'm at now, on Normal mode. sure, some of the BOSSES are difficult, but the only HARD one i've fought so far is the one i'm on now, the END BOSS. none of the regular enemies in this game are hard, so why is everyone dying? just keep your eyes peeled and you'll be fine. me, i jump around ALL THE TIME. this greatly reduces my chances of being hit. the first level i had difficulty on was....mission 7, and it wasn't too bad. you just have to be smart about things. and every time that i've died, it has been my fault, not crappy programming, or crappy controls, or crappy camera angles, it was just me not being quick enough. almost every enemy and boss in this game has attacks that can be blocked, and most of them can be seen coming from a mile away. granted, this game is much more of a challenge than the earlier installments (i'm talking about the original, because i've omitted devil may cry 2 from my memory). but just be smart about your attacks and evasive manuvers, and you'll be fine. don't let all the whining about the difficulty from other people change your mind about purchasing this title. hell, even magazine reviewers are saying this is hard, but i don't see why...honestly, it's not hard.

overall, this game is a great package. packed with awesome action, in game and in cut-scenes, loaded with unlockable secrets and new difficulties, and by far the longest quest yet in the devil may cry series (right now i'm close to 18 hours and i'm at the end of the game), this game is just flat out amazing. so, if you're up for a challenge (a fair one, i might add) then go ahead and pick this up. trust me, if you love action, this game will blow you away...multiple times. so, buy it and have a blast, and just remember....KEEP MOVING!

Save your money for the Special Edition version

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 11
Date: December 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Capcom is working on a Special Edition version of this game, where it will have a new character to play as, and extra bonus stages.

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