Playstation 2 : Soul Calibur II Reviews

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Gas Gauge 88
Below are user reviews of Soul Calibur II and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Soul Calibur II. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 85
Game FAQs
Game Revolution 85
1UP 95

User Reviews (61 - 71 of 121)

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Masterful Installment

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: July 23, 2006
Author: Amazon User

With this version of Soul Calibur, its obvious that Namco has stepped up its dedication to the series. Soul Calibur can now rightfully be called a true "A-list" series of Namco.

The fighters use weapons. This is the fundamental difference that sets Soul Calibur apart from its Tekken sibling. The fighters are very well balanced, the game physics are excellent, the gameplay is fast yet smooth, the soundtrack is outstanding.

I can't think of any reason not to make Soul Calibur 2 a part of your collection.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 31
Date: August 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

...i played SC on Dreamcast. It Abousluty Fantastic. ive played the new Soul Calibur its Ultimatly the same only with pretty graphics and some new characters. Not to metion the silly idea of putting unique characters on each system. Gimmick? I'd Say so. unless uve never played the Original SC...

Best fighting game

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: June 11, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is awesome.Move over Mortal Kombat. Not only can you fight your friends but it has a story mode too. On the Gamecube Version you can play as Link from Zelda. You can make your enemy fly over a cliff. You have weapons all the time and basically kill enemys. I've played at a arcade. Nightmare is my favorite. My other information came from Extended Play. On Tech Tv(75)on cable.On at 3:00 every weekday.

SC2 Is a Great Game!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: August 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I am probably one of the only people who has written a review to actually play the game. My uncle works for Namco (hehe) and he let me have a free copy of the finished product of Soul Calibur 2, and I was amazed.
There were a million modes ranging from the classic Time Attack to the new and exciting Weapons Master mode. Weapons Master mode adds to the great replay value, as there are over 200 weapons and I have already unlocked about 150.
All 23 characters are different in their own way (their weapons, technique, etc.) Another thing adding to the replay value, trying out all the characters and seeing which one you like best.
While the graphcis do remain a little choppy on the PS2, the things i dislike the most is the button reaction time. I played the demo disc of this on Game Cube and that had the best reaction time. I lost a couple of battles (out of my probably 300) because I couldn't get my sword to swing fast enough, or my punch didn't come as quickly as I wanted to.
But those are minor flaws. When this game comes out (to you non-Uncle-who-works-at-Namco people), I highly reccomend it to anyone who craves a good fighting game where you can beat the sh*t out of anyone you like, with anyone you like.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: November 25, 2003
Author: Amazon User

the only reason you wouldn't like this game is if you don't like awesome grafics,cool cheracters,over 350 weapons,tons of stages and, hours of cool expearinces or of corse, if your weird.......... other wise you'll love it!!!!!!!!

Put simply, the greatest 3D fighting game period.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 4
Date: January 14, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Yes, that title is very bold. After all the original 3D fighter platform, Virtua Fighter, is still around and remains an excellent, deep series (though not perfect.. I'll get to that in a minute).

But for sheer fun factor and originality, Soul Calibur II stomps arse on just about EVERY fighting game out there. Tekken, DoA, Mortal Kombat, Bloody Roar etc. are not even close to matching SC's goodness. Before you dismiss this as the rantings of yet another sycophant, let me illustrate why.

For one thing, THIS GAME HAS WEAPONS. I'm not talking the lame tacked-on implements of the Mortal Kombat series; this has honest-to-goodness fully integrated weapon-on-weapon action (unless you choose bonus character Heihachi on the PS2, but he's strictly a throwaway so let's pretend he isn't there, shall we?). All sorts of various swords, axes, staff weapons and other deadly armaments. And each duelist exploits a unique fighting style from their nation of origin (except for Charade, who switches between the styles of the other players at random; and console addition Necrid, whose style is more or less an amalgam of other characters' techniques). From the graceful, flowing moves of Xianghua and Raphael to the brute-force tactics of Astaroth and Nightmare, all bases are represented. Two of my favorites are Voldo, who resembles a cabaret dancer from the 9th circle of Hell and has bizarre moves to match (does his body have any bones?); and Ivy, with her combination sword/whip and S&M-like submission moves. The Weapons Master and Extra Modes allow the fighters to use upgraded weapons with enhanced stats (better defense, range, recharging health etc.).

SC II's combat engine is damn near flawless. Unlike most fighting games, where cheap button-mashing and ridiculous 20-hit combos are the order of the day, SC II is very versatile, and emphasizes defense as much as offense with a full array of counters, guard impacts, thrust blocks, evades, etc. Fights can either be won with powerful single hits or intricate combos, with emphasis on balance. And the liquid-smooth controls make it all the easier for newbies to get into the game. Unlike the Virtua Fighter series, it not so complex to the point where it takes over a week to learn a fighter's basic moves, but there's enough depth to keep even expert gamers interested indefinitely. Find the computer easy to beat by button-mashing on Normal mode? Switch it up to Extremely Hard and prepare for a prompt beatdown. Then there's Team Battle, Extra Mode, Survival, Time Trial, and course the classic two-player Vs. Mode. It'll take an eternity to become bored with SC II.

The graphics boast some serious eye candy, with great-looking battlefields, fluid movements, and generally above-average framerate (with only minimal slowdown). The character designs are mostly good, with some changes over the original SC's designs that generally look beefier, more detailed and substantial. There are some exceptions--I don't care for Necrid's appearance, and some of the female outfits (Taki, Ivy) place a premium on fan service (though not half as bad as DoA, heh--at least the females don't resemble Playboy bunnies).

The background score isn't special, but it's not annoying either and generally fits well. The English voice acting is not lame enough to be cringeworthy (barring that damn announcer), and some characters (like Cervantes and Ivy) sound appropriately evil; I like their accents. Nothing too spectacular, but this is a fighting game anyway, so it's not necessary to have spectacular audio (though I will say that those bone-crunching impacts sound most satisfying).

If you have an XBox, Gamecube, or PS2 and a copy of SC II isn't under your roof, you ought to be ashamed. Buy it and experience one of the best fighting, NAY, best games ever committed to programming. It's like digital crack.

Lego Starwars FUN AND FANTASTIC daniel carwithen

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 8
Date: April 13, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Lego starwars is a family fun game where lay as Yoda, Vader, General Grevious, Skywalker and much much more. You play from the first star wars movie to the third and there's even a bonus lvl to unlock. If I were you i would buy it and you don't have to worry about dying you respawn straight away. This game has amazing graphics.

BUY THIS GAME DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good work namco!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 9
Date: June 04, 2003
Author: Amazon User

since the hit of tekken tag ,tekken 4 was the only
game standing out.
now soulcalibur2 is out unlike tekken series it
has inventory of weapons to buy. and weapon power is
now a big factor, so be ready...
soulcalibur2 supports progressive scan,(you need at least
480p compatable component connection.) like tekken4.

Good for a rent

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 9
Date: October 11, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game loses its magic after a few hours. The tekken series puts this to shame. It is worth one rent, and thats it.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 26
Date: October 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This game is fine....Except for it sucks!! It takes no skill whatsoever. A no skill no talent moron could play this game and pretend their good at it. Whoever plays this game and enjoys it is an absolute idiot. This game is nothing compared to hardcore fighters like tekken, street fighter and even king of fighters. When it comes to any aspect of this game it sucks. I must admit the idea of weapons is alright but to make that the key aspect of the game you would think it would be a bit more complicated then just pressing buttons randomly. I swear anyone could win in that game by pressing random buttons. Again a no talent no skill game. Just another example of how much Soul Calibur sucks!!

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