Playstation 2 : Soul Calibur II Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Soul Calibur II and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Soul Calibur II. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 85
Game FAQs
Game Revolution 85
1UP 95

User Reviews (101 - 111 of 121)

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Its the best ive ever played on the system

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 28, 2003
Author: Amazon User

After a few months of paying this, its hard to put it down. HAnds down it is one of the best fighting games ever made for the PS2 up to this point. Although I was disipointed about the choice of a bonus charecter, someone cool like Snake from the MGS series would have been nice but we got the old guy from the tekkan series, hes ok but hes also to easy to beat people with. The weapon master mode really is what knocks the socks off any other games released so far, it adds so much more to the game and allows you to get many many more hours from it then the regular games we've become accustomed to lately. All in all this games is a great investment for your PS2 collection, deffientaly a classic.

Soul Calibur 2 (PS2)

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 03, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This is an awesome game! The graphics deserve an A+. Scenery deserves and A+. And everything else in this game deserves an A+. This whole game is one of the best for 2003! Its a must buy.

Amazing Game but not Ground-Breaking

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Ok, before I get lynched here, let me start out by saying that this really is an excellent game and anyone would do well to own it.

However, that being said, I feel this game lacks some special ingredient to make me come back to it time and time again.

Let's break it down:

Graphics: Stunning is an understatement. Superb and near-perfect is perhaps more accurate.

Sound: Great music and SFX.

Gameplay: Excellent. You have total and complete control of any fighter you choose to use. Characters are 100% responsive to the directional pad and left analog which is quite impressive considering it's rich 3D environment.

Characters: Some very cool characters and lots of 'em make sure there is a fighter for everybody. There are even some unlockable fighters to spice things up even more.

This truely is a spectacular game but I could not give it a complete 5 stars due to one thing. This game didn't appeal to me in that special way that all-time classics seem to do. This is something the Street Fighter series was very good at. For some reason, Sould Calibur 2 just doesn't have that little extra flavor to keep me spellbound as Street Fighter did.

4 out of 5 ain't bad though and this game is a must-have.


4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This is one spectacular game. The graphics are top notch, the fighting is superior and the selection of weapons is excellent. Overall this is an excellent game but...
It just seems to be a rehash of the first Soul Calibur. Granted there are new costumes (for Voldo, Ivy, Astaroth [his purple costume makes him look like a clown] Cervantes and others), new weapons, new sets and even some new people (Charade [stupid idea], a character called Assassin [which is a character taken from SC 1], Cassandra, Talim).
There is more drama and more story (maybe too much).
Then there is the weapon master mission which is long, long, long, long, long and in some cases very, very very hard. You are just fighting the same characters in the arcade version.
Some of the throw moves are cool but some are too fast to figure out what is happening (case in point with Cassandra).
The voice overs are okay but tend to distract. What is with the announcer's voice over. He sounds like a guy who used to do commentary for the American Gladiators. That voice over needs to go away. The music is hardly grand. In some cases it does not belong.
Also another problem is unlocking characters, sets or new roads. Now it seems (at least so far) that the only way to unlock a character is through the Weapon Master mode. I have defeated the arcade version with different characters and not a single new one was unlocked at the end of the game.
I don't like the idea of Heihachi from Tekken being there. If they were going to include anyone from Tekken, I would have taken Iron King or King.
Also during the Weapon Master mode I have a bigger complaint. While traveling through the dungeons, if you back all the way out to the map and then go back in, you have to start all over again. Make sure you don't cramp your hands.
SC2 is a great follow up to SC1. SC2 has effects on a more grand scale, greater throw moves and very unique weapons.
I would highly recommend this game to anyone who loves fighting games.

The Soul series continues to redefine the fighting game genre

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: September 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Now in its third incarnation, Namco's Soul series of fighting games continues to set new standards for the genre. Soul Calibur II, while not making as dramatic a leap in visuals and technology as seen between the first two games, is still holding its place as the definitive 3D fighter. Sega's Virtua Fighter 4 offers some solid competition, but Calibur's implementation of weapons combat and plethora of gameplay modes gives it the edge.

Each of the Soul games has originated in the arcades, and every time they're ported to home consoles, Namco includes enough new features to justify a purchase even by someone who has already spent $50 in quarters. In Soul Calibur II, we see the return of the sorely missed Weapon Master Mode. For those newly introduced to the series, the weapon master mode sends the player through a lengthy series of challenges, testing not only their ability to best their opponent in combat, but to do so while overcoming adverse conditions. For example, the enemy may be given a boost in speed, or you may be able to win the fight only by knocking them out of the ring. While this may seem frivolous, it truly gauges the player's mastery of the many different aspects of gameplay.

Another key addition to the home versions of SC2 is multiple bonus characters. Returning from the first two games are Sophitia, Seung Mina, Lizardman, and end boss Inferno, joined by Necrid, Berserker, and Assassin. Also, exclusive to each version of the game is a cameo character from another franchise. Tekken's Heihachi joins the PS2 cast, Todd McFarlane's Spawn appears in on Xbox, and the legendary Link of Zelda fame completes the Gamecube roster. In this respect, the Gamecube received the better deal, as Link is easily one of the best (and cheapest) characters in the game. Meanwhile, PS2 wins in the controls department, beating both the awkward Gamecube and oversized Xbox pads. Lastly, Xbox has a slight advantage in terms of graphics. Whatever version you choose, however, you're in for a spectacular experience, as Namco again proves to be the master of 3D fighter design.

Soul Calibur II

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 05, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game is the best game I've played in my life. I rate the graphics 8/10, but the game has a great cast of characters, and thier action-packed stories as well. The game is definetly better than SC3, because it seemed to have more effort put into it. The music is amazing. The best tunes are Eternal Struggle(Cervantes), Brave sword braver soul(Taki), and Raise Thy Sword(Heihachi). I strongly reccomend this game to anyone who's played Tekken, or any other action-packed game.Tekken 4

The most accessible fighter ever

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 14, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Soul Calibur 2 is brilliant in short. It isn't like those generic fighting games where you have to press EVERY SINGLE BUTTON on the joypad to unleash the mage combo omega fireball of yore! Soul Calibur uses simplistic button combos, which in no way undermine the game. Jump into the practice mode (where you can also watch moves played out for you!), and flick through the moves and you can string them together easily, but the key is remembering when to use them. Essentially, you can always mash the buttons, but when enemies start to use more elaborate and flashy combos, you get both trounced and jealous.
Yes, flashy flashy people, this game looks simply beautiful. Each character is beautifully rendered with perfect animation, and the eight-way combat feels much smoother than blocky 2d. You'll be overjoyed once you see your character spontaniously ignite their weapon and plunge it towards the enemy.
So far, I have made no sense, simply because there is far too much about this game to like. Soul Calibur 2 is awesome. It's successor is almost equally good, but the only reason i didn't get it is because Talim is crap in it, and she is my favorite character. So Talim fans, stick with Soul Calibur 2, where she can actually hurt someone with a "sipa"....

Top notch title

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 14, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I needed a fighting game with plenty of replay value, great graphics, great sound and a short larning curve. I found it with Soul Calibur 2. I played the original soul calibur many years ago and it was awsome then - this new installment is more of the same but better. They have a new character which they took from the Teken series and i know Xbox got spawn and Gamecube got Link from Zelda - the PS2 version got the lamest of the bunch but i minor gripe to a pretty much flawless game.

Great Game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 25, 2005
Author: Amazon User

If you've never played this game, I highly recommend you try it. With Soul Caliber III coming out, it's easy to find this game at a good price. I bought it for a little one-on-one action, but the single player journey is equally as fun. Easily one of the best (if not the best) fighting game out there.

What's Heihachi doing here?

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Without a sword, the grand-father of Tekken is vulnerable to many attacks. But this game is really cool... Taki's fast movements, Kilik's Kali-Yuga is awesome and Cervantes power intense. The characters are all interesting and fun. Obiously, this is like Tekken with weapons. The weapon master section is cool. The only thing that I did not like that much are the drawings that tell the stories. I think it could have been animated. But overall, I really liked it and can't wait to get Soul Calibur III.

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