Below are user reviews of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, The and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, The.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (81 - 91 of 216)
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A great addition to the legacy... All in All
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: January 11, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Twilight Princess was a pretty good game, definitely worth a play through by just about anyone. I rated it good, because it was good, but I'm not writing this review to focus on that. I'm going to nit-pick my minor grievances with the game.
The boss fights are too easy. Only one boss fight was challenging in the slightest to defeat, and that wasn't because it was difficult, more that it required use of a new maneuver that you really didn't get much practice on prior (and Midna's suggestions weren't very helpful).
The parallel drawback to this is that, in reality... With the fights all being on the easy-side of things to do... There's next to no point to bother unlocking everything... I didn't waste the time to collect all the heart containers or buy the special items or do any of the collect quests beyond the initial rewards. Why bother spending 20 or more hours completing side quests in which the ultimate reward has little to no effect on the difficulty of the final battles?
The ending was just too PG-rated for my tastes. Link plays the role of the unsung hero and in the end it's rather depressing for all the lack of apparent impact you've supposedly had for the inhabitants of Hyrule... There's no moving romance, no celebration to honor the hero, no satisfying... anything. It just felt like a weak ending for a series of supposedly epic deeds.
It just feels like Link ends the game exactly where he started it... and that was a bit of a let down for me... I had expected a lot more then I got.
I hope there's some secret ending that I haven't seen.
Despite my minor irritations, it's a great game. Worth a play through from everyone, if you have a Gamecube or Wii there's literally no reason not to pickup the game of the year. Great visuals, entertaining combat system, great mounted controls, new innovated dungeon layouts, new equipment, and a whole new feel. I left dungeons (after the disappointing boss battles) feeling more confident for solving the puzzles so easily. And I think you will feel the same way too.
A Master simple as that.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: February 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User
Nintendo did it again. It didn't matter the graphics or if it was only 480p compatible. The only thing that really matters is the story, the fun and the playability and in this case Nintendo blow away all XBOX 360 and PS3 games. Not without telling you that the new way of playing with the wii controller and the nunchuck is simply amazing. The game itself is an instant classic and the best and longest of the Zelda Series. I can't wait for the next chapter of the Zelda series. Imagine the quality of it because this was a port game developed for the Gamecube, so the next one will be programmed only for the Wii console and will be better in any way. Be prepared for the Return of the King of Videogames! God save Nintendo!
I wouldn't trade the time I spent for anything.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: February 08, 2007
Author: Amazon User
As you all know, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was not only a launch title for the Nintendo Wii, but ironically it was the swonsong for the Nintendo GameCube. The only differences between the two is that the lands are inverted, and Link is right-handed in the Wii version instead of left. It was the first game I bought for the Wii, and the first Zelda game I've ever beaten. It took me 50 hours according to the save file, and honestly, as hard as it was, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
This game takes place about a century after Ocarina of Time, and Hyrule is once again in jeopardy. A mysterious twilight covers the land, and our main character, Link, who is a farm boy in this game, is thrust into the middle of it. After he is asked to go to Hyrule Castle to deliver a tribute from his village, he is pulled into the Twilight Realm, which transforms him into a wolf. He receives help from a mysterious being named Midna, and soon Link realizes that he must save land of Hyrule from being pulled into the Twilight Realm.
That's the story in a nutshell.
All things considered, the Wii's unique control scheme combined with the storyline of Twilight Princess compliment each other well. All you have to do is swing the Wii Remote to swing the sword, and using the Hero's Bow has never felt so good. An intuitive control scheme makes this game so great to play. That's not to say that the GCN version isn't great, since it's exactly the same game.
I did get frustrated with this game at times, but I enjoyed the hell out of it! The storyline was dark, and sometimes I like it dark. I've played Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker and while they're both amazing they don't compare to this. Twilight Princess rocks like no other!
One of the things I loved about it was that while it took a long time to finish, it never disappointed. The storyline in which Hyrule is being swallowed up by the Twilight Realm is one of the most engrossing and intriguing storylines ever. The fascination with Midna is an integral part of the story, as well as how Ganondorf fits in (yeah, he's here too).
The weapons and items were no joke either. The Gale Boomerang, the Spinner (no, not like those on cars), the Iron Boots, and several others I won't name, since it would just ruin it.
I warn you. This is not for just any casual gamer. If you buy this and intend to finish it, get ready to put in a lot of hours. I strongly recommend getting the Strategy Guide along with this. If you are a Zelda expert, you may not need it, but considering how long it took me even with the guide, you may need it.
this game beats all other zelda games
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: June 26, 2007
Author: Amazon User
this game graphics are way better than any other zelda game ever made. i belive that they really did a good job becasue they made harder puzles to solve(for me) they also improved many wepons and made the game more mysterious
Fun, but you better have a significant amount of time to kill
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: July 19, 2007
Author: Amazon User
The graphics are probably the best out there for the Wii and the game utilizes the Wiimote and Nunchuk more completely than any other Wii game I've played. However, I find the way the game saves your state to be lacking, especially in the dungeons. If you don't finish a dungeon in one sitting, then the game starts you off at the entrance when you resume. This means you have to find your way back to where you were, which is not always difficult, but is certainly tedious and means you can't really sit down and play the game for 15-20 minutes and accomplish anything.
I very much enjoy completing the tasks and solving the puzzles during the parts of that game that take place outside the dungeons. I never start a dungeon unless I know I have a contiguous block of at least one and a half hours that I can commit to the game. I haven't completed the game yet, though I have finished the first four dungeons.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: December 29, 2006
Author: Amazon User
..........I own both the GameCube and the Nintendo Wii version's so here's a review from someone who has experienced both. I 1st brought the GameCube version because I have a GC & then I went 2 Target the next day & they had the Wii system so I brought it & brought the system and the Zelda Wii as well. I really didn't notice the difference with the graphics for either version. They both look pretty identical visually which is kind of sad considering Wii is suppose 2 be a new generation console. But then again most ports rarely add anything extra, since this is a GC original title. Anyways I'm gonna get right to the point I actually enjoyed the GC version better because I couldn't catch any FISH with that freaking Wii Nunchuk controller. So I popped in the GC version and I actually passed a few stages including the fishing stage. I knew the regular controller would be so much easier to catch fish then with the new nunchuk controller. While on the Wii version I'm still freaking stuck on the 1st stage trying 2 catch 2 fish. TRAGIC!!!!!! To sum things up the game is addictive but I prefer the GC version.
Even for people who don't like Adventrue games
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: March 07, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I have never been a big Adventure game fan, but I bought this one because I was told that I would like it never-the-less... My friend was right... Despite being frustrated at a few points in the game (having no clue what to do) I was amazed by the game play and graphics (even for the Wii)... No game has ever got me so involved before this one, and I am not sure any will for some time to come.
my first zelda since the first one
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: August 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User
I'm impressed at the game.The graffics isn't to bad but its mostly about the gameplay like nintendo has always been good at. This is a good game to get for the wii however its kinda hard to find your way around but is fun.The game can be probly played by kids(younger ones will defintly need help though)and mostly adults
Fantastic game, best points and worst points
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 21, 2007
Author: Amazon User
A lot of people have talked about the Zelda formula and this game definitely follows it - which isn't a bad thing. It's one of the best games on the system and you can't go wrong. I do have some pros and cons of this version of the game compared with other versions (other than it's not that innovative). I gave it five stars compared to games in general, but I would give it probably 4 stars compared to other Zelda games.
- It brings variety into the gameplay to have the wolf form and be able to ride the horse (and boars). The wolf sense was a great idea as well.
- I liked the new moves that could be learned from the golden wolves. Some of them actually could be a bit challenging on an enemy which hasn't been my experience with past Zelda games.
- Other cool things: different suits, underwater swimming, aiming to shoot, different bombs, lure fishing, talking to animals, twilight
- While Midna was useful at some points, I felt like he(/she?) was very overused. Solving little puzzles are one of the signatures of Zelda and I found that Midna often was butting in to tell me something that I either already figured out or before I had time to experiment and figure something out.
- The main adventure was almost too linear. In other Zelda games there were times when I had to say, now what? This meant I had to explore and piece together the clues to figure it out. This game basically just told you where to go. I also thought that the side-quests were in short supply. Sure you had some collecting adventures, but I felt like I was missing that running tally in my head of clues or objects to keep my eye out for. With most Zelda games, I find that if I put it down and don't play it for a few weeks, I would have to start over because I would lose the tally of clues, but I could have come back to this game anytime because there just wasn't much to keep track of.
- While the controls were neat and the gold wolf moves gave variety, I would have liked to actually have to use some of the moves on enemies. I was able to kill almost anything with an L-target and some random combination of swinging and 'A'. I usually killed something before I got a chance to try out the moves.
- Apparently Hyrulians can't walk and talk. Those that you can talk to have nothing useful to say with only a few exceptions. I was excited to see how crowded the city was, only to realize that it didn't actually have much in it.
The best Game for Wii
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 22, 2007
Author: Amazon User
so far is the best game I have played for the Wii console, Nintendo Rules!