
GameBoy Advance : Pokemon : Ruby Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Pokemon : Ruby and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Pokemon : Ruby. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

GameZone 95

User Reviews (191 - 201 of 220)

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POKeMON is back!!...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 24, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I was fortunate enough to get this game bought for me from America. The newest instalment to the pokemon craze is just so cool! The new way in which some of the menus are set out take a bit of getting used to and I have to admit some of the english names of the POKeMON are kack. New graphic touches such as footprints in the sand and reflections in the water are also cool. Some of the trainer and gym leaders can also be a bit on the easy side if you know what tactics to use. The new 2 on 2 battle system is okay (its not much different to the single battle system - only that you pick 1 move for each POKeMON and that you pick which opponent to use it on.) the way the weather affects battles can be annoying at times. Lastly, the new vocabulary system used to answer peoples questions can be a bit of a laugh! Over all, this game rocks and is a joy to play even by 'former'POKe - fans like my self. Highly recommended.

Greatest Pokemon game EVER!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I finally got Pokemon Ruby April 4th and I absolutely love it.It's the best Pokemon game GameFreak and Nintendo ever made and a big thanks goes to the GBA and GBA SP because they really enhance Ruby and Sapphires game play due to the GBA's 32-bit graphics(pretty good for a handheld game).Most people say that it has up to 40 or 30 hours of game play and it does but for me as soon as I got it I played it and couldn't put it down,I'm possitive that'll be your reaction to this game if u plan on getting it.But the second day after I bought it I already recieved 6 badges,but thats only because I played if for like 6 hours straight without stopping.Thats about the only way u'll get through it quick.So if your like me,who plays straight through without stopping then u'll love this,even if u take long to beat it,it's still the best Pokemon game EVER MADE!!Buying this game will truly make u feel like u got your moneys worth!


Buy the way I have Pokemon Ruby and I already caught Ruby's legendary Pokemon:Groundon without even having to use a Master Ball,all I did was weaken it until it only had a tiny bit of energy left.It took like 6-8 different kind of Poke Balls to catch it because it kept braking free but I finally caught it with only a little Great Ball.I was just lucky that time so try to stock up on at least 10 Ultra Balls,10 Great Balls,and as many Poke Balls as u want,it really doesn't matter once you've stocked up on the Ultra Balls and the Great Balls.

Sweet/Hot/Groovy/Whatever Game

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 18, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Despite what all of my friends say about this game being "childish" and "stupid" and Pokemon being "weird" and "a waste of time otherwise spent shopping" I LOVE this game! It's obviously the best one they've made! The only reasons it doesn't have 5 stars are because you can't go to Kanto and Johto, and that you can't get Pokemon from other games. It's very addicting, I mean, seriously, how can you resist that adorible Torchic??? It also has wonderful graphics, and I'm glad that I'm able to choose between a boy and a girl(Power to the women!). All in all, a VERY satisfying and entertaining game. Highly reccomended and DEFINATLY worth your time and money.

not as good as I expected

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 17, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This game is awesome great graphics,new legendary pokemon,and more,but there's 2 problems with this game.(1)You can't trade with older version the max number of pokemon you can get is 202, you can't use mewtwo(which is my favorite),charizard or none of the old pokemon just a few of them like pikachu .(2)there's only one world instead of 3 like I expected,so there's no kanto or johto just "new" and "improve" hoenn.But there's something great about the game,there's a secret island which you get when you have all six of the things in the traner's card,ex.beat pokemon league,beat battle tower,win one of the contest,fight a friend, and the other 2 i don't know (note:you need the ticket for the island which is "eon ticket" you get it by game shark or action replay,or maybe there's another way but that's the only 2 I know about).so if you're looking for some good 2 on 2 pokemon fight ruby is all you need(and a link cable for gameboy advance and 3 other friends).God Bless

Pokemon Ruby

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I personally really like this game. The addition of footprints, rain, and the deep pools in the water are great. I also like the idea of secret bases, mine is in the tree on route 111 lol. I am on my way to challenging the Elite four and the Champion and i can't wait until i finish the game.

Ruby Version is the BEST!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This game is awesome. It is so fun...much better than the other games like Red, Blue, or Gold and Silver. I love this game because you can do anything. In Ruby Version, there is much better Pokemon. You can even get the same Pokemon you started with in an egg from the Day Care! And the games give you much more choices. You can choose to be a boy or girl, unlike the other games. There are much more possibilities, too. This game rocks! You can go under trees so that they practically hide you. That's one of my favorite things to do. AND you can have your own secret room, too, called a Secret Base that's created by a Pokemon move! Isn't that cool or what? You can go underwater, too, using Dive, and go cantering up waterfalls with the move Waterfall. Many new moves exist too! Dive didn't exist at the beginning, and neither did like a million trillion Pokemon. I'd just like to say though, I love this game, it's so fun. There's a lot of adventure, and there's fun things for you to do after beating the Pokemon league, to keep you loving this game. It's totally unlike the others - there's a lot more legend - there's a lot more adventerous Pokemon techniques that bring you success, and there's a lot more fun altogether. I recommend this game with more than five stars!!! Much more!!!

Awesome Game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I cannot believe that the average rating for this game is only 3 1/2 stars. As far as GBA goes, this is one of the best games it is possible to get. I have other GBA games and my problem is that they are either so easy to beat or that they are just plain boring or repetetive. However, Pokemon Ruby is so much fun and it is full of adventure and exploration of other Pokemon cities. It is challenging enough to keep you interested, but not so hard that you are ready to through the game out the window. Admittedly, there are some tricky parts (I am stuck in Mauville with a basement key and can't find the door), but it is a very exciting game. Some of the other GBA games only have parts where you go through levels and then you go to another door and you go to another level... Snooze. Not with Pokemon. There is always something new to do, and it will take a long time to beat. If you are going on a long cartrip and intend to beat it between the time there and the time back, forget it. This game takes a lot more time to beat than a 28 hour cartrip will allow. If you have seen or played the other pokemon games, don't be fooled, this game is a lot different. The storyline and basics of the game are similar, but there are tons of new pokemon, new trainers, new pokemon cities, new people, new quests, new items, and a new pokemon experience. I was at my cousin's house a week ago playing his gameboy with the pokemon blue version, and it is pathetic compared to the graphics and gameplay of Pokemon Ruby. This is an incredible game that would keep anyone's attention (I'm 15, and I am not afraid to admit that I love this pokemon game). Only one problem... I am completely addicted. Buy this game! You will not be disappointed!

Pokemon paradice

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 01, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This is by far the best pokemon game ever.Maby even the best Gameboy Advance game.It has awsome new pokemon and features.And you can trust me ; I have 6 pokemon games and 7 Gameboy Advance gams and this is my favorite game.So if youre looking for a good game get this one youll love it.

the best(one of the best)

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 17, 2003
Author: Amazon User

this game rocks,i mean look at the chances ,you could play 2-2 battles ,new pokemon and best of all fish while you are surfinG!!!!my favorite starter pokemon is treeko and torchik.Its a whole new land with better graphics and better moves including overheat,muddywater,and leafblade.So if you
are looking for adventure,here is your tiket...........

I-man's Review

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: October 15, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is very fun and cool. I think this game is for Kids to Adults, I even know some parents that have played it! I really think they could improve the music a bit. It is very annoying when those annoying songs get stuck in your head! I really like what they did in showing your Pokemon's personality, and how it effects your Pokemon's stats. I also think the starter Pokemon are phenominal. Most of the wild Pokemon are fun to have, but some aren't that great. I also like the option to choose your gender. I really think that the legendary Pokemon are awesome and powerful, especially Groudon. I really hope this game will be a classic like Mario Brothers. On all scale of 1-10, I give this game an 8.5. Great job Nintendo!

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