PC - Windows : Max Payne Reviews

Gas Gauge: 88
Gas Gauge 88
Below are user reviews of Max Payne and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Max Payne. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 92
Game FAQs
IGN 93
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (111 - 121 of 269)

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A game that breaks the barrier.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 10
Date: June 01, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Even though this game is not out yet, there are many things to say about it. This game, simply put, is going to cross boundaries never crossed when it comes to technology and gameplay. The graphics are absolutely stunning, and the attention to detail is just jaw-dropping. The storyline is strong and is carried out well through the use of ingame cutscenes and comics. This game will be a classic, everyone should experience it.

Fun for a while, then it gets old real fast.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: September 15, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I had fun with this game and if that's all that matters then I would have given it a 5 star. Unfortunately, the game got old really fast for me. The locations are really contrived. I got bored with the places I went to and the enemies are so uninteresting. However, I really enjoyed the bullet time feature and the way the game handled lighting. Still, everyone should check out the demo at least.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: February 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

DANGER! Do not buy this game if you running Windows XP not worth the headach. All you get is just the start screen and the hope that it well run. NOT! back too DESKTOP. *Sigh* To respone too the person that sad he got the late's patch and it runs fine, he is lucky I got the late's patch after Hour wate, to down load a 15sec patch. Not to mention you have to regester with some online station too get it. Well its not that you have to spend any money for the patch its free but if you are reading this and got Windows XP don't bother buying this game. I thought since the game is not that old that it would work just fine on Windows XP. WRONG! O Ya it tell you in the READ ME FILES for a dum ass like me.THIS GAME DOES NOT SUPPORT SYSTEMS RUNNING WITH WINDOWS XP. I refuse too change my drivers for this game, got way too many other games that work just fine. I expected more from this game everyone says its great and plays great looks great. Well it looks great from the little bit I got to see from the start before it kicks me back too desktop. My system is old well its almost been 2 years since I had it, which in the computer age is old. =) It has a old 1.6 Pentium 4 with ATI 8500 128DDR video card and 512RR ram. I bought this system to play EQ Shadows of Luclin which it does Great. Thats why I bought Max Payne too play when EQ has those 12 hour down time patches. *SIGH* =( wish I had my MONEY BACK!

One of the best games I have ever played.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: August 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I just finished my first run through of Max Payne. It is truly an amazing experience. The best part being the graphic novel story line throughout the game. It really pushes the pace and draws you into the story. Although the game lacks a multiplayer feature (How could you have multiple people trying to slow time, at the same time anyway?) It is still an incredible game. I suggest quite a bit of RAM or a hefty graphics card (I'm running a Athalon 855, with 512MB of RAM). Simply put the story is the best part of the game. You're a cop whom has lost everything he has held dear to him... All that is left is revenge. I don't know what is so great about it... It just draws me in. Maybe it's just rooting for the underdog. So if you want some fast paced, on the edge of your seat action. With an incredible storyline to back it up. Pick up Max Payne, you will not regret it.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: July 27, 2001
Author: Amazon User

All I can say is, UNBELIEVABLE! I have waited 9 months for this game. I bought it last night and its everything and more I expected it to be. Matrix-style gaming and jaw-dropping graphics. They took time on the story-line as well. Sound effects are unbelievable and its so addictive!!

Constant System Lockups - Patch Downloads Never Complete

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 15
Date: September 12, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This might be a great game, but I may never know. In spite of having a P3 with 640MB of RAM and a 64MB Graphics card, this game has crashed (frozen) my Windows ME system three times in a row, as I've tried to "play" the tutorial. I've been trying to download a patch all day, and the miserable connection speed eventually degrades to nothing, and then restarts (thankfully where it left off). If it ever downloads and installs, perhaps it will resolve my freezes, but not so far.

I know my first person shooters, this is the worst

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 5
Date: August 05, 2002
Author: Amazon User

If u want a good shooter game, get Red Faction. I have a good pc so i wanted to save 10 bucks buying this game for pc instead of ps2. I thought it would be a good game. NOPE. Since u cant use a controller for this stupid game, i have to use the mouse and keyboard. when some1 attacks u from behind in ps2, u turn aronund and aim with the right analog, which is EXTREMEMLY easy and it always hits the spot. In this version, u turn around with the arrows (which are far away from the action buttons) and u have to aim with the mouse which is extrememly sensitive. I beat the first 3 levels before realizing that i cant do this without a controller. Rockstar could have done better, like they did with gta3, which is the best game.

Style over substance, resulting in insurmountable problems.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 5
Date: March 27, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is like an exaggerated version of a typical no-brains action movie. On one hand, the heightened action, the thrilling "bullet-time" innovation, and arsenal of weapons get your adrenalin pumping; on the other, incredibly bad stylistic choices prevented me from enjoying this game to the max.

First, the plusses. I am a *big* fan of John Woo's action movies, and Max Payne's action gameplay evokes them very well. I had been suspicious of the "bullet-time" technique before playing the game, but it turned out to be pretty easy to use, and yes, it does look dead gorgeous. Control of the character is pretty fluid, and your control over your jumps feels quite snug. Just the look of the surroundings and the characters in-game is great, with beautiful lighting effects, explosions, and good detail.

And now on to the problems...

For a game that champions its stylistic conceits so vocally, Max Payne fails disastrously in the area of aesthetics. True, the explosions and gunfights look good (though pretty damned violent), but why, oh why did they not bother to cast proper actors to play the characters? When the characters are just drawn in computer, they look fine. But whenever they use photo captures, such as during the drop-dead boring "graphic novel" sequences, all the characters look like they are either played by people in the development team and their friends, or they had found actors so bad, so thoroughly incapable of dramatic expression, that they look like people in a game development team. Either way, Max Payne features the worst acting I've ever seen even in video games, and their image is equally atrocious: "Mona" looks like a twentysomething neighbour rather than a mob hitwoman, and Max himself looks so much the dolt that it's a real drag playing as him. Not to mention the fact that he CAN'T SHUT UP. The comic-book aspect of the game's style is easily the worst idea they had. By translating comic-book-style writing into direct voice-over, Max Payne shows just how bad comic-book writing is as a whole. This stuff was never meant to be said out loud. Of course, the writers (if you could call them that) were so enamoured with every syllable they had written, they used everything -- serving to bog down the one element of this game that works, which is the action. And the graphic novel parts look just ridiculous, but take up about 30% of your gametime if you let them play out. Comic books are very hard to take seriously, and when you try to mix this style with the melodramatic, dead-serious style of the John Woo movies this game emulates, you have an absolute stylistic disaster. This was why when Max encounters his dead baby and wife, I actually burst out laughing. The terrible acting and writing, served up in Hong Kong melodrama style, entirely sabotaged any engagement I might have had in Max's situation.

The two "drug sequences" were actually a pretty neat idea, but they screwed it up by designing mazes and long, arduous "puzzles" that would make your eyes glue up, so unengaging and drawn out are they. This game is very weak on the puzzle front. Where games like Syphon Filter and Medal of Honor keep you interested by making sure you always know what your objectives are at any given point, in Max Payne, it's usually a matter of walking through the level and trying to use/shoot everything in sight in a trial-and-error attempt to find what the game developers want you to do next. Sometimes you can find the right door, but you have to wait for the pesky enemies to open it for you. And in terms of level design, you end up having to go back to old places so often that it's drop-dead tiresome.

I enjoyed the action portions of this game immensely. But it seems to me this development team only succeeded in creating half a good game. If Max Payne were as "gritty" as some reviewers called it, and if they had bothered to hire real actors rather than cast everyone they know, and if they had good writers who were dramatists rather than comic-book doodlers, they probably would've had an absolute classic on their hands. As it is, Max Payne is a technical breakthrough, but its aesthetics are so twisted around that it's impossible not to deride its shortcomings.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 5
Date: July 26, 2001
Author: Amazon User

STOP READING; buy this game NOW! Click order right now AND HAVE IT ONE-DAY SHIPPED! First this game has almost real graphics, like expressions on people's faces, cloths blow in the wind, muzzle flashes from guns are INSANE, bullet holes and the debris from bullets make when entering a surface are incredible. Besides the graphics, the story is something from out of a movie. For example, Max, a cop, comes home one day to find his house in shambles. His wife and kid are killed and he gets there in time to pump the assassins full o' lead, but he is stilled haunted by the screams of his wife and the crying of his child in his mind. Time passes and a vengeful Max, now a narcotics drug investigator, in on a case of a drug related to the mob that he thinks killed his family. When on the job, you (as Max) meet up with your partner. Over the radio you hear that you are under investigation for his murder. Strange! But not so when he gets ... capped, and you are FRAMED. That's just the beginning of the awesome story. The game also comes with an easy-to-use level editor, so everyone can build levels. If you think this game is all hype, you are dead wrong; people who have played it say it kicks. I'm getting my copy tomorrow and I am stoked. So what cha' ganna do?!? BUY THIS GAME IMMEDITALLY!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 6
Date: August 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I've been playing this game nonstop for a couple of days now and I LOVE IT. The environments are rich, the game play is solid, and the interactivity is FANTASTIC!. The story isn't too bad either. A defininate must OWN.

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