PC - Windows : Max Payne Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Max Payne and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Max Payne. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 92
Game FAQs
IGN 93
Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (101 - 111 of 269)

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Cheesy + vastly overrated shoot-em-up

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 8
Date: September 04, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I just finished MP, and it only took me a day and a half. Judging from other comments on Amazon I'm not the only person to have finished the game in such a short time. The graphics are a real mix. The cool particle engine shines as a stunning example of what we can look forward to in the next generation of game engines, but the scenery and background art looks brown and dull throughout the entire game - think Quake2 without the aliens and you're not far off.

The game's one "gimmick" of a slo-motion play mode is fun for the first couple of hours, then just gets boring. I wish they had spent more time on producing a story (it has every cheesy cliche in the book, and is presented by a dull expressionless monotone narration).

The game was so gripping that I just had to go and fill in my yearly tax return instead. Don't buy the hype.. buy a decent game instead.

Max Owes It All To Woo!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User

If John Woo wrote computer games they would look like this. Max leaps in slow motion, his blazing guns spitting hot lead towards his flailing victim. The bullets rip through flesh and bone. Blood is spattered on the tiled wall of the subway station as the thug slides to the floor with a final exhalation. Tiny chips of ceramic fall from the gracefully drawn arc of bullet holes. Why is there no action replay in this game? I wanna see it again! This is a well executed (pardon the pun) game with a very basic premise - if it moves, shoot it. Shoot it lots. The interface and mechanics are carefully thought out and designed to allow maximum use of the mouse as an action controller. If that turns out to be something of an innovation in a third person perspective game you can't help but feel that it's more of an emergent property than anything that was consciously determined. It's nice to see it, even if it is the way things should have been all along (space combat game designers take note). But the really deliberate innovation here is the invention of Bullet Time. Why did this take so long to discover? Just when you thought real imagination in games was a thing of the past, along comes this stunning use of 3D space to remind you just how mind blowing games can be. Forget trying to simulate reality and cast aside any silly justifications as to exactly why Max can do this. Why doesn't matter. He can do it and it's immensely cool. Sub zero, in fact. If you haven't experienced Bullet Time yet then there's no point in trying to explain the feeling you get from successfully implementing a carefully thought out sideways leap whilst delivering fifty slugs to the face of some drug crazed mobster. You just have to try it to realise how intuitive a system it is. Hit the right mouse button then the direction button, aim and blast. Max and everything around him momentarily slows to a crawl but Max retains the ability to aim in real time. Expect other games to implement similar time stretching functions in the months ahead. It's not all relentless and mindless gunplay though. There's a story being woven to cradle the action. It's not exactly an original plot but it suffices and it's driven along by game engine cut scenes and a tacky graphic novel presentation both of which feature suitably OTT voice acting. There's a definite waft of self parody drifting by here, especially when, during one of his more vulnerable moments, Max begins to question the nature of his game bound reality. Generally, the narrative doesn't take itself too seriously and is played for laughs. But when it gets heavy it manages to pull it off with some truly hair raising and genuinely moving moments. Some of the scenes that are played out are actually distressing, dealing as they do with the loss of Max's family and the depths of his guilt about the way they died. The gameplay itself isn't all shooting either. There are a couple of levels where Max has to navigate his inner psyche in search of some sort of redemption. But mostly, it's shooting. The few puzzles are well thought out and add a little variety but they ain't gonna fox the Tomb Raiders amongst us. There are one or two moments of tricky scenery navigation as a token nod to Lara's skillset but, aside from a couple of vertiginous jumps, any truly platform-esque elements are carefully and thankfully absent. Max Payne is gaming's next big star. I expect to be going to see the film in a couple of years time. No doubt I'll be moaning then about the Max Payne series' lack of originality and progression but until then I'll be lapping it up. If this is the B movie to Creative Realms' forthcoming Duke Nukem blockbuster we really do have a treat in store. But my money is on Max.

max payne is the best single player game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: April 08, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game blows you away and on top of that there are cool mods for it doing move so cool as this its more of a interactive movie in short you have to play this but dont get the xbox or play station version just trust me on this :)


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: November 12, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This game is amazing. It grabs you from the beginning, and doesn't let you go. The ONLY complaint that can be brought against it is that it is too short. But however long it does last is crammed full with amazing gameplay, great graphics, and heart-stopping action. And bullet time is DEFINITELY one of the greatest features ever incorporated into a game.

Max Payne, Hardware +

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: February 06, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is one of my top 10 fav games of all time. If you are a first and/or third person game player, that loves a good story line that keeps you interested(like: Deus Ex); this is the game for you.
Max Payne is very graphic (blood/gore/violent), and REQUIRES high end componenets.
Do not try to play this game on a stock compaq computer, it will not run well at all.
This game when played on a "game machine" has awesome graphics and sound. Crank the settings to Max, see the leather wrinkles on the jacket, hear the bullets wiz by.
My system, Custom; Intel 800, 133 Bus, 7,500 RPM HDD, Win98SE, 16xDVD, ATI Rage Radeon 8500, 256 Megs RAM, and hords of other toys. If you meet a high end (recommended + quite a bit) hardware requirement on the box, purchase this game.
Played on a 400, with everything lowered to the hilt, including the use of a good voodoo 4 card, mx300 sound, this game completely lags and does not show it's stuff.
Game Play works in 3rd person, camera angle is mouse defined, point and click shooting, with a different angle to the game, the inclusion of a time stop/hour glass routine, that slows time down in the game for the enemy, but lets Max enjoy the benefit of acting on his whims during the period where time is standing still. There is a good bit of humour in the game, with plenty of dialogue between characters. The only cheesy part of the game would be the comic book sections, however, this addition to the game makes Max appear to be more like a comic book super hero right from the pages of a magazine rather than an immortal first person shooter that can take a few shots and survive. (If Max gets hit with bullets, he reacts like he's been shot) Hence, pain killers, widely available through the game to deaden the pain for Mr. Payne.

Happy Game Playing!

Fresh Breath

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: December 03, 2001
Author: Amazon User

A fresh breath into the computer gaming world. Not a shooter...Not a sequel (MechWarrior 37)...Not a Sim (or sim sequel)...Not an expasion pack!

Finally something new with an awesome story...Good game engine.

Please venture of the path that has been beaten to death and give this excellent game a try!

This game is so awesome!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: November 06, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Max Payne is a masterpiece of ingenuity, with a bit of excellent illiteration throwing in for good measure. On top of all that it's one bloody massicre after another. The story itself makes the game worth buying, add in an awesome main character, then exciting combat and a good arsinal of weapons, and you have a winner. I totally love this game. Then you also have the dozens of MODS being produced every day including a first person mod, and the decision to buy this game gets even easier. The best game I've played in a long time. Don't hesitate. If your computer can handle it, get it. Unless you frown upon violence... Then don't. :)

Be a Hong Kong Action Star

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 08, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Set in a dark, film noir-ish world, Max Payne dives into PC gaming history in orgasmic slow motion with twin barettas blazing!

Developer Remedy's first foray into the hyper-competitive Shooter market is a good one, delivering a fistful of hot lead in the eye candy and gameplay departments.

While not without it's share of technical and asthetic problems, this is one game experience not to be missed. The third person implementation is better done than many console games and viewers of Hong Action films will no doubt find utter bliss in the John Woo-style action effects--complete with flying shell casings, splattering blood, and flowing black overcoats.

Early reports of the game's sporradic instability problems appear to be justified. My initial impression of the game was almost severely tainted when I arrived at a blue screen of death before even finishing the installation. A second attempt was met successfully, and I quickly added the 6MB patch (downloaded from the Internet). Since then, I've had no problems thus far (knock on wood) and the game runs smoothly on my PIII 600 with 392MB of RAM and geForce MX.

While the game is relatively short, and the story is somewhat cliched, the replay value is heightened by a level editor which will no doubt spawn some interesting mods by intrepid individuals in the near future.

Overall an excellent effort and worth the price of admission. Recommended.

Max Payne review by a (non critic)

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: August 16, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I read that the slow motion effect was going to be Cheesy, but i personally find it super cool, the graphics are definatelly an improvement, probably the best out there at the moment, even better than codename 47 or project IGI, also, anything you shoot is affected realistically (you dont just see a black dot appear on it)my wife said it looks more like a movie than a video game, might be a slight exageration but pretty close, the only thing i personally didnt like about it is the way the caracter moves when he runs, but other than that, his movement when he dodges bullets and his manuevers are very innovative, the caracters seem to have a lifelike personality about them, they dont seem animated, the way they talk and move and interact, the ai is also somewhat improved dispite the fact that slow motion ability you get gives you a very unfair advantage over them, but then again its also just one of you, and many of them, and the slow motion runs out, and has to recharge by waiting. with all this said, i would definatelly recommend this game.

At least it's pretty...

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 16
Date: August 09, 2001
Author: Amazon User

After a number of years in development it's finally here.....oh goody. It is undeniably pretty, the graphics are first rate and the graphic novel interface is intersting....but thats about it. The number of enemies gets rediculously large, and its just enter a room, kill everyone in the room, move to next room and repeat gameplay.....after such a long development time, it should have been much better than this. Bullettime is an intersting idea, but the timer runs out to quickly for it to be very practical in much of the game...weapons are nicly modeled, but [impratical] to use....many times I have turned a corner and unloaded a load of buckshot directly into some goons face.....and he still lived, it often took 3 shotgun blasts to the head to take one baddie out. It would seem that this game is one of those that jacks up the hit points to the point of absurdidty on some of the main baddies.....one takes around 12-13 shotgun blasts in teh head at point blank range to kill. It really is a shame that after the time it took to develop, this is the result. Abosute waste of money. To enjoy the graphics of teh engine, wait for another game to come out that uses the same engine. 1 star because its pretty and bullettime is a nice innovation

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