PC - Windows : American McGee's Alice Reviews

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Below are user reviews of American McGee's Alice and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for American McGee's Alice.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (61 - 71 of 190)
Show these reviews first:
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User
As soon as I seen this game I was hooked. The storyline could not be any better, whats more cool then a really screwed up Alice? Nothing!
Alice has to return to wonderland, as if it wasn't scary the first time, she goes back to it and it's not like the firs time round. Ladybugs bomb you, cards come at you with huge pokey swords and you can bounce off colorful mushrooms, swing off vines and get really cool weapons.
This game is awesome; I haven't played it all, just the demo but it was enough to know that it was worth my time.
It's just a really dark, and funny version on the Alice story! I always wanted to catch that bloody rabbit! As a really cool weapon that I just have to mention is a flamingo crocket mallet. And for a special power up you throw crocket balls at things and it's awesome!
This is a game I'd suggest to anyone though the graphics are cool, it's still a little rough around the edges with kinda out of place blocks and stuff, but Alice's dress sways in the wind and that gives you an eeriness to it cause that girl scares me. And of course the wonderful and unforgettable, Chestire cat! If you thought the purple one was freaky (as I did) check this guy out. The voice done for him is perfect and I love listening to him talk. So I'd say, get the demo see if it works all right and then buy the game! I know I am!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 12, 2002
Author: Amazon User
If you are like me, and you like games with great graphics, blood, and a sick and twisted take on a fairy tale, you will LOVE this game. I first played this game and just gasped at the graphics. I run it on 1024x768 and everything else cranked up. I love the enemies. They are such a wonderful addition to the graphics. The weapons are amazing. I love the secondary fire on the Kinfe. If you love stuff by Tim Burton, Go out NOW and buy this. And remember, American McGee's Alice Comes to theaters in 2003!!! And it is directed by Madman Wes Craven! Peace Out!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 31, 2002
Author: Amazon User
American McGee's Alice is one of the most unique games that I have ever played. Well worthy of 5 stars and even beyond that, you will find that Alice is quite simply one of the finest made, most unique, and overall one of the most fun of any games of it's type. The game plays great on my Dad's Compaq, 128MB Ram 16MB Voodooo3, 700MB Celeron machine, but SCREAMS on my Dell ,768MB RAM, 64MB GF3 1.3GH P4 Machine. Enough of that though. If you are looking for something a little different than the normal shoot em' up game, than this is one worth picking up. Alice comes packed with plenty of twisted characters, following in the tradition of the original Alice in Wonderland, this is a lovely view at how we all really hope that Wonderland should look like. I will close with this. BUY THIS GAME!!! You will not be disappointed in the slightest, unless you are totally borring with absolutely no sense of fun in your life at all!
why haven't i written this before now?
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: November 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User
this game has the most beautiful level design i've ever seen in a game. especially the pool of tears level. one thing that sets this game apart from others like it (hmm.. there is no other game like this one), is the weapons. at no time in the game are you given a weapon that allows you to just run in and clean house. you are forced to think about the best method of acheiving your goal. this game is very challenging. the "puzzles" are not so difficult, but getting to the end of a level in one piece certainly will take more effort than many of the games being sold now... even some of the ones i call my favorites.
i wish more people knew about this game. it seems to have slipped by many gamers. most everyone i mention Alice to has either never played it, or never even heard of it.
but believe me, it's worth buying, and it'll knock you off your feet with its atmosphere.
O my [goodness!]
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: November 10, 2002
Author: Amazon User
this game is the best thing since sliced bread! I played it so much I had dreams about it:) I was expecting some boring game just tiredly put into the confines of the original story line, but was pleasantly suprised to find that while staying with the basic structure of the wonderland books it was dementedly different.
wicked fun
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: September 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User
amazing game to say. i love seeing the twisted versions of disney classics come to life. this is the first game that i had to play on my computer because i use my playstation for mostpart, but since this is a computer only title, i had to cave in and get it. even for todays standards, it has great scenery and a large enough variety of enemies that keep the gameplay interesting. the dark appeal of the game drew me in because running around stabbing card guards with a large knife was just morbid enough to make me happy. maybe sooner or later they will do a wizard of oz game like they did this.
as for the difficulty, this game starts becoming frustratingly hard, but the save menu allows you to save at any point in the game. if you are in the middle of a boss fight and you don't want to finish it, you can save. there are great weapons like demon dice, jacks, and throwing cards. this game is alot larger then i first thought. fun enough to keep you wanting to play.
A dark game to just love
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: October 05, 2004
Author: Amazon User
When I saw an ad for this game, something just drew me to it. I don't know if it was just the twistedness of my mind, or the game just looked good. We have the story of alice who is a few years older with a darker hair color to match her dark persona. She may have returned happy from wonderland before, but now she survived a fire that killed her family and is a local at the mental instatution. She is called back to wonderland and wonderful it is not as the queen of hearts now rules with an iron fist. All the old characters are back in a twisted way and the errie music that accomponies this game truly sets the mood. A good game but kinda hard to control at first. I would love it if this would be a movie (an interesting concept actually) but a game you should definately get and a deal at the price nowadays.
Great for it's time.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: October 13, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Oooh, I remember when I saw the box art in the stores..I knew I wanted it. I think the game should be (not sequaled but) remade with more modern graphics & better AI, more levels, but keep the characters & story as-is. I'd love to open up a page in (insert any of 3 gaming zine titles) & see an advert for ALICE: Revamped.
Original and Intriguing
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: June 19, 2007
Author: Amazon User
This game has superb graphics. I say that, even though it's several years old and the graphics system it uses is far outdated. The levels are beautiful, if macabre and at times, darkly bitter. The sound is also a plus. It really adds to the game and completes the theme. The voice acting is good as well; unlike many games with mediocre voice acting, the Cheshire Cat has a deep, philosophical, and slightly mocking tone that suited him completely, as did Alice's pointed, shrewd, and slightly rude tone. At times some of the nonplayer characters have slightly annoying voices, but that's probably in character, as many of these characters are annoying.
Alice's controls aren't difficult to use, and even a gamer not well suited to computer gaming would probably be able to pick them up. There are many jumping puzzles, and here we come to one of the weaknesses. There's a lot of guessing involved in the jumping. There is a handy foot marker to where Alice will land, but often times it's inaccurate or simply not helpful, especially with moving objects. Alice also seems to scoot a bit past her jumping point, which is slightly frustrating. Another major weakness is how the water was done. The camera angles in the water can be very frustrating, and it's sometimes difficult to tell Alice to swim in the direction you'd like her to. She gets "stuck," if you will, and there's no real meter as to how long she can last underwater.
The action in the game is engaging. While it's a first person shooter, and at times it can seem a "kill everything on the screen" game, the action isn't the main facet of the game. There are many puzzles along the way to frustrate and engage you. Alice's "toys," or weapons, are very interesting as well, and using them in combination can lead to interesting and destructive results. Many of the bosses are interesting, at the very least, to fight.
The story is a macabre and, at times, slightly confusing, web. I would have liked a bit more attention paid to some of the reasoning; for example, why weapons lie about for no apparent reason. The story itself is highly engaging, however; without giving away too much, Alice's fight for sanity in the twisted realm of Wonderland is a tale that is very interesting.
While this treatment of a children's story is not entirely new, this game is very original, and one that you will not regret buying. It's also very cheap, as it's an old game. It's medium in length, but it doesn't feel too long or two short. There isn't a whole lot of replay value, as the only difference is the difficulty increase, though you might want to play the story through again. I highly recommend this game.
Clever, unique and a blast!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: August 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User
American McGee's Alice is simply the best computer game I have played in a long time. The storyline is great and the dark twist on the plot made the game even more so interesting. The graphics are stunning as is the music. The controls were simple and easy to master and the "toys" were a clever idea. In fact, this entire game was one of the most clever games I've ever played. Jumping games can get rather tedious at times but there was always something new around every corner or through every door to keep you on your toes. I played the game on Medium difficulty which was pretty easy in my opinion but I was so tickled with everything that was going on in the game that the difficulty was never really an issue, plus you can play it at a more difficult level. Hooray for Alice!