Nintendo Wii : Sonic and the Secret Rings Reviews

Gas Gauge: 71
Gas Gauge 71
Below are user reviews of Sonic and the Secret Rings and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Sonic and the Secret Rings. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 76
Game FAQs
GamesRadar 80
CVG 82
IGN 79
GameSpy 60
GameZone 75
Game Revolution 45
1UP 75

User Reviews (21 - 31 of 71)

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A Very Entertaining Game for the Family

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 6
Date: March 08, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I bought this game Sunday for my girlfriend's grandfather for his birthday. We went to his house Wednesday to play the game and was working through the Lost Prologue stage section and were having a really difficult time controlling Sonic. After about 15 minutes of playing (and dying many many many many times) It hits me, TURN THE CONTROLLER SIDEWAYS!!! Just goes to show you that you need to read the idiot guide before you play games.

Anyway, onto the game itself. The story is something that's pretty simple, an evil Djinn is bent on erasing the book 1001 Arabian Nights in order to gain enough power to be able to get into the real world. The story is kinda told in "cuts" it's not really a movie, it shows something similar to a storyboard type of thing.

Anyway, you technically don't have a choice where Sonic goes, the computer controls where Sonic will go (something like a 3rd person shooter like the Time Crisis franchise) but you move Sonic left and right to avoid hazards, jump over pits and rivers, and "home-in" and destroy your enemies.

The party games are very fun (at least me and my gf) thought so. They are very cute and very fun especially for younger children (which there are plenty of in her family).

There are also several "special quests" that Sonic can complete along the way and also cooler moves that you can unlock as you progress through the game.

As I said, this game does seem to be a little too easy to do, there are some tricky side quests (the one where you can't break a pot comes to mind) but overall I must say that it is very fun and enjoyable and the graphics look very good and the Sonic Party can provide plenty of fun for the family with several unique mini-games.

Fun to look at. Not that much fun to play.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 5 / 9
Date: February 26, 2007
Author: Amazon User

The controls for this game are EXTREMELY hard to get used to. They are very touchy and unintuitive. Also, you can pretty much only go forward. If you miss something, you have to walk backwards to get to it. I was hoping that I would be allowed to make Sonic move in all directions but moving from side to side takes forever and he only side steps, he doesn't turn and walk to the side. On the plus side, the graphics in this game are the best I have seen for the Wii so far. The levels look gorgeous. It's a shame I can't explore them...
The Party Mode is horrible too. The games move extremely slow and the controls are also terrible and unintuitive. I'd say that Party mode kills the party and just ends up making people frustrated, especially people who don't play Wii that often and don't understand the Wii remote quirks.
Overall, this game is a waste of $50. It's a fun amusement for about half an hour but eventually the game's shortcomings become so painfully obvious that I can't play it any longer.

Don't buy this game. You aren't missing much...

A Very Frustrating Game

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 5 / 9
Date: March 10, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game had promise. I was dying for a new game on the Wii and what better game to choose than one starring Sega's long-time mascot? Boy was I wrong.

This game is incredibly frustrating. The controls are very clunky. The camera angle changes without notice. I had to force myself to play it. There was no enjoyment in playing the game. The enjoyment came when I completed a few levels so I could stop playing.

I wish I could add more to this review but all I can do is shake my head in disgust.

Great game

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 5 / 9
Date: February 24, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I loved this sonic title. It doesn't have the level selection that other games have, but it does what it does greatly. With unlockables, this game has some replay value. Not to metion the fun party games.

Stay Away!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 9 / 23
Date: November 26, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Watch Video Here: http://www.amazon.com/review/R1Z5EGXNLWZH54 The controls are weak, the game is VERY repetitive.

So so disappointing...

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: March 08, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I read all the negative reviews on this site, and thankfully they persuaded me to rent the game before I shelled out the $50 for it. Basically, every 2 or 3 star review on this site says it all. Storyline? So bad it makes you cringe. Play control? Absolutely God-awful. Music? Cheesy as heck. Flow of the game? Unorganized and jerky.

The voice acting on the game is akin to nails on a chalkboard. Sonic sounds at times like a clueless stoner and at other times like a used car salesman. The Genie takes the cake as the most annoying character in the game. Just hearing her voice gives me chills. After the first 3 or 4 cutscenes, I started skipping them. The game's tutorial is mandatory, which I LOATHE because it's honestly NOT that necessary and makes for a slow and tedious start to the game.

I know the Wii remote is central to the Wii system, but this game would be much easier with a regular controller. Flinging the remote forward to perform an attack is absurd. Due to the Wii sensor bar's limited capabilities (come on, don't say you haven't noticed with other games), the attack works 75% of the time. Sonic jumps when you release the 2 button, not when you press it. This makes for some frustrating timing issues in a game where you're constantly moving forward, and it's unnecessarily so. The game's levels do not flow (especially during the tutorial) so you get to do a short level, then it loads, then you get 2 or 3 pop-ups saying you got a new ability, then it loads, then you get back to the menu and do it all again. Sonic starts off moving so slowly it's agonizing, and when you accidentally hit a wall, you start at a glacial pace again. The music sounds like a bad episode of Pokemon. I could go on and on!

It's sad, really, because the game COULD be good if it weren't for the HORRIBLE play control and flow. Please, I beg you, rent the game before you buy. You'll be glad you did.

Sonic at his Best

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: April 19, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Sonic has always had many bad runs. Sonic Adventure 1 had bad graphics and poor gameplay. Sonic adventure 2 was the same. Shadow the Hedgehog? Something about running around in a burning city shooting soldiers made me feel guilty playing it. ALL OF THESE GAMES HAD HORRIBLE CAMERA VIEWS! Sonic and the secret rings gives me a feeling of happiness and a burst of adrenaline when I play it. As hte first level (Sand Oasis) says, this game is an oasis of hope for the Sonic franchise. The stunning visuals and hair-raising speed make this game hopeful. The music is_as always corny, yet it goes well with the level. Don't give up on this game until you finish it. Some levels are boring, while others I just can't stop playing. The enemies are not human, but rather clorful genies that wear a costume according to which mood the level is set in (in "Pirate Storm") they wear silly pirate hats. Back to the only reason we care about sonic- SPEED. This game dishes out handfuls and handfuls of it. You have no IDEA until your sonic is a level 37, in which you obtain a "Super Speed-Up." Sonic goes too fast for the voiceovers to catch up, and the objects zip by so fast you swear you are sonic speeding through the land of the Arabian Knights.

The Kids love it!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: May 28, 2007
Author: Amazon User

All five of my boys (age 8 to 15) love this game and can't play it enough! They are all experts concerning video games (PS1 & 2 , Wii, XBox, GameCube, PC) and they have had no complaints with this one. This will get a lot of play over the summer vacation!

This is a great buy!

Not for the unskilled

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: July 15, 2007
Author: Amazon User

A lot of the bad reviews seem to be by people who aren't able to play the game very well. I picked it up pretty quickly and so did my friends. The controls are clumsy at first and that's why you upgrade your abilities. As the game gets faster, the controls become more precise via your character obtaining new skills. This allows you to learn as you go along, and once you're well into the game, you wont believe how fast and accurate you can be. In my opinion, that makes it a lot of fun. For those who can't keep up, it's clearly the opposite. If you're willing to learn something really new, I'd give it a try. If you give up easily or you just aren't good at learning new controls, this isn't for you.

But do NOT buy this for the party games... don't even consider them as a selling point at all. At least half of them are WAY too tricky to be "pick up and play" games, and you must play them several times before you can become any good at them. The biggest failure is the rowing... it's a neat idea but they REALLY dropped the ball on making it playable, much less enjoyable. So unless your friends also have enough experience with every party game on there, they are not going to like playing against you at all. Plus the pirate ship and the Gennie castle have absurdly frustrating booby-traps that made it literally impossible for me to win in spite of placing first in most of the games... why on Earth would anyone want that? The party games just simply have very little to do with skill and a lot to do with testing your patience. A few of them are fun though... too bad you can't pick which ones you play!

how sonic made my grandson laugh

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: July 27, 2007
Author: Amazon User

while i can't even begin to play this game, my 5 year old grandson loved it. i thought it was good because it explained how each step had to be accomplished so that my gtrandson could follow along without asking "what does it saY gRAMMIE?"

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