Below are user reviews of Rome: Total War and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Rome: Total War.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (131 - 141 of 237)
Show these reviews first:
Wow! I a mean I did not think this kind of detail existed
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 12
Date: September 28, 2004
Author: Amazon User
This game is purely amazing. I remember watching Decisive Battles on History Channel and saying I wonder what game they are using to recreate those battles. Well it seems to be the same gaming engine that Rome uses. I think it is awesome the detail involved. I mean you can just fly your camera all over the place and see all the detail you want.
The only suggestion I have, and I am sure they are working on it, is to put some randomness to the looks of the units, if it calls for it. For instance, the Gaul warriors all look the same, but it would be cool if they had different war paint and clothes, would look much more real. However, the way Total War creates their games, I am sure this is in the near future anyways.
Awesome game!
A work of genius - if such a thing can be said of a PC game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 9
Date: February 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is nothing less than a complete Roman Empire simulator. Decide when and where to invade, form and recruit armies, control the economy, and then take real-time control of your forces in every battle in a spectacular 3D engine. This is the first strategy game (either real-time or turn-based; this one is both) I've ever spent money on, and worth every penny.
Typical review from an individual who enjoyed the game and has very little else to say
Rating: 4,
Useful: 5 / 9
Date: September 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I would heartily recommend this game to any fan of Strategy games of any sort. I say this simply to elaborate and reaffirm what has been said in other reviews: I am a real customer, and I enjoyed this game. The only issues I spotted were minor issues with the AI and following orders during a battle. However, these issues are nothing in comparison to the great fun to be had while playing this excellent addition to the genre.
I have not got any sleep since getting this game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 13
Date: April 20, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is simply one of the best games available, period. As a fan of RTS games, I could not wait to get my hands on this game, and it really does deliver. Luckily, I am able to enjoy the game as it is meant to be played, on Alienware. My roommate has Alienware and the game plays like a jewel with it.
You start off the game as a low-level Roman faction. With a few cities, and a few dollars you are given very little to start with. I did begin the game with the tutorial(which is very helpful). Nonetheless, the real meat & potatoes of the games are the battles.
Unlike other RTS games (i.e. Civilization III) you actually have to fight your battles as a general. In itself this is very fun, but tactics do come into play alot, as well as the experience of your commanders. Anything and everything can affect how the soldiers fight (weather, equipment, terrain, commanders, appearance of enemey) so the realism factor is a ten. For example, if you are stupid enough to have you cavalry march in front of your archer, more than likely you will have friendly fire. This just makes the game more realistic.
Other than the battles you are responsible for managing the empire, and everything within it. Basically, you begin as the Senate's puppet, and as time passes you gain more and more clout. Your family tree grows, and the empire expands (if you are good). There are also naval battles (automated), spy missions, diplomatic missions, and assassination missions.
Overall, the game deserves six stars. If you have the hardware to support the detailed fast moving battles, this game is definatley worth every dollars. Enjoy!
Great Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: June 17, 2006
Author: Amazon User
Great Game. Everything good that everyone else said is what I have to say. Wonderful game.
RTW .... better yet
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 4
Date: May 22, 2006
Author: Amazon User
If you (like me) don't like the particular way this game approaches the player' side (nation, tribe, kingdom, state, republic, empire, whatever) selection, not giving you full control of Roman side, and/or not giving you the chance to play other than Roman from the very start, and on top of all this, forcing seasoned RTS (the "so-called" branch = combat oriented) players (as myself, since the Warcraft days) to play a boring trainning or tutorial campaign, but still you want to feel and enjoy the game, then I have a suggestion for you.
Download and try the game mod(ification) "Rome: Total Realism" (available at an org web-site named after it), which they offer for free and deals a lot of well thought and implemented changes to the original game, besides removing the (anti) features described above. They added several more sides to select for the player, and removed some completely out of history characters. The campaign map has been enlarged as well, and many more cities are into the game. The install procedure is well explained and documented, and the download sites don't ask for your credit card number. Further information about mods for this game can be found in Wikipedia, where there are more than 15 full pages of text devoted to it.
The Finest Game in Existence
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 10
Date: March 23, 2005
Author: Amazon User
Although years ago I used to play many electronic games on a variety of platforms, these days I rarely do. In fact it is safe to say that there are only three games I regularly play these days: Shogun: Total War, Medieval: Total War (and the splendid amteur mod, Napoleonic: Total War - almost a Total War game in its own right) and Rome: Total War. Rome is obviously the best of the three. With each passing addition the series gets better and better.
My friends often accuse me of being a megalomaniac, and perhaps that's why I loved this game. It is on such a spectacular scale - like no other game. I've played battles with around 30,000 units on the map and they are simply spectacular - looking out over a sea of Roman legionairies, all standing in discplined ranks - it all looks like a scene out of the movie Troy (or the Nuremberg Rallies).
But not only is this game visually spectacular, it has brilliant, in-depth game-play like none ever before. Diplomacy is a matter of trading provinces, money, making a variety of different treaties, intermarriage and variety of other factors. Managing one's civilisation involves intense micromanagement, but doesn't feel like a chore, as in some other games of this ilk. Raising armies, managing the economy, going to war, diplomacy, trade - all of these are great fun and offer the most realistic expierence of any PC game available.
This is a revolution in gaming - even more impressive than Shogun was when it was first realeased. The deatail applied to everything is mind-boggling - graphics, game-play - everything. This is truly the finest game in existence.
The best game on PC
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 10
Date: March 22, 2005
Author: Amazon User
I love this game. You don't need good reflexes like most other RTS games and the game is almost perfectly balanced.
This game has "SCALE". It is awesome to see your army of 2000 troops charge into the enemy from the front, then charge the rear with your 600 cavalry and force them to rout.
The graphics are outstanding, the sound is very good (I love it whe n an opponents troops scream "Retreat" or "Run Away") and the gameplay is nearly perfect. The only problem I have is all the micro-management you have to do at the near end of the game, managing 45 proviences, 50 family members and at least 150 units on the map.
Overall, buy this game, it's one hell of a history lesson and you won't regret it.
Best historical strategy ever
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 10
Date: February 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is as close to perfect as any I have ever seen. The economics, the strategy, the battle engine, the background, the diplomacy, are all fantastic!
Only two minor issues. First, when I exterminate a population I expect the survivors (as well as neighboring towns) to get the point. The continual riots are annoying, and I would like to have the option to exterminate populations any time public order drops below an acceptable level. If you can show me any example in history where a population continued to rebel after more than half of them had been wiped out I will change my opinion, but I think that Rome's treatment of Carthage and the Mongol invasions prove my point.
Second, I found it difficult at times to set the facing of units. The best battle simulator I ever worked with was Gettysburg by Firaxis, and although RTW has a great engine they haven't surpassed the Gettysburg engine yet.
Overall, just stunning. I always dreamed that one day someone would write the perfect game; this is the closest yet. Great job!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 5 / 10
Date: March 15, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game is the one I've been waiting for ever since I started playing video games. The ability to place yourself as a general commanding realistically rendered units as you look out over the battlefield. Its the "almost being there" quality that gives this game the "Wow!" factor. On top of which you get a strategic campaign mode game to link your battles together.
The animations are highly detailed and can be pushed for detail as far as your video card can handle them. The controls and views are all intuitive or easily learnt and there are fun elements like your General giving a speech to his men before the battle or units cheering as they defeat another enemy. A recent patch has ironed out virtually all the irritating bugs and while there are still a few quirks none spoil the gameplay.
Definitely one of my best buys