Below are user reviews of Rainbow Six DC and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Rainbow Six DC.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (1 - 11 of 43)
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Ignore the first review
Rating: 5,
Useful: 32 / 34
Date: May 01, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Since Rainbow Six won't be multi-player you shouldn't even worry about framerates in online games. The game is fun alone because when in your life do you get to command a S.W.A.T. team on covert missions. The graphics are AWESOME and realistic. When you shoot an enemy in the leg he hobbles around and screams but doesn't die. If you liked Goldeneye on 64, you will love this game because you're not alone on those missions. The computer controlled teammates actually help and could probably finish the mission without you, but why would do that when you have all those cool guns and explosives to use on the bad guys. If you like tactical games or shooters, I promise you won't be dissapointed!
This one tops the action and strategy
Rating: 5,
Useful: 23 / 30
Date: February 18, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This is game is great. It has great missions it has a high frame rate and is very suspense full. The missions take place all over the world and its much more relistic then other shooting games. the only set back in this game is the bloodyness, which can be turned off. This is a great buy and is well worth the pennies. It never gets old.
A must-buy!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 14 / 16
Date: March 26, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This is the most realistic fighting game I have ever played, bar none. If you even remotely enjoyed GoldenEye for the N64, you MUST buy this game. The graphics, evironment, enemy and ally AI, and storyline are top-of-the-line. This game is also worth every dollar when it comes to replay value. With the planning phase, you can create seemingly endless ideas and strategies for accomplishing different missions. I NEVER EVER get tired of Rainbow 6 titles. If violence is an issue for you, don't worry--the blood can be turned off. So stop reading this and go buy, buy, BUY this game!
I really wonder what people were expecting
Rating: 4,
Useful: 7 / 7
Date: January 31, 2001
Author: Amazon User
Let's rundown the standard list of gripes for this game. First off: "The graphics are awful!" No, for the most part they are not awful, perhaps a bit polygonal, but they are almost 3 years old. Let us remember that this is a PORT of a PC game, not an update or any sort of improvement thereof.
Next is the complaint that this game is too difficult to control. Keep in mind that the developers had to map dozens of keyboard commands to a single Sega Dreamcast controller, and they did the best they could. And actually, it works fairly well, at least after some initial learning curve. Let's remember that you won't need every command every second. As long as you know how to move and how to shoot, the rest can be accessed without hot buttons.
Lastly, there is the complaint about gameplay itself, which also presented itself when the original PC game appeared back in '98. The realism is true to life, as you can't simply stand 5 feet from an opponent and unload rounds into them until their "life bar" runs out. This game works like real life: you get shot once, you're incapacitated, twice and you're probably dead (no ambulances to the rescue here.) A less realistic situation occurs when your fellow troops get mowed down by a hidden enemy without so much as an adjustment in posture, like lambs to the slaughter who don't realize that, "Hey, that guy in front of me ran down the hallway and got shot, and there's a good chance I'll suffer the same fate!"
Make no mistake, this is a very good game. There's a reason that Sega chose to port a 3-year old PC game to its console. It's a challenging game, and as a result, a very fulfilling one. If you are worried about the less-than-state-of-the-art graphics then you aren't paying enough attention to the gameplay itself, which is king here. It rewards careful attention, and an eye for detail. Don't expect to go "runnin' & gunnin'" a la Quake III, because you will most definitely be disappointed. This isn't a game for those with short attention-spans. It is a very grown-up game with very grown-up tastes and methods. It demands a lot, but it gives a lot in return. Take the time to enjoy it, and you will be richly rewarded.
Alpha team, GO!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 6 / 6
Date: May 18, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This game is really unique. The graphics are decent enough, and the environments are very well done. The multi-player mission idea is really cool, and on the DC, it comes to life nicely.
You can certainly cruise through this game focusing on one player with each board and get pretty far. But what makes it so cool is planning your missions, then watching your comrades execute them before your eyes.
This probably isn't the kind of game that you're going to be good at the first time. However, it won't be too long before your comfortable cruising along with the night vision kickin'-- whackin' terrorists left and right.
I highly recommend this game for the DC!
A must have!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 4 / 4
Date: August 11, 2000
Author: Amazon User
You must get this game. It is a lot of fun! The replay value is endless. You will find yourself playing the same level over and over again and never get tired of it. Buy the game, enjoy it, and have fun! Another game like it is Hidden & Dangerous, another must have.
Rainbow Sucks....I mean Rainbow Six
Rating: 2,
Useful: 9 / 16
Date: May 11, 2000
Author: Amazon User
First off I'm disappointed that I had to wait 8 months to find out that this game wasn't really worth the wait. Secondly, I have read all of these other reviews that say that the graphics and gameplay are outstanding. Let me be the first to say that game absoultley, positively, does take advantage of the Dreamcast capabilities at all. When I first played the game it looked like the PC version. For me personally, this game would have kicked ... if it were to look like MDK2 or Rayman 2. When I buy games for the Dreamcast (the most powerful game counsole on the market) I expect to be blown away by the graphics, sound,...etc. The characters in R6 have too many rough edges, and the environment that your team is immersed in is OK but could be a lot better. I really have mixed feelings about this game. While there are some cool aspects of the game there are downsides that overshadow the high points in the game. Furthermore, when I found out that the game was only 1 player I was yet again dissapointed, only because the articles that I had read in the past said you could play up to 4 players. Overall, I am disappointed with the game, but I am sure that others will be able to overlook my complaints that I have mentioned.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 8 / 16
Date: February 29, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This is the version from the PC game and not from the Nintendo 64 version. For example, when you plan your mission it's a little bit more complicated from the N64 version. You have to go through each step of the planning phase insatead of diving right into the mission. Overall it's a pretty good game.
As close to real as you'd want to get...
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 3
Date: June 14, 2000
Author: Amazon User
If realistic spec ops is what you're after, this is your game. A "shoot 'em up" arcade game this is not -- though, when on your mission, it does demand the fast reaction times as required in Quake.
This game is a balanced blend of pre-mission planning and 1st person action. If you don't like misson planning, you can select a default plan, then "lock 'n load"; go hunting for the bad guys. There are lots of "shoot/don't shoot" situations that make this more demanding than the "shoot everything that moves" type games.
Knowledge of close quarters combat tactics is very useful, otherwise you'll learn the hard way about room clearing and angles of fire.
Some may find mission planning details tedious, but they allow a wealth of subtle choices that can impact mission success to varying degrees. Learning the many control functions is challenging at first, but I was up to speed - and having fun - with the most common fire and movement commands in 15 minutes.
An engrossing simulation if you're an armchair spec ops enthusiast. I found myself ducking to the side when under fire!
You may be disappointed
Rating: 3,
Useful: 4 / 6
Date: December 20, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I know there are a lot of mixed reviews. I am a disappointed consumer who will be returning this game. I love playing one person/multi person shoot 'em up games--like Quake 3 Arena. I like stealth, strategic planning spy/shooting games--like Metal Gear. But Rainbow Six should not have been made for the Dreamcast. It just doesn't suit to go on a console system. Loading time is horrible, the graphics aren't impressive (for DC), the sound is not so good, and the controls are quite hard to maneuver. The gameplay, however, is potentially good. IF you like stealth, slow, strategic game, this would be an okay game to play. But, here's a warning: when you are playing against many enemies, you will get frustrated with how difficult to aim/control the joystick.
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