Xbox 360 : Halo 3 Reviews

Gas Gauge: 95
Gas Gauge 95
Below are user reviews of Halo 3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Halo 3. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 95
Game FAQs
GamesRadar 100
CVG 97
IGN 95
GameSpy 100
GameZone 97
Game Revolution 85
1UP 95

User Reviews (391 - 398 of 398)

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Best Yet...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 02, 2007
Author: Amazon User

When Halo 2 came out, there was extreme hype...which wsa not nessarly met. Th game didn't meet most gamers expectations. They needded someone to make up for the let down. Well, they sure as heck made up for it. Halo 3 is the best game out on the market right now.The graphics and AI are he best I have seen since Gears of War and Rainbow Six Vegas. I highly reccomend this game. Don;t go rent before but just buy it. Everything about he game is amzing. You'll have alot of fun.

Decent Game but Not revolutionary to the genre

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: November 01, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Let me say first, my hats off to MS for the massive marketing campaign they did for this game. Never in my recent memory I have seen any game been marketing as much as this game, perhaps FF7 back in 1997 but I can't remember anything that has this much of impact as Halo 3 did.

Every major game media source had something to show in regards of Halo 3. Additionally, there were these special theme 360 consoles, special energy drinks from Mountain dew, and other **** to keep every gamer there was known to man informed and hyped about Halo 3 imminent lunch. Yes, 2007 was the year for Halo 3 and Xbox 360 which be remembered for years to come. Now on to the game, Halo 3. If it never was indicated in the first paragraph then let me say it now, this game hyped factor was massive, due to the amazing job done by MS marketing team and the many subsidiaries that were involved. The major question is, is this game Next Gen? Um, Bioshock still holds the award for the most amazing game in regards of graphics, theme, art, and a worthy length campaign but in that regard Halo 3 falls a little short. The campaign, though exciting in its own right, isn't as long as it should be - I beat it in less than 10hrs as opposed to Bioshock's almost 20 hr experience. Furthermore, though the art direction for Halo was superb with the environments, the character models left much to be desiredg. Compared to other games prior to Halo 3 and games that are about to release in the last quarter of this year, Halo 3 doesn't get the award for the most amazing game out there. In my regard, I blamed bungie for that since Halo was the most graphically impressive game on the previous Xbox. On the other hand, what Halo shines is it massively impressive multi player mode both online and co-op, which is impressively well done and is the game ultimate strenght. This is what Bungie does well and on that note this game well have a longevity that rivals any console FPS to date. Well, I don't know UT 3 has yet to come out and Warhawk is pretty addictive as well, but Halo 3 has a lot of content for tweaking maps like Forge. However, the forge gimmick has been done decades ago with PC shooters in the past, but this is first for consoles anyway.

So lets conclude, weak campaign - but fun - compared to other FPS out there like the amazing Bioshock, and amazing multiplayer and tons of content. Great game and probably the last great thing to come from this side of MS, that's until the new system is announce. If I must add, I am very disappointed with Halo's campaign. We were promised an epic game with much tragedy as mankind fight desperately for freedom. We were told time and time again through ads, but the actual game was seriously underwhelming. I felt nothing for the characters not the story...I felt cheated...I don't understand why Gamespot and those other game sites gave the game such high scores where there are other better games out there..My review is absolute and I believe this is the review it should have gotten instead of 9s and 10s.

awesome game!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 24, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Let me start by saying that I'm 27 and relatively a newcomer to the next gen gaming consoles. After being burned by the dreamcast and the nintendo 64, I became jaded with the whole gaming thing. It felt like nothing could recapture those days when I would spend hours playing Mike Tyson's punchount on the NES and then Street fighter on the SNES.

Then along came the Xbox. However, it HALO 3 that salvaged any shred of goodwill I had towards the gaming industry. When I thought I could never feel engaged/enthralled with a game, HALO 3 smacked me across the face for ever thinking that game consoles/designers had sold us - the consumers - out.

To put it simply, having HALO 3 with an xbox live account may bring you closer to feeling how a crackhead must feel when he wants crack. This game has it all. I'm in law school right now. After marathon reading sessions, I start to get tired. When this happens, I pop in HALO 3 and bust out a couple of matches. My adrenaline rises through the roof and all of sudden I'm WIDE AWAKE. This game is that good.

Wonderful Value

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 25, 2008
Author: Amazon User

There are few games truly worth their 60 dollar price tags, and this is one of them. With a compelling campaign, an endless variety of multiplayer modes, the forge, and the theater, there is always something to do in Halo 3.

Huge let down

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 25, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I honestly thought that Halo 3 would make me a believer, but it didnt. I played the first one and hated it. Played the second one and hated it; then I played the third installment and hated it even more. The campaign sucks. It is incredibly easy to pass and online sucks even more. I really don't see what people talk about. I don't see the magic. The guns feel weak and toy like. Perhaps what annoys me the most are the 12 year old kids that skip school to play. Rented and try it out. You might like it more than I did.

I don't understand the hype

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 29, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Ok i didn't have the first xbox so when I got my 360 I went out and bought
halo 1&2 because i knew 3 was coming soon. I just got bored with 1 and 2 still i gave this game benefit of the doubt and rent it and beat it, mind you I own 1&2 own still haven't beat them and it not because this game is fun but because it's really short. now the best thing about this game is the online play HANDS DOWN. But after 200 rounds of death match it can get old. the story not that epic as if it was touch by the hands of the maker, so why the hype.the vehicles in all this games handle so horribliy this is how i'd imagine a cat on roller skates would handle like. and the two weapons at a time i can't stand it's a video games it suppose to be unrealalistic and be sides that your shootings aliens for pete's sake. And yes i've actually people make the agruement "the 2 weapons thing is the games way of being realalistic, you couldn't carry 6 or 7 weapon could you?" if i've offended sorry but i'd rather be playing gears of war.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 31, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I hear a lot of people saying call of duty 4 is better than halo 3, halo 3 is better than call of duty 4, etc,etc. They are both excellent games, and compliment each other. After playing the realism of cod4 it's nice to switch back to the low gravity, energy shield world of halo3. I also think the online play of halo3 is just that much more fun because you end up playing with more random people, who seem to talk more.

not that fun

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 31, 2008
Author: Amazon User

maybe its just me, but i found halo 3 to be a little cheesey and weird. keep in mind that i have not played the other 2. alot of the weapons were lame and half the time, i couldnt see where i was in the game. much of it is darkly lit or hard to see. overall, there are better shoot-'em-up games out there.

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