Xbox 360 : Dead Rising Reviews

Gas Gauge: 81
Gas Gauge 81
Below are user reviews of Dead Rising and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dead Rising. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 84
Game FAQs
GamesRadar 80
IGN 83
GameSpy 90
GameZone 85
Game Revolution 80
1UP 70

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 210)

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Dead On Arrival

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 23, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Once again a game I've been looking foward to play and once again am left disappointed and ask 'Why?'.I'm not going to go in to a great deal of detail about the whole game.I will say the good parts first-fun killing Zombies in different ways,voice acting nicely done,great graphics and a large area to explore.

Now the bad-buttons are mapped incorrectly making it confusing and cumbersome to use.Random people calling you in a middle of a mission or when a bunch of Zombies are about to surround you and tear you apart.You run like one mile an hour at all times.Time and Map not correctly displayed.

Now the ugly and these REALLY cripple the game to the point that you'll lose excitement and encouragement very quickly.The first major one is Save points or lack there of.You can only save at the Security Office and if you die you actually start the game over (and although all your stats and abilities are there)all your missions you've completed,all the items you've collected are gone.AND your time that you were on is present when you start over so let's say when you died you had 62 Hours 13 Minutes that's what you'll start off with when you begin the game again.And that's another thing that mad me mad-the time limit.I am not a fan of games that puts time limits in games especially ones of this type.I feel it artificially adds difficulty and rushes you way too much.You never get that GTA-type feel where you feel free to do just whatever or choose to do a job.Dead Rising's approach is to always have one mission activated with a time limit so you have to drop what you are currently doing and run half way across the map.Weapons like guns you get are practicily useless.You can't auto target which is essential in this game or should have been.You have to select it,hold down R2 and you stay there like a statue most of the time completely vulnerable and with a little tiny reticle try shoot someone with a high powered machine gun while you're left with a weak pistol.And most of the stores are bare of weapons and practical usages.And really everywhere you don't find much weapons.And the weapons themselves disinigrate after 3-5 usage.

What can I say-oh I KNOW-RENT THE GAME DO NOT BUY IT!If you do Buy it the first half hour will be left with boring opening with the arrival of the Shopping Mall where you Escort people,then BS around,save your game and then try to kill a man who has an P-90,die and start the game over not knowing that you have to start the game over from the very beginning.That's it in a nutshell.And if anyone else has the patience to over look these damaging flaws and enjoy this game more than I have then you have the patience of a Buddhist Monk.I hope they make a sequal to fix all these flaws and learn from their mistakes.Because this game is certainly what I call a mistake of monumental perportions.

Zombie bashing at its best!!!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 18, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Dead Rising is a fun game that plays kind of like a beat-em-up.You are Frank,a photojournalist who is trapped in a shopping mall and later on the government wants to deny what happens their and drops in swat guys to kill the zombies and blocks off every thing around the town.You can use anything to kill zombies.Their is main missions and optional missions throughout the game to gain special abilities and experience points.The game is a sandbox game with everything at your disposal including 2x4s,chainsaws,guns,skateboards,guitars,water-guns,swords,baseball bats, and many others weapons.The game has three modes: 72 hour mode,overtime mode, and infinite mode. The 72 hour mode is the mode where has to complete the main missions and side missions to escape the mall.The overtime mode is unlocked after you beat the 72 hour mode,this mode is harder and has the swat guys(come out at end in 72 hour mode)and zombies trying to kill you.Infinite mode is where Frank survives long as you don't starve and don't get kill by zombies.Dead Rising is a fun amazing zombie game and is almost like the movie Dawn of the Dead.

Overall,this is well done and has nice elements that make this game more fun by adding two extra modes after beating the game.The game has so many weapons,just about everything is a weapon even a plant or a chair.Dead Rising has a lot of replay value because you can just run around and throw things at or shoot zombies after you beat the game.

Pros: tons of weapons,fun to play, lots of modes, replay value,
Frank can wear different clothing/accessories

Cons: A.I needs work,end was disappointing

Waited too long to play this

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: August 11, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Each time I thought about buying this, I was turned off by all the negatives that this game has received, mainly, the save system. Well, I finally overlooked it and decided to give it a try.
Honestly, I don't care if I ever win this game, it's so much fun just running around and killing zombies from the multitude of weapons available at the mall. I'm currently just doing the side missions like trying to save people than concentrate on the main story. I'll probably try to beat the game when my player is powered up some more; he is rather weak to begin the game with. The graphics surpassed what I thought from a 2006 game--its better than a lot of games currently. Its definitely a keeper with lots of replay value. What's not to like, it feels like being at a mall where you can grab a yogurt and bludgeon zombies to death with a nearby trashbin. Just keep in mind the save system stinks and you'll have a good time.

Am instant classic

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: August 02, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Like the george romero films, this game grounds it's greatness in the forbbiden pleasure of dismember anything that moves.

Luckly for us, they already dead.

The control gets some complains for some people. I say "Hey, it's a game and a little stiffness keeps it ficticious enough to prevent some moralistics to put the satan's propaganda label on it... jajajajajaja"

Cool game anyway

Fun game but gets old to fast, and has to many problems.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 20, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This game is awesome at first because you can kill zombies with almost about anything you want but it gets old to fast because you have to survive 72 hrs. It also suffers from screen text being to small and cellphone calls disable you from attacking or jumping, plus if you get hit while talking the guy makes you listen to the entire convo all over again. I hope the wii version fixes these problems.


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 12, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I was very exciting for 'Dead Rising' after seeing some gameplay videos online. Unfortunately, I have yet to and likely never will complete this once promising title.

First, the good. The graphics, in terms of level and character design, are very good, stylized and effective. The gameplay is great, dropping you in the middle of (literally) hundreds of zombies without a hiccup in framerate, to slice and bash away with any makeshift weapon of choice. It's open ended, ensuring no two playthroughs are the same. It has dozens of characters and missions. It is fun to play, for a while.

Unfortunately, the bad more than outweighs the good, and you may never see much of the story. There are a number of issues that, alone wouldn't be so bad, and might even enhance the experience positively (with one glaring, unforgivable exception), but combined cripple any progress past the first hour or two of the game. The inventory system is very limited; weapons, health, and booster items all use the same set of 6 or so 'slots', severely limiting the overall number of items you can carry. This would be fine, if player and weapon health were better. Unfortunately, most weapons will break or run out of ammo after a dozen or so uses, and player health depletes rapidly, so you'll want to carry a lot of health (in the form of foods) and/or weapons at once. This would be fine, if not for 'Dead Rising's unforgivable save system, requiring the player to use specific save locations that are few and far between. The level design is confusing and repetitive, further complicating the ordeal of locating a save point. Dying could set you back several hours of gameplay. It also features a "replay plus" system, where you can choose to save your character progress, level, skills, etc, but restart the story mode. You might want to do this a few times starting out, so you can make better progress with a stronger character.

Boss fights are truly terrifying, as most greatly outmatch the player, and each hit does at least 1 damage (out of <10 health). Some use ranged weapons or vehicles (or in once case, both), and firearms can be difficult to find, making these battles almost impossible without several tries. But with the broken save system, you may only get one shot.

The objective system is also weak, with several "calls" every few minutes, frequently when fighting hordes of undead. You can either answer, which makes you unable to fight, or ignore the call, in which case you are penalized. Each mission is timed, so you may have to chose which to do (not negative). Each is assigned with a text message, but the text is very small and difficult to read. Luckily, the objective selection system is intuitive, allowing you to choose which to pursue, and showing the time on each.

The undead!!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 1
Date: July 09, 2008
Author: Amazon User

this is a fantastic game anything and everything is your zombie wacker the bad part is the real zombie killers you can not carry anyother weapon and they break over time so whats the point of geting heavy weapons on the good side if you fail a misson like somone dies that should not have you can still do other missons ZOMBIES RULE!!!!!!!!!

Save system kills this game before it even begins

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 5 / 6
Date: June 28, 2008
Author: Amazon User

And to think this game begins with so much promise. Flying in over an infected city was great, watching people fighting off zombies, jump off of roofs rather than being eaten alive--what a beginning. Even your first encounter with the living dead in the mall is exciting and really gets you into the action of a true zombie flick. But alas, you play an hour or so into the game, saving whenever you can, only to realize that you have to go all the way back to the beginning and start all over! Huh? Who in their right mind would waste their time playing a game where most of your content isn't properly saved? It would take a long dedication of hours, which most people don't have to devote to a game unless it is really fun, just to get into the meat of the game, and by that time you've probably had to retart several times. Add this with only decent control, and a bit of a switcheroo in terms of a game that promises you to fight zombies and you end up fighting regular people instead, and it all adds up to a great big waste of money. Would someone please make a zombie game that is faithful to a Night of the Living Dead/Dawn of the Dead type scenario? No game has really come close to getting to the nitty gritty of why those movies were so great.

it's good at first...

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 26, 2008
Author: Amazon User

as mentioned, the game gets old fast, killing zombie after zombie is repetitive after awhile and some of the "bosses" are really difficult at first and i don't understand the purpose of having bosses really since its a free roaming game - the amount of bullets i had to use to kill the guy in the supermarket was ridiculous...to see the A ending and "continue" into OT (I won't ruin it for you but I didnt know the first time and missed out on it) you must complete all the cases and make it in time for the helicopter - remember that


3 Rating: 3, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 03, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This game is really fun at first, but after awhile it get a little repeditive. worth buying but I would sell it used after you are done.

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