Xbox 360 : Dead Rising Reviews

Gas Gauge: 81
Gas Gauge 81
Below are user reviews of Dead Rising and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dead Rising. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 84
Game FAQs
GamesRadar 80
IGN 83
GameSpy 90
GameZone 85
Game Revolution 80
1UP 70

User Reviews (11 - 21 of 210)

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Saving & Aiming Problems make a great game below average

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 10 / 12
Date: August 28, 2006
Author: Amazon User

This could have been a great game. It fails because the makers did not include even a standard save system and because the aiming system is very awkward and difficult to use. You will find youself playing large sections of the game over and over again because the game does not allow you to timely save at key points in the game. The aiming system is impossible to use in a fast and effective manner. It is slow and cumbersome. You will find youself facing one direction and when you attempt to use your weapon, you will inexplicably be facing 90 to 180 degrees from where you were previously pointed. Additionally, it is extreemly difficult to read instructions and communications on the tv because the print is so small.

These issues seem like such easy things to fix and are standard on most games. It was very disappointing they were not included in Dead Rising. As a result, rather than a 5, which clearly this game could have been, it is a 2.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 14 / 21
Date: September 12, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I thought I'd love coming face to face with an army of flesheating zombies. But sadly I was severely disappointed with this game.


The premise and glowing reviews lead me to conclude that the game would be a lot of fun - but after spending several hours with it I was left bored and irritated.


Clumsy controls, out-of-date graphics, stupid save system, unreadable text (and I have an HDTV), that cell phone that kept grating on my very being, uninteresting storyline, unlikable protagonist -


and did i mention the frequent loading screens? By the end I wanted the zombies to win. I then promptly sold the game to someone so it can claim another victim.

A great concept with some unforgiveable flaws

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 5 / 5
Date: January 05, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Being a fan of Zombie flicks and the "Resident Evil" francise I naturally thought "dead Rising" would be a great game to pick up. It turns out that in essence I was right. Dead Rising is driven by a classic plot, numerous and humorous ways to dispose of your undead foes, and enough quests to keep you playing. But unfortunately I've never played a game that showed so much promise yet be so riddled with problems. First, If you don't own an HDTV you're out of luck. The text is so tiny that you won't be abble to read anything unless you have a 100x microscope. The problem is, alot of the plot and directions to quests are convaied though the text. If you can't read it then you just might be SOL. The biggest problem is the save system. To save your game you have to go to a bathroom or find a place to sleep. In the whole mall there are maybe five or six of these places, each of them considerable(Zombie infested) distances from each other. The quests are also timed. If you start a quest and you're really far a away form it or can't find it on time. You're doomed. If you miss a main quest the game ends and you need to start all over. Even if you're about to finish the game you have to start from the beginning. The basics are in place for a great game but the mechanics are horrible. Rent it. Don't buy it.

AAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!! ALMOST perfect, but........

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 5 / 5
Date: September 15, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I'm going to get straight to the point. This game rocks, but has a few SEVERE flaws. Really dissapointing becuase this COULD have been the greatest game ever made. Unfortunately, it falls short, yet i still recomend it. I'm sure you are reading a lot of negative press, maybe even a lot of positive too. So if you are trying to decide what to do, my opinion is despite all the problems, this is a must have game if...
You like zombies (games, movies, etc)
you like the resident evil series
you want a fun game that will last you a long time

Really, there is a lot of good, but i will actually cover the bad, i'm sure none of this will be new judging by other reviews but here we go!

The VERY bad....

1) Saves...???? what were they thinking? ONE spot? Come on, it's not a cartridge game for crying out loud! I don't want to start over and over and OVER again because the bosses are insanely hard.

and it won't either until you answer it, THEIR IS NO HOPE SO JUST GIVE IN AND DO IT OR ELSE IT NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER stops ringing. I wish you could just kill otis and feed him to the zombies and keep ringing his phone while they eat him, see how he likes it. That is BY FAR the MOST ANNOYING aspect of the game, BY FAR

3) The people you have to rescue are RETARDED! They DO NOT follow commands and it is EXTREMELY frustrating having to continuosly backtrack to rescure them from a swarm of zombies only to have the other person you are trying to rescue die because of it. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!
Why are they so stupid? Take my advice, never try to rescue more than 2 people at once. Forget it, just leave them to be zombie food. It's not worth it!

4) I'm not wearing a telescope on my head, I am not a human magnifying lens, and I don't own a TV as big as a house so WHAT GIVES WITH THE SMALL SUBTITLES? Would it have killed you to spend five extra seconds working on it? This is a 360 not a NES, why not just have the characters voice it out? It's SUPPOSED to be a next generation game isn't it?

5)Aiming with a handgun, or any gun for that matter...UNFORGIVABLE. What happened to the resdient evil auto aim?

Despite these MAJOR flaws, which I guarantee will SEVERLY upset you and bring the overall experience down, I still highly recomend this game. It was my first 360 game and even though it needs work I love it.

I'm sure with capcom this game was a "test run" for a new resident evil, but if you make a sequal PLEASE GET RID OF THAT STUPID PHONE, and be kind enough to fix the flaws. Remember, the consumer who buys this pays YOUR salary, so have a little consideration

Now go out and get this game, don't be scared because of the flaws. You may end up liking it after all, I did. Still makes me mad though. ALMOST PERFECT!

Killing Zombies was never so much fun

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 7 / 9
Date: December 11, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Dead Rising - Circa 2006

- Use anything as a weapon, never before has this been truly done or done right in a video game, and when I say use anything as a weapon I truly mean it, from Frying Pans to Chainsaws and Hangers to Battleaxes you really have anything in the entire mall as a weapon, there are thousands of items you can use and that is not including your regular video game type of weapons like guns and swords.
- Zombies, lots of Zombies and their all as dumb/deadly as you might hope for, although there more like the Night of the Living dead slow moving type of Zombies and not the 28 Days Later running at you screaming type of Zombies. Also note there are a bunch of crazies/terrorist running around causing havoc as well.
- Lot's enemy's on screen with no real slowdown, wait till you get to the underground parking garage and you can literally run over hundreds and hundreds of Zombies with a car with no slowdown.
- Lots of costume/clothing options, so you can make the main character (Frank) look like whatever you like, also note you can download even more costume/clothing options from Xbox Live.
- This game also has a pretty good/original story and even multiple endings.
- The voice acting is also pretty good.

- Replaying the main game a few times just to level up and beat it is really not for everyone, and in order to complete the main game your more then likely to have save your stats and restart the game a few times.
- Some might consider the plot underwhelming.
- Shooting and aiming is bad I mean you can aim your shots, but your aim is soooo slow you will more then likely get eaten before you shoot anyone correctly. Now you can shoot without aiming (using the auto-aim), which is like throwing down, a pair of dice and hoping you gets 12 every time, needless to say your better off using one of the thousand of non shooting type of weapons. Also note that once you get the machine gun shooting and aiming is not as bad since you can throw-up a wall of lead and not worry about your target(s).
- No online play, or any multiplayer, this is a single player game only.
- Game should be considered short, unless you factor in the amount of times you have to replay it.
- Most of the main game is spent saving survivors, which can be annoying because most of the survivors are as dumb as the Zombies they are trying to escape, luckily you can carry/pull-along most of them and if not you can always give them a weapon (to defend themselves) or even food (to heal them).
- Text is almost impossible to read without an HDTV, which really sucks because most of the missions are giving to you in a text format.

- For people who really like replaying their games and getting the most out of there gaming experience.
- This game is not really meant for kids or the immature, this game is pretty gory/bloody/violent and even has a few foul words.
- Game has an oddball sense of humor, like the movie Sean of the Dead.
- Game plays mostly like a non-liner version of a beat-em-up type of game (see Streets of Rage or Fighting Force).
- The Mall of Dead Rising is pretty big which is good because, you never really get to leave it.
- Killing lots of Zombies with countless weapons (fun!) and playing escort to dumb as dirt survivors (not so fun).

- Resident Evil (for the Zombie action)
- Power Stone (For using almost anything as a weapon)

- Beating the main game (and getting the best ending) will unlock Overtime mode and beating that (with the best ending) will unlock a free play type of mode called Infinite mode.
- When playing the game you can find the costume parts and also unlock the "buster/arm cannon" so you can make your character (Frank) look and shoot like Mega Man.
- Right now there is talk about a Platinum Edition of this game coming for Xbox 360 that will come with a "NEW" Co-op mode, people who own the original copy of the game could also then download this new mode in XBL Marketplace, when the Platinum Edition is out.

Seriously flawed

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 16 / 31
Date: August 23, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I have a FORTY-EIGHT inch television and I CANNOT SEE THE WRITING on the screen because it is too small!! Did Capcom expect people to play this in a movie theatre? They know better than this!
The controls are pitiful. I can't figure out what does what because an entire sentance of text is less than a half-inch long. Using a gun is near impossible as you have to stop and then aim, which takes about 15 seconds.
Plus its plain boring after the first 30 minutes. The game was advertised as being free-form, but you cannot do what you want to or go where you want to. It stinks.

capcom doesn't throw a bone to the masses

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 6 / 7
Date: September 07, 2006
Author: Amazon User

i honestly don't know what capcom was thinking. this game is basically made to be played on HDTVs. if you don't have one, you might as well rent this game, kill some zombies and return it.

i basically bought a 360 for this game only to realize i just wasted $500. in order to actually be able to play this game the way it was meant to be played, i'd have to drop another $1,000 on an HDTV.

i understand things are being geared more towards the high definition, but we're years away from living in a society where the MAJORITY owns one. they're still way too expensive. with that being said, it blows my mind that capcom made a game that could only truly be played by a small minority of people.

plain and simple: the text can't be read. not even on my brand new 36 inch sony flat screen.

the fact that text is included in this game is crap anyway. it really takes away from the story line... not to mention squinting at a speach bubble for two minutes is incredibally hard when you've got 500 zombies walking around you.

as mentioned countless other times, the save system sucks as well. there's nothing more infuriating than dying after a solid two hours of playing only to have to replay everything just to get back to where you were when you died. i frequently found myself turning the game off at this point.

because of the way saves are set up (single slot only), and because this "free-roam" game actually follows a very strict timed series of events, it's very easy to "save" yourself in to a corner, forcing you to start over from the beginning if you don't give yourself enough time.

there's nothing worse than being 2/3 of the way through a video game before you realize you haven't given yourself enough time to get to your next mission.

then there's the frequently mentioned AI. it's terrible. the people you are suppose to save have IQs in the single digits. they get caught up on chairs and walk in to large groupings of zombies... only to call for your help.

there's also your walkie talkie. when you get a message, it will ring every few seconds until you answer it. this is highly annoying as there are very few places in the game where you have enough privacy to actual use it. what's worse is that when on your walkie talkie, you can't do anything else. you're basically zombait.

the way your inventory is stored is equally as frustrating. your health is stored along side your weaponry and when weapons break, they automatically switch to the next item in your inventory. hence, you're fighting a dozen zombies and your baseball bat breaks... the next thing you know, you're drinking a gallon of orange juice (health).

firing weapons are also too few and far between... especially when taking boss fights in to consideration. i can't count the number of times i had to go in to a psychopath battle armed with only a shower head and a 2x4.


this game can be quite enjoyable, but it's overshadowed but some pretty major flaws.

Just what the XBOX 360 needed

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 9 / 14
Date: August 10, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Disclaimer: I must admit this review may be a little bias, I absolutely love this genre, and third person action adventure games are my first love (RPG and 1st person shooters, 2nd/3rd). With that said lets get into the review:

Dead rising is the story of a photojournalist dropped off in a mall full of zombies trying to get the story of his life, but gets way more than he bargain for.

I will admit I started not to buy this game because I thought it was a mindless run around and beat'em up kind of game, until I played the demo, which in turn prompted me to purchase this game.

Genre/Gameplay - 9.5/10 if you like third person action adventure/RPG games you will love this game. It has a GTA type mission factor complete with side quests; you also get to level up RPG style so the more ZOMBIES you kill the more you level up. There are also side quest and picture taking that can earn you more points towards your next level. Gameplay smooth, easy learning curve, and extremely fun. A thing that wouldn't allow me to give the game play a straight 10 was the saving feature, while it is original isn't very user friendly. You can only save the game in bathrooms and on Couches (yep a sofa) that is it, no auto saving before going into a boss battle, you had just better find a bathroom close to your objective and save there. This wasn't too much of a problem though. Also the weapons (just guns) used are a little difficult to aim, in first person (by holding the R Trigger) it works but with out going to first person aiming and hitting your target can be frustrating. Also not much of a problem since using guns in this game is extremely boring. Being able to pick up absolutely anything (I mean anything) you see and kill a zombie with it is this games defining charm. Absolutely fun game!!!

Graphics - 8/10 I play all my 360 games on a Samsung 32 inch HD TV and the graphics in this game are definitely not Next Gen (not like say fight night) until of course you see 100's of zombies on the screen at once then you see the 360 power but character models and scenery are only slightly better than that of the original XBOX. The graphics are good enough though and in NO WAY hamper the playing experience.

Sounds - 9.7/10 Sounds to me are pretty much as good as it gets, scary zombie noises and screams accompanied by great background music. The Voiceovers are great!

Overall I would give this game a 9.5/10 (not an average) it's replay value seems like it would be pretty good, but since I haven't beaten the game yet, only 95% done, I cant really tell yet.. But it does seem as though there will be other modes once you beat it and I am very anxious to see what they are.

Bottom line: Go get this game!!! The 360 doesn't have many games like this out, (3rd person action) with the exception of Tomb Raider which is more of a plat former. So whether you like this genre or not you WILL enjoy this game.


4 Rating: 4, Useful: 8 / 12
Date: January 22, 2008
Author: Amazon User

DAY -35: Just saw an ad for Dead Rising. So jazzed! The main character kills shambling zombies in a mall with baseball bats, an umbrella, and a chainsaw. Chainsawing zombie goodness, baby! WOOHOO!

DAY 0: Just got the game. YES! Popped it in and started playing. The main character reminds me of Andrew Dice Clay from The Adventures of Ford Fairlane, only sized like a linebacker.

DAY 1: What the...the text is so small! I can't read anything!

DAY 2: Oh for the love of...Dead Rising is for HD televisions only. I can't read what Otis keeps calling me about, so I can't play the game. Sigh.

DAY 32: My brother was over for dinner and when he looked at my flat screen television in the basement, he pointed out that it's actually a high def television. Yes, I'm an idiot. Back to Dead Rising!

DAY 33: Woohoo, this rocks! So many zombies to kill! And not just zombies; the game is full of psychopaths too. I killed a clown with chainsaws, some big fat cop who looks like Kathy Kinney (from The Drew Carey Show), a pyromaniac who looks like Weird Al, and a weird raincoat/green mask-wearing cult that totally freaks me out. I'm a little behind on the main missions but the game hasn't ended yet so I figure I'm good.

DAY 34: I hate this game so much. I spent hours playing it and when I got back to the security office, the game ended and said I had missed a deadline. Information that would have been useful YESTERDAY! Maybe I'll sell it.

DAY 37: Okay, back on track. It's really upsetting that I don't have time to save all the survivors. So I of course only save the hot chicks. And this one old lady because I love my grandma (God rest her soul). A couple of times I accidentally killed one of the survivors with a sledgehammer when I was trying to kill a zombie. Mental note: people and sledgehammers don't mix.

DAY 38: OH. MY. GOD. The game just crashes at random times. It says the disc is dirty. Only the disc isn't dirty. My theory is that the game uses a huge amount of processor speed, and since I have a refurbished 360, they dialed back the processing power so the Xbox doesn't overheat anymore. Which means Dead Rising crashes it every few times. I am so selling this game, screw this!

DAY 40: It seems like there's some sort of plot to produce cattle...that led to creating zombies in a little town outside the U.S. The main psychopath decided to reveal the U.S. government's illegal experiments by unleashing the zombie plague at a mall to make a statement. It doesn't really make too much sense. Worse, there are multiple endings and I missed the chopper pick-up time on the roof of the mall. I'm going to start over from my last save point (which is few and far between). I'm starting to really hate this game.

DAY 42: I did it! Almost. Now the U.S. military is "cleaning up" the operation by killing everyone. Gee, glad I went through all the trouble to save all the hot chicks. Oh well, a few katana slices takes care of them nicely. But then there's this long battle with a tank and then some military guy who is impossible to beat. I think I'll just sell this game.

DAY 43: My wife said, "After all this complaining about the game, you BETTER finish it." So okay, I'm gonna finish it.

DAY 44: I did it! I beat the main bad guy by spinning around like a top, backslapping the bad guy with what has to be the stupidest move in gaming combat history. But I beat Dead Rising! Take that, only-one-save slot! Take that, crashing-all-the-time processor! Take that, stupid forced story-timeline! I did it! I did it! Did I mention I love this game?

I'll sell it tomorrow.

a wasted idea

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 15 / 31
Date: August 10, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I waited for months to play this game, I played to demo to death and picked it up as soon as it came out on the 8th. And was severely disappointed. This game had so much possibility but its execution was terrible. Originally you were to be given three days in a zombie filled mall to play as you please, take missions if you want, save people or let them die, etc. You could just sit on the roof and wait for the helicopter to come get you three days later. I wish ever so much that they would have left it like that. Instead they replaced a three day stay in a zombie filled mall, with unlimited potential, with a linear and annoying story. But even that could have been salvage, what ruined the game for me were the insane time limits. Instead of getting your necrocide on in the middle of the mall with any weapon imaginable, you are running from one idiotic boss battle to the next and watching the clock the entire time. Because if you miss completing a mission in the required time limit its game over. Add to that the ridicules save system that only allows you to save one game and what could have been the greatest zombie escapade ever became an annoying and repetitive kill joy. This game does have some really neat qualities to be sure. Almost anything can be used as a weapon, which is great because they last all of ten seconds or so. So when you are in the middle of a hundred zombies (also very impressive) you end up going through every weapon you can carry in your limited inventory. Of course you have to carry you health regenerators in the same inventory. So one second you are swinging a lead pipe into a zombie head and the next you are sipping some OJ as the horde closes in and devours you. I bought this game in the hopes of a Grand Theft Auto style mall adventure with zombies and ended up with a very difficult, unfun and annoying waste of sixty dollars. I should have just bought the Dawn of the Dead DVD and spend the rest on beer instead of wasting my hard earned money on this miserable buzz kill.

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