
Playstation 2 : Xenosaga Reviews

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Below are user reviews of Xenosaga and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Xenosaga. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Revolution 80

User Reviews (181 - 191 of 211)

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Only 3 hours in, and I can't stop playing

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

There isn't much to say about Xenosaga that hasn't already been said. Namco hit the nail on the head with this game, and if you don't have it already then buy it right now! The graphics are amazing, the story is impeccable, the characters seem "real", and the enemies are right on where they should be.

I just wish Xenogears could have had graphics like this...


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game has everything you could ever want. It is the first game of a 7 game series. It has graphics more beutiful than FF10 and it has story as good or better than FF7 along with 8 and 10. There are some long cut scenes but they arent anoying like the ones in FFX were they pop up everytime you change scenes. They show when nescisary and are used to explain the story. Also there are no random damn battles like in the other rpg's you have to walk into an enemy bee seen by one or be heard by one for them to attack you. Also in this game the cut scenes/FMV's can be over 45 minutes long. Not only that but the battle system is beutful and very strategic but not so strategic that it bores you. Also in batlle instead of the Gaurdean forces summons or aeons you might be used to you can instantly pilot a giant robot as if from Gundam or an Armored core game. The voice overs are done beutifully ALOT better than the ones that are in Final Fantasy 10. The style is anime most definatley but apeals to anime haters just as much as anime lovers its just that damn good. Also it has wonderful Sci-Fi that will catch your eye. Not only that but some scenes are even a little bit strange. They make you wonder who that is. Why do you keep seeing that strange little girl doing things. What is he doing! You may even be mad at the characters some times. The enviorments are huge and you may get lost sometimes. But dont worry you will figure it out very soon. Also MOST not always but most of the time a cut scene will start when you enter the area that you are suposed to be in. GET IT NOW RENT IT IF YOU HAVE TO BEFORE YOU GET IT BUT SELL YOUR HOUSE FOR IT ....SELL YOUR SISTER FOR IT GET THIS GAME (Would you like to by my sister shes anoying)


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

A great game with an ingenious battle system. It's at LEAST on par with the Final Fantasy series. The story is great, but it would still be an amazing game without it. So, with that in mind, how would one altered scene hurt the game? Some people might compolain that "you don't play it, you watch it" but all cutscenes can be skipped (though you probably don't want to). And to address Linlinchan, Square didn't make this game, and the point of making video games is to sell copies. And its nothing worth getting mad about anyway.

Nice work Namco.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 03, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Ok Let me tell you i have been looking for decent RPG's for a while... ever since i was shown what they should be with FFX. I have played suikoden, Golden sun (GBA), Tactics ogre, and many previous Final Fantasies. This game is right on up there with FFX. Sure the lips dont move when people talk and maybe there are some questionable incidents with religion but this is an awesome game.

Visual: Wonderful a 4.5 out of 5 its up there with FFX and Halo. Wonderful character design good fighting effects and some pretty [cool] spaceships.

Audio: 4 out of 5 The audio is about as good as you can expect for a video game... I dont usually have the sound on unless thers a movie or something on because most games just have repetitive tunes... (Pokemon blech)

Story: 5.5 out of 5 This is what the game is about. its not about running around woopin...with a [character] like in devil may cry. its not about getting your socks scared off by bad camera angles in Resident Evil this game is about watching the mysteries unfold and story is where it shines. (P.S. if your not willing to drop maybe 15 hours out of the game to watch these movies try getting ur mommy to buy you some short attention span games like mariokart or something)

Gaming: 4.5 out of 5 i dont think that so far i have ever been stuck for more than 15 minutes wondering where to go and the only reason I was lost was because i missed some dialogue. The battle system is reminisc any RPG with many well taken twists in it.

I love this game and dont say im crazy but this game to me is a mix of halo (the firsts levels are much alike ship under attack by superior aliens and super powerful robot/android...) and final fantasy battle system. there are no random battles but there are specified save points (sigh) I suggest this game to anyone who loves a good tale of adventure and i reccomend that mortal kombat and racing fans steer clear...

Yes, I finally beat it!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 04, 2003
Author: Amazon User

The bosses were hard as... but when I leveld up before fighting Albedo and the Final Nosis, they were nothin
Superb Graphics
Great sound
A damn good battle system, makin the gameplay high
One of the best sotories a video game ever told
If you're good at evading enimes, u don't need to do unessacary batlles, unlike FFX
a very innovating battle system
This is easily one of the best games this year
One of my favorite endings, and the longest ending ever
Bosses sometimes seem impossible at times but I got over them
Voice acting is rather funny
Robots can't heal(In battle, even if u have a frame repair)
Robots can't be revived
Robots can't use items
LOOOOOOOOOONG Cinamatics(U'll hold the contoroler for 45 min, watchin a movie)
Sometimes you can't avoid enemies

This is the best RPG of the year so far(Dark Cloud 2 is excellent as well, and alot better than the first). I wish the loong cutsceens were as beutiful as FFX FMV's, but unfortonatly there not. There are so many long cutsceenes, I mind as well call this the Metal Gear Solid 2 of RPGs. And Why couldn't they just make the gargoyal boss fight a bit easier, cuz I lost to him too many times. Well I hope god is on my side and Thakfully he was so I could pull this off. There's no doubt in my mind that if u love RPGs there's no way you can hate this. But Xenosaga's big payoff is the story. FFVII just may have a contender, because this and FFVII stories are so far the best I've ever herd


4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 07, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I absolutely LOVE this game. However, you are FORCED to read the text being displayed on the screen as the characters speak during cutscenes. The cutscenes are fully voiced yet you MUST read the text in the same language as the speech!! That is VERY annoying to me and gives me a headache after a while. Why the programmers forgot this one very simple little thing to turn OFF the subtitles is beyond me. Other than that, the game is AWESOME ;)


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 18, 2003
Author: Amazon User

It is a very good game. I was thouroughly impressed by the graphics and story line. Though confusing at first, the story sort of developed it self quite quickly. I enjoy this game, I recommend this to people who liked games like Chrono Trigger and/or Cross, FF X, and Kingdom Hearts. Though it has a tough time competing with games like .hack, it is worth the money. If you don't like dialogue heavy games, then don't get this one. If you don't mind long cut scenes where the story will integrate it self, then try this. It will get long, but don't get discouraged, I find myself running in circles a lot of the time.

WOW !!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: May 15, 2003
Author: Amazon User

All i can say is WOW! This is a great RPG with wonderful graphics and exellent music! Xenosaga is a sequel to a PS game, Xenogears. It will be 6 episodes long, and the 5th episode is the remake of Xenogears. The long cutsene doesn`t matter me (i love it!) cause the graphic is really beautiful. If you are a RPG fan, or animes lover, then you must try it. You won`t regret it!

What you put into it is what you get out of it

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: April 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I love this game. I was a huge fan of Xenogears and I was really looking forward to Xenosaga and so far, I have not been disappointed.

I personally like to get every last item, finish every last mini-game and solve every last side quest when I play RPGs. Xenosaga has four mini-games - a card game, two casino games, a mech game (like Armored Core or ZOE), and a drill game - which is pretty cool. I can spend hours playing the card game alone..

The cutscenes can be long and the gameplay is fairly straightforward if you want to get through the game quickly. I like that you choose to initiate monster battles rather than random battles. Once you've been to previous locations, you can go back and fight through them later. Once I got MOMO's Star Wind ether and Magic Caster Tech ability, I went back to see what rare items I could steal from the various enemies. As you can tell, I like to spend a lot of time, wandering around and gathering points to level up my characters.

One of the things I really liked about Xenogears was the intricate plot and deep character development and Xenosaga really follows through on this. My main gripe with the game is the lack of music when you are running around the world. Yasunori Mitsuda's Xenogears soundtrack was gorgeous and his music really did a lot to give each area of the world a unique feel and character. I really expected Xenosaga to have the same rich, evocative music. There is often music during the cutscenes which is beautiful but I'd love to see more in the next installments.

Xenosaga Review

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 14, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is madd hott!! If you love rpg games this is the game for you. The graphics is realli hott, the story line is good but the onli thin that is bad is the fact that the cinamatic movies r too long nd they get kinda annoyin sumtimes but besides that its realli good!!

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