Game Cube : GoldenEye : Rogue Agent Reviews

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Below are user reviews of GoldenEye : Rogue Agent and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for GoldenEye : Rogue Agent. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 63
IGN 63
GameSpy 50
GameZone 80

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 43)

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Don't buy this game for multiplayer action

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 6
Date: December 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I just bought this game this week hoping to replace Agent Under Fire (the first James Bond for Game Cube) and the multiplayer game is terrible. I'm not the kind of person who writes reviews, let alone bad ones but this game in multiplayer mode is a joke. Here is what I found after playing the game for about 30 minutes (which is probably the last time I will play it): 1) The game is really slow (a lot slower than Agent Under Fire) and then on top of that when you get a big gun (like the rocket launcher) it is even slower, if that were possible. 2) The graphics are terrible, worse than the graphics on the N64 version of James Bond. 3) The multiplayer levels are horrible, they are all very small, very boring and some are completly out of place (like a wild west level?) 4) You can't cary more than one gun at a time! 5) You can't jump (which is a great defensive/offensive move).

If want to buy this game for single player action then I have no comment because I haven't played it single player. But if you want to buy this game for multiplayer action then don't, it's a total waste of $50.

This is a horrible game!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I had been looking forward to this title since it was announced. However, upon playing it I was horrified to see it was a cheap version of Halo 2. The dual weapons, the recharging health, even the weapons and controls are alike. I was hoping for a classic Golden Eye or Nightfire type multi-player gameplay, but this more like a generic run and gun game. There are no bots, you can only carry two weapons at a time, you can't aim at all with most weapons, and there was no jump button. The powers you do get are stupid and pointless. The level design and graphics were terrible. The colors were like a cartoon and the game itself was glitchy. It seems EA just rushed to get this out and took little time with it. They probably spent more on advertising than the game itself. I rented it with my friends and played two matches, then we played 007 Nightfire. If you like Golden Eye you are better off just getting a N64 [...]

The Generic first person shooter with a slight 007 twist

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 22, 2007
Author: Amazon User

With the high-tech techno/rock/acid music pervading all the levels, the odd controls including the somewhat mandatory option to wield all weapons one-handedly (except assault rifles and rocket launchers) allowing for two weapons to be wielded at once, and the much harsher technological grittiness of the whole thing (insanely high tech items, weird futuristic weapons, cloned enemies that range from looking like SWAT team members to the Vin Diesel character Riddick), this does not feel like a Bond game.

I think, if it weren't for the slightly familiar "acidic" version of the Bond theme on the main menu, and the presence of Bond villains like Auric Goldfinger, Dr. No, Pussy Galore, Francisco Scaramanga, Oddjob, Xenia Onatopp and others, this wouldn't be a Bond game at all, but "Random Action Shoot-em-up 2004"

The "E.V.I.L. AI" I either must not have seen yet (I'm not completely through the campaign) or is so unremarkable as to be not there. It apparently consists of individual enemies shooting at you, then trying to run up to you to bash you over the head with their weapons if you aren't fast enough to shoot them. Since almost all of them wear high tech body armor, it takes quite a few shots from even a rapid-fire machine gun (resembling "Goldeneye 64's RCP-90") to take them down. There's no blood, no permanent bodies, and no realistic methods of death. Slain enemies take a second or two to keel over, in the same two or three motions of falling forward as if drunk, or keeling backwards.

It's absolutely astonishing that MI-6 would reject this guy (as seen in a cutscene) considering how much of an expert with guns this guy must be. He's able to wield two separate guns, no matter how big, reload them without dropping either gun for any reason, and can absorb unbelievable amounts of damage (on Normal mode!) and can even regenerate health and armor! In fact, the only reason I can see that he's been kicked out is because he let MI-6's golden boy James Bond die in a simulation where really there was nothing he could do---Bond was hanging off a ledge several feet away, and by the time Goldeneye reaches him, he falls to his death.

One thing about the game that is fantastic is the cutscenes. The 3D modeling is smooth and beautiful without being too gritty "warts and all" like Shrek, which would probably make this game 4 or 5 discs instead of 2. The story is actually a good one, which has Goldeneye working for Auric Goldfinger, starting off in a war with Dr. No, and actually making Goldfinger look not like a maniacal enemy seeking the world's destruction, but rather like a crime boss with his priorities in order. Scaramanga makes an appearance as the inventor of Goldeneye's eye implant (hence his name) which allows some mildly helpful, but ultimately unimportant technologies you really wouldn't need except for one or two instances in some missions.

All in all, aside from the cutscenes, story, and main theme music, you would never be able to tell this is a Bond game. There's none of that flair, style, or mood pervasive in all other Bond games. Even though you're playing a bad guy, you and your enemies seem of such high caliber, class, and technique, that it makes the franchise seem more like something out of a ridiculously complex spy movie.

Certifiable Piece of Crap

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: April 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User

EA has ruined the Bond franchise as far as I am concerned. Don't be confused that since it shares a name with the 1996 Goldeneye title for the N64 that it is good.

First off lets establish one thing about this game, that you are supposedly a bad guy. But instead of doing bad guy things like robbing banks and blowing up things that make civilians tremble and fear you, you just go around fighting Dr. No another bad guy. So in reality you are just a pseudo goodguy.

The entire point of the game is to run from point A to point B killing a legion of bad guys with the same four guns. The levels are long and legnthy and often hideously pointless, because as I've established before you don't do anything except escape or get to point B. Classic Doom is more fun then this.

So if your thinking about buying this game - Don't save yourself the money and treat yourself to a body piercing in a sensitive place, as it will be more enjoyable then playing this game.

Very Childish

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 30, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This game, when I first fot it, was the best. But now when I think over the plot, it is very stupid and immature. Goldeneye (the main character) turns evil because MI6 won't accept him as an agent. You can wield two guns at the same time, which is kind of cool, but what is he, some mutant evil cowboy. After you use up all your weapons you have to use and extremely weak pistol with unlimited ammo. And after under cover for 2 seconds your health goes back up! The multiplayer is extremely boring and confusing. And the game has an extremely weak plot that revolves around Goldeneye turning against Goldfinger and Oddjob. This game is extremely stupid. DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Golden flop

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 3 / 10
Date: February 09, 2005
Author: Amazon User

OK you have to admit that this game has it's good moments, but I would have thought that with the success of "All or Nothing" and the failure of Angelfire that all of the Bond games would have followed the obvious pattern of "All or nothing". The part that I really hate is the fact that you have to shoot the guys 10 or more times to get a hit and they run around like a bunch of panzies while you're shooting at them. OK, I expect them do do a certain bit of running around, but after a while it gets to be like a game of "ring around the rosies". While the game does have it's enjoyable moments, it's not as enjoyable as it could have been. Hopefully the next game, they'll do better.

Don't be fooled by the title. This game is anything but gold

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 3 / 5
Date: March 31, 2005
Author: Amazon User

How dare the people who made this game use the name GoldenEye in the title! This game is definatly not worthy of sharing the name of the N64 classic GoldenEye 007. When first heard about this game I thought, "Wow awesome! They're making a new Bond game where you can play as a villian!" However, despite all the hype about being the bad guy, this game makes you feel only slightly more wicked than any other FPS game. I was also dissapointed with the lack of cool weapons, good controls, and decent story/plot. If you haven't heard, instead of being Bond you play as a M16 agent who gets kicked off M16. You then work for Goldfinger and get a GoldenEye to replace your normal one. This eye gives you many cheap powers that ultimatly make the game a lot easier. However using these powers can be fun sometimes but usually they aren't that amazing. The character you play as is pretty much emotionless and displays no character throughout the game. In other words he has no personality. Either the developers at EA who made this sloppy game (60 workers who made this game got kicked off EA) lacked creativity or they were too lazy to make a good main character. Also killing enemies that look the same over and over again gets old quick. On to the review.

Graphics: The graphics are actually pretty good. They're not Halo 2 or Resident Evil 4 graphics, but they are good enough. However, there are sometimes slow downs and glitches in the graphics so be careful.

Controls: I found the controls to be okay. They are definatly not perfect but once you get used to them they are okay. No custom control options though, which really sucks. I also found the lock on targeting system to be sloppy.

Challenge: Rogue Agent is very short (only 8 missions). Some of the levels take like half an hour to complete and are often more frustrating than fun, not to mention plain boring. Overall Rogue Agent feels rushed and put together at the last minute in terms of challenge level. Most players will be able to shoot through this game in a month or so with no skill. The enemies are sort of clever and respond quickly to your actions but ultimatly it's just a matter of gunning them down.

Level Design: The levels in Rogue Agent all look different but they are all pretty simple. Too simple. No clever puzzles throughout the levels, no cover, and no detail. You wouldn't find amazing scenary or clever item/weapon layout. Three words to describe these levels are dull, un-original, and basic.

Music/sound: The music and sound in this game are so-so. Nothing great that you will want to buy it on a CD, but nothing too horrible.

Fun: This game is kind of fun if you play it for 15 minutes but then it gets old. EA had the idea to allow you only to hold two guns at a time. No iventory. This means that if you find a gun that you think would be useful later you can't store it. Also the dual-wielding is a Halo wannabe. Multiplayer is another flop. The environments are too small and there are some slow downs when playing. There are also no bots which is weird because in previous 007 games you could have bots in multiplayer. You can unlock paintball mode for multiplayer but this really doesn't make a difference.

Overall I would not pay $50 for this crappy game. If it looks interesting to you, rent it but I don't recommend buying it even if you are a die-hard Bond fan. If you want a real FPS game for GCN then get Metroid Prime 2 Echoes or Time Splitters Future Perfect or if you are looking for a Bond game get Everything or Nothing or Night Fire. Don't waste your money on this crap.

Rent it... Don't Buy it.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 3 / 3
Date: September 22, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Honestly, I did not enjoy this game very much. As first person shooters go, frankly, it's on the lower end. I do not see how a Bond game could be so horribly bad. The only... ONLY good thing about the game are the graphics. The eye powers are nifty for maybe... two seconds? The multiplayer was the worst form I've seen in years for a Bond game. No bots? We have the technology. Beating your little brother a million times gets old. This game could definitely have been spiced up. It had potential, and it did not realize this potential. This game is only for the most diehard of fans.

Sadly disappointing.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: December 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User

After renting this game for five nights, and only playing it for two, I returned it. Once again EA has produced another mediocre shooter. It's nice they tried some innovative stuff, such as the Oman XR, but overall it is lackluster. The single player becomes redundant and the multiplayer is very generic, less fun than the original considering you have less options. Not to mention the horrid save system, that only lets you save around twice a level, which is not good if you want to play for a little while before you leave the house. The graphics are standard for the XBox, but the cutscenes are amazing, it's a shame there aren't many of those. If you want a good FPS I will suggest XIII, Halo, TimeSplitters, or Red Faction 2, all for a fraction of the price of this wretched piece of design they call a game.

The game suffers from true lack of level design, usually forcing you to kill all the enemies before opening the door, and at times that can be boring. Of course you have to do this while some cacophony of techno music is playing. Not to mention what appears to be random lines by enemies. The A.I. is worse than that of the original's. Not only do they basically walk the same path but when you finally do get them to start shooting at you they stay around the same boxes. Then there are the random tank and helicopter battles that cause you to waste ammo, just so you can duck behind cover. Of course these are not too hard, since you just have to hide behind something and peak out and let loose with whatever you have.

Hopefully we will see a good Bond game in the future. Until then it is a rental at best.


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 2
Date: February 05, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Im sorry but are did we play the same game. This game was not what I expected. For all the hype about this game I expected it to be "game of the year." But the graphics are extremely poor. With the technology today the graphics SHOULD have benn much better. Also, there is "auto aim", for those of you who don't know what that is, it is a system where if you shoot NEAR a bad guy he will get the full efect of shooting him square in the chest. I hate that. Bottom line, this game COULD HAVE BEEN MUCH BETTER!

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