Game Cube : GoldenEye : Rogue Agent Reviews

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Below are user reviews of GoldenEye : Rogue Agent and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for GoldenEye : Rogue Agent. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 63
IGN 63
GameSpy 50
GameZone 80

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 43)

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Very Childish

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 30, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This game, when I first fot it, was the best. But now when I think over the plot, it is very stupid and immature. Goldeneye (the main character) turns evil because MI6 won't accept him as an agent. You can wield two guns at the same time, which is kind of cool, but what is he, some mutant evil cowboy. After you use up all your weapons you have to use and extremely weak pistol with unlimited ammo. And after under cover for 2 seconds your health goes back up! The multiplayer is extremely boring and confusing. And the game has an extremely weak plot that revolves around Goldeneye turning against Goldfinger and Oddjob. This game is extremely stupid. DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok game if you can find it cheap

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: October 14, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I got this at the Blockbuster/GameRush store. The store in my area allows me to trade in games for used ones so I got this one. Having played "From Russia with Love" which was a great Bond by EA, I went ahead and received this one for a mere five bucks.

Well unlike the other game it's a first person shooter. Not really a bad thing but the game can get rather repetitive. The AI as others have pointed out could have used more work but in general a lot of First Person Shooters (especially the early ones) are known for this. The game also doesn't quite have the depth, replay value or creativity that the other game had too. On a scale of 1-10, I would give the other game close to a 10 and this game about a 5 1/2.

The graphics were easy on the eyes and boatload of movies were fun to watch. It was also a treat for a brief time to hear the voice of the great Christopher Lee.

The story is all over the place but if you're a Bond fan I doubt you'll care. You accidentally kill Bond himself then work for Goldfinder or Dr. No? Then along the way you meeet Bond girl Pussy Galore or something like that.

The story itself probably like the rest of this game definitely needed more tweaking. However, the levels/missions are long enough. For me for five backs it's a great deal. However, anything over that would be ridiculous.

If you are into FPS though, you'll want to pick it up.

The Generic first person shooter with a slight 007 twist

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 22, 2007
Author: Amazon User

With the high-tech techno/rock/acid music pervading all the levels, the odd controls including the somewhat mandatory option to wield all weapons one-handedly (except assault rifles and rocket launchers) allowing for two weapons to be wielded at once, and the much harsher technological grittiness of the whole thing (insanely high tech items, weird futuristic weapons, cloned enemies that range from looking like SWAT team members to the Vin Diesel character Riddick), this does not feel like a Bond game.

I think, if it weren't for the slightly familiar "acidic" version of the Bond theme on the main menu, and the presence of Bond villains like Auric Goldfinger, Dr. No, Pussy Galore, Francisco Scaramanga, Oddjob, Xenia Onatopp and others, this wouldn't be a Bond game at all, but "Random Action Shoot-em-up 2004"

The "E.V.I.L. AI" I either must not have seen yet (I'm not completely through the campaign) or is so unremarkable as to be not there. It apparently consists of individual enemies shooting at you, then trying to run up to you to bash you over the head with their weapons if you aren't fast enough to shoot them. Since almost all of them wear high tech body armor, it takes quite a few shots from even a rapid-fire machine gun (resembling "Goldeneye 64's RCP-90") to take them down. There's no blood, no permanent bodies, and no realistic methods of death. Slain enemies take a second or two to keel over, in the same two or three motions of falling forward as if drunk, or keeling backwards.

It's absolutely astonishing that MI-6 would reject this guy (as seen in a cutscene) considering how much of an expert with guns this guy must be. He's able to wield two separate guns, no matter how big, reload them without dropping either gun for any reason, and can absorb unbelievable amounts of damage (on Normal mode!) and can even regenerate health and armor! In fact, the only reason I can see that he's been kicked out is because he let MI-6's golden boy James Bond die in a simulation where really there was nothing he could do---Bond was hanging off a ledge several feet away, and by the time Goldeneye reaches him, he falls to his death.

One thing about the game that is fantastic is the cutscenes. The 3D modeling is smooth and beautiful without being too gritty "warts and all" like Shrek, which would probably make this game 4 or 5 discs instead of 2. The story is actually a good one, which has Goldeneye working for Auric Goldfinger, starting off in a war with Dr. No, and actually making Goldfinger look not like a maniacal enemy seeking the world's destruction, but rather like a crime boss with his priorities in order. Scaramanga makes an appearance as the inventor of Goldeneye's eye implant (hence his name) which allows some mildly helpful, but ultimately unimportant technologies you really wouldn't need except for one or two instances in some missions.

All in all, aside from the cutscenes, story, and main theme music, you would never be able to tell this is a Bond game. There's none of that flair, style, or mood pervasive in all other Bond games. Even though you're playing a bad guy, you and your enemies seem of such high caliber, class, and technique, that it makes the franchise seem more like something out of a ridiculously complex spy movie.

An overlooked gaming masterpiece

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 3
Date: July 30, 2006
Author: Amazon User

OK, OK, before you start scrolling down the page to read a different review listen up. Goldeneye: Rogue Agent is an overlooked and underliked game, that should be thought alot more highly of than it is. I am not going to make this very long but I am going to explain why it should be a game you buy.

You play through the game as, of course, Goldeneye himself. this means you are playing as a villan, which makes the game more fun and adds some things that Bond games normally don't have.

First off, the graphics are great. In both single player and multiplayer, the graphics are beautiful and everything has a sense of realism to it. Snow looks frozen and cold, trees and machines are real looking, and enemies and allies look lifelike and awesome.

Second, the gameplay is incredibly fun. In the game, you have to fight your way through a dam, Infiltrate an enemy base, protect your own base from an attack, and lots of other stuff. Instead of gadgets in this game, you use your mechanical synthetic eye to aid you in your war against the villan Doctor No. You can generate a force field, throw enemies with an electromagnetic attack, manipulate electronics, and see through walls all by using your eye's gadgets. You can also take enemies captive and either use them as sheilds from enemy fire or throw them into other enemies. Duel weilding weapons is also really enjoyable, and allows you to test weapon combinations to find the 1 or 2 most effective weapons for yor fighting style.

The music is well done, too. It sounds like classic Bond music, and really adds a certain depth to the gameplay.

There aren't many levels, but each one is really long, making for a gaming experience that will probably take several days to beat.

The AI is also good. Enemies will call out your position to each other, toss grenades to flush you out, and more.

Goldeneye: Rogue Agent also features several cut scenes, which are well animated and informative.

As good as single player is, Goldeneye Rogue Agent's multiplayer is in a class of its own. With almost every weapon in single player available plus unlockable arenas and characters, Rogue Agent's multiplayer is great fun. My only request would be for bigger arenas and that you could use the sniper rifle in multiplayer.

All in all, Goldeneye: Rogue Agent is a great first person shooter experience, and it deserves alot more popularity than it has.


Great game

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 4
Date: May 08, 2006
Author: Amazon User

this is a very fun game and a great first person shooter
i enjoyed it very much and would be probebly be my 3rd fav or 2nd fav bond game right behind the original goldeneye

this game has great graphics also and is very realistic

the game is a bit long yet stil great i got my game for $[...]

is it worth $[...] not really

$[...] more likely




5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 6
Date: January 01, 2006
Author: Amazon User

hello...i just got this game for christmas i could not be happyer. im going to actually review this soo anyway the story is your some guy named goldeneye because u got shot in the eye by dr.no (nice name =P) so anyway then ur angry almost all the time and ur mean to ur vitims like u through them u blow'em up and stuff so u work for gold finger and u kill. thats about it.

the design though is truely amZING u get some insane models for guns, charictors, viechils and stuff. the textures are glossy and buitiful making evrey thing look exelent. there are also multiple ways through each level. it looks stunningly good especially on gamecube or x-box )ps2 is ok. still good but not as good.)
in the gamplay department u get standard single player which has GIGANTIc levels and massiv inviroments but also has a lot of duel wielding fun. u get cool weapons like the hs-90 (not the real name for it trust me) and the jackle (the desert eagle) and more. but u can put one in each hand for combat voilence umong word and shot'em whos boss. also taking hostages is nice.... but chuking them into walls, out of a bilding, into grinders are just some of the fun. multiplayer is extensive fun when u and 3 other buddies duke it out it a death match style gmes.its arena style multiplayer but it has some real skill involved.
over all i give it
story 8/10 its not very ingaging.
graphics and design 10/10 YA BABY ROCK ON ^_^
gameplay 10?10
final score 50?10
fun factor 9999999999999999999999999999999/1

Golden Disappointment

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 0 / 4
Date: December 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I own a huge library of Gamecube titles, mostly purchased used, and not once until now have I ever thought of trading in anything I've purchased. This is a bland, generic shooter that EA slapped with the Bond license for a quick cash-in.

On some level I can see what EA was trying to go for here. GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is a throwback to early games like DOOM and Duke Nukem where the player goes around killing enemies and blowing stuff up with less emphasis on story and structured mission objectives. Toss in some modern play mechanics with dual weapons and the ability to take hostages, and the game plays reasonably well from a control standpoint. The problem is that this is supposed to be a James Bond-related game, and except for a few disjointed cutscenes featuring familiar Bond characters, there's really nothing 'Bond' about this world at all. You're supposed to be evil, but you don't really do much that feels evil aside from triggering some environmental traps that I suspect Bond would use if he had the chance. The other problem is that the levels are simply big to the point of being mind numbing. The layout is fairly linear, and there's not enough going on to sustain the run-and-shoot gameplay. I can't remember the last time I got bored in the midst of a room of thugs trying to kill me.

There's a decent multiplayer experience here because the guns and control are decent, but there's so many more games that are worth your time that there's no point stopping for this one. Hard to recommend even to 007 fans.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 12
Date: November 25, 2005
Author: Amazon User

my first gun game, compared to others, its the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best when friends are over. Easy to know where u shoot.lots of awsome corses.thhe BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 5
Date: October 26, 2005
Author: Amazon User

omg i love this game. i wrot a review for the ds if you also want to know me sight on that but anyway this game rocks. the graphics are great and people die realistic. if they fall and half there body hits a bof the wieght will shift and they fall off teh bocks. known as the rag doll effect. anyway the dual wield is fun. (use the mamba shotgun!!!!) you can pick up the desert eagle (aka jackle i ment to say that the other way but o well) and a sub machine gun or a rail gun or a shotgun or... you get the point. the multiplayer was fun andmaid me play for a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time with my friends.i will never stop playing this game. o hold up i am playing it know and i am about to throughe someone hold on... ok so great graphics and gameplay i give it

graphics 10/10 the shine like my quarter (sparkle sparkle 50 cents yay)
sound 9/10 go start up music and menu music.
gameplay 9/10 the single player is looooooooong for a mission but other wise its great

Rent it... Don't Buy it.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 3 / 3
Date: September 22, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Honestly, I did not enjoy this game very much. As first person shooters go, frankly, it's on the lower end. I do not see how a Bond game could be so horribly bad. The only... ONLY good thing about the game are the graphics. The eye powers are nifty for maybe... two seconds? The multiplayer was the worst form I've seen in years for a Bond game. No bots? We have the technology. Beating your little brother a million times gets old. This game could definitely have been spiced up. It had potential, and it did not realize this potential. This game is only for the most diehard of fans.

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