Game Cube : GoldenEye : Rogue Agent Reviews

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Below are user reviews of GoldenEye : Rogue Agent and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for GoldenEye : Rogue Agent. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 63
IGN 63
GameSpy 50
GameZone 80

User Reviews (1 - 11 of 43)

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Great game, poor controls

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: July 27, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I have to say this game offers up just about everything I like in a first person shooter; great graphics, a wide array of weaponry, and just the right amount of strategy and innovation. The dual weapon system, while a bit hard to get used to at first, allows your character to have surprising versatility, but not without limitations. Unlike other FPS games where you can carry a complete arsenal of handguns, rifles and explosives, Goldeneye can only carry up to 2 weapons at once, and ~3 clips of ammunition for that weapon. Early on you have to learn to conserve your ammo, as well and picking and choosing which weapons to pick up and which to leave behind.

Unfortunetly, like many games for the Gamecube, this one suffers from a very severe gameplay flaw. Even with nimble hands and hours of gameplay experience, it's impossible to make up for a controller that is just so unintuitive. The game offer 6 different controller modes, but all of them are clumsy on a controller that lacks true dual analogs. Making use of one sensitive analog stick and one, less-sensitive "c-stick" will only get you so far, and it will have you pining for the days of the surprisingly fluid controls the N64 offered you for the original Goldeneye game.

This seems to be an issue with just about any port or cross-platformer; independant developers just can't come to terms with a controller that seems like it was badly designed on purpose. However, there is hope on the horizon; the new Nintendo "Revolution" gaming console will be backwards compatible, and Nintendo is working on new "revolutionary" input devices that will hopefully allow for greater precision and intuition than their current monstrosities.

This is a great game, and it's a blast to play head to head (although the multiplayer aspect is somewhat lacking). However, if you have an Xbox or PS2, you might find your controller situation a tick more satisfying.

This is a horrible game!

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 04, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I had been looking forward to this title since it was announced. However, upon playing it I was horrified to see it was a cheap version of Halo 2. The dual weapons, the recharging health, even the weapons and controls are alike. I was hoping for a classic Golden Eye or Nightfire type multi-player gameplay, but this more like a generic run and gun game. There are no bots, you can only carry two weapons at a time, you can't aim at all with most weapons, and there was no jump button. The powers you do get are stupid and pointless. The level design and graphics were terrible. The colors were like a cartoon and the game itself was glitchy. It seems EA just rushed to get this out and took little time with it. They probably spent more on advertising than the game itself. I rented it with my friends and played two matches, then we played 007 Nightfire. If you like Golden Eye you are better off just getting a N64 [...]

"Shake" the world up a bit, don't settle for "stirred"

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 11, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Okay, bad pun. It's becoming a bit of a trademark for me AND I'M STICKING TO IT!!! Now that I got that outta my system, let's move on to the review. First off, it was a longshot on EA's part to name the game after the most influential Bond game to date. But to keep the purists from pouting, I'm setting the record straight: this is NOT, in any way, related to "Goldeneye 007", movie or game. OK! Now on with the REAL review:

Story: You are a former MI6 agent working alongside James Bond to storm through a ramsacked Fort Knox, base of the legendary Auric Goldfinger. But don't get too comfy w/your partner, as he gets killed later in the beginning. That's right, folks, 007 dies a fiery death and you're held responsible; so you get canned. Ain't that a b***h? Liberated from your duties (and your eye in an explosion), you remember an offer you got from Goldfinger earlier. Welcome to the family. Now you're caught up in your new boss' feud with Dr. No. You get to work alongside villains such as Oddjob, Pussy Galore (I had a joke, but I'll restrain myself for the kids), and Scaramanga, who sets you up with an ocular implant known as the GoldenEye. Get it now? Problem with your new role as Lt. Bad@$$ is that you spend most of the time fighting Dr. No's cronies. What, no innocent civilians? Police? But I haven't gotten too far in the game, though.

Gameplay: One of the few similar aspects of Rogue Agent to its alleged predecessor is the emphasis on double-weapon combat. In fact, this makes up the majority of the gameplay, so if you don't have at least one other gun in hand, you can kiss your tail goodbye. This is because the AI is hard as hell, not to mention suprisingly intelligent. However, you'll find the same types of adversaries throughout the game, which kinda boggs down the fact that you are constantly taking on these scenic, exotic locales. Nevertheless, the enemies, as I've stated, are pretty darn strategic. They'll warn their comrades of what weapons you obtain. I doubt this does them any good but still, that's responsive. They also duck outta the way if a grenade is thrown, and use cover. A LOT. In fact, you'd better be dependent on using cover yourself, since you'll be under massive gunfire. Fortunately, there are several weapon combinations, ranging from two-armed assault rifles to one-fisted shotguns. No inventory, except one handgun and grenades, so you'll be constantly changing weapons as your enemies drop them, adding to the strategy. Some will be useful in conjunction with your ocular implant, which receives upgrades in abilities throughout the missions. To add to the "evilness" of the whole package, you're given the ability to use human shields. Simply knock an opponent senseless and push A to grab him by the neck. And when you're done, just throw him at the others. Cool AND strategic. Some may be weary of the straightforward but explosive campaign mode. That's where multiplayer hits. The (TO BE CONTINUED)

Wish it had more

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: December 13, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This game really needs more guns and some more levels. Its cool though that you team up with 007's old enemys. Rent this game or buy it when the price goes down.

Great Bond Game

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 04, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This isn't the best Bond game, but yet, a great game. I like the duel weapon feature that EA Games added in also. It could be a little better by not having the levels so long. Hong Kong was much too long. The levels that were perfect were Fort Knox, Artic Enterprises, The Casino, and Crab Key. Of all, I think Crab Key was the best because of the nice placing of checkpoints, and of the great combinations of weapons. (MAGRAILS ARE SWEET, DUDE!) The other thing is that I think it is to cheap that on the last level, one shot on you with the OMEN XR, you get erased from history, you gone, you dead, you... you get the idea. EA Games has done such a great job with this Bond game. I can't wait for the next one! Bravo!!!

Rouge Gamer's Review

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: January 19, 2005
Author: Amazon User

EA really got this game right!i was so exited when I found out about this game.First thing I did was go to the store and buy it.I was amazed by this game,IT ROCKS!!!!!!Then I saw the reviews and I'm like what are these guys talking about!All of these these people complaining because of the basically good things about the game.It's not a perfect game but,it deserves some respect.Anyway,here are it's ups and downs.

Downers:First,I really don't like the fact that you can only hold two weapons at a time and the E.V.I.l AI isn't all it's cracked up to be.Second,when you're a little further in the game the normal goons you face turn into mini bosses with a sheild that take about six shots to get rid of and then they have feakin gattling guns wich makes them nearly impossible to kill.Third,theres not a wide variety of missions and they're extremely long.Lastly,no bots in multiplayer.

Upsides:I love the dual weapon system where you can activate each gun independently with the L R buttons.The graphics are great and so are the cutscenes.Being able to use a baddy as a human shield is awesome!!The synthetic eye upgrades are very cool and useful through out the game.Then how could you not love being evil and working alongside famous bond villains and gilrs like Oddjob,Dr.No and Pussy Galore.The rest you'll find out for yourself if you play.

Overall it's a fun game that you should get if your a diehard bond fan like me or you like first person shooters.For other people I recommend you rent it first.

A Great Game- But Has Some Faults

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: June 13, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Great game on a whole but there are a few faults: The missions are way to long- it would have better if there were many shorter missions instead of a few long ones. There are no computer controlled AI bots in multiplayer. You are not really a 'evil' person as the game might suggest as you fight other evil villians- the most evil thing you can do is to take an enemy as hostage. The 'shoot-everything-that-moves' gameplay that each mission consists of, from beginning to end, can get borring after a while. The game itself has no real plot.

On the possitive side: The excellent multiplayer mode that supports up to 4 players (human controlled) allows you to play on a large selection of beatifully detailled maps from the single player missions and different James Bond movies- it is much better than the multiplayer mode on 007:Everything or Nothing which is embarrasing at best. There are many ways to fight opponents incuding: machine traps, a large selection of weapons, and a golden eye that has 4 modes. You can hold two weapons at a time and try different combinations. The weapons themselves are great, with a large variety including some that can shoot through walls and some that can disintegrate your opponent. In the game you can fight with and against various characters from the James Bond movies making it more interesting and enjoyable.

In general GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is a good game, a twist from the normal James Bond game series. It is in first-person, which in my opinon is better than third-person for shooter games. This game is a must have if you're a James Bond fan or action gamer.

Very Childish

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 0 / 0
Date: March 30, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This game, when I first fot it, was the best. But now when I think over the plot, it is very stupid and immature. Goldeneye (the main character) turns evil because MI6 won't accept him as an agent. You can wield two guns at the same time, which is kind of cool, but what is he, some mutant evil cowboy. After you use up all your weapons you have to use and extremely weak pistol with unlimited ammo. And after under cover for 2 seconds your health goes back up! The multiplayer is extremely boring and confusing. And the game has an extremely weak plot that revolves around Goldeneye turning against Goldfinger and Oddjob. This game is extremely stupid. DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!

This looks like it's going to be the best

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 6
Date: July 15, 2004
Author: Amazon User

I didn't like the sounds of Goldeneye 2 at first but after seeing some previews,videos, and now new screens this game looks extremely fantastic. It has been in development since James Bond Nightfire EA said so it will be very solid by the time it comes out. I am actually getting really excited about this one now.

sure to be a lot of fun!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 0 / 17
Date: November 08, 2004
Author: Amazon User

being a bad guy is cool. but being a bond villian will be awesome!!!! the graphics are great, and i cant wait to play it.

however, they shoudnt have named it goldeneye because some people will think its a sequel to the N64 classic.

still I'm going to pick it up and you should as well.

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