
GameBoy Advance : Pokemon FireRed W/ Wireless Adapter Reviews

Below are user reviews of Pokemon FireRed W/ Wireless Adapter and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Pokemon FireRed W/ Wireless Adapter. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

User Reviews (61 - 71 of 105)

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I'm givin it a 5 and it hasn't been released yet!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 13
Date: July 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Go Deoxys! I'm very excited for this game! You can get Deoxys by trading with Ruby/Sapphire on this game!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 4
Date: December 28, 2005
Author: Amazon User

The newest installment to the pokemon world is here--Pokemon Firered--!With all new pokemon to catch,a new region to explore,new Professor....Professor Oak!Oh I forgot you can play as a new trainer!!!Try trading with Ruby,Sapphire,and Leafgreen.
Please buy this game

freakin fun!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 4
Date: May 13, 2005
Author: Amazon User

i have so much fun with these games, it's like the #1 thing to play during travel, or just when you have a boring time at the airport. the funniest thing i did was name my pokemon and rival funny names. my rival's name is mud. while my pokemon have names like dumpface. this game will blow you away with the new islands
and hidden pokemon from new pokemon games.

Its fun but...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 4
Date: December 12, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Its a VERY fun game and in this version its graphics are better than the oringals(blue,red) and you can also acess the kanto regoin
and trade with ruby BUT once you beat the eklite 4 nad stuff it kinda gets annoying but overall a very fun game and with the new wireless trading it makes up the annyoing part!

This Game Rulez

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 4
Date: September 07, 2004
Author: Amazon User

This Game Rocks. Its the best pokemon game and comes with a wireless adapter. This game will sell fast so grab a copy.

pokemon veterans

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 4
Date: July 30, 2004
Author: Amazon User

Pokemon has com a long way indeed now me as a 16 year old and still liking pokemon its amazing how far it has gotten i mean when read and blue came out when i was in like 3rd grade it was a new revolution for gaming the fact that u know now u can catch the pokemon from the tv omg kind of situation and as i got older thwy keept comming out with newer versions and even since elemtry me and my best friends were rivals for life in carrds in pokemon in everything but only one little thing bothers me about this game questions like gary will be ur rival? and why isnt there a johto part of the game(maybe there is and idk it yet)? and will u meet the trainers u played in ur original game in fire red for example u played silver and in silver u had to face ash or as the called him Red in this game will u fight silver and ruby? and this new region what can it be? any many other but se ethats the exitment of pokemon thats is one of the reasons i am still fueled to play it hey the little kid in me still beleives that if u go to the game corener in red or blue and use strenght to get the keys behing the slot machine then go push the truck by the s.s. anne u will find mew or the big pikablu(maril) theory of billy secret garden..well i still love the game and i always will and i will buy every pokemon till they stop comming out. and thus my title veterans like me and others will love this game i mean having that pokemong red(for me) feeling of newness it will be like starting over again in third grade..but one thing concerns me that they made leaf green instead of water blue well y opinion they should have made leaf green water blue and fire red..thats th only downfall to me. but i will love it anyway like i always did no matter what

Best Pokemon Game Ever!!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 11, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I'm gonna keep this review short and sweet. Everyone thinks this game is just like Red & Blue, but it isn't. There is an island chain called the Sevii Islands(go figure). It's made up of 7 islands called One Island, Two Island, Three Island, Four Island, Five Island, Six Island, and Seven Island(how original). They have other names, but I forget what they are. You get to the first 3 islands after you beat Blaine. You get to 4,5,6&7 islands after you give Celio the Ruby. And well I won't spoil the rest of the game so have fun!!

This game rocks!!!!!!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: December 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User

this game rocks! it has kanto, hoenn, and jhoto pokemon. you can get 386 pokemon!!! it f!@#'n rocks!!!!!

Deja vu indeed.

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 4 / 17
Date: November 10, 2004
Author: Amazon User

It's not in the game.

When I was quite a bit younger, I picked up an import of Pocket Monsters: Green, and enjoyed it a whole lot. Why? Because there was some sort of magic in it, that pulled me into the game's wonderful world, that made me care about EVERY single move I made.

Recently, I picked up Pokemon Fire Red, just because I had never owned Pokemon Red, but only Blue and Green. However, even with the new items, trainers, etc., it still seemed like a rehash to me. And then I realized something, after playing toward Erika's gym...

The magic was not in the game.

I screamed. I wrapped myself in coils of shadow. "HOW COULD YOU?" I wanted to shout. "HOW COULD YOU DESTROY IT?!" The magic was gone. I tried to go back to Green, and there I huddled behind my ultimate, beloved Batafuri, trying to escape the empty world of Fire Red.
I tried it again after a month.

I shrieked again. Doom had come. No magic was there: all it was was a blank, cold slate of cold steel. I watched as my player zoomed around the screen, burning most all the wild Pokemon with my Charmander that I refused to let evolve. "This used to be fun," I thought. "I used to enjoy this..."


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 11
Date: September 14, 2004
Author: Amazon User

When I heard that a new Pokemon game was coming out, I couldn't control my arousal! For 3 months, I counted the hours until it came out. When it finally did, I was first(though also the only) in line to buy it at my local Target. I could tell the cashier was enjoying my victory of being first as much as I was, he was so happy he couldn't control his laughter!

When I got home I did nothing but play Pokemon on my pink Game Boy Advance! I disregarded all other meaningless activites such as bathing and reviewing math flash cards with my mom it was so good!

You play as a kid who is destined to become the world's greatest Pokemon Master! He must catch all the Pokemon he can if he hopes to achieve his dream! My favorite Pokemon is Pikachu! He is just SOOOO CUTE! I have a plushie of him that I sleep with every night! I just wish I could wash out the stains I made in his fur!

Anyway, you have to beat all these guys who run gyms for Pokemon using your own Pokemon! My team is the best, I spent 5 hours assembling it. This game is a real challenge! It took me 3 days to beat the first gym leader! When I beat him I was so happy that I can't even mention here what I did!

Buy this game now and become a Pokemon master(but you won't be as good as me!)

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