Below are user reviews of Everquest II Collector's Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Everquest II Collector's Edition.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
User Reviews (151 - 161 of 196)
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Everquest 2: Lots of content, lots of frequently added content and updated to make soloing viable
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 10
Date: July 12, 2005
Author: Amazon User
The EQ2 Development Team has added lots of new content, modified the game and interface to make it more user friendly. Added tons of solo content so that soloing is viable and fun. Addtionally they have added to adventure packs available for $5 each that add new areas and quests.
WoW is fun but EQ2 is just as fun and a bit more challenging.
Rating: 2,
Useful: 3 / 10
Date: January 10, 2005
Author: Amazon User
This game has a steep learning curve and you are constantly having to switch between your browser window and the game in order to navigate and figure out what to do. If you don't want to be dependent on game FAQS which good ones are few and far bewteen, then don't get this game!
This game is going to be great.
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 5
Date: August 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User
This game is going to be excellent. The game is going to be modified
so casual and hardcore players can both have fun. EQ was a great game, but the game was at times frustrating. Especially corpse runs. EQ2 is going to fix all the problems. No longer will you need to do frustrating things like corpse runs. All I can say is try it. The first month is free, so if you find it absolutely horrible, cancel your subscription. But I must say this game is much funner in the higher levels. Also do not listen to people who give EQ2 bad ratings because they had a bad experience with EQ. This is EQ2. Well lastly all the advice I can give is this is going to be great and I hope to see you all in the game.
SOE = bad
Rating: 1,
Useful: 9 / 50
Date: August 03, 2004
Author: Amazon User
like so many other people, i fell in love with everquest when it came out. it was the first game to approach a complete virtual world in 3D with tens of thousands of other people interacting with each other in a fantasy setting. however, i know that the great things about EQ, the real spark, came from the initial developers, all of whom have since left to join various other companies because of Sony. In my 5 years playing EQ, i have only seen Sony make bad decision after bad decision, release 5 ( or is it now 7 .. 8??!!) money grubbing expansions and consistantly ignore their absurdly loyal customer base. MMGs, even more than other games, require companies that pay attention and value their customer base, and also PLAY and LOVE these games themselves. I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that EQII is going to be a disaster for Sony, and I hope it drives them into the ground. Buy World of Warcraft instead.
Bad things come in twoosth
Rating: 1,
Useful: 4 / 17
Date: December 23, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Stho i bought this game thinking it was going to be totally sthuper cool and far sthuperior to the original version. boy, was i wrong! the sthpells for this game are far lessth complex and the invincibility easther egg seemsth to have ceasthed. then the first time i made my sthuper attempt to slay an evil ogre, my graphic card completely collapsed and the game froze up my systhem, taking me back to level five. and its not like i dont have a sthuperior video card, i own the masther black x9000 dual sthpeed platinum 10 to the third exthponent sthpeed graphicsth card. with my graphicsth card, i am supposthed to sthee the trolls before they even appear! it is sthimply a matter of glitches in the game itsthelf. so this year, i am definitely going to advisth my mom to purchase me the expansion versthion of the initial everquesth realeasthe. all of you losers can go on playing everquesth two, but really you are just going back to the future. i will sthee you in level hell, losthers!! hhuhuhuh. i hope your little brother pukes up hi-C all over your keyboard!!! huhuhu.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 7 / 40
Date: June 21, 2003
Author: Amazon User
They're not doing anything to really change Everquest. It's going to be the same inconvenient, unfun game they release five years just with better graphics (which will turn it into a laggy mess), housing, which is something Asheron's Call offered two years ago in Dark Majesty and the ability to buy a boat, which Dark Age of Camelot has already. There are so many features other games like Horizons or Mythica will offer that Sony/Verant choose not because Sony thiks people will buy their games no matter how mediocre it is. In Mythica you're a god that gains worshippers for your actions while Horizons let's you create your own town, be a politician, own your own store, create your own guild and play as a dragon. All Everquest II offers is the same old hash and slash gameplay that takes forever to progress in. SOE is the wealthest MMORPG maker because it's Sony not because they work the hardest to make the best MMORPGs. I just feel that before everyone goes out and buys this game which will probably be the most expensive MMORPG coming out ...they should really look to see what else is out there. The only thing besides setting that makes MMORPGs different from each other is features and when I compared the MMORPGs coming out Horizons is the one that has the most truly worthwhile, unique features more than Everquest 2, more than World of Warcraft, more than Star Wars Galaxies (Do your own research if you don't believe me). These games are just going to sell because of their names and I'm tired of that happening!
Same game, better graphics.
Rating: 3,
Useful: 2 / 6
Date: November 22, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Everquest refined pretty much sums up this title. If you love Everquest, buy this game. The graphics and sounds are the most impressive of any MMO to date, and the pve quest system is the best ive seen as well. However, the game falls short in that it is one-dimensional. The crafting system is not in the same league as {EDIT}, and there is no pvp to speak of in this game. It is purely one-dimensionaL: kill stuff, get cool gear and level up, kill harder stuff, get better gear so you can level up and kill yet harder stuff. With everquest 1, this was satisfactory, as it was the first mmo with a 3d engine, and with the genre being fairly new, was enough to satisfy many. But these days, we have games such as {EDIT} with an excellent crafting system, {EDIT} with a great pvp system, and games such as {EDIT} with a constantly changing storyline. I was assuming a company such as SOE would incorporate all of these things into a new game to set higher standards, especially their flagship game, everquest 2, but apparently they felt the old formula of 1-dimensional pve grind was good enough.
If you enjoy nothing but killing countless monsters over and over to advance small pieces of storyline, or just want to check it out for the graphics for the first month, buy this game.
Rating: 1,
Useful: 6 / 35
Date: March 02, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Okay, I played everquest for over a year, but was constantly bored by the very slow leveling and nothing to do but kill monsters regardless of your class. The tradeskill system in everquest is one of the worst I have ever seen, if verant had not left SOE this could be a good game. Tradeskills are boring, unrealistic, tedious, and none of the items made with tradeskills are usefull to a player over about level 30 anyway. I would recommend either Horizons:empire of Istaria, or Dark age of camelot instead of this game. I know your thinking "how can you say that everyone likes eq" wrong. Eq is probably the worst MMORPG I have ever played, and I was a very active player too, raiding with my guild and beta testing expansions, but Eq will have you bored in a month, and if it won't work but you are paying anyway, SOE's tech support people don't care, and are very unhelpful. bottom line, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As fun as a root canal
Rating: 2,
Useful: 3 / 13
Date: November 20, 2004
Author: Amazon User
The most tedious, time consuming mess I've ever played. EverCrack fans will love it. I hate it.
The bad:
Huge zone load times, same poor net code as EQ1, terrible graphics, boring quests, spelling errors, bad NPC acting. The game frustrates and is tedious. Your forced to use online resources to locate things.
The good:
Really great animations. Nice interface. Great sound. Neat spell effects.
Game is not for everyone, definitely not for me. If you have huge holes in your social life, might as well fill it with EQ2 - that's what they made this game for.
Its EQ... what more can be said
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 13
Date: November 09, 2004
Author: Amazon User
I quit {EDITED} Many years ago for this new game named EQ. A revolutionary game based on 3d graphics and one player perspective. I was hooked for a full year. I remember once waiting in a dung for 36 strait hours to get a drop called "Jboots". Well, I grew out of it after a year and moved on to some other games. But now EQ2 is done... after years and years. Other multiplayer games are coming out but they are pretty much the same ol thing.. EQ2 is the first next true "next generation" multi player game. Im ready to return! Sure I'm older and now I have kids who need the majority of my attention. No more camping 36 hours for jboots. But, I ready to see what this adventure brings.