Below are user reviews of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
Summary of Review Scores |
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0's | 10's | 20's | 30's | 40's | 50's | 60's | 70's | 80's | 90's |
User Reviews (11 - 21 of 467)
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GTA Vice City is a MUST BUY!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 18 / 20
Date: November 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User
You will hear praise upon praise for this title and it still will not compare to the experience of playing the game itself. After I bought this game on the release date, I spent almost all of my free time playing it. It's THAT good.
The city itself is almost completely interactive with one of the best storylines ever for the series. Taking from Scarface, Miami Vice, Carlito's Way, and almost every other crime flick created, giving the player a well rounded experience. The soundtrack is exceptional with well over 100 tracks. All of them add to the gluttenous and vivid 80's lifestyle that Vice City is set upon.
The gameplay has improved over GTA 3 as well. The cars are more responsive and the targeting system has improved some as well. There are 3 times more weapons which range from ball bats to katana swords, screwdrivers to chainsaws, and .45s to miniguns.
For those who loved GTA 3, prepare yourselves. Sit back, pop the game in, put on your best 80s outfit, grab your old Van Halen and Run DMC albums, and "say hello to my lil friend!" cause GTA VICE CITY has come to town!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awsome Game
Rating: 5,
Useful: 23 / 29
Date: October 07, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I am a game tester at a place called SEAG gaming in Mission.
This game is the best game EVER to hit the playstationa and computer market. The flexibility in this game is amazing. You can do so many more things that you could never do before, ie. jump out of moving cars, blow out tires, shoot a driver inside the car, ghost ride a motorcycle and fly a helicopter. There are many new weapons such as knives, katanas, shotguns and others. The only thing i didnt like about this game is that it is set in the 80's. But the thing i loved the most is that there are lots of radio stations to listen to. All around this game is AWSOME!
GTA Vice City is a history in its making!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 14 / 15
Date: November 11, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Gta Vc is alot better than Gta3 and I recomend any mature person w/ a ps2 to get this game right away. There is flavor for everyone in your family included in this game. For example, pizza boy missions, dirt bike track, helicopter gate races, severe massacre of innocent people on the streets and running away from cops and fighting them off. These things are only a small example of the numerous things you could do in this game. The missions are awesome and the graphics are spectacular. GTA Vice City is a game that will put records in the history books. So go grab one right away!!!
A Vice City Review
Rating: 5,
Useful: 15 / 17
Date: November 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
Let me start of by saying that this is a great game!(I own this game,& I have played it over 30 hours so I know what im talking about)This game is almost perfect!(no game is).There are Moterbikes,Hilocopters,Sea Planes,there is even a fighter hilocopter called..."HUNTER" you have UNLIMITED ammo and rockets on it,& much more knew things are added to this game.You can buy your Houses,Hotels,Condos,& later on into the game you can buy a night club,a strip bar,a car show room,a taxi company,a porn studio,a ice cream place,a dock w/boats,even a place called printing works.Also when you buy those places & complete the 1,2 or 3 fairly easy missions to it, you get like $2,000 - $10,000 a day(depending on what place you buy)Oh,& when you complete the mission for the Auto show room you get 4 NEW cars that you can't find on the streets!(they all rock!)The graphics are really good(bedder than gta3)The waters are more beutiful than the merky waters in gta3.There arn't really garages in the 1st part of the game,but when you buy the Hyman condo you can store 8 cars total,& when you buy the car show room you can store 8 cars total also,& you can buy houses & u can store like 1 or 2 cars there!The game is just great!You can even go into alot of the buildings!There is much more to do,see & discover in this game,THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER,GET IT!!!!!
Listen Here Parents!!!!!!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 15 / 17
Date: October 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User
First of all, this is of course a game of its time. No person with a PS2 should be with out it.
Now, to get the Mature rating and those parents who are "protesting" this game. THIS GAME IS NO WORSE THAN A PG-13 MOVIE!!!!!! Let me explain:
If you look on the back, it says rated M for strong language, which includes sh**, a**, and no worse!! You are lieing to yourself if you think a PG-13 movie has none of those sware words in it. Next, it receives an M rating because of its strong violence, which I won't lie to you, is strong. However, the violence is more cartoonish than realistic and I know for a fact that there are more gruesome images to be seen in PG-13 movies. Now, for those of you feminists out there: You are most likely concerned with the partial nudity, notorious hookers, and so called "degrading" manner the game has towards women. (note degrading is in quotes because it's not ture!)
However, this game contains no such scenes of pornography that are so often considered indecent. There ARE girls in bikinis in this game, OH NO!!!! If some of you mothers or fathers are trying to shield your childeren from this degree of partial nudidty, you are not doing a good job as a parent. The nudity seen in this game is seen every summer day on almost any beach across the United States. And, YES there is a hooker scene which shows NOTHING at all, but is animated by a rocking car. Now many of you will be questioning my ignorance at this point, but here's where I'm going to question yours.
Now, for those of you who have let your childeren see a PG-13 movie, your childeren should be able to play this game!! PG-13 movies today show tons more partial nudity than this game, there are semi-nude sex scenes in PG-13 movies, strong language in Pg-13 movies, and most of the time, there is a lot of violence in PG-13 movies. Grand Theft Auto is no worse than a PG-13 movie!!!!! And many of you will be saying, "Well yes, but the difference lies in the fact that you are not watching GTA but instead playing it!!" And to this I leave you with:
You all know your own childeren better than anyone. If they are constantly violent and getting in trouble, you're right, they don't deserve this game. But for those of you with good, normal kids, I think they can handle it.
A Mother & Wife Writes A Review
Rating: 5,
Useful: 13 / 14
Date: November 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User
My husband and 17-year-old daughter laugh a lot while playing this game together. I say together because they take turns with it. I do not play any video games. However, I have sat in the living room with them and watched a lot of this game and yes, it is gorey, yes there is bad language, but it is a game. My loved ones know the difference between right and wrong and even though I personally do not enjoy this type of entertainment, they do and are having a blast with it. So, it sounds and looks fun, and I haven't even played it.
Hope you enjoy it as much as they do.
Best GTA yet...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 15 / 18
Date: July 08, 2003
Author: Amazon User
Ah, Vice City. I remember it very well from my childhood-the long, light-brown beaches, the pastel-colored garages and tenements, the Ferrari Testarossas coursing down the streets, that blond-haired guy with no socks blowing up cars with his shotgun, the serene Jan Hammer music...wait a minute, that was all on that one episode of Miami Vice I saw last night. Never mind. The Vice City we're talking about here may look a lot like the Miami that Crockett And Tubbs rocketed around every week in the 80s, but there's far more to it than meets the eye. After all, this city's home to the new Grand Theft Auto-a game that not only lets you play the villain escaping those impeccably fashionable cops, but is also the sequel to the highest-selling PlayStation 2 game of all time. Does it live up to the hype? It's fair to say so. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is set 15 years before all the mayhem that took place during GTAIII. You play Tommy Vercetti, a punk from Liberty City that just spent the last few years of his life in prison. He's sent down to Florida by his mob boss to scope out the local drug scene, but ends up caught in a coke deal gone bad. Now it's up to him to get both the drugs in question and the money lost in the process... not to mention the folks who tipped the cops off to the deal. What's the point of getting mad, after all, if you're not gonna get even later? Vice City works basically the same as its predecessor,you have free reign around the city (though half of it is inaccessible at the start of the game) and you're allowed to do whatever enters your mind. Assuming said "whatever" involves driving cars, stealing cars, attacking people, doing wheelies in the middle of rush-hour traffic, or sending an ice cream truck up a ramp and 200 feet in the air before landing in the ocean, that is. There are over 80 missions this time around, and they're tied together much more nicely. The endless fetch-n-kill jobs you had in GTAIII are mostly gone, replaced with everything from drive-bys and remote-control helicopter bombings to golf-cart car chases and pizza-boy assassinations. There's easily a hundred hours or so of gameplay here if you try tracking down all the hidden packages and stunt launchpads, but you'll likely add a few dozen more to that figure just by cruising around, checking out the city sprawl (it's twice as big as Liberty City), exploring the insides of buildings, and scaring up the cash to buy strip clubs and condos. Now, before I let myself espouse mightily about how addictive Vice City is, it may be best to go over some of its rough spots. Exhibit A: the graphics. The city looks beautiful, especially at night when it's all lit up with pastel colors, and there are all sorts of amusing touches you only get to see with thorough exploration. However, the famous GTAIII motion blur is back, and it's worse than ever: the entire game looks like Tommy took some kind of really bad acid. This feature can be turned off, and it's recommended you do so as soon as possible, but the blurring also hides some of the graphic plainness that's an unfortunate necessity of the game's huge environments. The GTA3 pop-in has returned, too-palm trees appear in front of you from just a few hundred feet away-and the characters in cutscenes still look kind of like marionettes with their weird flipper arms. All of this probably won't bother you too much-the game's just too darn fun for me to care-but it's still understandable why Rockstar didn't call this GTA4. A breathtaking sunset marks the end of another glorious day in Vice City. Tommy is so mesmerized that he moves into oncoming traffic to get a better view. Perhaps he needs some glasses. With that out of the way, it's time to espouse. Vice City is absolutely packed with new stuff to play with, and almost none of it is boring or badly implemented. Besides the usual new cars, Rockstar has added motorcycles and a helicopter or two to the city traffic-the former are tremendous fun to drive, and the latter is great for surveying the crime empire Tommy builds up towards the end of the game. Ray Liotta (from GoodFellas) provides the voice for Tommy, and he's spot-on wonderful in the role-the way he delivers each of his lines, from "I'm gonna get your money back, okay?" to "Hey, I like this shirt," fits in perfectly with his smart-ass street criminal role. But the best praise should really be reserved for the radio-station soundtrack. This is 1986 we're talking about, of course, so the in-game stations play nothing but your favorites from the age of yuppies and wine coolers. Michael Jackson, Hall and Oates, Mr. Mister, Jan Hammer himself-they, along with a few dozen others, are all in effect here. If you liked the hilarious radio chatter from GTA3, there's a ton more of that here, too. Make sure you're not in the middle of a multi-car police chase while listening to the Crocodile Hunter parody; you'll likely break into laughter and drive into a light post or moped rider. When you get right down to it, nothing much in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is different from its predecessor. The aiming system's been improved, and the character models look a bit (just a bit) spiffier, but that's about it. However, you'd be deeply mistaken if you think the formula's stale. The gameplay in Vice City is more addictive than ever, except now there's twice as much of what made the first game so great-more streets, more cars (and other vehicles), more cool missions, more awesome street life. GTA3 fans won't be disappointed one bit, and those few PS2 owners who never played the last title are in for one of the most time-consuming games they've ever played. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a dirt bike I wanna send flying over this channel...
Rating: 5,
Useful: 13 / 15
Date: December 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I was probably one of the few who own a PS2 that never checked out GTA3. But after hearing all the buzz about GTA Vice City, I rented it, and now I own it. Once you step onto the streets of Vice City, check the scenery, jump in a car and listen to some awesome 80's tunes, you feel the game. You are a part of it.
I grew up in the arcades, and owned almost every game system since Atari. GTA:VC is the biggest, smoothest, in-depth, realistic video game I have ever played, and I'm not done with it yet. Usually the idea of a game is to simply solve it. This is the first game I've played where the missions ADD to the fun of playing. If you want to solve the missions until you win, you can. But that's only part of the game. You could play this game forever and still find something new and fun to do. This is also the first game I've played where you are in complete control of your character outside of the missions. Yes, if you want to run around beating up hookers or shooting people, you can. This game is what you make it. The missions involve graphic violence, no way around that, but none of the missions promote the killing of cops or beating of women. If anything, the cops chase you if you do anything of the sort. So there is some morality in the game!
But even so, this isn't for pre-teen kids. When Mario stomps a goombah, blood doesnt squirt out of its gaping neckhole. But this really is a great game for anybody else with a pulse and a PS2. Put Twisted Metal: Black and Miami Vice in a blender, this is what you get.
what an awesome game!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 14 / 17
Date: December 04, 2002
Author: Amazon User
I bought this game for my boyfriend, and man, he loves it!
Though I didn't intend to... I started to play the game too, it was just irresistable!
This game is a great choice if you love driving games like Gran Turismo, and want some great action thrown in, reminiscent of the sniping done in Metal Gear or Silent Scope and the plot lines of Scarface and Miami Vice...! It's definitely violent and mature, with lots of adult humour thrown in, so the rating really is appropriate. The music is awesome- i considered buying the soundtrack to this game because it has so many of the 'trademark' songs of the 80s.
One word to the wise though: If you didn't play Grand Theft Auto 3, the predecessor to this version, you might have a more difficult time adjusting to the gameplay... The missions are way harder right off the bat than those in GTA3 and can get frustrating... But all in all, Rockstar Games made a winner!
rockstar rocks!
Rating: 5,
Useful: 31 / 52
Date: October 19, 2002
Author: Amazon User
this will be my favorite game,other than gta3,there [are] 40 weapons like machete,chainsaw,revolver,golf sticks,and 2 diferent types of shotgun,and new rifles.there are 120 vehicles like helicopters,motorcycles,and lamborghinis too.the main character can now talk,and cops wont just go for you they will also chase pedestrians or [can] go inside buildings.there [are] old bosses like the forreli brothers,the mafia,and phil.the setting is in miami,vice in the 1980s it [is] 3x the freedom there was in gta3,you willbe able to work like cop,paramedic,firefighter,and taxi driver and new jobs like pizza delivery, better get this game,it wont let you down.