Below are user reviews of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation and on the right are links to professionally written reviews.
The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.
Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column.
Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.
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User Reviews (21 - 31 of 49)
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Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: July 13, 2004
Author: Amazon User
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation is by far the most complicated game in the series. But for people like me, who enjoy challenges, that's a good thing. It's a very exciting game with spellbinding graphics, an interesting and captivating plot, and a lot of suspense. Even though I haven't finished it yet, I love the game and look forward to the day I do finish it. I recommend it to all people who love action/adventure like I do!
Tough, but great fun
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: May 09, 2000
Author: Amazon User
I got hooked right away on this game. The graphics are spectacular. Unlike some of the other reviewers, I have not had trouble loading the game and my keystrokes provide very responsive results on screen. The only technical problems I've had are my PC occasionally freezing up during the long cut-scenes between levels (but this has not happened during actual play). Indeed this game is extremely difficult to play. It does not bother me to play with a "cheat book" beside me -- but clearly I'm not a game purist. I think I would go quite mad if I didn't have the book to refer to. However, even using this resource, it's still up to me to translate what I need to do onto the screen, time my jumps, grabs, shooting, etc. It's still plenty difficult for me.
The drawbacks to this game? There are two I can think of: 1) I do not care for the seemingly endless traipsing back and forth between levels. It does not enhance the gaming experience for me and I sometimes find it actually annoying. I prefer a more straightforward - do what you have to do here and move on to the next level - type of structure. And, 2) it annoys me to have much of the game in relative pitch darkness (although I don't think it's nearly as bad in this respect as Tomb Raider III was -- but I'm only halfway through Last Revelation, maybe that will change).
Still, I think it is a remarkable piece of programming and terribly addictive (once I found myself playing until 2 am on a work night!). Most of the time I love playing it, but other times I am so frustrated with it I have to leave it alone for a day or so, but then I feel that way about my husband too (ha, ha)!
Tomb Raider The Last Revelation
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 11, 1999
Author: Amazon User
I have been a big fan of the Tomb Raider series and this is the best one yet. Yes like the others buying the guide is a must, but the games I like the most are the ones that require some thought. I will usually go back to those games again, and again, because I am less likely to get bored with them. In this one I find as I go along that I need the guide less and less. There is a learning curve in the game that makes it more fun then the past Tomb Raiders. Of course the graphics are wonderful and I like the darkly lit areas, they help make the game more suspensfull
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 29, 1999
Author: Amazon User
This is my first TR game and I must say I am impressed. There are good and bad points of the game and I'll go over each:
(1)Cinema: Amazing. I thought detail of this kind wasn't due for another 5 years! Shows how much I haven't seen, I guess. It is nearly movie quality, but if you look close enough, you see the blockiness.
(2)Levels: Challenging to say the least. One must save often, as mistakes can come too easy if you're a sloppy player and error-prone. The first level is almost a walk-through tutor level, but I liked since it shows first time players how to perform the basic stunts.
(1) Controls: It took me longer to master jumping, crawling, and other multi-fingered manuevers (You know what I mean) than it did for me to figure out how to drive a clutch successfully! Once you have it, though, it becomes second-nature. Also, Lara's running is far too sensitive to the keypad. I've still haven't gotten a feel for it. I run into walls all the time. Plus, how many times do I have to shoot the animals and insects to kill them? Five? Ten? Accuracy is set to automatic, but even then! Geez...
(2)The Puzzles: Talk about vague! The first level runs itself, but the second level requires about an hour plus some serious brain work, and even then I needed a walk-through to figure it out. Once you get it, you have an idea of what to look for. I'm almost looking forward to the third level with dread.
The Game breaks even, but I give it five stars simply because I keep playing it over and over again. The game draws you in and makes you forget its flaws (Which aren't too bad to begin with. Like I said in the beginning, this is my first TR game. Maybe I should have started off with the first one).
don't believe what you hear.....this game will blow you away
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 2
Date: March 23, 2000
Author: Amazon User
This installment, like its predicessors, provides us with an extraordinary 3D exploration of someplace most of us won't ever go....the graphics are superb....better than #'s 1-3. Yes! THIS GAME IS DIFFICULT...of coarse it is....isn't that why us experienced gamers buy the games in this series....TO EXPERIENCE A CHALLENGE! Lots of gamers (both inexperienced as well as the veterans) report that the difficulty of this game makes it boring....maybe it's not the game....(I didn't say that) Anyway...the story line is GREAT...the graphics and sound are GREAT...and our lovely heroin is looking better than ever. This game is the icing on the TR series cake...I recommend it to gamers of all levels.
very cool game
Rating: 4,
Useful: 3 / 5
Date: December 15, 1999
Author: Amazon User
You know what, I don't have this game, but I played it at my sisters house. I wish they had it for Macs! I know I would get it. Anyway, it is hard, and it's definetly not for maybe 11 and under. As you can probably tell, you do have to kill things in it. So if you're a protective parent, I don't reccomend you get this for your child. But I watch my brother-in-law play it and he's very good!
It sucks
Rating: 1,
Useful: 3 / 7
Date: January 21, 2000
Author: Amazon User
It has good what?. This is the most upsetting game i've ever played, it is not fun at all because of the simple fact that is IMPOSSIBLE to win, they set you up in places where you can't get through without using all of your health kits and most places require a hint book to be played, it is really boring and it sucks. The worst part is that i keep playing cause i'm not gonna let this stupid game to make me resign. If i ever met the guy who created this piece of crap i would punch him in his nose for making me waste 40 U$. Save your money for something else.
The Adventure Continues
Rating: 5,
Useful: 3 / 8
Date: December 16, 1999
Author: Amazon User
I love these games. I love the detail that the creators put into the bit maps. The level designs have always been detailed and deluxe. I think the animals are the best in any computer game ever. I love the way the solution to the puzzles is not always to open the door, but often to enter through a hole in the roof, or a crack in the foundation, or to climb a statue. (I think park rangers must hate these games.) And this is all true of all the Tomb Raider games. The most common complaint is that TR IV is the same as TR I with a few added features. Fine with me. I loved Tomb Raider, and so far, I love the latest one. And after all, Tony Hillerman, for example, keeps churning out his Chee and Leaphorn books, and people don't say "Gee, why doesn't he do one with Chee fighting Aliens". My only complaint, if I have one, is that I enjoyed the globe hopping aspect of the earlier games, and I was a little disappointed to hear that part IV takes place only in Egypt. But it is a gorgeous version of Egypt and I'm going to be sad when this one ends.
Rating: 4,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: January 03, 2000
Author: Amazon User
Tomb Raider has become more difficult with each new incarnation and this is no exception. If there were a little more guidance available in some of the situations it would garner a 5 star rating. This is a beautiful game with a lot of hours of gameplay but it isn't a cake walk. If you are looking for a quake or unreal this isn't it. If you liked the first two TR games then this is a must play.
Awesome, I love a good challenge
Rating: 5,
Useful: 2 / 4
Date: January 15, 2000
Author: Amazon User
All the people searching for a good game with a lot of challenges this is it. It's so hard that I didn't beat it in 3 days(my average on games). The graphics are awesome, sound is pretty good and the controls move at slightest touch. I woud recomend that "For all those experienced gamers, this is the game of the year..."!
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